
Mandie Brake Failure – #104

June 27th, 2010

Mandie is heading to town when her brakes go out on this hilly and curvy road.  She pumps and pumps the brakes to try to get them to work but it's not working.  She careens through the curves in the Blazer and finds herself fast approaching a slower car... view more.

Mandie Brake Failure – #104

Tinsley Cranking the Cadillac While Talking to Friend – #127

June 25th, 2010

Tinsley gives us a lot of dialogue in this custom video as she tries and tries to get the Cadillac to start.  She is on the phone with a friend most of the video as they discuss different strategies in hopes one of them will work and bring the Caddy to life! view more.

Tinsley Cranking the Cadillac While Talking to Friend – #127

Bubbles Drives, Floods & Revs in White Pumps, 2 of 2

June 22nd, 2010

Bubbles has the sexy white leather pumps on as we go for a drive to the store in the VW Bug.  These shoes show up really well and you get to watch her aggressively drive the little 4 speed, air cooled car.  When we get back home, I have her turn the car off and intentionally flood it and crank it before she does a revving finale.  This first clip is all driving. view more.

Bubbles Drives, Floods & Revs in White Pumps, 2 of 2

Annette Cranks Some Cars in Sneakers – #114

June 20th, 2010

Annette is trying to get to the Volvo to wash it.  She has some issues moving the Coronet and Caddy then has to battle the cold bucket of water just to get to the Volvo.  She accidentally tips the bucket over and gets her feet/shoes soaking wet.  She then decides to just move the Volvo but it doesn't want to start up! view more.

Annette Cranks Some Cars in Sneakers – #114

Jess Cranking the Volvo for Her Boyfriend, 1 of 2

June 18th, 2010

Jess receives a call from her boyfriend as she is just about to leave to go out.  He wants her to move the Volvo out of the bushes and she is not happy about it.  She knows it's an unreliable piece of junk but he sweet talks her and she gives in.  She hops in the Volvo and pumps and cranks and cranks and pumps but doesn't get anything other than dry cranking from the Volvo.  She even looks under the hood and checks for gas but that doesn't help. view more.

Jess Cranking the Volvo for Her Boyfriend, 1 of 2

RosePedal Cranks Up the Celica

June 14th, 2010

Rose tells you some backstory to the old Celica she has.  During this dialogue, we flashback to see the struggles she had one day as she's trying her best to get the car to start.  She's hoping that it'll start today and crosses her fingers before she goes to turn the key.  She gives it a lot of gas and the car just cranks and cranks at first.  After numerous attempts and multiple stalls, she has it running! view more.

RosePedal Cranks Up the Celica

Annette & Karla Cranking the Coronet in Flats


June 13th, 2010

Annette gets behind the wheel to drive her and Karla to town.  The Coronet isn't cooperating and the girls swap ideas as well as positions to try and bring the old Dodge to life.

Annette & Karla Cranking the Coronet in Flats

Damara Brake Failure in Caddy – #90

June 11th, 2010

Damara's cover has been blown and she is talking with her handler that she's heading to the safe house.  She doesn't know until it's too late that someone sabotaged her car but her super secret awesome training kicks in to avert disaster! view more.

Damara Brake Failure in Caddy – #90

Mandie Takes a Trip to the Store – #91

June 10th, 2010

Mandie has to run to the store on this cold, damp day and is glad you're coming along with her.  She tells you her car takes a bit to start and it certainly proves her right.  Once she gets it started, she warms it up and yall drive to the store.  When she tries to leave the store, she has some trouble in the parking lot but is able to eventually make it home. view more.

Mandie Takes a Trip to the Store – #91

Jess Driving the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 3

June 9th, 2010

This is the first video of Jess in the VW Bug.  It takes her a few tries to get it cranked and once it's running, she eases out of the driveway and drives down our country road.  She hasn't driven a stick in a long while, so she's getting a feel for the Bug and she did very well, didn't stall it once. :) view more.

Jess Driving the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 3

Scarlet Driving Bug – #117

June 6th, 2010

Scarlet is finally taking the VW for a spin.  It doesn't take her long to get the hang of driving it.  She starts going up and down through the gears and flooring it from time to time on the surface streets. view more.

Scarlet Driving Bug – #117

Damara Revving in Black

June 6th, 2010

Damara revving the Caddy...nuff said!

Damara Revving in Black

LeLe Cranking the Caddy in Peep Toe Wedge Sandals

June 5th, 2010

Our tall, dark haired beauty LeLe is trying to get the Cadillac started.  She gets frustrated and starts calling the car names while trying to coax it to start.  She's firm on the gas and after getting no signs of life from the Caddy, she gives up. view more.

LeLe Cranking the Caddy in Peep Toe Wedge Sandals

Kandie Cranking & Revving in Boots, 2 of 4

June 1st, 2010

Kandie gets a more than a full dose of headaches and problems in this 4 part series.  She starts in the Caddy and is trying to get it started.  It roars to life from time to time and she does some revving to try and get it warmed up but it keeps stalling.  She moves to the bug after quite some time and tries her hand at getting it cranked.  It takes a while but she finally pumps it to life! view more.

Kandie Cranking & Revving in Boots, 2 of 4

Mandie & Tinsley Smoking & Chatting in the Caddy, 3 of 3


May 30th, 2010

This clip has a little bit of everything.  It’s COLD outside and I wanted them to take the Caddy for a drive.  It’s low enough on gas that it wouldn’t crank parked on the incline.  I add some gas to it, meanwhile, you get to listen to these two talk about stuffs while Mandie smokes a cigarette.  Once running, the Caddy is stuck and it takes Mandie some work to get it going.  Apart from the car stalling frequently, she had no trouble rocking the car through the damp, cold dirt.  While the girls take turns driving, the Caddy sputters a good bit and stalls a time or two. view more.

Mandie & Tinsley Smoking & Chatting in the Caddy, 3 of 3

Angel Stuck in the Lincoln


May 30th, 2010

Angel is on the phone with her man and is telling him that the back way she is taking to his place is muddy and she's not sure if she can make it through.  She proceeds and finds her Lincoln stuck in the mud.  She spins and spins and rocks and rocks but is unable to get the car free.  She even takes her boots off to work the gas pedal in her hose but that doesn't help. view more.

Angel Stuck in the Lincoln

Kandie Cranks & Revs the Caddy

May 29th, 2010

This is Kandie's first video and first encounter with the Caddy.  I didn't tell her anything other than it is a bit of a pain to start.  It doesn't take her long to get into a rhythm of pumping the gas to get the Caddy to fire up.  She then proceeds to rev it up in hopes to keep it running. view more.

Kandie Cranks & Revs the Caddy

Annette Cranking Up the Coronet & Driving

May 29th, 2010

If there was a way to describe Annette's driving, it would be compared to that of Grandma Moses.  She cranks up the Coronet and proceeds to cautiously and carefully maneuver the car to the nearest gas station.  I pick on her throughout the video about it.  We manage to get the car to the gas station and back home during this century!  ;) view more.

Annette Cranking Up the Coronet & Driving

Karla Cranking in Gold Pumps, 2 of 2

May 28th, 2010

Karla is having a battle with the Caddy to keep it running.  You get to see a lot of exhaust shots of the car spitting out some smoke as it chugs and dies.  She keeps pumping and cranking in hopes to clear it out but we all know how this big beast is, it doesn't let these girls win very easily. view more.

Karla Cranking in Gold Pumps, 2 of 2

Bubbles Drives, Floods & Revs in White Pumps, 1 of 2

May 28th, 2010

Bubbles has the sexy white leather pumps on as we go for a drive to the store in the VW Bug.  These shoes show up really well and you get to watch her aggressively drive the little 4 speed, air cooled car.  When we get back home, I have her turn the car off and intentionally flood it and crank it before she does a revving finale.  This first clip is all driving. view more.

Bubbles Drives, Floods & Revs in White Pumps, 1 of 2

Riley Cranking the Caddy in OTK Boots

May 27th, 2010

It's Riley's turn to try and get the Caddy started on this snowy day.  She tries and tries but in the end, the battery couldn't hold up long enough to get it cranked.  It is possible the Caddy was out of gas...oh well! :) view more.

Riley Cranking the Caddy in OTK Boots

Reese Making a Store Run in the Coronet

May 23rd, 2010

Reese needed some power juice to 'get into the groove' and make sweet vids for you guys.  So her and Scarlet hopped into the Coronet and went for a drive to the corner store.

Reese Making a Store Run in the Coronet

Tiffany Cranking Her Car & Sipping Wine

May 23rd, 2010

It is cooooold out and Tiffany is trying to get the Bug started and warmed up before she heads to dinner.  She's also trying to keep her blood warm and brings out a glass of red wine with her to the car.  She delicately balances the wine glass in her left hand while she turns the key with her right hand and pumps the gas with her foot.  Fortunately, the car never starts so she is unable to drive. view more.

Tiffany Cranking Her Car & Sipping Wine

Kas Parking the Volvo Crank & Stall

May 23rd, 2010

We're about to wrap up shooting for the day and I wanted Kas to move the Volvo back into the bushes.  It takes her a while to get it started but then it keeps stalling on her.  She does manage to get it parked where it needs to be thanks to a little help from gravity. view more.

Kas Parking the Volvo Crank & Stall

Kandie Cranking & Revving in Boots, 1 of 4

May 16th, 2010

Kandie gets a more than a full dose of headaches and problems in this 4 part series.  She starts in the Caddy and is trying to get it started.  It roars to life from time to time and she does some revving to try and get it warmed up but it keeps stalling.  She moves to the bug after quite some time and tries her hand at getting it cranked.  It takes a while but she finally pumps it to life! view more.

Kandie Cranking & Revving in Boots, 1 of 4

Jess Driving the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 3

May 15th, 2010

This is the first video of Jess in the VW Bug.  It takes her a few tries to get it cranked and once it's running, she eases out of the driveway and drives down our country road.  She hasn't driven a stick in a long while, so she's getting a feel for the Bug and she did very well, didn't stall it once. :) view more.

Jess Driving the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 3

Mandie Cranking Blazer – #101

May 14th, 2010

Mandie starts out sitting on the couch with her feet propped up on the ottoman and showing you how she starts her old Blazer.  After about 3 minutes, she goes to the car and tries to start it.  She does a lot of begging and coaxing to try to get her imaginary and real car to start. view more.

Mandie Cranking Blazer – #101

Scarlet Drive Blazer – #116

May 13th, 2010

Scarlet is going to be sooooo late if she doesn't hurry!  She is driving as fast as she can through the backroads trying to get to work on time but thanks to slow pokes, she's not making good time.  She floors the gas pedal in the rackety old Blazer as much as she can to keep her speed up the hills and around the curves.  view more.

Scarlet Drive Blazer – #116

Mandie & Tinsley Smoking & Chatting in the Caddy, 2 of 3


May 12th, 2010

This clip has a little bit of everything.  It’s COLD outside and I wanted them to take the Caddy for a drive.  It’s low enough on gas that it wouldn’t crank parked on the incline.  I add some gas to it, meanwhile, you get to listen to these two talk about stuffs while Mandie smokes a cigarette.  Once running, the Caddy is stuck and it takes Mandie some work to get it going.  Apart from the car stalling frequently, she had no trouble rocking the car through the damp, cold dirt.  While the girls take turns driving, the Caddy sputters a good bit and stalls a time or two. view more.

Mandie & Tinsley Smoking & Chatting in the Caddy, 2 of 3

Tinsley Brake Failure in the Caddy – #105

May 9th, 2010

Tinsley finds herself driving the big Cadillac on the mountain roads with no brakes!  She tries and tries to get the car to stop by pumping the brake over and over but the car isn't slowing down! view more.

Tinsley Brake Failure in the Caddy – #105

Star Cranking Bug in Sexy Strappy Stilettos

May 9th, 2010

Star is trying to get the VW Bug started to move it into the garage and out of the rain.  Only thing is that she can't get it to start that easily.  She cranks and cranks for almost 6 minutes and then revs it up one she does finally get it fired up.  While revving, she just kinda has this casual look like she's saying to the Bug, "I showed you, bitch!"   view more.

Star Cranking Bug in Sexy Strappy Stilettos

Bubbles Takes a Spin in the Bug, 2 of 2

May 8th, 2010

This is Bubbles first spin in the VW so I help her along with getting a feel for the car.  The car is parked close to the deck and once she gets it moved, I hope in and we take off.  Her and I talk throughout the video to keep it a casual driving clip. view more.

Bubbles Takes a Spin in the Bug, 2 of 2