
Veronica Hot Cranking the Caddy

November 12th, 2010

I had Veronica change into something different before giving the Cadillac another go at trying to get it unstuck.  Our shoot is getting near the end and the poor Caddy isn't sounding so great.  It's hot, it's smoking and knocking really bad when it is running.  She keeps cranking it and trying to get it to work because she wants to get it out.  Lots of hot starting, flooding out, stalling and cranking in this clip. view more.

Veronica Hot Cranking the Caddy

Erika Moving the Volvo

November 11th, 2010

Erika gets into the Volvo and tries to start it.  She pulls the choke out and pumps the gas pedal but the Volvo just will not start.  She ends up cranking it to the point the battery dies.  She swaps it out, gets back in and cranks it over a few times before she realizes she's actually out of gas.  She gets a gas can, puts a bit in the tank and gets back behind the wheel, pumping the gas with her peep toe booties and manages to get the Volvo to fire up.  She proceeds to maneuver it out of it's tight spot and puts it on the pavement. view more.

Erika Moving the Volvo

Scarlet Tries Getting the Cadillac Unstuck in Cowgirl Boots

November 10th, 2010

This is one of the first attempts I had Scarlet try to get the Caddy out of it's messy spot.  The Caddy hasn't moved since Veronica attempted to get it out.  With Scarlet's experience, she was sure she'd be able to overcome the incline, the dirt and the ruts left behind by Veronica.  Between the stalling and hard starting, Scarlet manages to get the Caddy moving and rocking but is unable to get it all the way out.  The Caddy ends up flooding out too bad at the end and she's unable to get it restarted.  So she left it as is and in another video, we'll see her attempt it again.
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Scarlet Tries Getting the Cadillac Unstuck in Cowgirl Boots

Reese Driving the Bug in Ballet Flats

November 7th, 2010

It's been a while since Reese has driven a stick shift.  I take her down my backroad to let her get the hang of it.  She seems to be doing fine but when faced with a busy intersection she has to cross and a slight incline, she starts having problems.  She ends up whipping into the gas station so she can let me drive us back home to get a different car. view more.

Reese Driving the Bug in Ballet Flats

Princess Revving Boyfriends Caddy – #126

November 7th, 2010

Princess is pissed off at her boyfriend and decides to take it out on her Cadillac.  She slams the pedal down over and over again making the engine scream.  You can hear the belts squealing as she takes the engine up and down on a vicious roller coaster ride.  The car starts smoking at the end and she figures that's enough.
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Princess Revving Boyfriends Caddy – #126

Brandizzle Stuck & Late for the Races, 2 of 3

November 7th, 2010

Brandizzle is late for being at the local track to cheer on her favorite driver.  She has to take the Volvo which has been stuffed off the driveway since it isn't driven that much.  It's running rough and on top of that, she's stuck in the mud.  Squeezing every last inch of movement she can by rocking her body as well and begging the car to get out. view more.

Brandizzle Stuck & Late for the Races, 2 of 3

Kristen Cranking Caddy in Pink Wedges

October 31st, 2010

Kristen is trying to get the Cadillac to crank.  She pumps the gas and turns the motor over and she manages to get it to sputter but can't keep it running. 

Kristen Cranking Caddy in Pink Wedges

Miley & Riley Having Car Trouble

October 31st, 2010

Miley and Riley are ready to leave and they both head out to the Bug.  Riley slips behind the wheel and is having issues with the key for a bit.  She manages to get the Bug started and running but it keeps dying.  She gives it some gas to help it along but it was probably too much as the Bug won't crank now.  Miley gets out and heads to the engine to take a look at it, she thinks Riley pumped it too much and flooded it out.  Riley keeps trying to start it while Miley is inspecting the engine bay but now the battery is starting to drain.  Riley doesn't give up too easily but in the end, it's flooded too badly with a dead battery. view more.

Miley & Riley Having Car Trouble

Kandie Cranking While Chatting on the Phone

October 26th, 2010

Kandie is talking to her friend on the phone as she slides into her car to start it up and take off.  The only problem is the Coronet doesn't want to start.  She keeps talking to her friend while trying to get her car started, it's almost like it's second nature to her from the frequency of it happening.  Two camera angles; over the shoulder and passenger side view of her feet pumping the gas. view more.

Kandie Cranking While Chatting on the Phone

Jess Revving the Caddy

October 26th, 2010

This is the first video I filmed with Jess and when she sits in this Caddy, you can't help but love how her legs seem to go on forever.  She cranks up the Caddy and gives it a nice, long warm up session in her black sneakers.  view more.

Jess Revving the Caddy

Gina Cold Starting the Bug

October 25th, 2010

Another fine winter's day and another fine vintage car that won't start.  This was one of the first videos Gina did this day and I was going to film her take a few tries to start the 1972 Super Bug and move it for some revving but what I ended up filming was over 4 minutes of "why the f@$& won't it start?!"  Come to find out, the fuel line had somehow become torn and leaked out all the fuel to the ground.  So it was out of gas...oops. view more.

Gina Cold Starting the Bug

Damara, Tiffany & Scarlet Get an Oil Change, 1 of 2

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October 22nd, 2010

It's super cold out and I put Damara, Tiffany and Scarlet in the Coronet to go get the oil changed.  Needless to say, you get to see these girls in their raw form.  Damara drives the Coronet while Tiffany is her very animated copilot.  Scarlet just hangs out and tries to keep things sane. :)  They get to the oil change place and pull the car into the service bay.  From there, the girls get goofy and their conversation goes all over the place.  The Coronet won't start when it's time to go and things get a bit serious.  The guys at the shop get figure the problem out and the girls are on their way back home. view more.

Damara, Tiffany & Scarlet Get an Oil Change, 1 of 2

Candle Can’t Stop the Bug – #137

October 21st, 2010

Candle is in a hurry in the Bug, so she drives as quickly as she can.  Once she hits the highway, she thinks she's home-free until she finds out her brakes aren't working.  She flips out and pumps the brakes frantically as she tries to stop the car. view more.

Candle Can’t Stop the Bug – #137

Mandie “Go Baby Go!”, 2 of 2

October 21st, 2010

Mandie is having a good time burning down the streets in this 1961 Cadillac.  She starts out wearing some brown flip flops then slips them off to work the pedals barefoot with some red toenail polish.  She gets up to speed and puts the car in neutral from time to time to rev it up good n loud.  At one point in this series she goes screaming past a dump truck that just pulled out on the road in a no passing zone. view more.

Mandie “Go Baby Go!”, 2 of 2

Annette Cranking Caddy Barefoot – #109

October 20th, 2010

Annette is trying to get the Caddy cranked but she's just getting annoyed and frustrated with it's lack of cooperation.  The Caddy sputters a time or two but it mostly cranks and cranks with no signs of starting.  She pumps the gas pedal in different ways to try and squeeze something, anything from the big v8 motor but it's no use. view more.

Annette Cranking Caddy Barefoot – #109

Daredevil Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Sneakers, 2 of 2

October 18th, 2010

The Coronet needs some gas before Daredevil can go anywhere.  She slides behind the wheel and spends most of this first clip getting the damn Dodge to start.  It takes a minute to warm it up and then she's on her way to get some gas.  After she fills up the tank, she proceeds to cruise a bit while smoking a cigarette. view more.

Daredevil Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Sneakers, 2 of 2

Kas Flooring the Bug – #138, 2 of 2

October 18th, 2010

This is an aggressive driving custom of Kas in the 1972 VW Super Beetle.  She’s not afraid to get on it and bang through the gears down the highway.  She shoes great footwork as she meanders through the traffic on this early fall afternoon. view more.

Kas Flooring the Bug – #138, 2 of 2

Brandizzle Stuck & Late for the Races, 1 of 3

October 17th, 2010

Brandizzle is late for being at the local track to cheer on her favorite driver.  She has to take the Volvo which has been stuffed off the driveway since it isn't driven that much.  It's running rough and on top of that, she's stuck in the mud.  Squeezing every last inch of movement she can by rocking her body as well and begging the car to get out. view more.

Brandizzle Stuck & Late for the Races, 1 of 3

Diva Late for Work, 2 of 2

October 17th, 2010

Even diva's have someone to answer to and today, our Diva is running late for work.  She can't get the Cadillac to crank for her so she moves to the Coronet and finds it isn't cooperating either.  She calls in to work and explains but I doubt she's going to be rewarded for her tardiness.  She keeps pleading and begging for the cars to start but they won't listen. view more.

Diva Late for Work, 2 of 2

Tinsley Cranking Volvo in Gold High Heels

October 16th, 2010

Tinsley's task is to start the Volvo which has been sitting for quite some time.  It's a hot day and it should be relatively easy to start it but unfortunately for her, she floods it unknowingly.  She tries and tries all that she knows to get it started but to no avail.  She does get it to sputter and spin over faster like it's catching but then drowns it with fuel from all her pumping. view more.

Tinsley Cranking Volvo in Gold High Heels

Veronica Cranking & Revving the Bug in Flip Flops

October 16th, 2010

So the Bug is unwilling to start for Veronica as she pumps and pumps the gas pedal with her sexy size 10 foot.  The battery starts to die so I hook up the battery charger to give her more time to get it running.  It's good and flooded from her pumping but she does manage to get it running once she figures out a proper pumping method.  She revs it up for a few minutes to clear it out and help recharge the battery. view more.

Veronica Cranking & Revving the Bug in Flip Flops

Tiffany Filming Herself Cranking the Volvo

October 13th, 2010

It's the coldest day of the year and Tiffany is trying to get the Volvo started.  She films herself as she pumps the gas pedal and genuinely tries to get the Volvo fired up but itsn't have much luck.  She eventually gives up and heads back inside to warm up. view more.

Tiffany Filming Herself Cranking the Volvo

Mandie Cranking in the Rain – #84

October 10th, 2010

In this custom video, you're going with Mandie to go to the store.  It's raining and you're waiting in the car while she gets her umbrella.  She gets in and tries to dry herself off a bit then cranks the Coronet.  She pleads with the Coronet to stay running but it keeps dying and then won't crank any more.  Distraught and wet, she tries the Volvo but the cold, damp air won't let it fire up. view more.

Mandie Cranking in the Rain – #84

Riley Driving the Blazer in Black Leather Flip Flops – #142

October 8th, 2010

Riley is trying to find her friends house but can't quite remember where it's at.  She takes a few wrong turns before she starts to remember and finishes the trip to her friends. 

Riley Driving the Blazer in Black Leather Flip Flops – #142

Miley Revving the Bug in the Snow

October 6th, 2010

Miley braves the cold snow to get the Bug cranked and warmed up.

Miley Revving the Bug in the Snow

Daredevil Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Sneakers, 1 of 2

October 4th, 2010

The Coronet needs some gas before Daredevil can go anywhere.  She slides behind the wheel and spends most of this first clip getting the damn Dodge to start.  It takes a minute to warm it up and then she's on her way to get some gas.  After she fills up the tank, she proceeds to cruise a bit while smoking a cigarette. view more.

Daredevil Cranking & Driving the Coronet in Sneakers, 1 of 2

Princess Driving Camaro SS in Bikini, 2 of 2

October 4th, 2010

Princess pulls the Camaro out of the garage to rinse it off and take it for a 'drying cycle'.  She cruises through the twisty backroads and once she's on open freeway, she gets on it.
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Princess Driving Camaro SS in Bikini, 2 of 2

Kristen Going for a Drive in the Coronet

October 3rd, 2010

Kristen takes the Coronet for a cruise on a hot summer day but it's not without it's challenges.  It takes her a while to get it cranked and while driving, it stalls on her twice.

Kristen Going for a Drive in the Coronet

Mandie “Go Baby Go!”, 1 of 2

October 2nd, 2010

Mandie is having a good time burning down the streets in this 1961 Cadillac.  She starts out wearing some brown flip flops then slips them off to work the pedals barefoot with some red toenail polish.  She gets up to speed and puts the car in neutral from time to time to rev it up good n loud.  At one point in this series she goes screaming past a dump truck that just pulled out on the road in a no passing zone. view more.

Mandie “Go Baby Go!”, 1 of 2

Diva Late For Work, 1 of 2

October 2nd, 2010

Even diva's have someone to answer to and today, our Diva is running late for work.  She can't get the Cadillac to crank for her so she moves to the Coronet and finds it isn't cooperating either.  She calls in to work and explains but I doubt she's going to be rewarded for her tardiness.  She keeps pleading and begging for the cars to start but they won't listen. view more.

Diva Late For Work, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Cadillac in Brown Clogs

September 29th, 2010

 Scarlet is trying to get the Caddy cranked this evening in a pair of member submitted brown leather clogs.  The Caddy does fire up but keeps stalling out when she tries to rev it up.  She eventually runs the batter down.
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Scarlet Cranking the Cadillac in Brown Clogs

Kas Flooring the Bug – #138, 1 of 2

September 28th, 2010

 This is an aggressive driving custom of Kas in the 1972 VW Super Beetle.  She's not afraid to get on it and bang through the gears down the highway.  She shoes great footwork as she meanders through the traffic on this early fall afternoon. view more.

Kas Flooring the Bug – #138, 1 of 2