July 30th, 2009
This custom is of Tiffany having to drive her husband's car for the day. She is NOT thrilled about it at all! She knows it's a piece of crap and never wants to start for her. So she's not a happy camper from the get-go and with the Coronet behaving badly towards her, it only increases her frustrations. view more.
July 28th, 2009
Roxy had to grab a few things at the shopping center. She walks back to the Coronet, gets in and starts to drive away but the Coronet dies on her. It takes a lot of cranking and pumping to get the Coronet going again and when it does, she doesn't get too far before it dies again. After a while, she takes her boots off and pumps the gas in her white ankle socks. view more.
July 26th, 2009
July 26th, 2009
So the Volvo has had it's moments and this video is a testament to one of those moments. I was actually hoping to have Gina there to help me get the Volvo fixed...kinda like how I had hoped with Kas. So I give Gina the run down on what I need her to do while I mess with stuffs under the hood. You know, checking for fuel flow, spark, proper timing and whatnot. I was really hoping Gina could get the Volvo started so I wouldn't have to call a shop to actually put the Volvo under the knife. view more.
July 24th, 2009
Kas + cowgirl boots + 6speed Camaro Super Sport + Picture in Picture = awesomeness! Shish turns Kas loose in his Camaro during heavy traffic on surface streets as well as the interstate. Testing out a picture-in-picture setup, you get to see her working the gears as she whips through traffic all while being able to see her heavy right foot on the gas. She gets up to 100mph a couple of times and tops out around 115mph in this video series. view more.
July 21st, 2009
Princess is late for work and her Volvo won't start. While trying to get it started, she ends up breaking the gas pedal and has to fix it. Her fix was only temporary as it breaks again and she has to call her boss to tell him she's going to be late. She explains the situation and he gives her some pointers. After hanging up, she tries starting it again but no luck. view more.
July 21st, 2009
Lyndsey is on her way to go work out but doesn't have any clean socks to wear with her sneakers. She puts her sneakers on anyways, does a quick stretch and hops in the Volvo. She's going to get a good warm up with her right leg as the Volvo does NOT want to start! She pumps and cranks for a while but has to take a break because her feet get sweaty. She takes her shoes off and goes at it barefoot. view more.
July 19th, 2009
We stopped filming while we pulled in to fill the Torino's gas tank up. Since the trip to our next shoot location wasn't far, I had held on to this footage because it was short for a driving video. However, this Leftover has a nice cranking scene at the beginning of it as Hunter tries to quickly start the Torino to leave the gas pump. You can see she's kinda timid to pump the gas too much so not to flood it...and it works! The rest of the video is of her driving the short distance to the old dirt road. view more.
July 18th, 2009
This is Kas' first shoot with us and before she even got here that day, Shish had told her the Volvo needed a tuneup because it really wouldn't start (thanks to Princess). She said she was familiar in and around cars, so we turned her loose. This video starts with her trying her best to get it started and when she doesn't get anywhere with that, she pops the hood and decides to take matters into her own hands. She replaces all the spark plugs and wires before getting back in to attempt firing this thing up again. She's still not having much luck with it and we even incorporate the help of a few strangers. view more.
July 17th, 2009
Damara just finished up her run and is cooling down. She hops in the Volvo to leave so she can beat the train off in the distance but her car won't start. She keeps trying, pumping the gas in her sneakers to get it to start for her but it just won't catch. The train comes zooming by and sure enough, the Volvo then starts. She revs it up some to clear out the motor. view more.
July 16th, 2009
Damara is driving around in the Volvo and for the most part, the drive is uneventful. Lots of stopping, gear shifting and pedal pumping as she drives through the various neighborhoods. She ends up stalling the Volvo once and it takes a few minutes to get it going again. While cranking, she was getting so worried about being stalled in the road, she was grinding the starter like crazy and Shish had to get her to ease up a tad on the grinding or else we'll be permanently stuck in the road. Once fired up again, she continues the little neighborhood cruise. view more.
July 11th, 2009
So this little gem has Reese trying to get the Volvo started so we can leave our shoot location. As you can see, it's getting dark and all of us are hungry and ready to leave. As you all know, our cars can develop a mind of their own and not cooperate when you want them too. Reese has let the car sit for a minute and really focuses on trying to get it cranked. It comes close to catching near the end but she gave up and told us to leave the car there as punishment for not abiding by her wishes. Lol, so we did and picked it up the next day. view more.
July 11th, 2009
D-man rented a Chevy truck for Mrs. S to play in some mud with. Dressed in a new pair of boots, jeans and red top, D-man enjoys a good show of pedal pumping, wheel spinning and mud flinging from this lovely lady. She puts the gas close to the floor a couple of times trying to get this big truck unstuck but she's not going anywhere anytime soon. view more.
July 10th, 2009
June 29th, 2009
Damara is dressed just the way her guy likes in pair of elbow length leather gloves, black over-the-knee boots with jeans tucked into them and a sexy, tight top. She knows he loves watching her drive in muddy areas in the Coronet, so she decides to take him for a little drive. While she only intends to get the car a little muddy, she quickly finds out that she bit off more than she could chew by getting the Coronet hopelessly stuck. However, that is only the start of her problems as the fuel pump decides to disagree with the heat building up in the engine bay. view more.
June 28th, 2009
So we are done filming the customs needed with Princess and now it's time to head back to PTP HQ except the Volvo has decided to genuinely protest. Shish keeps rolling the camera and Princess keeps trying to get the Volvo to fire up but you can hear it doing some muffled backfiring. view more.
June 28th, 2009
Tanyia and Xaria are going somewhere in the Volvo, but it's not starting very easily. Tanyia cranks the car and comments fairly often on its temperament. She makes the comment that it drives really good once it's started. Xaria is annoyed because she wants to take her car. The battery eventually dies, and Xaria changes it and hops into the driver's seat. She's a little impatient and ready to get going. view more.
June 27th, 2009
It's starting to drizzle a little as Tiffany is leaving work. She slides behind the wheel of the Coronet and is pleasantly surprised when it starts up right away. As she's pulling out, the Coronet slaps her in the face and falls on it's face. She starts pumping the gas to get the engine started again but is having problems on this hot and humid day. view more.
June 23rd, 2009
Damara and Tiffany are driving the Volvo as we head to a location to do some filming. Tiffany starts out driving the Volvo while Damara films her from the passenger seat. Lots of driving, shifting, waiting in traffic and a true look at how these two lovely ladies are when left alone together. view more.
June 21st, 2009
Roxy is tired from her daily routine and just wants to let loose a bit. Watch her slide her boots and socks off to do some barefoot revving in the Coronet. This girl isn't shy when it comes to revving as she makes the sound of the Coronet echo through the parking lot of the big shopping center. view more.
June 21st, 2009
Xaria is trying to head out but the Volvo has other plans. She tries her best to get it started but it could be that the gas pedal is broke and she is only able to pump the rod that the pedal used to be on. With some sweet and gentle coaxing, she tries and tries to bring the Volvo to life. view more.
June 21st, 2009
Damara is dressed just the way her guy likes in pair of elbow length leather gloves, black over-the-knee boots with jeans tucked into them and a sexy, tight top. She knows he loves watching her drive in muddy areas in the Coronet, so she decides to take him for a little drive. While she only intends to get the car a little muddy, she quickly finds out that she bit off more than she could chew by getting the Coronet hopelessly stuck. However, that is only the start of her problems as the fuel pump decides to disagree with the heat building up in the engine bay. view more.
June 19th, 2009
Princess is leaving her home to go grab her girlfriend from work and the two of them are going to be heading into town for a concert. Ready to rock out, Princess doesn't get too far before her car starts giving her some issues. Her friend is on the phone the whole time, anxious to not miss a note of the concert, instructs Princess on what she should do to get the car started. The Volvo dies on Princess in the middle of the road but she manages to get it into a parking lot where she can try to work her magic.
June 18th, 2009
In this custom video, Lyndsey is dressed for a job interview. She cranks up the Coronet and starts driving in a pair of black patent stiletto pumps. During her drive to the interview, the car stalls several times, but fortunately for her, it starts right back up. The stalling is just annoying and an inconvenience at a bad time. view more.