Vivian Ireene Pierce Oil Sheen Pantyhose, Heels & LBD Drive in the Monte
January 21st, 2024
You’re in the passenger seat, eagerly waiting for Vivian to get in. She opens the door and says, “Already in the car, are we?”
She leans over and smiles while removing her grandma-like coat to reveal her sexy form-fitting little black dress, oil sheen pantyhose and tan leather strappy stiletto sandals. Oh yeah, she’s brought out all the goodies!! She sits down and goes to start the car. It doesn’t start up at first, so she pumps it more and tries it again to which it reluctantly sputters and coughs to life. She gives it a few revs and heads out.
You’re trying hard not to reach over and rub your hands on her pantyhose but you’re a gentleman and refrain. She drives the old car in the rain, not afraid to open the throttle up because she knows it turns you on. Enjoy the ride!