
Audrey Revving in Strappy Pink Studded Stiletto Shoes

February 7th, 2013

Audrey does some sexy revving in the Camaro with a pair of killer stiletto sandals.  She keeps her left leg out while revving the car gently at first but then stabs the gas pedal a few times, making the rpm's jump.  She keeps this method going throughout the video, where you don't know exactly how she's going to rev it next.  She eventually slides her left leg into the car and continues with her revving fun.  The last minute or two, she let's the car idle and has her legs crossed with both legs out of the car to give you a little shoe/feet shoe.  While the car is warming down in the background, she keeps your temperature up. :) view more.

Audrey Revving in Strappy Pink Studded Stiletto Shoes

Tiffany Driving the Bus – #274

February 6th, 2013

Tiffany goes for a hard ass driving adventure in the old Bus.  She starts out with some old, worn out flip flops and eventually slips them off to drive aggressively in her bare feet with bright yellow polish on her toes.  She floors the gas pedal a lot, burying it flat into the floor.  She also stalls a few times. view more.

Tiffany Driving the Bus – #274

Pepper Getting Situated in the Car & Floods it on Accident

February 5th, 2013

This is a requested video of Pepper getting in the car and getting her small passenger in the back seat situated.  She's having to reach over the seats to help them and as she's stretching back, she doesn't realize she's pushing on the gas pedal...more like pumping the gas pedal some.  She finally gets her passenger taken care of and goes to start the car but it won't start.  She tries again but it just keeps spinning over.  Not realizing she's flooded it, she starts pumping the gas and trying to start the car like she's supposed to.  She ends up wearing the battery down and gives up to find another way out. view more.

Pepper Getting Situated in the Car & Floods it on Accident

Princess Cranking the VW Bug – #254

February 3rd, 2013

Her car ran out of gas and she's having to walk on the side of the road in her sexy little dress, pantyhose and some multi-colored platform pumps.  She's embarrassed having to walk with her little gas can as cars drive by without stopping to help.  She puts the gas into the tank and sits in the drives seat with her legs out the car for a minute.  She dangles her shoe, twirls her feet and gives them a little rest after having made that trek for fuel.  She then starts pumping the gas, hoping to prime as much of the gas into the fuel lines as possible.  She starts spinning the motor over, pumping the gas and waiting for it to catch.  After a while with no luck, she shuts the door and slides her shoes off to pump the gas in her nylon clad feet.  After another few minutes of nothing, she finally gets it to catch and gives herself a shout-out for being awesome! view more.

Princess Cranking the VW Bug – #254

Kristen Can’t Get the Blazer Started in Boots & Gloves, 1 of 2

February 2nd, 2013

The old 'trusty' Chevy isn't starting for Kristen.  She's apparently flooded the engine and now it sounds like the battery is going to die.  She keeps trying and trying...

Kristen Can’t Get the Blazer Started in Boots & Gloves, 1 of 2

Damara Driving the Volvo Like She Hates It

February 1st, 2013

Tiffany is filming Damara for this clip.  They were running back to PTP HQ to get something, so I gave them the Volvo and a camera and told them to make it count.  Well, Damara drives the piss out of the Volvo in this clip in some thong sandals!  She starts out revving it hard then takes off, banging through the gears.  When I was editing this video, I found myself squirming from them taking this little engine to the max! view more.

Damara Driving the Volvo Like She Hates It

Gem Trying to Move the Coronet in Nike Sneakers

January 31st, 2013

The Coronet has been neglected for quite some time.  It's raining and Gem has come over to try and get the Coronet cranked up and moved.  She has to battle with the car to get it running.  She revs the piss out of it when she gets it started the first time but tries too soon to move the car and it stalls out.  It takes a bit to get it going again and this process goes on for a few minutes until the car is warmed up enough to actually not die when it's put in gear.  She rolls into the throttle to get the old car to back up but it just struggles.  She's flooring the gas, pumping the gas pedal hard to try and get it to move but no luck, the engine just has no power.  Sure enough, the car ends up stalling out and won't fire up again. view more.

Gem Trying to Move the Coronet in Nike Sneakers

Vassanta Teasing the Co-worker in the Monte Carlo

January 30th, 2013

Taking a little break with a co-worker friend in his car, Vassanta notices him staring at her legs wrapped in some black leather boots and fishnet pantyhose.  She gives him a little show, just because she knows it gets him all worked up.  When she finally wants to go, she hops in the drivers seat and tries starting the car.  It won't start!  She bounces in the seat from aggressively pumping the gas and gets the car started, yay! She then does some hard revving and stalling in the car while smiling because she knows he's loving every minute of it! view more.

Vassanta Teasing the Co-worker in the Monte Carlo

Scarlet Running to Cassandra’s in the Camaro in Gray Cowgirl Boots

January 27th, 2013

She's making a trip to see Cassandra and is taking the Camaro.  This car can be about as temperamental as they come and today is one of those days.  Scarlet works the gas pedal good, trying to start the Camaro before killing the battery.  After a few minutes, she manages to get it running and takes off.  She floors the gas, speeding in the old pony car on these backwoods country roads. view more.

Scarlet Running to Cassandra’s in the Camaro in Gray Cowgirl Boots

Kimberly Heart Revving the Coronet – #258

January 26th, 2013

Kimberly Heart can make picking up garbage sexy as hell, so imagine putting her in a sexy dress, black stiletto pumps and behind the wheel of an old v8 car...yeah, bring on the heat!!

Kimberly Heart Revving the Coronet – #258

Barbie Driving the Cadillac in Hot Pink Pumps – 1 of 4

January 25th, 2013

She's got the keys to this old Caddy and looking all spunky, she takes it for a cruise.  It's overcast but fortunately, no rain falls.  She drives the big old car up and down the roads, working the pedals in a pair of stiletto hot pink patent pumps and matching leggings. view more.

Barbie Driving the Cadillac in Hot Pink Pumps – 1 of 4

Alex Rayne Cranking the Jeep – #298

January 25th, 2013

She slides behind the wheel of the Jeep, hoping it starts for her.  She inserts the key, turns it and spins the engine over but it doesn't start.  She pumps the gas pedal a few times, turns the key again and keeps pumping but the car still just spins over.  Poor Alex Rayne, looks like her Jeep is going to embarrass her again!  She nervously slides her feet in and out of her ballet flats.  She even pumps the gas in her stocking feet a few times.  Nothing is working though, her car just will not start!   view more.

Alex Rayne Cranking the Jeep – #298

Brooke’s Difficult Trip to Get Gas in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

January 22nd, 2013

She just wanted to go get some gas for the car but nnooooOOOOOOooo, the car had to be a pain in the ass!  Took her forever to get it started and once she was driving, she thought she was good.  Flooring the gas, letting the wind blow her hair and then silence...her car died from taking a curve too sharp.  Now she's on the side of the road, pumping the gas pedal fast and begging the car to start as traffic goes by. view more.

Brooke’s Difficult Trip to Get Gas in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

Rainy Day Driving with Tinsley in the Coronet

January 20th, 2013

This is a clip that covers a couple of more requests.  It's raining and Tinsley is driving cautiously.  She keeps both hands on the steering wheel and expresses her nervousness of driving this big, old car on these slick roads.  She also works the pedals by placing her heel between the gas and brake pedal and just pivots at the heel not only for pressing the brake or gas but from moving side to side.  This causes her foot to be at an angle to both of them for most of the video.  We make it home without incident, thanks to the cautious and sexy Tinsley! view more.

Rainy Day Driving with Tinsley in the Coronet

Paige Erin Turner Cranking a Dead Bug

January 20th, 2013

This requested video is of Paige trying to start a car with ignition/battery problems and has to fiddle with the battery to get it going.  She starts out trying to get the car started but she thinks the battery is dead.  She connects the charger to the car and spends most of the rest of the video trying to get the Bug cranked but the ignition doesn't want to work.  She slips off her shoes to pump the gas pedal barefoot.  The car does spin over here and there during the video but she can't ever get it to start.   view more.

Paige Erin Turner Cranking a Dead Bug

Scarlet Pumping Air Brakes in Strappy Stilettos (Pedal Fantasies)

January 18th, 2013

Pumping the air brakes of a big truck in some sexy strappy sandals. *Pedal Fantasies clip*

Scarlet Pumping Air Brakes in Strappy Stilettos (Pedal Fantasies)

Gina Crank & Revs in Sheer Pantyhose, Socks & Cowgirl Boots

January 17th, 2013

It's a hot summer day and Gina is working the process of getting the Volvo started so she can rev it up.  It takes a while to get it going and then she revs it up pretty aggressively.  The Volvo hasn't been used much lately, so it needs a good running to keep it in shape.  It does stall on her a few times while she's revving it. view more.

Gina Crank & Revs in Sheer Pantyhose, Socks & Cowgirl Boots

Vassanta Cranking the Bus – #266

January 17th, 2013

I want to work were Vassanta is trying to get to.  She has on a sexy red leather skirt, a deep 'V' neck top and a patent red pair of peep toe stilettos as her office outfit.  She doesn't want to be late and could you imagine being a reliable co-worker friend of hers and getting the call she needs to be picked up because her car wouldn't start??  Unfortunately, she doesn't call for help when she gives up, she only calls to tell the boss she can't make it.  Damn VW!   view more.

Vassanta Cranking the Bus – #266

Mandie Driving the Coronet Barefoot

January 15th, 2013

Mandie does some driving here with her bare feet and jeans.  She reaches out with her toes to push the gas pedal and they scrunch at times as she moves back and forth from the gas to the brake pedal.

Mandie Driving the Coronet Barefoot

Scarlet Cranks the Monte Carlo to Move It in Pumps & Hose

January 13th, 2013

She has a hell of a time to get this thing started and when it is running, it stalls almost every time she takes her foot off the gas.  She's trying to get the car moved so we can use the driveway.  Her white stiletto pumps works the gas pedal as the sun shines on her pantyhose.  She later slips off her high heels to get a better feel of the gas and brake pedals with her stocking covered feet. view more.

Scarlet Cranks the Monte Carlo to Move It in Pumps & Hose

Riley Floods the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots & Dress

January 12th, 2013

As Riley walks to her hand-me-down clunker, she sees she has a flat tire.  Figures, she needs to leave and something else is going to slow her down.  She's going to pull around to the garage to get air but now she can't get the damn car to start!  She's flooded the car so much in the past, she's careful and almost timid to pump it too much in fear of flooding it on this hot, summer day. view more.

Riley Floods the Volvo in Cowgirl Boots & Dress

Tinsley ‘Hot-Lapping’ the Bus in Flip Flips

January 11th, 2013

This is a video of Tinsley driving the old bus around our neighborhood to get familiar with it again.  She hasn't driven it in quite a while and before doing some hard driving on the main roads, she wants to make some laps on our quiet back road to get a feel of the beast.  We talk a bit as she drives.  I remind her of some quirks of the car and give her some pointers to make driving it a bit easier. view more.

Tinsley ‘Hot-Lapping’ the Bus in Flip Flips

Jess Quickie Cranking in Running Outfit

January 11th, 2013

This is the very first video I shot of Jess.  She arrived, threw on this cute running outfit and then tried getting the Coronet to start.  Not long into filming, the car just dies...won't do anything.  So much for that! :(

Jess Quickie Cranking in Running Outfit

Damara’s Brakes Fail – #269

January 8th, 2013

Damara's brakes fail while she's driving the Monte Carlo.  She pumps the brake with her patent pumps to try and get the car to stop but it won't slow down!  She freaks out, yelling for people to get out of her way!  She finally manages to slow the car down by other methods and makes a phone call to explain what just happened to her.  *Whew*  Close one! view more.

Damara’s Brakes Fail – #269

Scarlet Playing in the Mud During a Tropical Storm (Pedal Fantasies)

January 6th, 2013

Scarlet is narrating this clip as she takes you to a muddy field to play in some mud.  Lots of views of her filming the rear tire spinning in the gooey mud and her boots working the pedals. *Pedal Fantasies clip*

Scarlet Playing in the Mud During a Tropical Storm (Pedal Fantasies)

Veronica Cranking the Coronet (no feet shots)

January 6th, 2013

This is a clip of Veronica that is filmed from a dash mounted camera only.  She's trying to get the Coronet started and manages to fire it up a time or two to a few romps of the gas pedal but the car keeps stalling.

Veronica Cranking the Coronet (no feet shots)

Cassandra Pedal Pumping the Bus in Gold Strappy Sandals

January 4th, 2013

This is a request for Cassandra moving the old bus around the yard.  She starts it up and beings driving it around the yard only to have the bus stall a lot.  She also finds herself in tight spots as she continually turns it around.  Maneuvering around all the cars requires her to do a lot of heel-toe pedal to keep the bus from bumping into other cars or objects.  Cassandra is a champ at some heel-toe action and yes, she does it the right way.  Once she's had her fun, she parks the bus and hops out. view more.

Cassandra Pedal Pumping the Bus in Gold Strappy Sandals

Nyxon Driving the Coronet in Flat Tan Boots, 2 of 2

January 2nd, 2013

Ride along as Nyxon drives the old Dodge Coronet around.  She works the pedals in a pair of flat, tan boots that come up just a bit over her knee.  It's a gloomy day and fortunately for her, the Coronet doesn't give her any issues but the traffic irritates her a bit as she hates getting behind slow folk!  She voices her frustration with traffic and goes from the gas to brake often.  Just some cruising in traffic, stop-n-go and curvy road driving in this clip. This clip is strictly the view from behind the pedals. view more.

Nyxon Driving the Coronet in Flat Tan Boots, 2 of 2

Nyxon Driving the Coronet in Flat Tan Boots, 2 of 2

January 2nd, 2013

Ride along as Nyxon drives the old Dodge Coronet around.  She works the pedals in a pair of flat, tan boots that come up just a bit over her knee.  It's a gloomy day and fortunately for her, the Coronet doesn't give her any issues but the traffic irritates her a bit as she hates getting behind slow folk!  She voices her frustration with traffic and goes from the gas to brake often.  Just some cruising in traffic, stop-n-go and curvy road driving in this clip. This clip is strictly the view from behind the pedals. view more.

Nyxon Driving the Coronet in Flat Tan Boots, 2 of 2

Madalynn & Vivian Late to Work in Suits & Vintage Stockings

January 1st, 2013

Helloooooo 2013!  Let's step into this year with some sexy business suits, vintage stockings, a car that won't start, 2 lovely ladies and some stilettos! Vivian heads down a bit early to get her old Volvo warmed up.  It's been giving her issues and this morning is no exception as it won't start.  She begs for the car to start, doing everything she knows to start it but it just spins over and over and over.  She finally gives up and goes back in the house to get Madalynn.  Madalynn gives it a go but can't get the damn thing started either!  Both girls are late now and the boss checks in on the work radio to see what their hold up is.  They explain the car won't start but he's not too happy (or convinced) and demands them to get to work or be fired! view more.

Madalynn & Vivian Late to Work in Suits & Vintage Stockings

Rodeo Cranks, Revs & Drives the Bug in Flip Flops, 1 of 2

December 31st, 2012

Rodeo drives us to our shoot location in this first part.  It takes her a few minutes to get the Bug started.  When it does start, it's not warmed up all the way and stalls out a few times in the driveway.  Her french pedicured toes are fully visible as she works the clutch, gas and brake pedals in her flip flops. This clip wraps up 2012, the year the world didn't end.  This girl came to us this past year but as it happens often, life moved her on elsewhere.  I just wanted to squeeze in a better video to end 2012 besides the previous clip that was posted.  See you guys next year! :) view more.

Rodeo Cranks, Revs & Drives the Bug in Flip Flops, 1 of 2

Aubrey Cranks, Revs & Drives Socks & Snakeskin Boots, 2 of 2

December 29th, 2012

The car is started and she takes us for a drive in the old Monte.  After driving for a bit, she puts her right boot back on and slips off her jacket to reveal a low-cut tank top underneath.  As we drive back, she sings a bit while we watch her boots work the pedals. view more.

Aubrey Cranks, Revs & Drives Socks & Snakeskin Boots, 2 of 2