Vivian Ireene Pierce Rainy Day Running Errands Orange Cowgirl Boots
July 24th, 2022
She brings you along with her as she runs errands in her little Kia. She’s wearing some boots since it’s a nasty, rainy day. She’s filming from her point-of-view mostly but gets shots of her face from time to time.
Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving Her KIA ( Going Shopping Shooting This Herself Her POV – Rainy And Dreary) Orange Floral Cowgirl Boots
It’s rainy and a little bit cold outside the streets are wet and it’s dreary Vivian is taking us for a ride as she shoots mostly footwell video while she’s driving her Kia, she floors it one time. Vivian gets the rpms up there a little bit just enough to get at the speed she wants, she has to be really careful the streets are really wet, for the most part she shoots footwell video of her sexy size 6 feet in her orange floral cowgirl boots.
The only time you’ll see her face is one she turns her smartphone around pointing it at her face, she’s wearing a brown leather jacket, brown leggings, orange floral cowgirl boots. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian has just parked her KIA in the parking lot she gets out and is going to do some shopping. The End.
Vivian you did a great job driving and shooting this video on your smartphone, your feet look sexy in those orange floral cowgirl boots. Great Video!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂