She let the car sit for a while in the parking lot so the battery can gain a bit of a charge before trying again. She spins it over even though it doesn’t start on that first try, the battery sounds strong enough for a couple of tries before it dies for good this time. Fortunatley, she gets it started on the 2nd try. *whew*
She drives home now, working the pedals with the tan, square-toe leather boots.
Finally, this day of errands is done…
Vivian Ireene Pierce Mixed Multiple ( Cold Cloudy Day – Has To Run Errands And Fill Some Of The Cars With Gas) 1080I MP4 HD / Clip 5 Of 5 / Tan Leather Gloves & Tan Square Toe Thigh High Leather Boots
As we continue from clip four Vivian lets the Coronet sit for a few minutes hoping the battery might charge itself just enough to where she can get the Coronet started and be on her way, it does. Vivian cranks and does some pumping of the Coronet’s gas pedal, it takes her about three or four tries she gets the engine started, and she’s on her way back to HQ.
Vivian makes a right turn from the parking lot at the auto parts store she tries to gun the engine a few times trying to go as fast as she can when traffic permits with isn’t very much if at all, traffic is a little bit heavy in some parts as she makes a left turn at a traffic light, for the most part she stays within the speed limit. Shish is still shooting upper and some really nice closeups of Vivian’s sexy size 6 right foot as she foot goes back and forth from the gas to the break pedal and back to the gas pedal.
The drive is over now Vivian makes a turn onto the driveway and shuts the engine off reaches over the backseat with her right arm and picks her purse up and gets out of the Coronet. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian opens the drivers door and gets out of the Coronet and walks into the house. The End. Vivian you did a great five part mixed series is some of the cars in the PTP fleet, your feet look sexy in those tan knee high square toe leather boots. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂