
Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 5 of 5

November 19th, 2023

This is a fun series of clips where Vivian takes the old Bus to the shop and politely asks, with the help of her 'girls', to play in the field they have. They oblige and she heads over to do some peeling out on gravel, hard reversing and muddin' in the hopes of getting stuck. This last clip continues the action...revving, cranking, flooring, flinging mud, bouncing, stalling, hard braking and all those things. If you've watched the previous clips in this series, you know what to expect. Inside: picture-in-picture views and passenger side. Outside: views of Vivian ripping it up! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 5 of 5

Damara Coronet Cranking & Driving Brown Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 2

November 16th, 2023

"Come awwn, grandmaw!!" I tell her, thinking she's driving slower than what she is capable of. She gets on it in response to my insult. "I'm trying not to flip this land sled..." she replies. Now she's getting on it a lot more and starting to scare me now. I guess I shouldn't have called her a grandma. Lots of back-and-forth from the gas to the brake pedal during this hard driving session. The brake pedal goes way to the floor when she gets on those brakes hard, almost looks like the car has no brakes with how far down they're going. She brings the land barge to a stop at a stop sign and the car quietly stalls out. She starts cranking the car over to get it started but it's flooded bad and overheating some as there is smoke coming from under the hood. She's pumping the gas pedal fast and getting a bit too anxious to get the car started and grinding the starter. Gotta remind her to not go crazy and permanently strand us there. She keeps trying until the car fires up and she revs it hard and fast before dropping into gear and taking off again. view more.

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Damara Coronet Cranking & Driving Brown Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the Camaro Pre & Post Custom 1353, 1 of 2

November 15th, 2023

Getting some good hard revving in on the Camaro wearing this brown business suit and black shiny stiletto pumps.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the Camaro Pre & Post Custom 1353, 1 of 2

Paige Erin Turner Cranking, Stalling & Revving the Jeep Pre-Custom 1368

November 12th, 2023

Paige is in the old Jeep and playing around with it in these blue velvet house slippers. She's practicing her two-footing technique and the Jeep keeps stalling out on her. She gets the engine re-fired each time and revs it to clear it out. This was before custom 1368. view more.

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Paige Erin Turner Cranking, Stalling & Revving the Jeep Pre-Custom 1368

Jane Domino Caddy Flooring White Thigh High Boots Red Leather Jacket

November 10th, 2023

She just got done taking the old Bug for a drive and now she's heading to the Cadillac to see if she can get it started to take it on a drive. She sits down in the passenger seat to change her shoes first. She kicks off her patent peep-toe heels and slips on a pair of white leather thigh high boots over her tight jeans. She stands up and slips on a red leather jacket that almost matches the vinyl top of the Cadillac. Once properly dressed, she coaxes the keys from you before getting in the drivers seat and firing up the old beast. She gets the engine started and starts out with some easy revving to splash some oil on all the engine parts before getting harder and harder while teasing it up. She gives it a few good romps before buckling up and heading out. She gets to the end of the driveway and just as she stomps on the gas pedal the car conks out. She jams it into park, pumps the gas a few times quickly and it fires right back up. She puts it in drive, pulls out and floors the gas pedal. She spends the rest of the drive flooring the gas as much as she can in this big, heavy car. She gets the tires to chirp a couple of times when flooring it from a stop. She just has a lot of fun being able to mash the gas pedal into the carpet and letting the tired engine just work to keep up with her demands. When she gets to the house, she does some hard revving to wrap things up. view more.

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Jane Domino Caddy Flooring White Thigh High Boots Red Leather Jacket

April Lee Cranking & Revving Scenes from Custom 1401 First Attempt

November 9th, 2023

This was the first attempt at custom 1401 but were having starter issues. A mix of some cranking and revving scenes in these black leather riding boots. view more.

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April Lee Cranking & Revving Scenes from Custom 1401 First Attempt

Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 4 of 5

November 9th, 2023

This is a fun series of clips where Vivian takes the old Bus to the shop and politely asks, with the help of her 'girls', to play in the field they have. They oblige and she heads over to do some peeling out on gravel, hard reversing and muddin' in the hopes of getting stuck. She's still flingin' mud, floorin' the gas and makin' that little engine scream. Some stalling mixed in as I think the engine is beginning to overheat. She's just having some fun as she's never really been able to go somewhere and just lay into it. Unfortunately, I can't pick the correct wheel that's going to do all the spinning. Sometimes it's the one closest to the camera and sometimes it's the one on the other side but the backfiring pops from all 4 exhaust tips. lol Inside: picture-in-picture views and passenger side. Ooutside: views of Vivian ripping it up! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 4 of 5

Vivian Ireene Pierce Frustrated Driving the Jeep in White Boots

November 5th, 2023

Filmed from the backseat, the video opens with Vivian already in the car and pissed off at the Jeep for not starting already. She cranks the engine over and is aggressively pumping the gas to get it to start but it's just cranking over and not starting. She holds the key for a good bit until it fires up under her foot holding the pedal down. When it starts, she keeps the rpm's up while her left foot is on the brake so that it doesn't stall again. She manages to get out of the driveway but the Jeep stalls at the first stop she comes to. She quickly tries to get it fired up again without losing her cool too much. Traffic is going by as she's trying to not look to embarrassed. Finally, it fires up again and she quickly takes off before it can die. She drives it pretty aggressively on these roads, taking out some of her frustration on the old hunk of junk. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Frustrated Driving the Jeep in White Boots

Daisy Starts & Revs the Volvo in Glitter Keds Sneakers

November 4th, 2023

One of the shortest models we've had and she has to stretch her legs all the way out to reach the pedals in the Volvo. She almost has to sand on the clutch to make sure it's to the floor when starting it. It takes a few tries to get it going and she can sit back a little now and warm it up. Filmed from the open drivers door with cuts to an exhaust camera shot. view more.

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Daisy Starts & Revs the Volvo in Glitter Keds Sneakers

Jane Domino Cranking & Driving the Bus in Tan Boots, Leather & a Broken Pedal

November 3rd, 2023

Jane climbs into the old bus, bundled up in her leather jacket that's zipped up, leather gloves, tight jeans and knee high boots. She's got her hot tea in a cup to sip on to keep the cold away. She's having a hard time getting the old car started but that's not uncommon on a cold day. But after a while, it's beginning to be uncommon even for this old piece of junk. Her 'help' doesn't seem to be helping too much as we see he goes back to the engine and we see a little bit of sabotagey going on. He keeps having her try it to get some more views of her pumping and cranking before finally putting things the way they should. When she gets the bus started, she does some mild revving to keep it running and the pedal gets all fubar'd during the process. Somehow, it got bent to the side, so it's going to be a challenge to drive. We load up and head out with her driving with a broken pedal in an old piece of shit bus that keeps wanting to die on her. view more.

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Jane Domino Cranking & Driving the Bus in Tan Boots, Leather & a Broken Pedal

Diana Gets Hijacked by Britney, Custom 766 First Attempt


November 2nd, 2023

This was the first attempt at custom 766. Britney hijacks Diana's car and Diana figures if she's about to be taken out then she's going to drive crazy and just crash them both. YOLO! lol Mostly pedal shots of Diana's pantyhose-clad foot working the gas pedal while Britney tries keeping her hostage under control. **No models were harmed during the filming of this video. All stunts were performed by professional drivers on a closed course.** view more.

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Diana Gets Hijacked by Britney, Custom 766 First Attempt

Scarlet Nighttime Cranking & Begging the Monte in Black Cowgirl Boots

November 1st, 2023

Another night and another busted-ass-limp-dick-shit-mobile that won't start. Flooded? Yup and not matter what she does it won't start.

Scarlet Nighttime Cranking & Begging the Monte in Black Cowgirl Boots

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #16

October 29th, 2023

Wearing these suede loafers, she heads out to the Camaro to see if it will start so she can drive it to work.

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #16

Jane & Vivian Barefoot Tag Team Pedal Pumping the Jeep, 1 of 2


October 28th, 2023

Jane is zoned out on her phone while you can hear the old Jeep cranking over in the background. Vivian is in the Jeep trying to get it started as Jane walks over to it in her skimpy black dress and shiny thigh high boots. She hops in the car and you view the scene from two different views: a far-off camera from the front of the car and Jane's point-of-view. From Jane's POV, she gets in the car and asks Vivian what's going on. They talk about their boots for a moment before Vivian decides to take her boot and socks off. That then leads to Jane wanting to go barefoot as well. Now that both girls are barefooted, Vivian gets back to trying to get the Jeep started. Both girls little petite peds are in view as Vivian pumps the gas pedal and Jane pumps the air to encourage Vivian to pump the pedal. The Jeep does start finally and Vivian gives it quick, medium revs for a bit before Jane asks if she can help. Now, with Vivian's foot on the gas and Jane's foot on top of Vivian's, both girls tag-team the revving action. Since the Jeep is running good now, it's time to go for a drive. Vivian puts the car into reverse and starts backing down the driveway when it conks out.... view more.

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Jane & Vivian Barefoot Tag Team Pedal Pumping the Jeep, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Cranking & Hard Revving Workout Outfit & Sneakers

October 28th, 2023

A little behind-the-scenes clip of Jane and I tinkering with a new little gadget. Some cranking segments between our goofing around and then a sexy hard revving scene where she just lays into the old Coronet.

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Jane Domino Cranking & Hard Revving Workout Outfit & Sneakers

Four Ladies Booted Up Night Out, 1 of 3

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October 28th, 2023

Cassandra & Kimber tell Anabelle that they'll meet her & Scarlet there and wave bye to each other. Cassandra & Kimber then head to the Monte Carlo. "Can I start it?" Kimber asks Cassandra. "Of course you can." Cassandra says, much to Kimbers' excitement. The girls get in with Kimber getting behind the wheel and she goes to start the old car. She tries it twice, giving it a little gas and is already frustrated to which Cassandra tells her you have to be patient. Kimber keeps trying and is very vocal talking to the car and Cassandra as she's trying to get the car going. She gets it fired up at one point and lays into the pedal, revving it to the floor but ends up stalling it out. Can't go balls to the wall right away as these cold-natured cars will bite back. "Want me to try?" Cassandra says and the girls swap. She's not having that much luck either and is only getting a few sputters from the car. Meanwhile, Anabelle and Scarlet are probably half-way to the mall by now. Finally, Cassandra gets the car fired up and revs it up to clear it out but not too hard yet, gotta baby the old car. They are now on their way, driving as the light is fading and working their way through traffic and chatting about their boots, the old car and plans for the night. view more.

Four Ladies Booted Up Night Out, 1 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 3 of 5

October 25th, 2023

This is a fun series of clips where Vivian takes the old Bus to the shop and politely asks, with the help of her 'girls', to play in the field they have. They oblige and she heads over to do some peeling out on gravel, hard reversing and muddin' in the hopes of getting stuck. The part picks up with Vivian cranking the old Bus that stalled on her. It's flooded and being very hard to start. She's wearing her pink thong wedge sandals but after a bit she takes them off. Some more hot-engine flooded cranking to get it going and when she gets it fired up, she's back to beating on it. You can tell the engine is starting to get hot because it's stalling on her more frequently and always hard to get started. Not sure how much more this little engine can take. Inside, picture-in-picture and outside views of Vivian ripping it up! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Giving the Bus & Beatin’ & a Thrashin’, 3 of 5

April Lee Startup, Cranking, Flooding & Revving Pre-Custom 1393, 2 of 2

October 22nd, 2023

Some scenes of April Lee driving back after filming most of this custom. She's pretending to leave some friends at the restaurant and speeds home in her old Camaro. This clip is the same scene twice but with the video feeds switched. First viewing is from the passenger side and the second is of the pedals. view more.

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April Lee Startup, Cranking, Flooding & Revving Pre-Custom 1393, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Broke Down in the Bug Tan Flip Flops Creeper Guy – Quickie

October 21st, 2023

The old Bug broke down for real on Jane and while she's waiting for a tow truck, some creeper dude comes by and awkwardly stares while she's trying to get the car started. He comes up from behind the car and sees her left leg out of the car and as he slowly walks closer to the open drivers door, he can see her foot pumping on the gas. Jane looks at him oddly, hoping that minimal interaction will make him move on. The Bug really is broke down here and she really is waiting on the tow truck. It ended up being the coil that went bad. I had a spare at home but figured I'd use this time to get some genuine scenes of Jane broke down for real. At this time, I didn't know it was the coil as I hadn't troubleshooted the situation in depth. I just told Jane she drove it too hard it's hot and flooded to see how she'd act. view more.

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Jane Domino Broke Down in the Bug Tan Flip Flops Creeper Guy – Quickie

Damara Coronet Cranking & Driving Brown Cowgirl Boots, 1 of 2

October 21st, 2023

Adjusting the seat in the old Coronet was always a fun chore. Best way to explain it to models was we have to 'dry hump' together. It takes a minute to get the seat just right for Damara before she can try and get the car started. It takes a few tries before the car responds and she doesn't waste time revving it aggressively. It stalls on her and she repeats this cycle a few times until the car is warmed up...or so she thought. When she finally gets it running, she backs the car up but gets a little stuck in the ditch. Ignore the douche in the background, can't get good help anywhere these days -- she spins the tires a few times trying to get out. The rest of the video is her trying to get to the road to start driving but the car keeps stalling on her. It stalls, she does some flooded cranking and then some hard revving before taking off. Some talking amongst us as this is a somewhat casual video in nature. view more.

Damara Coronet Cranking & Driving Brown Cowgirl Boots, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving the Toyota Pre-Custom 1406

October 19th, 2023

This video is Vivian driving the 2009 Toyota Tacoma to where we're going to start custom 1406. It's a picture-in-picture view with the small feed being from almost under the drivers seat and the main view being the passenger side dash. Lots of gear shifting and working all 3 pedals in her leather keds and scrunched white socks. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving the Toyota Pre-Custom 1406

Jane Domino Princess Reebok’s Moving the Stubborn Volvo

October 18th, 2023

"Move the Volvo, he said. It'll be quick, he said." is what I feel was going through Jane's mind about halfway through this video. The Volvo keeps stalling on her as she tries moving it just one spot over. Lots of stalling while trying to back up, flooded re-starts, a little revving and for those of you whole love to see those dash lights light up when a car stalls on an unsuspecting lady, a great view of them in this video. Shaking gear shifter is also front-and-center for those that like that. view more.

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Jane Domino Princess Reebok’s Moving the Stubborn Volvo

Cassandra Flooded Start & Revs the Monte Vintage Jeans & Boots

October 17th, 2023

A great sputtery cranking scene in the beginning getting the old Chevy started before she revs it real good in this vintage outfit. I'm seeing some slight Jamie Lee Curtis in 'The Fog' vibes with those cuffed jeans and tan scrunched boots.

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Cassandra Flooded Start & Revs the Monte Vintage Jeans & Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Pumping the Old Bug to Take It for a Drive OTK Boots

October 15th, 2023

"It's so nice out, I think I'll take the old Bug out for a drive. This old car needs to be driven once-in-a-while." she says as she puts her purse behind her seat and gets situated behind the wheel. She's wearing a long skirt with black leather boots and a dark denim jacket. She turns the key and the engine just cranks over while she pumps the gas pedal. She tries it a few more times, rhythmically pumping the gas to get the old and cold engine to fire up. A good while goes by and the engine hasn't even given her any signs of starting. "Come on baby." she says to it softly but the car doesn't respond. "I know, I should have driven you a little while ago and now you're mad at me." she admits to which the car sputters and fires up but sounds rough. She revs it up for a bit before trying to leave but the car still stalls on her when she tries to get it turned around. "Why are you doing this to me today, are you THAT pissed off at me?!" she whines, trying to get the car fired up again. Driving, stalling, flooded starts and lots of begging throughout this clip. This was filmed quite a while ago with the first generation GoPro's, so the black boots against the black carpet on an overcast day don't show up that well. Turn up your brightness on your player will help a little. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Pumping the Old Bug to Take It for a Drive OTK Boots

Brooke Driving the Camaro SS in 7″ Stiletto Heels

October 13th, 2023

Brooke is out-and-about in my 2001 Camaro SS 6-speed wearing these platform sandals with about a 7" stiletto heel. She's got natural nails, bare legs, her hair in a ponytail and a pair of aviator shades on with this cute dress. She's going through the gears, trying to be careful not to miss a shift with these super tall heels. She keeps the rpms a little high because she likes the roar of the engine. Mostly a medium-aggressive style driving video as she drives around on these curvy back-roads. view more.

Brooke Driving the Camaro SS in 7″ Stiletto Heels

Scarlet’s Car Won’t Start in Frye Brown OTK Flat Boots

October 13th, 2023

Scarlet can't get her old car started to go get groceries. Her new Frye brown leather boots are getting broken in real good from all the pumping she's doing to try and start her old car. Lots of sputtering, stalling and begging gets you a little hot and bothered watching and she sees your excitement from it. She turns a bad situation into a fun, sexy show where she teases you with her boots pumping the gas pedal and her hands....well, they kinda wander.... view more.

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Scarlet’s Car Won’t Start in Frye Brown OTK Flat Boots

Jane Domino Broke Down at the Park in the Bus Hiking Boots

October 12th, 2023

Damn old van of hers won't start...

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Jane Domino Broke Down at the Park in the Bus Hiking Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Drives & Revs the Z28 Shiny Loafers & Hose, 2 of 2

October 11th, 2023

Taking the old Camaro for a spin, Vivian hops in, gets it fired up after a few tries and takes off. She's wearing a black business suit with a red, shiny blouse and sheer hose. Her shiny loafers work the pedals of the old Z28. You watch from the passenger seat this time. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Drives & Revs the Z28 Shiny Loafers & Hose, 2 of 2

Rockell Starbux’s Car Won’t Start Nine West Leather Boots POV

October 9th, 2023

Rockell Starbux can't get her car started. Her soft voice is begging the car to start as she films her flooded car just cranking over and sputtering...teasing her as she pumps the gas pedal in her black Nine West leather boots.

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Rockell Starbux’s Car Won’t Start Nine West Leather Boots POV

Persephone Pierce Cranking the Volvo Custom 1356 Leftovers

October 7th, 2023

Some leftover scenes from custom 1356 where Persephone is having a hard time getting the old Volvo cranked up. She's wearing these red canvas Keds, ankle socks, a long dress with a denim jacket. view more.

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Persephone Pierce Cranking the Volvo Custom 1356 Leftovers

Jewels Revving the BMW in Leather Outfit & Croc Boots

October 7th, 2023

Doing a little car shuffling and gotta get the hunk-O-junk BMW out of the garage. She gets it fired up and revs it. She starts out mildly before doing some quick stabs to the floor and hearing that exhaust hit those high notes. She plays it up for the camera in this sexy little leather outfit. Jewels & BMW's are like PB&J's! view more.

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Jewels Revving the BMW in Leather Outfit & Croc Boots

Jane Domino Startups in Blue Leggings and Blue & White Vans

October 5th, 2023

"So, ok, got my little bag of keys and got on my cute little Vans and I got all these fun cars to choose to play in but I don't know which one to choose first." Jane says while walking outside filming from her POV. She reaches in to grab a key without looking to surprise herself at which car to start first and it's the Camaro. She gives the old Z28 an old start that takes a couple of tries and does a little light revving for a few moments before moving on to the next car. The Cadillac is next and it's being stubborn and not wanting to start. "Looks like the Cadillac is a 'no-go' today." she says after she's drained the battery. Next is the old '71 VW Westy. She climbs in and it fires right up. A little revving and on to the next one...the Jeep. Which fires up after a couple of tries and that's all for today.   view more.

Jane Domino Startups in Blue Leggings and Blue & White Vans