
Start Pregnant Cranking, Revving & Stalling the Coronet in Rain Boots

August 31st, 2012

It's a cold and rainy day, so Star wraps up in a beanie, big coat and a pair of rain boots to keep her feet from getting wet.  She's 7 months along and wants to head out and start the old Coronet so she can take it out later.  It's a pain to start and on really cold days, it takes forever to warm up.  When she gets it started, she revs it up but it keeps stalling on her when she checks to see if it'll idle on it's own. view more.

Start Pregnant Cranking, Revving & Stalling the Coronet in Rain Boots

Brooke Cranking the Camaro in Leather and Patent Pumps

August 29th, 2012

With the response Brooke and the Camaro have gotten lately, I figured I'd get another update up of both of these hotties! This is the first video we did with her.  I told her to find an outfit and come outside while I get the cameras set up.  She comes out in a sexy leather corset top, a pair of skin tight red leather pants and some black patent almond toe stiletto pumps.  I didn't tell her anything other than 'good luck' on her chances of getting the car started.  As you can tell in the video, this girl has had some serious car trouble in the past...if not, then maybe in her previous life!  She does get the old Camaro to fire up near the end and lays into it a time or two to clear the motor. view more.

Brooke Cranking the Camaro in Leather and Patent Pumps

Nikki Driving & Revving the Fleetwood in Tube Socks & Cowgirl Boots

August 28th, 2012

This is another clip that I found not too long ago of Nikki.  It's filmed with that crappy mini-cam system I had back then.  She's driving around town in the first Caddy we had and stops in a parking lot to do some hard revving towards the end. view more.

Nikki Driving & Revving the Fleetwood in Tube Socks & Cowgirl Boots

Christal Can’t Start the Camaro to Go Shopping


August 27th, 2012

Our newest sisters are going to do a bit of shopping and errands in the Camaro.  Christal is going to drive but if she can get the car cranked first.  The Camaro spins over and over while Christal pumps the gas mildly, not wanting to flood it.  She knows how temperamental the old Chevy can be and hopes her mellow coaxing will make it fire right up.  She's getting more frustrated while her sister, Gianna, tries to keep her calm so their situation doesn't get worse.  Unfortunately for Gianna, their situation hits bottom when the Camaro starter siezes up.  Fortunately, Gianna has her old car there at Christal's house for some work but since it's not torn apart yet, Gianna suggests they take it instead.  With that said, they get of the Camaro and leave it to get looked at later. view more.

Christal Can’t Start the Camaro to Go Shopping

Scarlet Moving the Busted Fleetwood in OTK Boots

August 26th, 2012

Finishing the week off with Scarlet giving the long-gone Fleetwood some loving abuse.  We're shuffling cars around and she needs to move the Cadillac so we can get to the other cars.  It's not cooperating with the whole starting thing.  You can tell she's really having to fight with it to get it running.  When it does run, she revs it up and starts moving it but it keeps stalling.  By the time she does get it moved out of the way, the engine is steaming, the battery is just about dead and there are some other smells indicative of burnt wires and rubber.  This engine is already knocking and I think we scrapped it a few weeks after this video. view more.

Scarlet Moving the Busted Fleetwood in OTK Boots

Candle Cranking the Monte Carlo – #265

August 25th, 2012

So, the plan was to film Candle driving over to a location to shoot this custom video, shoot the custom then film her driving back.  I'm in the backseat filming while Scarlet is in the front passenger seat and Candle is in the pilots chair.  The Monte Carlo doesn't start up right away and as Candle tries to coax it, she ends up making the problem worse and floods the Monte Carlo really bad.  You can hear Scarlet trying to tell her what to do but the car is too flooded to really make much of a difference.  Candle pumps in her flip flops and barefoot, seeing if one makes a difference over the other but she's screwed all the same. lol  Candle gives a good fight and almost succeeds because the car does run for a very short while but she was too on-off-on-off the gas with her mild revving that it stalled.  After that, a few sputters here and there then the battery dies. view more.

Candle Cranking the Monte Carlo – #265

Damara Driving Camaro SS in Racergirl Suit – 2 of 2

August 24th, 2012

Damara is cruising in the Camaro SS in a really sexy racer girl costume sent in by a fan of hers.  She's matched a pair of fishnet stockings and some long, vinyl gloves to go with the outfit.  She drives the Camaro in a pair of 4" high heel peep toe pumps as she starts out on the back roads and then ends up on the interstate to try and open the car up a bit. view more.

Damara Driving Camaro SS in Racergirl Suit – 2 of 2

Rockett Girl Cranking Volvo in Tan Leather Pants & Pumps

August 22nd, 2012

The Volvo stalled in the middle of the driveway in an earlier video and this clip is Rockett Girl attempting to start and get it parked.  The battery dies and I replace it so she can try again but this second battery was already partially weak and didn't last long.  She begs the car and really works the big, floor mounted gas pedal in her stiletto pumps but the car is just dead.  4 different camera angles are used as she tries to start the old wagon. view more.

Rockett Girl Cranking Volvo in Tan Leather Pants & Pumps

Hana Driving in Tall Tube Socks

August 21st, 2012

We took both the Monte Carlo and Coronet out to film some custom videos and we're now heading back to the house.  The video starts with Hana in the Coronet to go meetup with Scarlet on the other side of the parking lot.  This is a short segment where the Coronet is running rough and just as I tell Hana that it's going to be fine, the Coronet stalls.  I guess that's what I get for opening my mouth! lol  Once she's in the Monte Carlo, we're following Scarlet, who is now driving the Coronet and leading the way.  Hana takes off her sneakers while driving the Monte Carlo and works the pedals in her white, Wig-wam tube socks. view more.

Hana Driving in Tall Tube Socks

Brooke & Ralphie, Episode 1

August 19th, 2012

Brooke has a creepy neighbor who just LOVES to show up when she has car trouble.  His name is Ralphie and he tinkers on cars, or so he says.  She's waiting for him to fix her car so she can go out but he seems to be taking his time and staring at Brooke a lot.  She gets in and tries starting the car while Ralphie watches.  She's quietly begging the car to start so she can get out of there but the damn thing won't start!  Ralphie keeps coming to the drivers door, telling her things that make her uncomfortable and she does her best to be very vague with her answers and focus on getting the car started.  She wears the battery down and Ralphie thinks that's a sign of her wanting to have a little one on one time.  When she resists, he pulls her from the car... view more.

Brooke & Ralphie, Episode 1

Princess Revving Coronet – #170, Part 1 of 2

August 18th, 2012

Princess has on some sexy stiletto sandals, a pair of tight white pants and a blue silky blouse as she walks out to the Coronet to do some revving.  She does a lot of quick stabbing of the gas pedal, waiting for the rpm's to come all the way down before stabbing it to the floor again.  She gets the car rocking as she does some quick series of pumping the gas, making the rpm's dance around.  She isn't afraid to punish the old Dodge! view more.

Princess Revving Coronet – #170, Part 1 of 2

Reese Assaults the Caddy in OTK Boots, 2 of 2

August 17th, 2012

Reese does nothing but rev this old Caddy's engine non-stop in part 2 of this series.  Once she's had her fill of payback for the car not starting, she shuts it off and gets out of the car without a concern or car in the world for it's current state. view more.

Reese Assaults the Caddy in OTK Boots, 2 of 2

Kimberly Heart Pedal Pumping Volvo in Red Peep Toes

August 15th, 2012

Kimberly Heart is tasked with starting and moving the Volvo.  She doesn't drive a stick shift and is nervous about moving the old Volvo.  I'm in the passenger seat filming while a cam is behind the steering wheel to capture her facial expressions (don't worry, I'll get the 'goods' in view better next time! =p ).  The Volvo is hard to start and she stalls it a lot during this 17+ minute video. view more.

Kimberly Heart Pedal Pumping Volvo in Red Peep Toes

Scarlet Has a Surprise for You but the Bug Won’t Start

August 13th, 2012

Scarlet wants to take you somewhere for a surprise.  You follow her out to the old Bug and sit in the passenger seat as she tries getting the old car to start.  She pumps the gas in her Vans sneakers, telling you to be patient about the surprise and her getting the car cranked.  She bounces up and down, trying to coax the car to start but it's not looking too good.  You might have to just wait a bit longer for that surprise.  She does manage to un-flood the car and get it started. view more.

Scarlet Has a Surprise for You but the Bug Won’t Start

Vassanta Aggressive Driving the Monte Carlo – 3 of 3

August 12th, 2012

Vassanta takes you on a fun afternoon drive in the Monte Carlo.  She’s got this sexy tight sweater dress on that goes well with her brown leather gloves and boots, both of which were submitted by a fan!  She’s also wearing some sheer pantyhose that reflect off the bright sun peaking through the trees as she drives the twisty country roads.  She puts the leather boot to pedal, driving as fast as traffic and the roads will allow.  She’s not afraid to punch the gas either.  Not much is said other than a grumble or two about the slow people in front of her.  Not much needs to be said, she’s just out for a drive. view more.

Vassanta Aggressive Driving the Monte Carlo – 3 of 3

Cassandra Cranking VW Bus – #262

August 11th, 2012

Cassandra is late for a meeting at the office and her old VW Bus won't crank!  She's wearing her sexy office-girl outfit with matching high heel pumps but it looks like she got all dressed up for nothing.  She ends up having to call Mr. Peterson to tell him she can't make it in today. view more.

Cassandra Cranking VW Bus – #262

Evian Pedal Pumping the Monte Carlo in Leather Gloves & OTK Boots

August 9th, 2012

Evian is going to take us for a drive in the Monte Carlo wearing some long leather gloves and a pair of leather over-the-knee boots.  She has some trouble getting the Monte Carlo started.  Evian has a very firm and aggressive pumping style which causes her to flood it out a bit and becomes the reason the car won't start.  She drives gripping the steering wheel with both leather clad hands and has this look of a woman who doesn't want to be messed with.  The car stalls on her once (she got lucky! lol) and it doesn't take much to start again but she does drive a bit more aggressive after the stall, to remind the car not to mess with her!   view more.

Evian Pedal Pumping the Monte Carlo in Leather Gloves & OTK Boots

Dirty Diana Cranking & Driving Volvo Barefoot

August 8th, 2012

Diana walks to the car barefoot, gets in and begins the process of starting the Volvo.  It takes her a few minutes to get it started and then she backs up and hits the road.  She drives us around a bit, working the pedals in with her bare feet and legs.  She gets a feel for the old wagon pretty quick and doesn't have much of a problem driving it.  One vehicle down, 7 more to conquer.  >:) view more.

Dirty Diana Cranking & Driving Volvo Barefoot

Aubrey Revving the Coronet – #236

August 7th, 2012

Aubrey starts out playfully revving the Coronet.  She has on a country girl outfit with some bright pink stiletto pumps.  She gets more and more into her revving as the video progresses.  You get to see both her face, body and feet partway into the clip with a picture-in-picture setup.  As we get towards the end of the clip, she's making so much so much heat that the lens starts fogging up!   view more.

Aubrey Revving the Coronet – #236

Tinsley Cranking Blazer in Boots on Hot Day, 2 of 2

August 5th, 2012

Tinsley has to drive the old Blazer on this hot day.  It doesn't have a/c, is a piece of junk and she hates this car.  She's trying her damnest to get it started but it's frustrating her that with each attempt it doesn't start, the battery is getting closer to death.  As long as there is battery juice, she's gonna try but by the end of this clip, she's drained the juice completely and is just getting small gasps from the dead battery. view more.

Tinsley Cranking Blazer in Boots on Hot Day, 2 of 2

Damara Driving Camaro SS in Racergirl Suit – 1 of 2

August 4th, 2012

Damara is cruising in the Camaro SS in a really sexy racer girl costume sent in by a fan of hers.  She's matched a pair of fishnet stockings and some long, vinyl gloves to go with the outfit.  She drives the Camaro in a pair of 4" high heel peep toe pumps as she starts out on the back roads and then ends up on the interstate to try and open the car up a bit. view more.

Damara Driving Camaro SS in Racergirl Suit – 1 of 2

Vanna Cold Cranking the Coronet at Night

August 2nd, 2012

Before Vanna left for the night, I wanted her to try and get the Coronet cranked.  It was cold out, so I figured she wouldn't have much luck.  I set up a big light and was testing out some new cameras I had gotten not long before her shoot.  She tries her best to start this car and you can see the fog from her breath due to the cold.  She's wearing some pantyhose that have designs on them with a short skirt and some leather riding style boots. view more.

Vanna Cold Cranking the Coronet at Night

Scarlet Stuck Barefoot in the Monte Carlo & Pedal Play

August 2nd, 2012

This is the day after Damara got the Monte Carlo stuck in the ditch and while I'm filming Cassandra, Scarlet decides to see if she can get the car unstuck.  She is filming herself and gives it a good try but the car is hopelessly buried!  She films the mess the rear wheels have created and then decides to do some teasing, flooded cranking before finishing the video off with some revving. view more.

Scarlet Stuck Barefoot in the Monte Carlo & Pedal Play

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

July 30th, 2012

Vivian is going to drive around in the Bug barefoot for a bit.  She gets in the car, takes off her shoes and tries starting the Bug…nope, it didn’t start on the first try.  Or second try.  Or even the 6th or!  It takes her a few minutes to the get the car started and you get to watch her petite body bounce as her size 5.5 feet pump that pedal!  She does get it started eventually and heads out on her fun, spirited drive. This second clip is the angle depicted in the image to the left only. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranks & Drives the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

Kas Self-Filmed Trying to Start the Blazer in Vans

July 29th, 2012

We just finished a custom video of her trying to start the Blazer in the garage and the Blazer now won't start so we can move it out of the garage.  I gave her the camera and told her to just film herself while I try to figure out what the problem is.  A short extra clip for the week. view more.

Kas Self-Filmed Trying to Start the Blazer in Vans

Damara & Tiffany Cranking the BMW 2002 in the Rain, 2 of 2


July 29th, 2012

The girls are still battling with the old BMW but they are making progress.  The car is continually coughing and sputtering as Tiffany is aggressively pumping the gas pedal, trying to get much needed fuel into the little engine that maybe-couldn't-sort-of-kinda-could-possibly run.  Their efforts pay off as near the end of the clip, they get the car running and lots of exhaust fumes and white smoke comes out of the centered dual pipes.  Job well done ladies! view more.

Damara & Tiffany Cranking the BMW 2002 in the Rain, 2 of 2

Hana Driving Dodge Ram in Long Skirt & Boots

July 28th, 2012

Hana takes us on a little drive in her big truck!  She has fun with this video, asking you guys if you're enjoying the ride and view.  She takes the back roads with some speed as she works the pedals in a pair of stiletto heeled scrunch boots underneath a long skirt.  I try to keep the camera steady but she's making it difficult and you that wicked grin she gives lets you know she's loving it!   view more.

Hana Driving Dodge Ram in Long Skirt & Boots

Kimberly Heart Cranking Coronet – #260

July 26th, 2012

Kimberly Heart is having some trouble starting her Coronet.  She had to park in the 'overflow' lot at the school campus and there aren't many folks around to help her.  She begs the car to start and even tries calling for some help but no one is home or answering.  Her feet get sore and tired pumping the gas pedal in her high heels.  She slips her shoes off and tries starting it in her nylon clad feet but still, nothing.  She finally calls AAA to come to the rescue. view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking Coronet – #260

Brianna Cranks & Revs Monte Carlo in Leopard Print Pumps

July 24th, 2012

We debut Brianna in the ever-so-temperamental Monte Carlo.  I told her the car talks back and to not be afraid to give it some gas.  She took that to heart as she pumps the gas pedal about half a dozen times or so before she turns the key.  She pumps in a way that gives you foot arch fans something to write home about as her arch pokes out of her sexy leopard print pumps.  She keeps spinning the engine over, working the process and does manage to get it running.  She then does some good warm up revving.  You get a good dose of toe cleavage as well. :)   view more.

Brianna Cranks & Revs Monte Carlo in Leopard Print Pumps

Scarlet Cranking Volvo – #210

July 24th, 2012

It's a chilly morning and Scarlet has to hurry up and get to the office.  Her Volvo is being cranky and not wanting to start.  She desperately pumps the gas pedal, begging the car to start for her.  Her heel raises up from the pair of mules she's wearing during her pumping.  She realizes the car isn't going to start and has to hurry up and find another way to get to work! view more.

Scarlet Cranking Volvo – #210

Paige Erin Turner Cranks Up & Revs the Bus in Knee High Moccasins

July 22nd, 2012

She hops in the bus with these brown colored authentic moccasin boots and begins trying to get this old thing to start.  It's not easy and you can hear the squeaky pedal linkage as she's pumping the gas.  She does get it started eventually and revs it up to clear the motor out. view more.

Paige Erin Turner Cranks Up & Revs the Bus in Knee High Moccasins

Vassanta Aggressive Driving the Monte Carlo – 2 of 3

July 21st, 2012

Vassanta takes you on a fun afternoon drive in the Monte Carlo.  She’s got this sexy tight sweater dress on that goes well with her brown leather gloves and boots, both of which were submitted by a fan!  She’s also wearing some sheer pantyhose that reflect off the bright sun peaking through the trees as she drives the twisty country roads.  She puts the leather boot to pedal, driving as fast as traffic and the roads will allow.  She’s not afraid to punch the gas either.  Not much is said other than a grumble or two about the slow people in front of her.  Not much needs to be said, she’s just out for a drive. view more.

Vassanta Aggressive Driving the Monte Carlo – 2 of 3