Vivian Ireene Pierce in White Cranks & Drives to Church, 2 of 2
December 17th, 2015
Vivian is coming back to the car and wonders where you’ve been. You missed service, oops, has it been that long?! She gets in and tries starting the car but guess what? It won’t start…imagine that! She wonders if you did something to the car as she’s pumping on the gas pedal. She gets it started and drives back while you continue your sinful behavior of staring and lusting after her!
It’s not a trouble-free drive home as the car stalls on her more than a few times and at one point, she has to pull over and try to get the car fired up again right by an intersection with cars going by. I guess she’s being punished for not dragging you to the pew!
Vivian Ireene Pierce Crank & Drive the Super-Beetle Too Sunday Morning Church Services / White Strappy Leather Stiletto Sandals / Clip 2 Of 2
As we continue from clip one Vivian comes out of church and asks you where you’ve been, she gets in she has to do some cranking and pumping of the bug to get it to start. Vivian finally holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor of excess gas the engine fires right up, she has to rev the engine good and loud to clear out the remaining excess gas in the carburetor. Vivian has a little trouble releasing the emergency brake lever you her husband release the emergency brake lever.
Vivian puts the gearshift in first gear she goes down to the end of the church parking lot she’s about to make a left turn when the engine dies. Vivian has to do some cranking and pumping of the bugs engine, there’s a car behind them. Vivian is still trying to get the bug to start as she puts her left are out the drivers door window to wave them to go around her.
Vivian holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor again she makes a left turn as shes down the street aways she stops at a stop light the engine dies again this time Vivian has no trouble restarting the bugs engine. Wile Vivian is driving you her husband are being very naughty your looking down her dress wile she’s driving. Vivian comments about how naughty you are as she makes a left turn at the food-mart not even a couple of blocks from the house, just when she completes the turn the engine dies on her again. Vivian bumps the gearshift into neutral and pulls over to the side of the road.
As Vivian is cranking and pumping the bugs gas pedal she looks at the fuel gauge and sees the gas tank is almost empty, the food-mart is across the street. Vivian says to you her husband that he might have to go get some gas for the bug, after cranking and pumping the gas pedal for about a minute Vivian gets the bug started gets back on the road the house is only about a minute away as she turns into the driveway the engine dies on her again. Vivian has to do some more cranking and pumping of the bugs gas pedal before she gets the engine started and goes down the driveway a little bit passed the garage.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian gets the engine started she’s about to move the bug down the driveway a little bit. The End. Vivian you did a great crank and drive two part series in the bug, your feet look sexy in those white strappy leather sandals. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀