
Bree Cranking & Draining the Battery

June 18th, 2009

Bree is playing around in the rental car and trying to find a good way to do some cranking in it.  As she is being filmed, the battery dies on the car and it ended up having to be towed back to the rental shop.  Apparently the battery draining killed the start or something.  Oops! :) view more.

Bree Cranking & Draining the Battery

Teaching Skylar to Drive a Stick Shift, 2 of 2

June 17th, 2009

So, Shish decides to teach Skylar how to drive a stick, and she's never driven one before.  He coaches her through the steps, and all I have to say is Skylar's a VERY fast learner!  She stalled the vehicle a few times and had to do some cranking occasionally because the Volvo was being really stubborn that day, but this girl can now drive a manual! view more.

Teaching Skylar to Drive a Stick Shift, 2 of 2

Roxy Cranking the Volvo in Old Sneakers

June 14th, 2009

Releasing this first video of Roxy before getting her profile fully setup.  Wanted to show you guys this lovely bombshell as soon as we could.  Here she is in a pair of tight jeans with some old, unlaced sneakers on trying to get the Volvo started.  This girl tries her best to get the Volvo to submit to her pumping but it proves to be quite difficult.  view more.

Roxy Cranking the Volvo in Old Sneakers

Tiffany Brake Failure in the Volvo – #45

June 14th, 2009

Tiffany is taking a drive in her 'trusty' Volvo but is having some concerns about the brakes.  Shrugging it off as just being old and well worn, she continues on her drive not aware of what lies ahead.  While slowing down for a sharp curve the unthinkable happens...her brakes go out!  view more.

Tiffany Brake Failure in the Volvo – #45

Damara & Tiffany Driving the Volvo, 1 of 2


June 14th, 2009

Damara and Tiffany are driving the Volvo as we head to a location to do some filming.  Tiffany starts out driving the Volvo while Damara films her from the passenger seat.   Lots of driving, shifting, waiting in traffic and a true look at how these two lovely ladies are when left alone together. view more.

Damara & Tiffany Driving the Volvo, 1 of 2

Lyndsey Driving to Job Interview but Gets Delayed, 1 of 2

June 13th, 2009

In this custom video, Lyndsey is dressed for a job interview.  She cranks up the Coronet and starts driving in a pair of black patent stiletto pumps.  During her drive to the interview, the car stalls several times, but fortunately for her, it starts right back up.  The stalling is just annoying and an inconvenience at a bad time. view more.

Lyndsey Driving to Job Interview but Gets Delayed, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranks & Revs the Volvo – #069

June 7th, 2009

In this custom video, it is a cold day, and my Volvo won't start.  I'm dressed in a black leather jacket, black leather gloves, a long black leather skirt, and some black knee-high boots.  I battle to get the car started so I'm not late for work.  Once it's up and running at the 8 minute mark, I do some revving to see to it that it's warmed up enough.
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Scarlet Cranks & Revs the Volvo – #069

The Coronet Takes a Dump on Damara

June 7th, 2009

Damara ends up experiencing real trouble in the Coronet.  She and Shish end up getting stranded on the other side of town with the Coronet in the middle of the lane.  There's lots of driving mixed with some cranking.  You'll get to see lots of footwell shots in this video.  The video finishes up with Shish and Damara making small talk.  This clip has low audio, so turn up the volume. view more.

The Coronet Takes a Dump on Damara

Tiffany Revving Coronet in Ankle Strap Pumps

June 6th, 2009

Tiffany does 3 1/2 minutes of revving in her stiletto ankle-strap pumps in the Coronet.  The camera gets lots of footwell shots, some upper body shots, and some exhaust shots.  Then she slides her right pump off and does some barefoot revving for the remainder of the video. view more.

Tiffany Revving Coronet in Ankle Strap Pumps

Tanyia & Xaria Try Starting the Volvo in the Garage, 1 of 2


June 2nd, 2009

Tanyia and Xaria are going somewhere in the Volvo, but it's not starting very easily.  Tanyia cranks the car and comments fairly often on its temperament.  She makes the comment that it drives really good once it's started.  Xaria is annoyed because she wants to take her car.  The battery eventually dies, and Xaria changes it and hops into the driver's seat.  She's a little impatient and ready to get going. view more.

Tanyia & Xaria Try Starting the Volvo in the Garage, 1 of 2

Damara & Tiffany Crank the Coronet Barefoot – #74


May 31st, 2009

In this custom video, Tiffany and Damara are on the way to the store to get a few things.  Tiffany has trouble getting the Coronet started though.  She and Damara talk back and forth, pump the gas at the same time, and swap places so Damara can try to start it.  I must say, this is one awesome video because of the interaction between these two! view more.

Damara & Tiffany Crank the Coronet Barefoot – #74

Teaching Skylar to Drive a Stick Shift, 1 of 2

May 31st, 2009

So, Shish decides to teach Skylar how to drive a stick, and she's never driven one before.  He coaches her through the steps, and all I have to say is Skylar's a VERY fast learner!  She stalled the vehicle a few times and had to do some cranking occasionally because the Volvo was being really stubborn that day, but this girl can now drive a manual! view more.

Teaching Skylar to Drive a Stick Shift, 1 of 2

Lyndsey Cranking the Volvo Barefoot – #72

May 29th, 2009

In this custom video, Lyndsey doesn't know how her car's going to behave, so she pauses a moment to consider.  Then she gets into the Volvo and has to deal with the highly temperamental car.  She talks to the car very often as she pumps the gas barefoot.  There are times when she thinks she's got it started, but it doesn't take long for the car to die on her.  She never gets it backed out of the garage. view more.

Lyndsey Cranking the Volvo Barefoot – #72

Veronica Gets Busted Cheating & Boyfriend Traps Her at Home

May 29th, 2009

Veronica's boyfriend isn't too happy with her.  He's convinced she's out cheating, so he leaves her a not-so-pleasant note that she reads out loud.  Then she discovers he left his piece of crap Cadillac blocking the driveway so she can't get out - and he's got it rigged so it won't start.  Veronica is NOT happy about the situation, though she gives it her best in getting the car started.  Then she finds out he's set up a camera to film it all.  That pisses her off even more! view more.

Veronica Gets Busted Cheating & Boyfriend Traps Her at Home

Tiffany, Your Sexy Tennis Partner, 3 of 3

May 29th, 2009

Tiffany is ready for a game of tennis, so she loads the tennis rackets into the car and then cranks (and cranks) the Volvo for a short while, notating that didn't work to well.  She pauses to apply some lip gloss.  Then she cranks it again; it starts, but it's not sounding very well.  She revs it mildly for a short time to keep it from dying.  She then starts driving to the tennis court.  In clip 2, the car stalls at a dead end, and she is pumping the holy shit out of the pedal with her bare foot, cranking away.  She pumps the gas so hard, the pedal breaks off.  She has to get down in the floor board to fix it; then it's back to trying to start the car.  In clip 3, she finally gets it started again and revs it some more to make sure it's good to go.  She decides to go back home in case the car acts up again. view more.

Tiffany, Your Sexy Tennis Partner, 3 of 3

Scarlet Stalls the Volvo at a Stop Sign in Vans Sneakers

May 26th, 2009

In this custom video, I am pulling up to a stop sign when the Volvo stalls on me.  I am somewhat embarrassed because I'm nervous someone will pull up behind me and get impatient as I try to start the Volvo again.  I pump the gas in my brown and white Vans sneakers and FINALLY get it started.
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Scarlet Stalls the Volvo at a Stop Sign in Vans Sneakers

Damara Cruising with Feet Propped Up – #52

May 24th, 2009

In this custom video, Damara is driving Tiffany's Audi with her feet.  She's got her bare feet propped up on the steering wheel, and she's kicked back, doing some driving on the interstate while listening to the radio.  There are times when her toes move to the music. view more.

Damara Cruising with Feet Propped Up – #52

Lyndsey Flooring the Cadillac & Rocking Out, 2 of 2

May 24th, 2009

In part one, Lyndsey is driving the new Cadillac in her black knee-high boots, and she floors the gas a LOT!  She's got the radio tuned to a classic rock station, and she's hauling butt!  In clip 2, she takes off the boots and does some really good driving barefoot - again, with lots of flooring! view more.

Lyndsey Flooring the Cadillac & Rocking Out, 2 of 2

Tiffany Going to See Lover

May 24th, 2009

Tiffany is being a bad, bad girl!  The video picks up with her leaving the house just after her husband's left for work.  She's on the phone with her secret lover - who requests that she show up with no panties on.  So, she reaches under her dress and takes off her panties.  She hangs up, gets into the Volvo - throwing the panties on the dashboard - and tries to start up the car.  She cranks and cranks and cranks . . . and she realizes at some point she didn't take off her wedding ring.  She slips it off and places it on top of the panties on the dashboard before she starts cranking the Volvo again.  She gets frustrated and starts pumping the hell out of the gas pedal around the 4:11 mark.  She's getting rather frustrated and doesn't want to cancel her secret getaway view more.

Tiffany Going to See Lover

Damara Cranking & Driving Coronet in Brown Sandals, 2 of 2

May 22nd, 2009

For this series, we used our bullet cameras mounted in a few places, and there are several times throughout this video where we have a small screen within the screen so you can see her foot on the pedal and her upper body as Damara takes a few moments to get the Coronet started and while she’s driving it.  The Coronet dies briefly in part 2, but she gets it going fairly quick.  Please note the sound quality isn’t that great in this video (with our bullet cameras). view more.

Damara Cranking & Driving Coronet in Brown Sandals, 2 of 2

Skylar Stops by Work & Car Won’t Start, 3 of 3

May 20th, 2009

Skylar is stopping by work to check up on a few things before meeting her girls for a night out.  She finishes up her work stuff and hops into the Volvo - but it won't start.  There are a few instances in which it starts, but she might be running a tad late to dinner with her friends.  Part three is more of a supplemental update in which she really can't get the car started to "finish" the video, and she and Shish talk back & forth as she continues trying. view more.

Skylar Stops by Work & Car Won’t Start, 3 of 3

Damara Cranking & Driving Coronet in Brown Sandals, 1 of 2

May 17th, 2009

For this series, we used our bullet cameras mounted in a few places, and there are several times throughout this video where we have a small screen within the screen so you can see her foot on the pedal and her upper body as Damara takes a few moments to get the Coronet started and while she's driving it.  The Coronet dies briefly in part 2, but she gets it going fairly quick.  Please note the sound quality isn't that great in this video (with our bullet cameras). view more.

Damara Cranking & Driving Coronet in Brown Sandals, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking in Pantyhose & Red Stilettos, 2 of 2

May 17th, 2009

I come out of the apartment door and have to pause to re-adjust my thigh-high stockings.  Then I hope into the Volvo.  It takes me a second to get it cranked, and when it starts, I put it in reverse with the intent of backing out of the garage.  The Volvo has different plans for me.
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Scarlet Cranking in Pantyhose & Red Stilettos, 2 of 2

Scarlet Cranking Coronet – #67

May 17th, 2009

In this custom video, I'm hoping in the Coronet with my "child" in the backseat because we're heading to the park so he can play . . . that is, if I can get the car started.  I've got my hair up in a ponytail, and I'm pumping the gas in my tan flip flops (with green nail polish with pink polka dots).  I talk to my child and reassure him we'll be on our way soon.
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Scarlet Cranking Coronet – #67

Gina Cranking the Volvo in Sneakers

May 14th, 2009

Gina has the worst luck with the Volvo when she's at the shopping center.  She's stranded, and she can't get the Volvo started.  She lights up a cigarette and smokes while cranking away in her sneakers.  She finally calls her friend and talks for a while.  She tries starting it some more and calls another friend because she's so pissed off!  In the end, you'll see if she got it started or not. view more.

Gina Cranking the Volvo in Sneakers

Tanyia Cranking the Volvo in Tan Pumps

May 14th, 2009

Tanyia is trying to start the Volvo in a pair of jeans and some sexy tan stiletto pumps that show off some toe cleavage.

Tanyia Cranking the Volvo in Tan Pumps

Tiffany, Your Sexy Tennis Partner, 2 of 3

May 12th, 2009

Tiffany is ready for a game of tennis, so she loads the tennis rackets into the car and then cranks (and cranks) the Volvo for a short while, notating that didn't work to well.  She pauses to apply some lip gloss.  Then she cranks it again; it starts, but it's not sounding very well.  She revs it mildly for a short time to keep it from dying.  She then starts driving to the tennis court.  In clip 2, the car stalls at a dead end, and she is pumping the holy shit out of the pedal with her bare foot, cranking away.  She pumps the gas so hard, the pedal breaks off.  She has to get down in the floor board to fix it; then it's back to trying to start the car.  In clip 3, she finally gets it started again and revs it some more to make sure it's good to go.  She decides to go back home in case the car acts up again. view more.

Tiffany, Your Sexy Tennis Partner, 2 of 3

Scarlet Cranks, Revs & Drives the Volvo in Flip Flops

May 10th, 2009

It takes me several tries before I can get the Volvo running, and once it's cranked, I do just a little revving to warm up the engine.  Then we're on our way to get the oil changed, so you see me drive to the nearest oil-changing place.  Shish and I talk a little as I shift gears and drive in my tan flip flops with red nail polish.
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Scarlet Cranks, Revs & Drives the Volvo in Flip Flops

Lyndsey Flooring the Cadillac & Rocking Out, 1 of 2

May 10th, 2009

In part one, Lyndsey is driving the new Cadillac in her black knee-high boots, and she floors the gas a LOT!  She's got the radio tuned to a classic rock station, and she's hauling butt!  In clip 2, she takes off the boots and does some really good driving barefoot - again, with lots of flooring! view more.

Lyndsey Flooring the Cadillac & Rocking Out, 1 of 2

Xaria Cranking the Volvo in Black Dress & Boots

May 10th, 2009

Xaria isn't having any luck with the Volvo today.  She cranks and cranks, and her boot-clad foot getting a workout from the pumping the gas pedal.  But it won't start, and toward the very end, the battery is getting weaker and weaker. view more.

Xaria Cranking the Volvo in Black Dress & Boots

Skylar Stops by Work & Car Won’t Start, 2 of 3

May 4th, 2009

Skylar is stopping by work to check up on a few things before meeting her girls for a night out.  She finishes up her work stuff and hops into the Volvo - but it won't start.  There are a few instances in which it starts, but she might be running a tad late to dinner with her friends.  Part three is more of a supplemental update in which she really can't get the car started to "finish" the video, and she and Shish talk back & forth as she continues trying. view more.

Skylar Stops by Work & Car Won’t Start, 2 of 3

Princess Driving the Caddy in Flip Flops

May 3rd, 2009

In this video, Princess goes for a quick drive in the Cadillac in her dark brown flip flops.

Princess Driving the Caddy in Flip Flops