May 5th, 2008
Raven is dressed and ready to head to a friend's house before they go to a concert that night. The only problem is, she's having trouble getting her car started. The key is being a bitch and won't cooperate, and when she does get the key to turn, the damn car won't start. In the end, she drains the battery, gets out of the car, smacks it on the hood, and goes back inside to call her friend. view more.
May 4th, 2008
Bella & Sophia are ready to go somewhere, but the car doesn’t start. After trying and trying to get it started, Sophia drains the battery. Bella gets out, changes the battery, and tries to direct her sister on how to get it started. When that doesn’t work, Bella tries to start it herself. view more.
April 27th, 2008
Bella & Sophia are ready to go somewhere, but the car doesn't start. After trying and trying to get it started, Sophia drains the battery. Bella gets out, changes the battery, and tries to direct her sister on how to get it started. When that doesn't work, Bella tries to start it herself. view more.
April 26th, 2008
Reese has just made a quick stop at Target, but when she gets in her car to head to her next destination, it won't start. She pumps and pumps with her pink snakeskin slingback pumps, but nothing's working. This car is being a royal pain in the ass today, and it looks like Reese winds up draining the battery before it's over. view more.
April 21st, 2008
Raven is dressed and ready to head to a friend's house before they go to a concert that night. The only problem is, she's having trouble getting her car started. The key is being a bitch and won't cooperate, and when she does get the key to turn, the damn car won't start. In the end, she drains the batter, gets out of the car, smacks it on the hood, and goes back inside to call her friend. view more.
April 20th, 2008
My Mustang died while charging the Coronet's battery with it, and I was pissed. This is a for-real video. That damn car didn't start for a month . . . I got it towed to a friend's house, and it started right up. This video shows me talking to ShisH (whom I was a little irate at for filming since I had no makeup on) while I tried to start it up again. view more.
April 13th, 2008
Raven is dressed and ready to head to a friend's house before they go to a concert that night. The only problem is, she's having trouble getting her car started. The key is being a bitch and won't cooperate, and when she does get the key to turn, the damn car won't start. In the end, she drains the batter, gets out of the car, smacks it on the hood, and goes back inside to call her friend. view more.
April 11th, 2008
Reese has just made a quick stop at Target, but when she gets in her car to head to her next destination, it won't start. She pumps and pumps with her pink snakeskin slingback pumps, but nothing's working. This car is being a royal pain in the ass today, and it looks like Reese winds up draining the battery before it's over. view more.
March 27th, 2008
Reese is leaving a store at night; unfortunately she they didn't have what she was looking for. She gets in the Volvo to head to the next location, but the car dies on her as she starts backing up. This leads into a long cranking spell. She tries her best to get it started, and when it does start, she revs it good to make sure it won't die again. view more.
March 27th, 2008
This is 4-clip video in which Marilyn is cranking the Volvo in sneakers. It takes her quite a while to get the Volvo started, and then she has to pump the gas while backing out of the garage to keep it running. She drives to the location she jogs at, and hops out. When she returns, the trouble continues. view more.
March 25th, 2008
Here's another clip of Reese in her white sweater with white knee-high boots over her jeans. This clip offers a good balance of revving and cranking. She cranks it up, does a good bit of revving before it dies; then she does some cranking for you guys and finishes it off with some more revving. view more.
March 23rd, 2008
Reese is leaving a store at night; unfortunately she they didn't have what she was looking for. She gets in the Volvo to head to the next location, but the car dies on her as she starts backing up. This leads into a long cranking spell. She tries her best to get it started, and when it does start, she revs it good to make sure it won't die again. view more.