Vivian Ireene Pierce Jeep Stuck & Stalled in Gloves & Red Boots
February 1st, 2019
She’s walking to the Jeep that is parked in the bushes while wearing some cute red suede boots, jeans, a red sweater and black leather gloves. It’s wet and chilly out, so hopefully the Jeep will not be too stubborn to get started and maybe she can get out of the mud that it’s currently parked on. That area gets really slick when it’s wet.
She climbs in, struggles to get it started but manages after a few tries. But sure enough, when she puts it in gear and steps on the gas, her wheels just spin. “Dammit!”
The Jeep keeps stalling on her and makes it more difficult to get out. She films her back wheels spinning in the mud with some tire smoke coming off of them. There is also a ‘creeper cam’ filming her from a distance. The bushes block some of the wheel spin but you can still see it.
Stuck, stalling, cranking, self-filmed pedal pumping action! 🙂
Vivian Ireene Pierce Mixed In The Jeep Having A Hard Time Getting Unstuck( Shooting This Video Herself / Black Leather Gloves & Red Leather Thigh High Boots / 720P MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to go for a drive in the jeep it’s parked off the driveway in the bushes up against some trees, there’s mud around the rear tires. Vivian is walking out to the jeep she’s wearing a red turtleneck sweater, black leather gloves, black denim jeans, red leather thigh high boots. Vivian is going to shoot a good part of this video herself. Shish will shoot some wide angle video a little bit later in the video.
Vivian has to do some cranking and pumping of the jeeps gas pedal as she shoots footwell video through the steering wheel and some upper body video as she points the camera at her face, she hopes she can get the jeep started, she’s afraid she will be late. Vivian is able to get the jeep started the problem is the rear wheels are in some mud the rear tires are spinning and smoke is coming from the left rear tire, the rear tires have a hard time getting any traction, the front tires are already on the driveway. Vivian tries to rock the jeep back and forth she’s able to get the front tires on the driveway, she comes close getting the jeep all the way on the driveway.
When the rear tires get close to the edge of the driveway the engine stalls on Vivian. The engine keeps stalling on her she has a hard time keeping the engine running, while she’s trying to get the jeeps started backup and on the driveway while she’s shooting most of this video herself. Shish is standing down the driveway not to far from the wooden deck he’s shooting wide angle video at first, he walks closer a little bit later as Vivian struggles to get the jeep started backup and keep it running.
Vivian talks to into the camera about how she’s going to be late if she doesn’t get the jeep unstuck. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Vivian has the drivers door window rolled down all the way as Shish says to her “ Almost had it” The End. Vivian you did a great mixed video in the jeep your feet look sexy in those red leather thigh high leather thigh high boots, you also did great shooting this video yourself. Shish your camera work great. Good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀