
Barbie Cranks, Revs & Stalls the Volvo in Cheerleading Outfit

August 13th, 2011

Barbie is cutting it close to make it to the stadium on time.  She's captain of her squad and can't be late.  She gets in the Volvo, starts it up and every time she tries to move it, it keeps stalling on her.  She tries revving it up to warm the engine up but that makes matters worse. view more.

Barbie Cranks, Revs & Stalls the Volvo in Cheerleading Outfit

Scarlet Cranks & Drives the VW Bus in Boots – 2 of 2

August 12th, 2011

Scarlet hops in the bus to fire it up and take it for a drive.  It hasn't been moved in a bit, so it takes some work to get it running.  After that, she opens it up on the road.

Scarlet Cranks & Drives the VW Bus in Boots – 2 of 2

Tinsley Fresh Pedicure Cranking – #124

August 9th, 2011

Tinsley just got done doing her toenails when she has to hurry up and get something from town.  She keeps the cotton between her toes as she walks to the Coronet, gets in and tries to get it started.  She is pumping the gas with the cotton still between her toes and after a while, she removes the cotton since her toes are dry enough now. view more.

Tinsley Fresh Pedicure Cranking – #124

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Cranking Tease – 2 of 2

August 7th, 2011

Kimberly wants to give you a night that's all about you!  She's dressed to kill and leads you to the VW Bus for a show.  Too bad the Bus has a dead battery.  We move to the Volvo and she gets behind the wheel and tries to start it while you watch.  With the mood right, she follows your lead... view more.

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Cranking Tease – 2 of 2

Reese Drives & Revs the Coronet, 1 of 2

August 6th, 2011

Reese takes you for a short drive in the Coronet to an empty parking lot where she can rev the car up for you.  She starts out by wearing these tan moccasin flats but slides them off to do some good, toe-splitting revving!  Once she has given you your revving dose, she drives you back home. view more.

Reese Drives & Revs the Coronet, 1 of 2

Getting Diva to Pump the Bug

August 5th, 2011

Have you ever tried getting your girlfriend or female friend to pedal pump for you?  If you're a cranking fan, this video might be something like what you've done.  Mention that you need some help figuring out what is wrong with your car.  Instruct her what to do and then proceed like you're investigating when you're really just staring there, transfixed on what is taking place right before your eyes.  This video is my casual attempt at recreating those moments where your heart is racing, your blood is flowing and a beautiful girl is doing what you want her to do. view more.

Getting Diva to Pump the Bug

Mandie Can’t Stop the Coronet – #154

August 3rd, 2011

The Coronet's brakes have gone out while Mandie is driving.  She freaks out, trying to figure out what to do.  She eventually brings the big car to a stop and discovers that someone probably cut her brake line. view more.

Mandie Can’t Stop the Coronet – #154

Paige Erin Turner Cranks the Coronet & Takes Off, 1 of 2

August 1st, 2011

Paige Erin Turner is dress in some super sexy and super tight Miss Sixty red leather pants.  She's ready to go out tonight and have some fun.  She slides behind the wheel of the Coronet and begins the process of getting it started.  It takes a bit as the car hasn't been started all day.  It keeps stalling on her but she manages to get it running and off she goes.  Not far from home, the car conks out and takes a minute to get going again.  Frustrated at her ordeal, she heads back home.  view more.

Paige Erin Turner Cranks the Coronet & Takes Off, 1 of 2

Vanna Stuck in the Blazer Boots & Barefoot, 4 of 4

July 30th, 2011

Let me tell you, Vanna isn't afraid to jump in with both feet.  When she showed up, I was showing her the various cars and whatnot.  I told her the Blazer was a vehicle we wouldn't mess with because it's been having a hard time starting and that she wouldn't be able to back it out of where it's at.  She told me to let her have a crack at it, so, I turned her loose! :) view more.

Vanna Stuck in the Blazer Boots & Barefoot, 4 of 4

Kandie Trying to Start the Volvo

July 29th, 2011

Kandie gets in the Volvo to get it started up and moved but it's been sitting so long that it doesn't want to start.  She keeps at it, working the situation by giving it gas and trying not to flood it. view more.

Kandie Trying to Start the Volvo

Vintage Barbie Driving the 1961 Cadillac, 2 of 3

July 29th, 2011

Barbie is dressed in a cute vintage outfit complete with pantyhose.  She takes the 61 Caddy for a cruise on this beautiful spring day.

Vintage Barbie Driving the 1961 Cadillac, 2 of 3

Scarlet Cranks & Drives the VW Bus in Boots – 1 of 2

July 27th, 2011

Scarlet hops in the bus to fire it up and take it for a drive.  It hasn't been moved in a bit, so it takes some work to get it running.  After that, she opens it up on the road.

Scarlet Cranks & Drives the VW Bus in Boots – 1 of 2

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Cranking Tease – 1 of 2

July 24th, 2011

Kimberly wants to give you a night that’s all about you!  She’s dressed to kill and leads you to the VW Bus for a show.  Too bad the Bus has a dead battery.  We move to the Volvo and she gets behind the wheel and tries to start it while you watch.  With the mood right, she follows your lead… view more.

Kimberly Heart Night Vision Cranking Tease – 1 of 2

Princess Showing the Coronet to Buyer – #162, 1 of 2

July 23rd, 2011

Princess has to show the Coronet to a guy who might want to buy it.  She comes out in some tight leggins, a hoddie and some Vans slip on shoes.  She goes over some details of the car and gets in to cold start it.  It takes a bit to warm up but they are finally on their way.  During the test drive, she hears something odd with the car and pulls over to check it out.  The Coronet dies in the parking lot and with a weak battery, she tries getting it restarted.  view more.

Princess Showing the Coronet to Buyer – #162, 1 of 2

Brandizzle Stalled & Stuck Late for Work, 2 of 2

July 22nd, 2011

Brandizzle is dressed for a big day at the office but finds herself struggling with her old cars.  She tries to get the Coronet cranked and running but it's proving unsuccessful.  She gets out of the Coronet and tries to take the Volvo but has starting issues with it as well.  She does manage to get ti running but now she's stuck in the dirt. view more.

Brandizzle Stalled & Stuck Late for Work, 2 of 2

Mandie Stranded at the Office – #179

July 21st, 2011

Mandie is done with a long day at work but things just took a turn for the worst when her old car won't crank.  She keeps trying to get her little VW to start but it just won't catch.  She tries to phone for help but no luck.  She checks under the hood and sees her distributor cap is fried.  She calls the parts store to see if they have another one so she can fix her car after she gets a ride. view more.

Mandie Stranded at the Office – #179

Daredevil Battles the Flooded Caddy with Boots & Pigtails, 2 of 2

July 17th, 2011

Daredevil is sporting some cute pigtails and soft leather boots with jeans.  She cranks the Caddy but is unable to get it started.

Daredevil Battles the Flooded Caddy with Boots & Pigtails, 2 of 2

Hana Cruising in the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

July 17th, 2011

Hana hops in the bug and takes us on a spirited drive through the country.  She slips off her ankle boots after a few minutes and drives the rest of the way barefoot.

Hana Cruising in the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

Gia Nova Early Morning Bus Cranking, 2 of 2

July 17th, 2011

It's early in the morning and Gia Nova has to get her make-shift school bus warmed up and ready to pick up the kids on her route.  She has her neighbor's kid in the bus already as she start cranking it.  The bus is hard to start and requires our sexy teacher to pump and beg the old bus to start.  The kid is getting anxious but she reassures him that everything will be fine.  Once she gets it running, she revs it to clear it out and warm it up. view more.

Gia Nova Early Morning Bus Cranking, 2 of 2

Nyxon in the Mud with the Coronet, 2 of 2

July 14th, 2011

I set up some cameras in the Coronet and Nyxon is going to drive it to the gas station because it's almost out of gas.  It had rained here a few days prior and I parked the Coronet in that sweet stuck spot.  I had already moved the other cars and told her to get it on the driveway.  It took a bit to get it started and once she got it running, she quickly found herself stuck.  This lady doesn't give up easily and we see her trying hard to get the Coronet unstuck.  With rubber burning and smoke flying, she manages to get it out.  We then get some gas. :) view more.

Nyxon in the Mud with the Coronet, 2 of 2

Rockett Girl Cranking Volvo Carpooling Mom

July 10th, 2011

Ever wanted to relive those days of having the hot mom carpooling the kids to school in her old clunker?  In this video, just imagine you're the first kid on the block that gets to watch her, all by yourself, try to get the old Volvo of hers started.  She keeps you calm by reassuring you it'll be okay but you still get nervous and anxious.  She has to keep getting on to you so she can focus on getting the car cranked and to not flood it too badly.  You keep distracting her so the show will go on longer...and longer...till you get trouble. view more.

Rockett Girl Cranking Volvo Carpooling Mom

Gina Cranking & Revving the Bus, 1 of 2

July 10th, 2011

Gina gets her first go in the VW Bus.  She's wearing some tight riding pants and sexy boots when she goes to cranking it.  It doesn't want to start so she keeps gently pumping the pedal, patiently waiting for it to crank.  She gets it to sputter to life and the proceeds to do some revving.  It stalls during her revving from time to time but she gives it some gas, turns the key and gets it started again.  She takes her boots off for some barefoot revving and cranking as well. view more.

Gina Cranking & Revving the Bus, 1 of 2

Hana Cruising in the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

July 8th, 2011

Hana hops in the bug and takes us on a spirited drive through the country.  She slips off her ankle boots after a few minutes and drives the rest of the way barefoot.

Hana Cruising in the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

Scarlet Driving the Volvo Overheating Brakes

July 8th, 2011

So the brakes on the Volvo were completely redone and we go to do a test drive.  Things were fine until I started smelling hot brake dust.  We were a couple of miles from home and had to turn around so we could get them checked again.  The trip back was slow going because a caliper was sticking and heating up, causing more pressure on that brake rotor and wanting to slow the car down.  Scarlet literally had to keep the pedal floored the last mile or so just to keep the car going at ~20mph.  Once we pulled in, the brakes caught fire.  So yeah, back to the shop.  ;) view more.

Scarlet Driving the Volvo Overheating Brakes

Daredevil Battles the Flooded Caddy with Boots & Pigtails, 1 of 2

July 7th, 2011

Daredevil is sporting some cute pigtails and soft leather boots with jeans.  She cranks the Caddy but is unable to get it started.

Daredevil Battles the Flooded Caddy with Boots & Pigtails, 1 of 2

Reese Cranking, Stalling & Revving the Coronet

July 3rd, 2011

Reese has to back out of my narrow, twisty driveway to get to the main road.  Got cars parked everywhere, so she has to be careful.  To make matters more difficult, the Coronet keeps stalling on her, it's almost out of gas!  She revs it when she gets it started each time and continues her backwards navigation. view more.

Reese Cranking, Stalling & Revving the Coronet

Vanna Stuck in the Blazer Boots & Barefoot, 3 of 4

July 3rd, 2011

Let me tell you, Vanna isn't afraid to jump in with both feet.  When she showed up, I was showing her the various cars and whatnot.  I told her the Blazer was a vehicle we wouldn't mess with because it's been having a hard time starting and that she wouldn't be able to back it out of where it's at.  She told me to let her have a crack at it, so, I turned her loose! :) view more.

Vanna Stuck in the Blazer Boots & Barefoot, 3 of 4

Princess Bus Cruising Red Pumps, 4 of 4

July 2nd, 2011

Princess is going for a cruise in the VW Bus to put some more miles on the motor to break it in.  She drives up and down my street because I haven't gotten it registered just yet.  This girl knows how to drive a stick shift, so you get to watch her work the gears and pedals like a champ.  I like this first clips' angle as it's not one you see very often and you get a good look at her working the pedals and where she's driving. view more.

Princess Bus Cruising Red Pumps, 4 of 4

Veronica Flooding the Volvo on a Hot Summer Day

July 2nd, 2011

It's so hot and muggy out.  Veronica and I are sweating like crazy but she still lets me try to teach her how to drive a stick shift. :)

Veronica Flooding the Volvo on a Hot Summer Day

Barbie Cold Starts & Drives the Coronet in Brown Vans

July 2nd, 2011

It's first thing in the morning, it's cold and Barbie gets in the Coronet to go through the process of pumping the gas and turning the engine over to get the car to start.  It takes her a bit to get it running.  Once running, she lightly revs up to get the motor warmed and we hit the road.  She drives around working the gas and brake pedal in her Vans sneakers. view more.

Barbie Cold Starts & Drives the Coronet in Brown Vans

Nyxon in the Mud with the Coronet, 1 of 2

July 1st, 2011

I set up some cameras in the Coronet and Nyxon is going to drive it to the gas station because it’s almost out of gas.  It had rained here a few days prior and I parked the Coronet in that sweet stuck spot.  I had already moved the other cars and told her to get it on the driveway.  It took a bit to get it started and once she got it running, she quickly found herself stuck.  This lady doesn’t give up easily and we see her trying hard to get the Coronet unstuck.  With rubber burning and smoke flying, she manages to get it out.  We then get some gas. :) view more.

Nyxon in the Mud with the Coronet, 1 of 2

Miley & Riley Cranking the Big Caddy


July 1st, 2011

Miley & Riley are wearing short skirts and some sexy high heels as they try to get the old Caddy started.  Riley tries her luck first but doesn't get anywhere with it.  Miley slides over and tries it but still, nothing!  The swap again and no matter who is cranking the engine or pumping the gas, it just won't start! view more.

Miley & Riley Cranking the Big Caddy