Vivian Cranks the Stubborn Caddy Near Loggers

Vivian Cranks the Stubborn Caddy Near Loggers

September 13th, 2020

Some guys are cutting wood at the land we’re using to store our cars. So there’s about 4 guys, who have no idea who we are, just behind us. I guess they figured we’re legit since we do have the keys to the cars there. They go about their business until they see Vivian come strutting out, decked in leather outfit and orange boots. They were probably thinking that this girl has no idea what the hell she’s doing but she shows them pretty quickly that she’s got it under control.

The Cadillac was having carburetor issues during this time and would sometimes start and sometimes not start at all. It was sometimes luck. She keeps cranking the car till it finally starts up but it toys with her and stalls out. When it is running, it’s pretty rough and shakes the car. She revs it to try and clear it out some to see if it will then idle on it’s own. It takes a while for it to finally idle smoothly but with all the pedal playing and teasing it took to get there makes it well worth it.

4 thoughts on “Vivian Cranks the Stubborn Caddy Near Loggers”

  1. Vivian Ireene Pierce Mixed In The Cadillac( Loggers Near By-Vivian Can’t Get The Cadillac To Start) Orange Stiletto OTK Boots / 1080I MP4 HD

    The Cadillac is having issues with the carburetor sometimes it starts other times it doesn’t the day Vivian tries to get it to start, it decides to be a jackass and not start, there’s loggers behind them you can hear them cut wood in the background as Vivian struggles to get the Cadillac to start. Vivian is wearing a black leather jacket, black leather gloves, black pullover shirt w/ other colors mixed in, black leather pants that have seen better days, orange colored OTK stiletto boots.

    Shish is shooting a mixture of whole body video as Vivian gets in and upper and some really nice footwell video of Vivian’s sexy size 6 feet in her orange OTK leather stiletto boots, the engine doesn’t even try to start for almost five minutes as Vivian uses different pumping methods as well as holding the gas pedal all the way to the floor, it looks like Shish might have handed the camera to Vivian for a couple of minutes, if you look at the windshield you’ll see that the hood is up a little over halfway through the video, so Shish might have either worked the choke manually or he might have squirted some starter fluid in the carburetor to get the engine to start.

    Vivian finally gets the engine started she’s able to rev the engine as long as she doesn’t try to let the engine idle it will stay running, if she lets off the gas even slightly it dies on her, when Vivian is revving the engine towards the engine of the video she opens the drivers door she leans out as Shish shoots some nice video of Vivian’s rear as she revs the engine good and loud, after a few minutes she closes the drivers door and shuts the engine off.

    As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian shuts the engine off she pumps the brake pedal for close to minute before she shuts the engine off. The End. Vivian you did a great mix video in the Cadillac your feet look sexy in those orange OTK stiletto boots. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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