May 22nd, 2007
May 21st, 2007
In this clip, Hunter is driving around casually in the Torino. She comes to a red light, and she wants to hear the engine. So she puts her foot on the brake and taps on the gas to hear it roar, but the vehicle dies on her instead. Just a few pumps is all it takes to get the Torino going again, and she continues her drive. view more.
May 20th, 2007
May 20th, 2007
May 15th, 2007
We were finally able to work with Salem again, and this is the first video we filmed that day. She and I had a lot of catching up to do, so I filmed her while talked about things and she drove the Torino. She's wearing a blue top and some cute brown flip flops! Her nails are painted a pretty pink shade, and she's wearing an anklet. view more.
May 14th, 2007
Star gets in the Blazer to leave, and it won't start. You can tell it doesn't take long before she's frustrated, but she's trying to keep her cool - even when the vehicle backfires really loud. She lights up a cigarette, and keeps trying. She has a look of puzzlement on her face toward the end because she doesn't understand why it won't start. She realizes she may have to walk a few blocks to the nearest gas station to call for help. view more.
May 11th, 2007
After Kookie gets the Torino started, Kookie backs out of her parking spot and sets off to her destination. She does casual driving in her wild-looking cowgirl boots, rummages through her purse while driving, applies some lipstick, and ShisH has to warn her about sharp curves because she just about hits someone going around a curve! view more.
May 9th, 2007
Princess gets in the Marquis and asks her boss if he'll be going to his usual lunch spot. The car won't start, and Princess apologizes continuously as she cranks the car. Unfortunately, the battery drains quick, so she looks under the hood to see why it won't start. She gets back in after letting the battery charge a little, and keeps trying! She doesn't want to get fired for making her boss late! view more.
May 8th, 2007
Aylalee films me while I drive the 350Z to the car wash (4min and 22seconds). I take my sandals off while driving. When we get to the car wash, Aylalee films my ass (haha!) while I vacuum out the evidence of being stuck earlier. She also films me as I talk to the camera. Afterwards, Aylalee is still filming but talks about her sexy toes in which she points the camera to her feet in the floorboard. view more.
May 6th, 2007
Hunter is driving around on some land in the Marquis, and she comes across a bad spot. The Marquis gets stuck, and she really has to work to get it out! This video is shot entirely from inside the vehicle with over-the-shoulder angles and close-ups of the footwell so you can see her black boots as she works her way out. view more.
May 5th, 2007
The first 45 seconds of this clip shows Amber trying to crank and keep the Torino started. When that's accomplished, she starts out, but ShisH has to remind her to release the parking brake! Once that's done, she's off! You can see her pretty pink nail polish in her black patent peep-toe pumps. view more.
May 2nd, 2007
May 1st, 2007
April 28th, 2007
Princess is running late for work. She hops into the Marquis, turns the key to crank it, and all it does is turn over. She stomps the gas while cranking it, coaxing it to start. It's not long before the battery sounds weak, and then she's cranking a dead battery. She may have to catch a ride with a coworker. view more.
April 25th, 2007
April 24th, 2007
Kristen says she's little rusty when it comes to driving a manual, but she does a great job! She's driving ShisH's Camaro, and she gets on it a few times! The camera angles in this video consists of over-the shoulder shots so you can see her hands shifting gears as well as her feet working the pedals while shifting and driving. There are also footwell close-ups. view more.
April 22nd, 2007
April 21st, 2007
April 18th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
Penelope is taking a quick smoke break in her car, and when it's time to go, the car doesn't want to go. She's frustrated as it was running just fine earlier. She pumps the hell out of the gas until it finally starts. She revs it for a while to make sure it won't do something like that to her again. view more.
April 15th, 2007
Kookie does a hot driving clip in her short dress with her red leather jacket and red leather gloves! The camera focuses on various angles within the car, including shots of her gloves on the steering wheel while driving. She definitely does some flooring of the gas to build up speed from time to time! view more.
April 12th, 2007
I am filming Kristen as she drives the Torino in her socked feet. She floors the gas a lot in the clip, stretching her foot out to hold it to the floor as she gains speed! Occasionally, she drives with her left foot tucked under her right leg. I get mostly footwell shots, but I do get some upper body shots and some looking out through the windshield as she drives. view more.
April 9th, 2007