February 27th, 2007
February 24th, 2007
Princess & Penelope are driving the Torino to the local pizza store to pick up some food. At a red light on the way, the Torino dies, and Princess has trouble getting it started. The light turns green and people start honking their horn at them! Once it starts, they continue on their way to get the pizza and go back home. view more.
February 21st, 2007
I had just gotten into the Marquis to head down the road to do a custom video, and the ground was so soft and wet, I got stuck! HAHA! I thought, "Okay, this shouldn't be a big deal," but when I backed up to try again, the tires just spun - no traction! I finally got to a spot where I could get enough traction to go! view more.
February 18th, 2007
This is the cranking video with Penelope in which the Torino caught on fire. I didn't get it on video, but as she's pumping away and trying to get the Torino started, you can hear the audible "WOOF" noise from under the hood . . . the noise that signifies something ignited and is ablaze. When the smoke blows in front of the camera, I stop filming her because I realize it's probably on fire! view more.
February 17th, 2007
I have trouble getting the Torino started, and when it starts, I have trouble keeping it running. I do some revving in between the cranking and punch the gas sharply while doing so from time to time. This causes the Torino to die a time or two, and I have to keep trying to start it. view more.
February 14th, 2007
Princess & Penelope are driving the Torino to the local pizza store to pick up some food. At a red light on the way, the Torino dies, and Princess has trouble getting it started. The light turns green and people start honking their horn at them! Once it starts, they continue on their way to get the pizza and go back home. view more.
February 14th, 2007
Once Kristen gets the Torino started, she does some awesome revving in her sneakers. Smoke comes out of the exhaust a lot as she first revs it and clears it up after being so temperamental. She takes her sneakers off and does some barefoot revving when the car conks out at the very end. The video ends with her cranking the car. view more.
February 12th, 2007
Hunter eases along on this not-so-good looking area she's ventured in to. She's turning around so she can head back the other way, and her car gets stuck. She floors the gas hard in her knee-high boots, but the wheels spin and spin! She's aggressive enough with it to get it out of the not-so-muddy-looking mud and continue onward. view more.
February 8th, 2007
Princess & Penelope are driving the Torino to the local pizza store to pick up some food. At a red light on the way, the Torino dies, and Princess has trouble getting it started. The light turns green and people start honking their horn at them! Once it starts, they continue on their way to get the pizza and go back home. view more.
February 4th, 2007
Aylalee does a really good job in this stuck video filmed at Fly's. She's just learned the basics on how to drive a manual, and now she's going to try to get this Oldsmobile unstuck. There's a pretty big rut she has to get past, so we'll see how well she does! I'm in the car with her in case she needs help! view more.
February 3rd, 2007
February 2nd, 2007
Hunter slides into ShisH's white Camaro, takes off her black open-toe sandals, slides off her black thigh-high stockings, puts the sandals back and and starts up the vehicle. She then proceeds to do some hard revving, and she glances at the camera giving sly, seductive looks from time to time. view more.
January 31st, 2007
This is a laid-back casual video of Vixen driving the Torino and then trying to back up. ShisH directs her in part of this video as she backs up, and in the midst of this, the Torino just dies for real! She also does some MAJOR hard revving in the sandals and barefoot. She loves to give the camera teasing looks as she revs it hard! Not to mention she does a cool burn-out in the end with smoking going everywhere! view more.
January 29th, 2007
January 27th, 2007
Aylalee does a really good job in this stuck video filmed at Fly's. She's just learned the basics on how to drive a manual, and now she's going to try to get this Oldsmobile unstuck. There's a pretty big rut she has to get past, so we'll see how well she does! I'm in the car with her in case she needs help! view more.
January 27th, 2007
Kookie tries her best to coax the Torino into starting for her. She's wearing her hot blue/beige cowgirl boots with a short denim skirt, and she uses her soothing voice to talk gently to the car. She pets the dashboard briefly, but it won't start. She gets out, looks under the hood, but doesn't see anything obvious, so she can only keep trying, hoping it will finally start for her. view more.
January 24th, 2007
January 19th, 2007
Penelope has a little difficulty starting the Torino, but not too much. I'm in the passenger seat, and she and I are heading out on a road trip. But first, we decide to stop at a parts store to get some air fresheners for the vehicle because it doesn't smell nice and fresh. So she and I make idle chit chat, and when she's not talking, she's chewing on her gum. view more.
January 18th, 2007
Wow! Earlier on this day of filming, I had tried myself to get the Marquis out of this spot, and I didn't think it was possible! It is absolutely amazing that Hunter manages to get this vehicle unstuck by herself! I was standing there with my mouth wide open when she freed it!! It took a lot of flooring & rocking, but she did it! view more.
January 17th, 2007