
Alex Rayne Cranks the Coronet – #300

June 7th, 2013

Alex Rayne is monitoring Saturday detention at her school and is ready to go home.  She heads to her old Coronet while talking to a friend that she's going to be meeting soon.  She finishes her conversation, slides in behind the wheel and has trouble getting her car to start.  She tries different techniques, even sliding her shoes off to get a better feel for the gas pedal but nothing is working!  The battery is getting weak and she finally gives up to call AAA for help. view more.

Alex Rayne Cranks the Coronet – #300

Brooke Starts, Revs & Jump Starts Some Cars, 3 of 3

June 6th, 2013

Brooke can finally go for a little cruise in the Camaro, so long as it doesn't stall!  She puts the pedal to the metal in this video with some spirited driving around town.  When she's coasting, she pops it in neutral and revs it up then kicks it back into drive and continues on!  She's got one arm out the window, one on the wheel and her boot covered feet working the pedals, today was a good day. view more.

Brooke Starts, Revs & Jump Starts Some Cars, 3 of 3

Tinsley Night Time Cranking the Bus in Peep Toes

June 6th, 2013

She's going out and thought she'd take the Bus for a spin.  The only problem is the old thing won't start!  It's dark with a little bit of light coming in from the deck lights and with the night-vision turned on, you get that claustrophobic feeling.  You can hear the squeaky gas pedal as she's pumping it over and over, trying to start the car.  She kills the battery off and that brings an abrupt end to her night. :( view more.

Tinsley Night Time Cranking the Bus in Peep Toes

Scarlet Stuck in the Bushes Barefoot, 3 of 4

June 3rd, 2013

Scarlet is still stuck in the mud with her pretty bare feet working the pedals to try and get the car rocking.  The only problem is she's buried so deep that there is no rocking action.  She tries for a few minutes and then climbs out of the car through the passenger side, slips on her rain boots and starts digging. This video fills the requests of folks who have wanted to see a girl in rain boots and digging her car out of the mud.  Hope you folks enjoy this segment! view more.

Scarlet Stuck in the Bushes Barefoot, 3 of 4

Kimberly Heart Sexy School Girl Quickie Revving

June 2nd, 2013

She just got done with a custom in the Bus and wanted to rev it up before we moved on to the next vehicle.  She's got her sexy little prep-school outfit on complete with blue Swedish clogs.  She starts the Bus up begins revving the little motor up and looking sexy as hell while doing it!  Biting her lip, laying back, looking at you with them amazing eyes of hers.  A short one but packed full of Kimberly Heart doing what she does best...making you guys go wild!! view more.

Kimberly Heart Sexy School Girl Quickie Revving

Paige Erin Turner Bikini Driving the ’61 Caddy, 2 of 2

June 2nd, 2013

So we're still driving along and it's about time to turn around and head back.  Paige whips the long car up into a driveway, backs it up and stalls it out in the middle of the road.  Fortunately for her but unfortunately for us, the car starts right back up but it still gives her a scare.  As we're heading back, I notice a big bruise on her inner thigh that looked like a bite mark.  Obviously I had to inquire about the 'gettin freaky' bruise! :) view more.

Paige Erin Turner Bikini Driving the ’61 Caddy, 2 of 2

Cassandra, Dirty Diana & Scarlet Try Going out

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May 31st, 2013

The girls are dressed up and ready to go out for the night.  They're going to take the Camaro and apparently Scarlet assumed she was going to drive but Dirty Diana races them to the drivers side door and begs to be the one to drive.  Cassandra reminds her that last time Diana drove, she flooded it really bad and stranded them.  But since neither Cassandra or Scarlet have their license, Diana gets her wish and gets to drive!  However, she has problems getting out of the driveway as she has once again flooded the engine! view more.

Cassandra, Dirty Diana & Scarlet Try Going out

Barb Cranks, Stalls & Revs the Monte Carlo – #310

May 30th, 2013

This custom video is of Barb taking the Monte Carlo for a drive but we all know that it's never just an uneventful trip in the old Monte.  She's wearing some brown leather thong sandals at first as she's starting up the car.  It takes her some tries before it fires and stays running.  She uses the 'two foot' method of driving and after we've gone a bit down the road, she takes her sandals off while keeping the car moving.  She hits a side road to turn around and encounters a bit of trouble when the car stalls.  No biggie, she just works the process of getting the car started with her sexy petite feet with bright pink toenail polish.  She gets it started but stalls it at the stop sign, almost running out into traffic!  Again, she works it to get it going and heads back home, she's had enough! lol This was the very first video we did with her and didn't give her any coaching at all.  She jumped right into this custom video without missing a beat! view more.

Barb Cranks, Stalls & Revs the Monte Carlo – #310

Vivian Ireene Pierce Has Some Carpooling Issues, 2 of 2

May 29th, 2013

It’s Vivian’s turn to drive today for her carpooling schedule.  Her neighbor has arrived and is with her as she starts the process of getting the Blazer started.  She can tell that her passenger is getting a bit nervous that her car isn’t starting but she reassures him that it’s no big deal, it happens all the time.  After a while of the Blazer really not starting, Vivian begins to worry some herself.  She does get it running and now finds out that her wheels are spinning as she’s trying to back up out of her parking spot….damn it! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Has Some Carpooling Issues, 2 of 2

Queen Red Tries Moving the 77 Camaro in Red Peep Toe Pumps

May 25th, 2013

Welcome Ellie Mae's good friend, Queen Red! :) Ellie Mae just parked the Coronet back in it's spot and now (the) Queen is going to park the Camaro.  The battery is very weak in the Camaro and it's not starting right up, so it's a race between her pumping the gas pedal just right to fire the engine before she loses her chance.  You can tell she's got some experience and is no stranger to cranking old cars.  She gets it running just as the battery sounds like it's on it's last leg but has trouble keeping it running.   She revs it up to get some juice in the battery and to hopefully warm it up enough to keep it from stalling. view more.

Queen Red Tries Moving the 77 Camaro in Red Peep Toe Pumps

Evian Gives You a Broadway Pedal Pumping Show

May 25th, 2013

She wants your help to get her old Coronet started so she can sell it.  She gets behind the wheel and starts spinning it over while you watch.  She's giving it plenty of gas but it's not catching.  Her size 10.5 boot forcefully pumps the gas throughout most of this video.  You check out under the hood for a bit but nothing seems out of place.  You're enjoying her struggle and eventually hop in the backseat to get a good view but Evian inquires why you're back there.  She figures you're liking the show so why not put her thespian skills to work.  She suspects you've done something to the car just so you could have this pedal pumping show but plays along regardless. view more.

Evian Gives You a Broadway Pedal Pumping Show

Scarlet Revving the Blazer in Flip Flops (Pedal Fantasies)

May 25th, 2013

Foot only view of Scarlet revving up the Blazer in white flip flops. *Pedal Fantasies clip*

Scarlet Revving the Blazer in Flip Flops (Pedal Fantasies)

Sugar Momma Driving the Volvo Barefoot

May 24th, 2013

Let's get some station wagon driving with Sugar Momma today!  She's sporting her aviator sunglasses, a short skirt and no shoes at all on her feet.  She works the pedals flawlessly (mostly) as she drives us back to the house from Cassandra's. view more.

Sugar Momma Driving the Volvo Barefoot

Damara Swedish Clog Cranking – #285

May 23rd, 2013

Damara loves her Swedish clogs!  She opens the door and slips on her blue clogs and walks to the Coronet.  She's gonna try to get it started with a fresh battery but not much luck.  She ends up draining the battery without so much as a sputter from the old land barge.  Sooo she heads over to the Jeep to give it a whirl and has the same luck with it...which is no luck. :(   view more.

Damara Swedish Clog Cranking – #285

Madalynn Raye Cranks & Revs the Bug in Sneakers

May 22nd, 2013

She hops in the 72 Super Beetle on this chilly night to start and warm it up.  It takes a short while to get it fired up and she revs it to warm the engine up but it's acting like it's low on gas.  It sputters and dies and is hard to start again.  When she does manage to get it going again, she's able to rev it harder, hoping it won't die again ...but it does!  Pumping away on the gas pedal with her sneakers, she manages to get it running a third time where it stays running until she turns the car off with the key.  Victory is hers! :) view more.

Madalynn Raye Cranks & Revs the Bug in Sneakers

Mandie Revving the ’61 Caddy in OTK Boots

May 19th, 2013

While we had the old Cadillac at our disposal, Mandie had kept asking to rev it up.  She loved this old Caddy and when I finally told her that she could rev it, she could hardly wait!  She ran inside to change and came out with this sexy outfit!  She casually revs up this old car and has fun, while looking sexy as hell, doing it!! view more.

Mandie Revving the ’61 Caddy in OTK Boots

Audrey Cranks, Drives & Stalls in the Camaro – #280

May 19th, 2013

Audrey is having a hard time today in the 77 Camaro.  The carb is messed up and anytime she gets on the brakes too hard, the car stalls and floods out.  When the car dies, she cranks it while giving it some light to medium pumping of the gas in her tan moccasin style loafers.  She is able to get the car started each time after and lightly revs it to clear it out before driving again. view more.

Audrey Cranks, Drives & Stalls in the Camaro – #280

Curator Cassandra, Log Entry 003

May 16th, 2013

"Today wasn't too bad.  The Coronet started up easy but the Bus had some battery connection issues.  Took 2 or 3 times to get a good connection.  Need maintenance to check it out when they can.  The Volvo & Camaro behaved nicely, didn't take too much pumping to get them going.  Warmed them up pretty good as well as the BMW 2002...I was barefoot in those.  Was nice to rub my bare soles over the pedals, feels good!! Lastly, I decided to bust out my sexy leopard print boots for another warmup session with the Volvo!  I LOVE these boots...move over catwoman!! ;) " -Curator Cassandra view more.

Curator Cassandra, Log Entry 003

Ellie Mae Trying to Start the Monte in Platform Pumps

May 14th, 2013

She's in a bit of a hurry to leave and her old junk car doesn't want to start.  She pumps the gas pedal in her stiletto platform pumps and does get the car to start but it keeps stalling out when she goes to put it in gear.  Each time she gets it running, she revs it more and more in hopes that it'll finally warm up enough and run smoothly.  She begs the car to cooperate and eventually it does and she is finally able to leave. view more.

Ellie Mae Trying to Start the Monte in Platform Pumps

Tinsley Driving the VW Bus – #195, 1 of 3

May 13th, 2013

Tinsley aggressively driving the VW Bus with her bare feet!  Enjoy!! :D

Tinsley Driving the VW Bus – #195, 1 of 3

Brooke Starts, Revs & Jump Starts Some Cars, 2 of 3

May 12th, 2013

Brooke goes back to the Camaro, hoping her revving the Monte Carlo has given the dead battery in the Camaro enough juice to spin over.  She cranks it, giving it some gas and waiting for it to start.  She pauses in between her cranks to allow a charge to build up.  Not happy with how weak the battery is, she goes back to the Monte Carlo to rev it some more.  After her second round of revving, she goes back to the Camaro and finally gets some life out of the car.  It's sputtering and wanting to catch but it takes a few attempts before it finally fires up and runs.  She revs it up and with it now running on it's own, she disconnects the Monte Carlo and backs it up out of the way. view more.

Brooke Starts, Revs & Jump Starts Some Cars, 2 of 3

Princess Driving the SS – #331

May 11th, 2013

This custom is of Princess taking the 2001 SS 6-speed out for a drive!  She puts her gold strappy sandals on the pedals and let's the footwork fly!  She's driving down the backroads, not slowing down much for the curves and gets on it a bit when there's a straightaway section.  She revs the car up some when she's coasting as she loves to hear that engine rumble!  No dialogue, just Princess, the car and the road! view more.

Princess Driving the SS – #331

Kimberly Heart Pumping the Coronet – Her Point of View, 1 of 2

May 10th, 2013

Testing out a new camera I got with the awesome Kimberly Heart.  No one has done this before, so I'm giving it a test run to see what you folks think about it.  You get to watch a hot girl struggle to start a car that's being jumped off through her eyes.  Ever wonder what a model is looking at when they're trying to start their car?  What about when they're flooring the gas down the highway?  While revving the piss out of an engine, are they looking at their feet or the hood to see smoke come out of it? Soon, these questions will be answered! :) Let me know your thoughts with this and keep in mind, this is the first test run with the camera and footage. view more.

Kimberly Heart Pumping the Coronet – Her Point of View, 1 of 2

Scarlet Stuck in the Bushes Barefoot, 2 of 4

May 8th, 2013

She's still trying to get this damn car unstuck.  It's in there good!  Bare feet, red toenails, lots of rocking and frustrated facial expressions as she self-films herself! :)

Scarlet Stuck in the Bushes Barefoot, 2 of 4

Paige Erin Turner Bikini Driving the ’61 Caddy, 1 of 2

May 6th, 2013

She was given the keys to the 1961 Cadillac to take it on a nice cruise in her bikini, flip flops and cowgirl hat.  She drives around the countryside, getting looks and honks as she drives by.  You can tell she's having fun with that big cheesy grin of hers. :)  We chat a little here and there as she handles the HUGE car with ease. *Sorry the quality is a bit fuzzy.  At the time, I was still learning the best rendering method with the mini-cams.* view more.

Paige Erin Turner Bikini Driving the ’61 Caddy, 1 of 2

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Fleetwood in OTK Brown Boots

May 5th, 2013

Let's go back to the first shoot I ever did with the talented, gorgeous, super-sexy, amazing and fantabulous Kimberly Heart!!  It was cold that day and we still had the 86 Cadillac Fleetwood.  She slipped on a pair of high-waisted Jordache jeans (fan submitted) with a pair of brown stiletto over-the-knee boots and topped off with a pair of fan submitted brown leather gloves. As she's opening the door to the frigid car, she's already hoping it's going to start for her as this car does NOT like cold weather.  Lots of pumping, coaxing and spinning the engine over is what it takes to get this land barge started but unfortunately, not today.  She begs and begs but the car just won't crank!! view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the Fleetwood in OTK Brown Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives in Peep Toes, 1 of 2

May 5th, 2013

This is a back-n-forth between 2 cameras watching Vivian Ireene Pierce start and drive the 72 Super Beetle.  She has some trouble starting the old air-cooled engine on this warm day but after some slick foot work, she clears the engine out and heads out.  Lots of shifting, turning and waiting at red lights in this little 4 speed car. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives in Peep Toes, 1 of 2

Candle Cranks, Revs & Stalls the Volvo – #148

May 4th, 2013

This was another custom video done for an adoring fan of Candle.  She's wearing a sexy white button down blouse, a short black mini-skirt, black pantyhose and black patent stiletto pumps.  She slips in behind the steering wheel and teases you with just about everything she does...starting the car, working the gear shifter, pumping the gas and even talking to you is all done in a way to drive you nuts!  She's trying to back the car up but it keeps stalling and is a little stuck...oh darn! view more.

Candle Cranks, Revs & Stalls the Volvo – #148

Penny Starts, Revs & Floods the Monte Carlo for You, 1 of 2

May 3rd, 2013

This video hits some more requests...torn jeans and ponytails! :) You're going to ride with Penny to the arts-n-crafts store but she can't get her car started at first.  She keeps trying and finally gets it to start and proceeds to rev it up to clear it out and warm it up.  Her boots gently massage the gas pedal, keep the rpm's up a good bit as she wants to make sure it doesn't stall on her again. view more.

Penny Starts, Revs & Floods the Monte Carlo for You, 1 of 2

Alex Rayne Driving the Coronet – #301

May 2nd, 2013

She does some long, holding the pedal to the floor flooring in the old Coronet in this custom video.  She wears 2 types of shoes for this clip, both submitted by her fan!  :)

Alex Rayne Driving the Coronet – #301

Cassandra Cranking the Camaro – #293

May 1st, 2013

You want Cassandra to stay home this morning but she's got a meeting she has to get to.  She asks you to get her some coffee while she finishes getting dressed but while you're getting coffee, you also sneak out to her car and stuff a rag in the carb.  She doesn't even get to drink any of the coffee because she looks at the clock and is already running late!  She scurries out to her car in the wee hours of the morning and you just patiently wait inside for your devious plan to spring into action.  :D view more.

Cassandra Cranking the Camaro – #293

Barbie Cold Starts the Coronet & Goes for a Drive, 2 of 3

April 28th, 2013

Barbie is still cranking away in that old Dodge and after a few minutes in this clip, she gets some life out of it!  It sputters, bucks, kicks and coughs just before dying.  She keeps at it, getting closer and closer to getting the engine to actually rev up.  Success...finally!  She warms it up a bit and then heads down the driveway to hit the road but the car stalls out in the driveway.  We end with her getting it started and nervously pulling out onto the road to drive. view more.

Barbie Cold Starts the Coronet & Goes for a Drive, 2 of 3