Vivian Ireene Pierce Cold Start, Drive & Break Down in Lace-up Boots, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cold Start, Drive & Break Down in Lace-up Boots, 2 of 2

February 12th, 2025

We get to our PTP parking lot and she’s going to back the Bug into it’s spot. It’s a little tricky because it’s a narrow path then it’s reversing up a slight incline between some cars. She tries the heel-toe method pro race-car drivers use but it’s hard for her to do it in this thick soled boots. I help her out by holding the parking brake so she can focus on the gas and clutch. Once we get that sorted out she starts moving backwards but as the car starts to go up the incline the trans pops out of gear. She resets and tries again but the tires spin a little and it stalls.

I give her a little tip to help and she goes to start the car again but it flooded out when she stalled it. It takes her a while to get it started again and she starts talking about stuff while revving it before trying again. She slaps it into reverse and within about 3 feet, she stalls it.

Car is flooded again and she has to get it started again which doesn’t take as long this time but it’s still a struggle.

She puts it into reverse and this time, she’s on the gas a lot but isn’t coming off the clutch enough — just roasting that clutch.

Come off the gas!” I tell her after starting to smell a hot clutch. lol

So we try again and with a little tire spinning and a stall…jesus!

She tries again but isn’t in the right spot. Reset.

She tries again and…finally!