Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking in Thigh Boots & Floral Dress
October 16th, 2020
One thing I love about this clip is how the ‘thump thump thump’ of her boot pumping the pedal is so pronounced. This was when the carburetor was the wrong one for the car and was the most stubborn car we’ve ever had. It was too stubborn to really use it, which, sounds odd considering how we use these cars but for the time we had this carburetor, we got some great clips out of it. This being one of them.
She kills the battery begging and struggling to get the car to start.
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Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking The Cadillac ( Red V-Neck Floral Dress & Black Leather OTK Boots) 1080I MP4 HD
The Cadillac had some work done on it not too long after PTP brought it by mistake the mechanic that did the work on the engine put the wrong carburetor on the engine by mistake, as a result it made it close to impossible to get the engine started so they can do driving videos.
Vivian gets in the Cadillac she has her purse with her so it looks like she’s hopping to get the Cadillac started so she can take it out for a spin. The Cadillac has other ideas. Vivian romps on the gas pedal trying to get it to start, the engine doesn’t even try to catch at all, she pleads with it to start it does no good.
Shish is shooting whole body video as Vivian gets in the Cadillac and upper and footwell video of Vivian’s sexy size 6 feet as she pleads with it to start. Vivian is wearing a red floral V-neck dress, black leather OTK boots. Vivian cranks the engine for for close to five minutes her right foot must have been a swamp from all the pumping she did in that short time, finally the battery gives up the ghost, maybe next time.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen she tries a couple more times to get the engine to start, she can’t believe this is happening. The End. Vivian your feet look sexy in those black leather OTK boots. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Might need to save that carburetor and have it reinstalled for cranking clips lol