
Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 3 of 5

March 15th, 2012

This is a long driving series of Kristen cruising in Shish’s 2001 Camaro SS.  She is driving mostly through town with some stretches of backwoods country roads.  We talk a little bit and even stop to get some grub.  This series goes back and forth from the footwell angle to her upper body. view more.

Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 3 of 5

Evian has Volvo Trouble & Late for Work

March 12th, 2012

It's a nasty enough morning already and the Volvo is only making it worse.  The cold, damp air has made her distributor less than functional.  She keeps spinning over the motor, pumping the gas in hopes it'll catch but the Volvo is refusing to give her anything.  Well, actually it is giving her something...more headaches!  As she's pumping the gas pedal with her size 10.5 foot, the gas pedal decides to break off.  I guess she was getting a bit more distraught than she realized.  She has to keep fixing the pedal with her feet and it makes for more aggravation than anything.  Fortunately, the planets align in her favor and the car sputters, coughs and catches!  She feathers the gas to smooth it out and it stays running.  She does some more revving for good measure and then can finally set on her way! view more.

Evian has Volvo Trouble & Late for Work

Vanna Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Cuffed Boots, 1 of 2

March 12th, 2012

This is Vanna's very first video with us.  She grew up around old cars and I thought she was a prime candidate for pedal pumping.  I noticed she was a bit unsure during parts of the cranking portions and after the video, I asked her what was different about the Coronet.  She said, "Because it won't start!"  The old cars she was used to were nice cars that started with ease.  So we got to show her the old-n-clunker style of old cars. :) She does get the Coronet started and we go for a drive.  She puts her boot down and handles the old car pretty well. :) view more.

Vanna Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Cuffed Boots, 1 of 2

Kas Driving the Bug in Heels & Barefoot

March 11th, 2012

We just stopped for gas, she stopped for a Yoohoo!  Now that we're set, we take off for a drive on a beautiful day!  She works the pedals in her high heel pumps, multi-tasking like a champ.  Later on, she slips the shoes off and drives barefoot the rest of the way.  We talk a little bit as we try to get around the traffic. view more.

Kas Driving the Bug in Heels & Barefoot

Aubrey Cranking Coronet – #229

March 10th, 2012

Aubrey needs some help starting the car, which she's sure you won't mind offering it.  She cranks the old Coronet, pumping the gas and keeps asking you what she should do.  Should she pump it slower?  Faster?  She teases you with her short dress, tall boots and dark pantyhose you love so much! Be sure to check out her own site, for more videos of just her!! view more.

Aubrey Cranking Coronet – #229

Kimberly Heart Revving Bus – #215

March 10th, 2012

Wearing a pair of platform flip flops and some shorts, Kimberly Heart hops in the bus to give it some torture!  It takes her a minute to get it started and once it's running, she proceeds to rev the piss out of it!  She isn't afraid to hold the pedal to the floor and let the engine scream!  She takes her flip flops off after a while and continues to serve the Bus a plate full of domination under her bare feet! view more.

Kimberly Heart Revving Bus – #215

Jess Cranks & Revs the Volvo in Ballet Flats

March 8th, 2012

Jess is trying to get the Volvo running in her itty bitty pleated skirt and black ballet flats.  The battery was dead from the car sitting so long, so we popped a fresh one in and put the charger on it as well to make sure it had enough juice.  It takes about a good 6 minutes to get it running and then she revs it up a bit. view more.

Jess Cranks & Revs the Volvo in Ballet Flats

Hana Cranking Coronet in Muddy Riding Boots

March 7th, 2012

Hana was in the area after riding some horses and I told her to come on by for some filming.  She shows up in her muddy riding outfit and I thought it would be great to get her to start and drive the Coronet in that outfit.  We both were hungry, so we decide to make a food run...except the Coronet doesn't really agree. If you like dirty boots and cranky cars, you'll dig this clip! :) view more.

Hana Cranking Coronet in Muddy Riding Boots

Tiffany Cranking the Monte Carlo – #243

March 7th, 2012

Tiffany is following someone and it's lead her to this parking lot.  She sees her subject disappear around a corner and pursues on foot.  Not having any luck finding her target, she heads back to her car unaware that she is now the hunted.  When Tiffany realizes her car won't start, she begins to get nervous.  If only she knew her car was disabled to put her at a disadvantage... view more.

Tiffany Cranking the Monte Carlo – #243

Damara Brake Failure in the Bus – #218

March 7th, 2012

Damara is driving through the countryside in her VW Bus.  She's speeding along the backroads, winding out the gears and handling the bus like a pro.  She's hard on the brakes and on this particular trip, the brakes had more than they could handle.  She ends up overheating the old, worn out brake components and can't stop the Bus!  She pumps the brake pedal, screaming for the car to stop but nothing is working! view more.

Damara Brake Failure in the Bus – #218

Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 2 of 5

March 3rd, 2012

This is a long driving series of Kristen cruising in Shish’s 2001 Camaro SS.  She is driving mostly through town with some stretches of backwoods country roads.  We talk a little bit and even stop to get some grub.  This series goes back and forth from the footwell angle to her upper body. view more.

Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 2 of 5

Asia Cranks & Tries Moving the Volvo in Thigh High Boots

March 2nd, 2012

Asia has her hands full and feet in full swing during this clip.  She has to battle with starting the Volvo and keeping it running while trying to back it up out of it's parking spot.  The ground is a bit damp and covered in pine straw, so it's pretty slick and makes the wheels spin, giving that nice reversing whine sound.  She has to talk to herself to keep her composure as the car stalls often.  This girl can work a stick nicely but can she finesse it enough to get keep the Volvo running long enough to get it unstuck? view more.

Asia Cranks & Tries Moving the Volvo in Thigh High Boots

Scarlet Cranking VW Bus – #206

March 1st, 2012

The VW Bus dies on Scarlet and she pulls off the road to get it started again.  It turns over but won't start and she really doesn't have the best shoes on to begin walking to a gas station.  Since she can't get a hold of anyone on the phone, she could always flag someone down passing by.  Fortunately, someone she knows sees her car broken down and offers to give her a ride. view more.

Scarlet Cranking VW Bus – #206

Tinsley Driving Coronet in Business Suit, Sheer Hose & Pumps

February 29th, 2012

This is a driving clip that was filmed before and after a custom video.  First, she's driving to the shoot location with her black patent pumps on and when we get done with the custom, she drives back in her nylon clad bare feet.  Shish tries getting her to do a peel out in the old-n-slow Coronet but it doesn't do much.  lol! view more.

Tinsley Driving Coronet in Business Suit, Sheer Hose & Pumps

Reese Flooded Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 3

February 27th, 2012

Part 2 of this series shows Reese making some progress.  She is getting the Bug to sputter and she thinks the closer she gets, more she needs to pump until she realizes that holding it to the floor is when the magic starts. :)  She finally gets it running at the end of this clip and does some mild revving to clear out the severely flooded cylinders. view more.

Reese Flooded Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 3

Miley Cranking the Snow Covered Caddy in Sneakers

February 26th, 2012

Miley talks to you while she tries getting the snow-covered Cadillac.  She doesn't want you making fun of her if she doesn't get it started and you can tell she's a little embarrassed that the car just cranks over without starting.  It turns over and sputters sometimes but it refuses to start. view more.

Miley Cranking the Snow Covered Caddy in Sneakers

SugarSweet Revving VW Bus Barefoot

February 25th, 2012

SugarSweet hops in the old Bus and makes the motor sing various tunes.  She starts out slow and easy but then picks up the pace towards the end.  Some close up feet shots and exhaust shots round out this video for your barefoot revving fans out there. :) view more.

SugarSweet Revving VW Bus Barefoot

Daredevil Moving the Volvo in Peep Toe Stilettos

February 24th, 2012

I had debated on not making this into a clip due to the talking back and forth between Daredevil and I.  I'm glad I did as it's got some good moments of her trying to move the car when it keeps stalling out on her.  She's very rusty at a stick shift as she tries to navigate the old Volvo through my yard to turn it around. view more.

Daredevil Moving the Volvo in Peep Toe Stilettos

Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 1 of 5

February 23rd, 2012

This is a long driving series of Kristen cruising in Shish's 2001 Camaro SS.  She is driving mostly through town with some stretches of backwoods country roads.  We talk a little bit and even stop to get some grub.  This series goes back and forth from the footwell angle to her upper body. view more.

Kristen Driving the SS in Wedge Peep Toes & Barefoot, 1 of 5

Petra Stuck & Stalling in the VW Bug, 1 of 2

February 21st, 2012

So Petra also has to deal with the Bug in the same spot that Hana originally got it stuck on a snowy day and Tinsley eventually got it out.  The ground hasn't dried completely and when Petra finally tries to start moving, it doesn't take long or much effort to have her wheels spinning.  She first has to battle for a few minutes to get the car started and then has to get situated with the Bug's stick shift. view more.

Petra Stuck & Stalling in the VW Bug, 1 of 2

Madalynn Raye Cranking the Bus & Coronet

February 19th, 2012

Madalynn doesn't get much love from the VW Bus.  She manages to get it to turn over a bit but then it doesn't do anything.  So she tries to start the Coronet instead.  It starts up pretty quick but she doesn't keep the rpm's up and it stalls out.  It gets close to starting again but if I had smell-o-vision, your nostrils would be burning from the gas in the is floooooded! view more.

Madalynn Raye Cranking the Bus & Coronet

Aubrey Starts & Revs the Volvo in Peep Toes & Bare Feet

February 18th, 2012

Aubrey hops in the Volvo and takes a bit to get it started.  She pumps for a while in her red peep toe stiletto shoes but figures she might have better luck with her bare feet.  She takes them off, starts pumping and sure enough, the Volvo starts!  She revs it for a moment to make sure it's good and cleared. view more.

Aubrey Starts & Revs the Volvo in Peep Toes & Bare Feet

Mandie Driving Coronet in Leather Jacket & Boots, 1 of 2

February 18th, 2012

This is an older clip of Mandie driving the Coronet during one of her bitchy moods.  She doesn't want people to drive like idiots in front of her and you get to here some of her rants as she is driving these backwoods country roads.  She smacking on some gum and blowing bubbles while trying to drive as fast as she can. view more.

Mandie Driving Coronet in Leather Jacket & Boots, 1 of 2

Star Cranks & Revs in Leopard Tights

February 17th, 2012

Star needs to get to her doctor for a checkup.  She's due in a few weeks and wants to make sure everything still checks out properly with her pregnancy.  She gets in the Monte Carlo, gets adjusted and starts going through the process of getting it started.  It takes a while to get started and once running, she revs it up for a few minutes to make sure it's good for the drive to the clinic. view more.

Star Cranks & Revs in Leopard Tights

Reese Flooded Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots, 1 of 3

February 15th, 2012

This first clip is of Reese trying really hard to start the VW Bug.  I told her she had to pump it a lot to get it started but I had no idea she was going to flood it as bad as she did.  The angle that shows the exhaust, you can see the raw gas puddle that is dripping out of the exhaust.  I had thought about telling her to ease up but she was in her own little world and I didn't want to interrupt. :) view more.

Reese Flooded Cranking the Bug in Cowgirl Boots, 1 of 3

Scarlet Test Driving the Volvo in OTK Boots

February 12th, 2012

So we just had the brakes on the Volvo tweaked and Scarlet is taking it for a test drive.  This is the first time the Volvo has been driven in quite some time (before the recent Barbie driving clip).  It seems to drive okay and fortunately, it stops okay too.  Scarlet drives down some roads near the house so that if something does happen, we're not too far way. view more.

Scarlet Test Driving the Volvo in OTK Boots

Hana Revving Monte Carlo – #239

February 11th, 2012

Hana is revving the Monte Carlo at a somewhat empty corner of a parking lot.  She starts out revving in her sneakers with knee high socks over leggings but then removes the sneakers to rev in just her socks.  Some aggressive, mischievous revving from the awesome Hana! view more.

Hana Revving Monte Carlo – #239

Pepper Driving the Mustang Barefoot

February 11th, 2012

Scarlet is riding along with Pepper as she runs her errands on this rainy day.  Pepper is driving barefoot on this rainy day but does find a few times to get on the gas pedal.  She is wearing a toe ring on one of her toes.

Pepper Driving the Mustang Barefoot

Addison Raine & Rockell Starbux Pump Up the VW Bug


February 11th, 2012

Addison & Rockell head to the old VW Bug to see if they have any luck getting it started.  Addison isn't able to get it started so they swap places and Rockell gives it a try.  Rockell doesn't have any luck either and so the girls swap again.  Addison finally gets the Bug to start and proceeds to rev the hell out of it. view more.

Addison Raine & Rockell Starbux Pump Up the VW Bug

Princess Battles with the Volvo in Pumps

February 8th, 2012

Princess is in a tight spot in the Volvo.  She has to battle with it to get it started, to keep it running and to keep it from rolling back or lurching forward into the cars parked all around it.  Lots of footwork on the pedals and dialogue from Princess (and the Volvo, lol)! view more.

Princess Battles with the Volvo in Pumps

Barbie Vintage Pedal Pumping in the Coronet, 2 of 2

February 5th, 2012

Throwing in another little retro flair here at PTP.  Barbie is sporting some vintage attire that was submitted by various fans of hers.  First, she’s wearing some authentic 80′s Jordache jeans paired with some sexy vintage over-the-knee boots. She finally gets out of the driveway and hits the road for a short, casual drive. view more.

Barbie Vintage Pedal Pumping in the Coronet, 2 of 2

Layna Britain Very Flooded Cranking the Bug in Flats

February 4th, 2012

These flats were sent in by a fan and Layna does some great flooded cranking in the VW Bug.  She gets it to sputter, cough and chug a lot but her constant pumping just ends up flooding the motor before it can clear itself out.

Layna Britain Very Flooded Cranking the Bug in Flats