
Scarlet Revving the Monte Carlo in Leather

June 5th, 2012

Scarlet has on her black leather opera gloves and over-the-knee boots while doing some revving in the Monte Carlo.  It takes her a few tries to get the car started but after that, she never gives it a chance to die again.

Scarlet Revving the Monte Carlo in Leather

Gina Cranking Coronet – #174

June 4th, 2012

Gina just got in when she gets a call that her friend left his jacket and wallet at the park they were spending the day at.  Gina has to head back there to see if she can find it.  She arrives at the park and doesn't see anything on the ground where they were sitting.  She goes to leave and her car doesn't want to start.  She's worried she's going to be stranded there as it's a good little trip for her to get there.  She's pumping the gas in her ballet flats and begging the car to start but as the battery gets weaker her situation is looking more dire. view more.

Gina Cranking Coronet – #174

Rodeo Starts the Volvo for You in Dr. Scholl Sandals

June 1st, 2012

She's ready to go to dinner but you are wanting a before dinner little treat.  You want her to start the Volvo for you but she's reluctant because she's ready to go.  She keeps resisting and you keep persisting until, finally, she agrees to try and start it.  The deal is:  if she starts it, you both go in her car to dinner.  After you agree, she takes the keys and gets behind the wheel.  She turns it over a couple of time, pumping the gas and pulling the choke but it's being stubborn!  The battery that is in the car isn't sounding too good and quickly dies, she looks at you and asks for a little help.  You change the battery and after you're done, she tells you to come back by her so you can see better.  She goes back to cranking this little old car, looking up at you from time to time making sure you're paying attention.  She finally manages to get it started and revs the piss out of it for good measure.  Whether that hard revving was for the car or for you, well, that remains to be determined. view more.

Rodeo Starts the Volvo for You in Dr. Scholl Sandals

Barbie Starting the Cadillac in Pocahontas Outfit, 2 of 2

May 31st, 2012

Barbie came up with this cute-n-sexy little costume as she tries starting the big ole Caddy!  When she sits down, that short skirt reveals her long, tanned legs that are wrapped in a pair of moccasin style boots.  She tries her best to get the old car to start but it fights her every pump along the way.  It does come close to starting many times and she even gets it to run here and there but it never lasts for long.  The battery is getting weak and her time is running out. view more.

Barbie Starting the Cadillac in Pocahontas Outfit, 2 of 2

Reese Road Raging & Gets Stuck in the Mud

May 30th, 2012

Reese gets stuck behind a slow driver while she's in the Dodge Coronet.  She's getting more and more irritated that this lady is just putt-putting around.  Her road rage gets the best of her when she follows the slow driver, who is in an SUV, down a dirt road.  Reese realizes that this isn't worth it, stops and tries to back up but it's too late.  She's stuck in the mud!  She tries her best to get the old car backed up but the road is very soft and she's just flinging mud everywhere.  She spends the rest of this video rocking the car, working her way out inch-by-inch and just when she's almost home free, the car stalls and she kills the battery trying to get it started again! **This is a remastered clip that I've been meaning to update for quite some time.  I originally filmed this clip in 24p, which requires special steps when editing that I wasn't aware of at the time.  While it is large in size, the quality difference from the old clips is substantially improved.  I've deleted the old 3 part series from her pages.** view more.

Reese Road Raging & Gets Stuck in the Mud

RockettGirl Driving the Camaro SS in Flat Boots, 2 of 2

May 30th, 2012

She just wants to take the Camaro and drive…no particular destination in mind, she just wants to drive!!

RockettGirl Driving the Camaro SS in Flat Boots, 2 of 2

Scarlet Driving the Monte in Sneakers (footwell only)

May 29th, 2012

Scarlet is driving back to the house while Tiffany films her.  They have to run and get a pair of shoes that I (Shish) forgot to bring for a custom video...oops.  Scarlet gets back as fast as she can but damn slow country road drivers keep getting in her way! view more.

Scarlet Driving the Monte in Sneakers (footwell only)

Rockell Starbux Cranks & Revs in Leather & Open Toe Heels

May 28th, 2012

Rockell comes out to try and get the Monte Carlo started.  She's wearing some sexy brown leather pants with matching leather gloves and a pair of open toe high heels.  She begs the car to start and she firmly pumps her size 10 foot on the gas.  She gets the car to start and does some revving.  She doesn't get to rev it too long before it stalls out on her and she has to get it started again. view more.

Rockell Starbux Cranks & Revs in Leather & Open Toe Heels

Annette Cranking Volvo in Black OTK Boots

May 26th, 2012

Annette is starting the Volvo while I peek under the hood.  The choke has been acting up and I'm tinkering with it while she puts on a little show.  She does some good begging in this video as she softly pumps the gas pedal.  Two cameras capture her working the key and gas pedal in her sexy boots! view more.

Annette Cranking Volvo in Black OTK Boots

Princess 80′s Jeans Stakeout, 2 of 2

May 25th, 2012

Princess loads her guns back into her bag as her mark has moved on.  She follows him to a shopping center where she once again waits and watches.  When she goes to leave to tail him again, her Cadillac won't start!  She's going to lose him if she can't get her car started.  She pumps the big floor mounted pedal and eventually gets it started and proceeds to pick up the trail again. view more.

Princess 80′s Jeans Stakeout, 2 of 2

Lydia Vaughn Drives You in Hose & Peep Toes

May 24th, 2012

This massive update is of a new model, Lydia Vaughn.  She's wearing an outfit that she knows you'll like and she also brought along a pair of your favorite shoes.  She gets in the car, slips on the stiletto peep-toe high heels and starts the car.  She drives you around and asks you from time to time if you're watching her.  She wants to make sure that her outfit doesn't go unnoticed! :)  She stalls the car in the middle of road when turning around but gets is started again and heads back to the house.  Once she pulls in to the safety of her driveway, she wants to practice starting the car, so she floods it and starts it a few times while you watch. view more.

Lydia Vaughn Drives You in Hose & Peep Toes

Asia Cold Cranking the Bug in Sexy Leggings, 2 of 2

May 23rd, 2012

We're back to Asia and her struggles in the old Bug.  She makes a lot more progress in this clip as the Bug is running for a bit here and there before it stalls out from her heavy pumping foot.  She keeps working it and is finally able to get it running on it's own.  She warms it up with some gentle revving but keeps her leather clad hand near the key in case it dies. view more.

Asia Cold Cranking the Bug in Sexy Leggings, 2 of 2

Damara Slips & Slides & Stalls in the Mud, 2 of 3

May 22nd, 2012

The car just stalled, again as Damara is aggressively working the gas pedal to get the Monte Carlo unstuck!  She eventually slips her way down off the grass and gets on the bottom part of the gravel driveway to make an attempt at a running start.  We talk a second, discussing our strategy and then she goes for it....though, it didn't go as planned! view more.

Damara Slips & Slides & Stalls in the Mud, 2 of 3

Paige Erin Turner Cranking the Volvo Ponytail & Flip Flops

May 21st, 2012

It's a hot summer day and 2 cameras capture Paige trying to start the Volvo.  It's been sitting for a while and it might even be out of gas, not sure really.  She gets in and tries her best to get it started but she gets a whole lot of nothing. view more.

Paige Erin Turner Cranking the Volvo Ponytail & Flip Flops

Candle Revs the VW Bus Hard in Keds

May 20th, 2012

Candle is excited to play in the Bus for the first time.  She gets in, starts it up and begins doing some really hard revving with her bright white Keds shoes on.  She rocks back and forth as her leg pounds the gas pedal.  She even calls up a friend to have her listen to the revving. view more.

Candle Revs the VW Bus Hard in Keds

Kimberly Heart Breaks Down Wearing Moccasin Loafers

May 18th, 2012

Kimberly is driving while you're sitting in the backseat.  She feels something wrong with the car and pulls over to take a look at it.  She pops the hood and looks underneath but doesn't see anything wrong.  She gets back in the car and it won't start.  Cars go whizzing by as her car won't even sputter or cough.  She's getting scared and thinks she's going to have to call someone to come get her. view more.

Kimberly Heart Breaks Down Wearing Moccasin Loafers

Barbie Starting the Cadillac in Pocahontas Outfit, 1 of 2

May 17th, 2012

Barbie came up with this cute-n-sexy little costume as she tries starting the big ole Caddy!  When she sits down, that short skirt reveals her long, tanned legs that are wrapped in a pair of moccasin style boots.  She tries her best to get the old car to start but it fights her every pump along the way.  It does come close to starting many times and she even gets it to run here and there but it never lasts for long.  The battery is getting weak and her time is running out. view more.

Barbie Starting the Cadillac in Pocahontas Outfit, 1 of 2

RockettGirl Driving the Camaro SS in Flat Boots, 1 of 2

May 15th, 2012

She just wants to take the Camaro and particular destination in mind, she just wants to drive!!

RockettGirl Driving the Camaro SS in Flat Boots, 1 of 2

Cassandra Moving the Volvo – #253

May 14th, 2012

Cassandra wants to practice her stick shift driving in the Volvo.  She's rusty and figures a good way to get some seat-time is to move it from one spot to the next.  It doesn't take much to get it started and she begins fumbling for reverse to back it out of the spot it's currently in.  She stalls the car a LOT and sometimes, it takes a few tries to get it running again.  She has muscle the steering wheel a lot as well due to the tight spot the car is in.  She even does the heel-to-toe method to keep the car from stalling sometimes.  She does manage to get clear and reverses across the yard's all-go or all-whoa with her, not much middle ground! Lol!  She almost gets stuck near the end when getting the car to it's new spot. view more.

Cassandra Moving the Volvo – #253

Hana Brake Failure – #217

May 12th, 2012

Hana is driving the VW Bus aggressively on the back-roads but finds herself in a situation when her brakes get too hot and go out!  She starts to panic as she pumps the brake pedal to try and get the old Bus to stop!  Nothing is working and her fear is mounting... view more.

Hana Brake Failure – #217

Madalynne Raye Tries Starting the Coronet in Pink Boots

May 12th, 2012

Madalynne heads to the Coronet to try and get it running.  She has on some sexy pink boots that show up well against the black carpet floorboard.  She pumps the gas, turning the key to try and get it started.  She gets the car to sputter and run shortly at times but then it keeps loading up and stalling. view more.

Madalynne Raye Tries Starting the Coronet in Pink Boots

Pepper Revving VW Bus Barefoot on Cold Day

May 11th, 2012

She braves the cold and does some barefoot revving in the VW Bus for you guys.  You can see her pretty red toenail polish as well as the toe ring she's wearing.  She's bundled up but the cold metal of the gas pedal is freezing!  She stomps the pedal to the floor, trying to warm the Bus (and you) up.  :) view more.

Pepper Revving VW Bus Barefoot on Cold Day

Scarlet Heads to the Campus in the Monte Carlo, 2 of 2

May 10th, 2012

Scarlet is running some errands today in the Monte Carlo.  She's on her way to her next stop and it's the school campus to turn in some books.  The campus is buzzing with foot and vehicle traffic.  She finds a spot to park and heads inside.  When she returns to the car, it gives her a fit!  She works the gas, trying to balance between giving the engine enough gas to start and not too much to flood it out.  She manages the right amount of fuel, eventually, and is on her way again.  She gets a good scare when she's playing with the gas pedal and stalls the car out at big red light.  Oops!  No gimmick intended, it takes her a few tries to get it started again and you can see the panic if her face and hear the stress in her voice for those few short moments.  You see the light turn green, the traffic moving off and she's about to tell the person behind her to go around but she gets it started at that moment and floors the gas to get out of the way!  We continue the drive home with no more incidents as she's putting the pedal down to end her stress filled day of errands. view more.

Scarlet Heads to the Campus in the Monte Carlo, 2 of 2

Kimberly Heart Cranking – #216

May 9th, 2012

Kimberly Heart has to hurry up and leave but the Monte Carlo is blocking her car.  She hops in the Monte to move it but it won't start!  She desperately cranks the car and manages to get it going, finally!  She moves it out of the way and now finds her car, the Blazer, won't start either... view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking – #216

Jess a Bit Rusty Driving a Stick Shift

May 8th, 2012

It's been a while since Jess has driven a stick shift car but no worries, I'm confident she has it all under control.  The Bug hasn't been driven in a while, you can tell that by how weak the battery is when she starts it.  No problem, this drive will be good for the car then!  So we hit the road and she gets reacquainted with how to drive this little car.  It's a bit rough at times but we just laugh it off.  On the way back from our little trip, I have her stop to get gas.  She pulls up to the pump and stalls the car accidentally because it's still in gear when she took her foot off the clutch.  Oops!  Fortunately no one was in front of us. lol  But the problem we now find is that the weak battery shows it's ugly face again and it's dead as a doornail this time.  The video ends with just the foot cam as we discuss our few options.  I think she should walk to the house in her high heels to fetch another battery, don't you?  :p view more.

Jess a Bit Rusty Driving a Stick Shift

Vassanta Cranks & Revs in Brown Pumps & Pantyhose

May 7th, 2012

Vassanta is normally really aggressive in her pumping but she starts out a bit more mild, hoping she can gently coax the old Volvo to start.  She's patient with it...for a while but it doesn't take too long for her to slip into her aggressive, firm pumping to get these old cars to submit.  When she does get it started, she does some aggressive revving that almost acts like a calming mechanism for her. view more.

Vassanta Cranks & Revs in Brown Pumps & Pantyhose

Aubrey Cranking & Smoking – #230

May 4th, 2012

Aubrey has to get to work but her car won't start!  She smokes a cigarette to calm her nerves and even pops the hood to see if she tell what is wrong with it.  Frustrated, she keeps trying but she eventually has to call for a ride to work. view more.

Aubrey Cranking & Smoking – #230

Princess 80’s Jeans Stakeout, 1 of 2

May 4th, 2012

Princess is doing some recon on a subject and does a small stakeout a few locations.  She is just driving in this first clip in her 80's Jordache jeans and black leather stiletto pumps.

Princess 80’s Jeans Stakeout, 1 of 2

Damara Slips & Slides & Stalls in the Mud, 1 of 3

May 3rd, 2012

So, here's the back-story to this clip: "One time, in a galaxy far far...." --oops, not quite. *ahem* "Once upon a time, this princess..." --dammit! Ok ok, for Damara has on this particular outfit for a cranking custom video we are to do in the Monte Carlo.  It was raining that whole day and made filming our customs slow.  What you don't see is that Scarlet & Tiffany are in the Volvo if you glimpse out the drivers door window in the beginning of this clip.  They were waiting for Damara and I to leave so they could finish their custom video.  Because we had been using different cars, Damara had to drive around this little 'loop' part of the driveway at our friend's house.  There is an electrical box near this path and I have to tell Damara to be careful.  She is maneuvering the Monte and we're talking...well, more like me instructing her what part to avoid.  You can hear me tell her to stop before she runs over something she isn't.  She finally sees the path but she wasn't paying attention as she was backing up...too busy looking forward.  When she puts it in 'Drive', she just feels the wheels slip in the muck and the back end gets a bit floaty.  Needless to say, this begins the stuck dilemma that couldn't of come at a worse time.  The clock is ticking, a custom needs to be done in that car at a specific location and happenstance has Damara stuck (again) in the same boots she wore in her past stuck custom video.  Not planned at all! Enjoy the first part of this three part series of Damara showing you what it's like and how girls REALLY act when they get stuck for real. view more.

Damara Slips & Slides & Stalls in the Mud, 1 of 3

Hana Driving Coronet in Uggs & Tall Socks

May 3rd, 2012

Scarlet and Hana are heading to Kohl's for a little shopping trip.  They're taking the Coronet and Hana is going to drive.  It takes a minute to get the cold Coronet running and warmed up enough to go.  Once they get going, it's hard for Hana to see through the frosted and fogged up front windshield. view more.

Hana Driving Coronet in Uggs & Tall Socks

Asia Cold Cranking the Bug in Sexy Leggings, 1 of 2

May 2nd, 2012

Asia has on these super sexy leggings that show off all of her assets!  She also has on these sexy peep toe booties and a pair of leather gloves as she really gets into this video of trying to get the VW Bug to crank.  She gets it to sputter a few times but is unable to get it started. view more.

Asia Cold Cranking the Bug in Sexy Leggings, 1 of 2

Paige Erin Turner Revving the Camaro SS in a Bikini, 2 of 2

April 30th, 2012

It’s a sunny & warm day…a nice day to pull out the Camaro, wash it off and have a hot girl get in and rev it up!  The car isn’t driven much so it needs to periodically be started and ran to keep moisture from doing things to it that it shouldn’t do.  Five different camera angles capture Paige having a good time in the hotrod! view more.

Paige Erin Turner Revving the Camaro SS in a Bikini, 2 of 2