
Nikki Revving Torino in Boots & Barefoot

December 4th, 2006

Nikki does some revving with her black knee-high boots over jeans, and then she takes them off along with her socks and does some barefoot revving in the Torino.

Nikki Revving Torino in Boots & Barefoot

Scarlet Gets the Bobcat Stuck in the Mud

December 3rd, 2006

I start up Fly's Bobcat and head through the path and make it through the Flytrap to my destination on down the pathway.  Backing up and out of the Flytrap is a different story.  I never expected a Bobcat to get stuck . . . but these tires turn slowly when they get stuck!  I don't make it out either! view more.

Scarlet Gets the Bobcat Stuck in the Mud

Aylalee Uses the Tractor to Get Scarlet Unstuck


November 28th, 2006

Aylalee isn't feeling well, so Scarlet is being kind and feeding the animals for her before heading to work.  She gets stuck, which is where this video picks up - Aylalee driving the tractor back to pull her out.  After the tire on the tractor spins a time or 2, Aylalee pulls Scarlet out of the mud and they head back to the house.

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Aylalee Uses the Tractor to Get Scarlet Unstuck

Hunter Cruises in the Torino

November 27th, 2006

After a few more pumps, Hunter gets the Torino started and sets out for a drive to a local shopping center.

Hunter Cruises in the Torino

Pepper Revving the Mustang Drag Car

November 26th, 2006

Pepper has a really nice Mustang drag car that she does some revving in for you guys!  This baby's loud!

Pepper Revving the Mustang Drag Car

Breathless Cranking the Torino in Bikini and Open Toe Heels

November 26th, 2006

Breathless is dressed in her bathing suit, ready to go!  She can't get the Torino started though, and a bug gets on her and freaks her out!  She acts very girly and wants nothing more than for the car to start so she can leave! view more.

Breathless Cranking the Torino in Bikini and Open Toe Heels

Nikki Stalled & Flooded in the Torino in Flip Flops

November 24th, 2006

Nikki hops into the Torino to go for a drive - but she's having trouble.  The Tornio's not in a very cooperative mood; it's starts up for her once, but give her false hope when it dies not longer after.
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Nikki Stalled & Flooded in the Torino in Flip Flops

Scarlet Cranks & Tries to Free Goldberg

November 24th, 2006

So this is the vehicle I though Aylalee was being goofy with; now it's my turn to see just how stubborn it really is.  After trying to start it and keep it running, I realize it's slightly stuck and may not have the power & juice to make it out.  But I give it my best shot! view more.

Scarlet Cranks & Tries to Free Goldberg

Goddess Cranking the Bronco in Boots & Leather Pants

November 24th, 2006

Goddess gets to experience jut how difficult the Bronco can be.  She thinks she's got it under control and can do it no problem, but the Bronco is determined to give her a hard time and make her work to get it started in her black leather pants. view more.

Goddess Cranking the Bronco in Boots & Leather Pants

Penelope Cranking & Driving her Fiancee in the Torino, 2 of 2

November 23rd, 2006

This video is actually filmed by Penelope's boyfriend/fiancée; she's driving the Torino and following ShisH to a location to do some filming.  She's very goofy in this video.

Penelope Cranking & Driving her Fiancee in the Torino, 2 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the ’55 Ford Pedal Starter

November 22nd, 2006

Fly told me this vehicle would not start, but I was determined, especially since I'd never came across a vehicle I couldn't eventually get started.  Well, this old '55 Ford has been sitting for WAY too long - not to mention it's my first time cranking a vehicle with a floor starter.  I never got it to start . . . view more.

Scarlet Cranking the ’55 Ford Pedal Starter

Vixen Crank, Drive & a Little Stuck in the Torino, 1 of 2

November 20th, 2006

It takes Vixen just a little to get the Torino started, and then she drives out to her "meeting point."  It's a rainy evening, and the trail in front of her is not looking too appealing.  She decides to back up and try her best to turn around, but that doesn't go without getting slightly stuck! view more.

Vixen Crank, Drive & a Little Stuck in the Torino, 1 of 2

Scarlet is Stuck in Leather, Vinyl, Gloves & Boots

November 18th, 2006

This is a custom video I did in which I get stuck in two different outfits of leather, vinyl, & boots!  Rocking the vehicle is almost impossible because it's almost immobile, and putting twigs and sticks under the wheel didn't help either!  I don't think I'm going anywhere in this clip! view more.

Scarlet is Stuck in Leather, Vinyl, Gloves & Boots

Penelope Stranded & Teased with Help

November 17th, 2006

Penelope's car took a dump, and she can't get it started.  She's on a lone stretch of road and after you watch her try and try to start the Torino, you see someone slow down (in a familiar car).  Obviously the person inside doesn't want to do anything but torment her and make her think he'll help. view more.

Penelope Stranded & Teased with Help

Scarlet Gets Stuck in the Marquis in Hose & Loafers, 2 of 2

November 17th, 2006

Aylalee calls me as I'm leaving work and asks if I can feed the animals.  She's not feeling so well.  I agree but tell her I'm driving out there instead of walking because I'm running late for work.  It's a good thing I didn't walk or I would have gotten my shoes muddy.  I guess getting stuck and taking up valuable time isn't good either. view more.

Scarlet Gets Stuck in the Marquis in Hose & Loafers, 2 of 2

Pepper Cranking the Blazer in Thong Sandals

November 14th, 2006

This is the first clip we've posted with cranking footage in the Blazer we have, and Pepper does a fantastic job.  Her toes are painted in French pedicure, and these sandals look so cute on her feet!
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Pepper Cranking the Blazer in Thong Sandals

Princess Cranking the Torino ‘Food Challenge’, 2 of 4

November 13th, 2006

This started as a normal cranking video, but with the Torino acting stubborn in ways we don’t want it to, ShisH quickly had to devise a plan.  So, with Princess being hungry, we challenged her to try and start it within a time period.  So after her defeat and inability to start the Torino in the allotted time, ShisH gives her a few tips to make her feel better.  It starts up, and now she thinks she’s victorious.  We know we can’t have that, so ShisH quickly snuffs her hopes at permanent victory… view more.

Princess Cranking the Torino ‘Food Challenge’, 2 of 4

Scarlet Revs & Pumps the Air Brakes

November 12th, 2006

I have just finished practicing and "learning" how to drive one of Fly's work vehicles with more gears than I've worked with before!  I pull off to the side of the road to do some mild revving and pumping on the airbrakes! view more.

Scarlet Revs & Pumps the Air Brakes

Princess Cranking the Torino ‘Food Challenge’, 1 of 4

November 8th, 2006

This started as a normal cranking video, but with the Torino acting stubborn in ways we don't want it to, ShisH quickly had to devise a plan.  So, with Princess being hungry, we challenged her to try and start it within a time period.  So after her defeat and inability to start the Torino in the allotted time, ShisH gives her a few tips to make her feel better.  It starts up, and now she thinks she's victorious.  We know we can't have that, so ShisH quickly snuffs her hopes at permanent victory... view more.

Princess Cranking the Torino ‘Food Challenge’, 1 of 4

Breathless Revving the Torino in Bikini and Open Toe Heels

November 8th, 2006

Breathless does some mild revving in the Torino in her pink bikini bathing suite and bare feet.

Breathless Revving the Torino in Bikini and Open Toe Heels

Amber Cranking the Torino in Peep Toes

November 7th, 2006

Amber's having difficulties in keeping the Torino running.  This video clip is in wide screen, so let us know what you think.  Sorry for the "crackling noise" in this video.  We are looking into this as we do not know where it's coming from. view more.

Amber Cranking the Torino in Peep Toes

Mustang Sally Driving the Lincoln in Open Toe Sandals

November 7th, 2006

In this clip, Mustang Sally takes her Lincoln town car around the block for some driving in a cute pink tank top, camouflaged skirt, and silver open-toe sandals.

Mustang Sally Driving the Lincoln in Open Toe Sandals

Scarlet Stranded at Night in Leather & Boots in the Torino, 2 of 2

November 6th, 2006

Scarlet does some night-time cranking to test out the new camera light.  Not even 30 seconds into the video, the battery starts to die, so it's gotta be recharged.  Then she carries on, cranking the Torino in a sexy leather skirt and her hot tan-colored knee-high boots! view more.

Scarlet Stranded at Night in Leather & Boots in the Torino, 2 of 2

Audrey Driving the Bronco in Boots Self-Filmed

November 1st, 2006

Sadly, this is the last video clip we have of Audrey.  She's filming herself as she's follows ShisH to do some more videos.  She talks about the days adventures as she drives.

Audrey Driving the Bronco in Boots Self-Filmed

Hunter Stranded in the Parking Lot

October 31st, 2006

Hunter slides into the Torino to find that it won't start for her.  Watch this awesome woman crank and pump on the gas; you can tell the longer she has to crank it, the more irritated and frustrated she gets. view more.

Hunter Stranded in the Parking Lot

Princess Cranking & Revving the Torino in Flip Flops

October 29th, 2006

Princess coaxes and encourages the Torino to start for her.  After a couple of minutes, it does start for her, and she does some revving so as to assure it won't die on her again.  At the end, she waves goodbye to everyone watching. view more.

Princess Cranking & Revving the Torino in Flip Flops

Penelope Stuck at the Running Trail, 2 of 2

October 26th, 2006

Penelope is out for her late morning job, but she decides to cut it short when she sees lightening and hears thunder in the distance.  As she gets in her car to leave, it won't start.  She's rather frustrated by this misfortune.  She gets it started only to back into a small puddle of mud in which she only manages to spin wheels and create plums of smoke! view more.

Penelope Stuck at the Running Trail, 2 of 2

Scarlet Stranded at Night in Leather & Boots in the Torino, 1 of 2

October 25th, 2006

Scarlet does some night-time cranking to test out the new camera light.  Not even 30 seconds into the video, the battery starts to die, so it's gotta be recharged.  Then she carries on, cranking the Torino in a sexy leather skirt and her hot tan-colored knee-high boots! view more.

Scarlet Stranded at Night in Leather & Boots in the Torino, 1 of 2

Nikki Brake Failure in Black Boots

October 24th, 2006

This is Nikki's first brake failure attempt, and she plans to keep doing them for you guys!  I think she does a great job for her first brake failure!  Feedback is welcomed!
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Nikki Brake Failure in Black Boots

Aylalee Learning to Drive a Stick & Stuck, 3 of 3


October 20th, 2006

While up at Fly's, I decided to teach Aylalee how to drive a stick shift.  She did a lot better than she thought she would.  We didn't get very far though because she drove us right into the Flytrap!  lol

Aylalee Learning to Drive a Stick & Stuck, 3 of 3

Scarlet Gets Stuck in the Marquis in Hose & Loafers, 1 of 2

October 20th, 2006

Aylalee calls me as I'm leaving work and asks if I can feed the animals.  She's not feeling so well.  I agree but tell her I'm driving out there instead of walking because I'm running late for work.  It's a good thing I didn't walk or I would have gotten my shoes muddy.  I guess getting stuck and taking up valuable time isn't good either. view more.

Scarlet Gets Stuck in the Marquis in Hose & Loafers, 1 of 2

Shishkbob Sabotages Jeanell’s Jeep

October 19th, 2006

Jeanell didn't know ShisH had done something to the Jeep, but as soon as she started it, she new something was up.  Watch as she tries to keep it running but when it starts to backfire she turns it off and has a rough time starting it again.  Good cranking and good revving this clip! view more.

Shishkbob Sabotages Jeanell’s Jeep