
Scarlet Revving the Marquis in Blue Boots

March 23rd, 2008

This is the only video in which the Marquis started on this day so I could do some hard revving.  Once I get it started, I move it to a better location and rev the hell out of it.  This time, I think I accomplished what I came to do; I think I killed it.  After it dies, I try to start it, but the battery is almost instantly dead, so no more revving in the Marquis.
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Scarlet Revving the Marquis in Blue Boots

Jeanell Cranking Volvo in Sweatsuit & Socks

March 23rd, 2008

Jeanell goes out to the garage to start up the Volvo so it can warm up for a bit.  The only problem is getting it started; damn those temperamental vehicles!

Jeanell Cranking Volvo in Sweatsuit & Socks

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 3 of 4

March 21st, 2008

This is 4-clip video in which Marilyn is cranking the Volvo in sneakers.  It takes her quite a while to get the Volvo started, and then she has to pump the gas while backing out of the garage to keep it running.  She drives to the location she jogs at, and hops out.  When she returns, the trouble continues. view more.

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 3 of 4

Reese in the Target Parking Lot Pumping Away, 1 of 3

March 18th, 2008

Reese has just made a quick stop at Target, but when she gets in her car to head to her next destination, it won't start.  She pumps and pumps with her pink snakeskin slingback pumps, but nothing's working.  This car is being a royal pain in the ass today, and it looks like Reese winds up draining the battery before it's over. view more.

Reese in the Target Parking Lot Pumping Away, 1 of 3

Tink Cranking Volvo in White Boots

March 16th, 2008

When the Volvo doesn't start initially, Tink can't help but laugh at her misfortune.  As time passes and it still won't start, she gets a little more irate at the car, even going so far as to threatened it if it won't start.
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Tink Cranking Volvo in White Boots

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 2 of 4

March 14th, 2008

This is 4-clip video in which Marilyn is cranking the Volvo in sneakers.  It takes her quite a while to get the Volvo started, and then she has to pump the gas while backing out of the garage to keep it running.  She drives to the location she jogs at, and hops out.  When she returns, the trouble continues. view more.

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 2 of 4

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in White Boots, 2 of 2

March 13th, 2008

Ivy's facial features and demeanor in this video clip are excellent.  You can tell she's perplexed at first by her predicament (the car won't start); that soon leads to slight amusement because this would be her luck.  Then it's back to serious, get-it-started attitude as she pumps away. view more.

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in White Boots, 2 of 2

Jeanell Learning to Start & Drive a Stick Shift, 2 of 2

March 12th, 2008

So, stalling a manual vehicle has requested, and what better way to fulfill that request than by trying to teach Jeanell how to drive a manual?  So, in this video, I interact with Jeanell and walk her through the steps in getting the Volvo going.  She gets the hang of it - at least most of it.  It'll just take some practice. view more.

Jeanell Learning to Start & Drive a Stick Shift, 2 of 2

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in Mules, 2 of 2

March 10th, 2008

Since we've had a few requests for cranking in mules, we had Ivy bring a pair with her last time we filmed.  In this video, she goes to town, pumping the gas pedal in her black mules, trying to get the car started.  She eventually drains the battery, the car's not going anywhere anytime soon. view more.

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in Mules, 2 of 2

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Lingerie, 2 of 2

March 10th, 2008

Amber Wilde wants to crank up her car so it can be warming up in the garage before heading back in to have a quickie with her husband.  Unfortunately, the car isn't starting.  You hear her husband yell at her to come back inside, but she's frustrated and pissed now.  The damn car won't start, so she's not in the mood anymore. view more.

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Lingerie, 2 of 2

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 1 of 4

March 9th, 2008

This is 4-clip video in which Marilyn is cranking the Volvo in sneakers.  It takes her quite a while to get the Volvo started, and then she has to pump the gas while backing out of the garage to keep it running.  She drives to the location she jogs at, and hops out.  When she returns, the trouble continues. view more.

Marilyn Cranks & Drives to the Gym in Sneakers, 1 of 4

Jeanell Floods the Volvo in Black Pumps

March 9th, 2008

Jeanell had pulled the Volvo into the garage earlier in the morning, and it cranked just fine.  Now she goes back out to the car to leave, but it won't start.

Jeanell Floods the Volvo in Black Pumps

Jeanell Learning to Start & Drive a Stick Shift, 1 of 2

March 9th, 2008

So, stalling a manual vehicle has requested, and what better way to fulfill that request than by trying to teach Jeanell how to drive a manual?  So, in this video, I interact with Jeanell and walk her through the steps in getting the Volvo going.  She gets the hang of it - at least most of it.  It'll just take some practice. view more.

Jeanell Learning to Start & Drive a Stick Shift, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Marquis in Leather

March 8th, 2008

I am not happy at all, and my facial expressions and body language definitely convey that.  I went to Hunter's to do some really hard revving in the Marquis, but I can't get the damn thing to start.  In this clip, I am wearing my black leather jacket, black leather gloves, jeans, and my black boots. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Marquis in Leather

Lee Can’t Stop the Torino

March 2nd, 2008

Lee is driving along as usual when she suspects her brakes are acting up.  As she approaches a major intersection, her brakes won't slow her down.  She gets VERY frantic because she can't stop . . . you'll have to watch the video to see if she was able to stop the car.
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Lee Can’t Stop the Torino

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in Mules, 1 of 2

March 2nd, 2008

Since we've had a few requests for cranking in mules, we had Ivy bring a pair with her last time we filmed.  In this video, she goes to town, pumping the gas pedal in her black mules, trying to get the car started.  She eventually drains the battery, the car's not going anywhere anytime soon. view more.

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in Mules, 1 of 2

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Pink Boots

March 2nd, 2008

Amber Wilde is dressed and ready to go shopping!  After struggling with the key for a few seconds, she finally turns it to start her car.  She struggles a LONG time with the car, trying her best to get it to crank.  She pleads with it, tries to sweet talk it, and pumps the gas with her pink boots - but nothing.  No shopping today. view more.

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Pink Boots

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 4 of 4

February 28th, 2008

Reese has one horrible time getting the Volvo started.  This entire series is 20 minutes long and shows mostly full-body shots, tail pipe shots, and footwell shots.  What really sucks is after trying for so long, it seems to want to start, but it's just not happening for her today. view more.

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 4 of 4

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Lingerie, 1 of 2

February 27th, 2008

Amber Wilde wants to crank up her car so it can be warming up in the garage before heading back in to have a quickie with her husband.  Unfortunately, the car isn't starting.  You hear her husband yell at her to come back inside, but she's frustrated and pissed now.  The damn car won't start, so she's not in the mood anymore. view more.

Amber Wilde Cranking the Volvo in Lingerie, 1 of 2

Amber Wilde Begging the Volvo to Start

February 26th, 2008

Amber Wilde slides into the Volvo, making the statement, "Let's see if you'll crank today."  She's always having trouble with the Volvo, so it's no surprise when it doesn't start for her.  She holds the key for long periods of time, pleading and begging the car to start for her. view more.

Amber Wilde Begging the Volvo to Start

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 3 of 4

February 25th, 2008

Reese has one horrible time getting the Volvo started.  This entire series is 20 minutes long and shows mostly full-body shots, tail pipe shots, and footwell shots.  What really sucks is after trying for so long, it seems to want to start, but it's just not happening for her today. view more.

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 3 of 4

Marilyn Cranks, Revs, Drives & Gets Stranded in the Volvo, 4 of 4

February 25th, 2008

Marilyn is having issues with the Volvo.  It takes her a while to get it started and surprises her when it finally does start.  She revs it for a little to clear it out and to keep it running.  During her drive, the car stalls out, and it takes a little coaxing to get it started again.  After that, she heads back home.  Today isn't her day! view more.

Marilyn Cranks, Revs, Drives & Gets Stranded in the Volvo, 4 of 4

Grace Quickie Crank & Rev

February 24th, 2008

This is a short, supplemental update in which Grace and I are chit-chatting while she tries to get her car started.  Once it starts, she revs it a few times before the video fades out.

Grace Quickie Crank & Rev

Ivy Cranking Volvo in Business Suit

February 23rd, 2008

Ivy is on her way to work - or so she thinks.  You can tell she's a little frustrated by her dilemma by the sounds she makes and the way she talks to the car.  She pleads with the car, but she might as well find her another way to work this morning.  The Volvo isn't going anywhere.  view more.

Ivy Cranking Volvo in Business Suit

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in White Boots, 1 of 2

February 23rd, 2008

Ivy's facial features and demeanor in this video clip are excellent.  You can tell she's perplexed at first by her predicament (the car won't start); that soon leads to slight amusement because this would be her luck.  Then it's back to serious, get-it-started attitude as she pumps away. view more.

Ivy Cranking the Volvo in White Boots, 1 of 2

Amber Wilde Sexy Cranking the Volvo

February 23rd, 2008

Amber Wilde's issues start immediately when she gets in the Volvo.  She has trouble getting the key to turn, and when she gets past that obstacle - another gets in the way.  The car won't start.  At first, she is nonchalant about it, but she gets a little more frustrated - especially toward the end when the battery is dead. view more.

Amber Wilde Sexy Cranking the Volvo

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 2 of 4

February 21st, 2008

Reese has one horrible time getting the Volvo started.  This entire series is 20 minutes long and shows mostly full-body shots, tail pipe shots, and footwell shots.  What really sucks is after trying for so long, it seems to want to start, but it's just not happening for her today. view more.

Reese Trying to Start the Stubborn Volvo, 2 of 4

Nikki Surprises You With a Cranking Show

February 17th, 2008

Nikki has a surprise for you.  She leads you out through the garage in the dark, finds the light in the car, and turns it on so you can see her sexy outfit and pumps.  In her excitement, she forgot the keys.  When she returns with the keys, she tries to get the car started and suspects you might have done something to it.  Fortunately, she's willing to play along.
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Nikki Surprises You With a Cranking Show

Scarlet Cold Starting Marquis in Hose & Boots

February 17th, 2008

This is the first video in a series of many (and different outfits) in which I was supposed to do a revving video in the Marquis at Hunter's house, but the damn car wouldn't start!  I got it to crank ONCE for a revving clip.  In this one, the battery is dead at first, so we had to change it out.  I spend the rest of the clip trying to start the Marquis. view more.

Scarlet Cold Starting Marquis in Hose & Boots

Tink Cranking in Red Peep Toe Pumps

February 12th, 2008

Tink's dilemma with the Volvo continues in this clip.  She can't get the car to start, and her coaxing and petting the dashboard doesn't do any good.  The car is not in a cooperative mood.
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Tink Cranking in Red Peep Toe Pumps

Nikki Late for Meeting but has to Pickup Kid at Daycare

February 10th, 2008

Nikki is not happy.  She has a business meeting to go to, but her husband calls and asks her to pick up their son in daycare because he can't.  Now she's going to be late for her meeting - really late.  Her car won't start, so that only adds to Nikki's frustration.
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Nikki Late for Meeting but has to Pickup Kid at Daycare

Nikki Cranking & Draining the Volvo Battery

February 10th, 2008

Nikki can't get the Volvo started.  She's slightly frustrated at first, but she manages to coax it a few times before her frustration deepens.  You can tell she's not happy!  She tries her best, but the battery soon drains, and she's left cranking a dead battery.
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Nikki Cranking & Draining the Volvo Battery