Hana Drives & Gets Us Stranded in Arby’s Drive Thru
June 30th, 2012
We're going to make a lunch run with Hana. She's driving the Volvo and it takes her a minute or so to get the Volvo running. Once running, she revs it up methodically and then maneuvers the car from it's parking spot and off we go. She drives the Volvo with ease as once it's running, it's a pretty fun little car to drive. We get to Arby's, hop in the drive-thru line and wait our turn. We're grabbing some grub for Cassandra and her hubby as well, so we don't want to take too long to get back. Hungry folks are awaiting our return with foods! Hana orders, very loudly (I felt sorry for the girl with the headset on), our order and pulls up a bit and waits. The car chugs a few times and she gets a bit concerned so she puts her foot on the gas to bump up the rpm's. She takes her foot off, to see if it's smoothed out and it starts chugging again then conks out. She tries starting it again...nothing. She keeps trying, getting a bit nervous...nothing. She keeps at it, pumping the gas a lot (which Shish tells her not to a few times) and the car doesn't even want to catch. Uh oh! I end up walking to the window to tell the staff at Arby's of our situation and fortunately, there is no one else in the drive thru. Hana keeps trying but we decide it's best to move it out of the way. So I push the car while Hana steers it to a parking spot and she tries starting it some more. Long story short...Cassandra and her hubby had to come get their food anyways and help out an old Volvo who fell and couldn't get up!
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