
Stormy Revving in OTK Boots

April 14th, 2006

Here's a quickie video clip I found of stormy from a long time ago!  She's revving her 64 1/2 Mustang in my black over-the-knee boots.

Stormy Revving in OTK Boots

Aylalee Stuck in the Mud – #31

April 12th, 2006

In this custom video, Aylalee gets stuck at the Flytrap in this '81 Bonneville.  She's wearing a pink sweater, jeans and tan suede boots.  Watch her get stuck and unstuck numerous times!  She's having way too much fun with this! view more.

Aylalee Stuck in the Mud – #31

Kristen Driving the PT Cruiser Barefoot, 2 of 2

April 12th, 2006

Kristen driving the PT Cruiser around.  She's got on a tight spaghetti-strap top to show off her "baby bump" for you guys.  She loves driving and sight-seeing - propping her feet up in the seat and wiggling her toes.

Kristen Driving the PT Cruiser Barefoot, 2 of 2

Jeanell Sexy Revving in Boots

April 12th, 2006

Jeanell wasn't kidding on her profile when she said revving was her favorite type of pedal pumping!  She's revving this baby up, and she's giving you guys some pretty sexy looks while showing off her thigh-high fishnet stockings as well! view more.

Jeanell Sexy Revving in Boots

Audrey Revving in Gloves and Strappy High Heels

April 7th, 2006

Audrey cranks up the Bronco, slides her hands into her black leather gloves, and gives the camera a big smile before she starts revving that baby up!  The engine squeals as her foot presses the gas pedal and makes the RPM's rise. view more.

Audrey Revving in Gloves and Strappy High Heels

Tremble Starting then Revving the Valiant in Loafers

April 5th, 2006

Tremble breaks in the Valiant in this cute green & pink spaghetti-strapped top, blue jeans, and high-heeled loafers.  After cranking it for a little, she gets it started and does some quick revving in it.

Tremble Starting then Revving the Valiant in Loafers

Penelope Driving the Caprice Self-Filmed

March 26th, 2006

Penelope gets to drive the Caprice for her very first time.  I would normally film a model in this situation but they had to follow me to a new location to do more videos at so I had Penelope's friend film instead.  I gave her a quick lesson and she grabbed the camera and was ready to roll!  This video has Penelope just be-boppin down the road, listening to some music and trying to keep up with me.  **Updated provided by ShisH :) ** view more.

Penelope Driving the Caprice Self-Filmed

Lee Stranded in Thunderstorm

March 24th, 2006

Lee is caught in a terrible storm and pulls into a parking lot until the rain let's so she can see better again.  It's still lightening and thundering a little, but fortunately the rain lets up, and she tries to crank the Bronco back up to continue on her way.  It won't start and when it does, it dies soon after.  She has no idea what could be wrong.  She gets out to check under the hood, and she gets a little wet and scared by bright lightening.  All she can do is get back in and keep trying!
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Lee Stranded in Thunderstorm

Kristen Playing in the 1969 Nova

March 23rd, 2006

Kristen revs up the 69 Nova for you guys before she takes it for a little spin - tire spinning that is.  She does several brake stands to get those tires spinning and smoking before hauling ass down the road.  She loves doing this kind of stuff! view more.

Kristen Playing in the 1969 Nova

Audrey Cranking Bronco at Furniture Store

March 22nd, 2006

Audrey tries her luck with getting the Bronco started.  Dressed in black gauchos, a white long-sleeved top, and some sexy camel-colored boots, she pumps away on the gas while trying to start the vehicle.  You can tell she starts to get more and more frustrated as her attempts prove to be useless. view more.

Audrey Cranking Bronco at Furniture Store

Aylalee & Salem Real Cranking the Caprice in the Mud


March 16th, 2006

This video started out with the intentions of being a stuck video, but as soon as the car hit the mud, it died.  Aylalee and Salem roll with it as this video turns out to be 99% real cranking as they both try their best to get it started.  Both of them get to the point where the situation is just too funny! view more.

Aylalee & Salem Real Cranking the Caprice in the Mud

Scarlet Revving in Red Boots Waiting on a Friend

March 16th, 2006

I am sitting in a parking lot, waiting on an old "friend" of mine to show up.  We haven't seen each other in years, and since he was passing through town, he called to see if we could hang out and chat for just a few minutes.  While I'm waiting on him to show up, I decide to do some loud revving to keep myself awake! view more.

Scarlet Revving in Red Boots Waiting on a Friend

Veronica Gets Stuck & Stalled in the Bronco, 1 of 2

March 16th, 2006

Another 100% real video where Veronica was supposed to just scout out the various trails but in less than a minute, she manages to get the Bronco stuck.  Not wanting to end our filming day so soon, ShisH stops recording and tries to put things under the tire to get it out.  Veronica really does a good job at burying the tires deep in her first video with us here at PTP, and then it dies on her and she tries to get it started. view more.

Veronica Gets Stuck & Stalled in the Bronco, 1 of 2

Mustang Sally Cowgirl Cranking the Bronco

March 14th, 2006

Dressed in her jeans and cowgirl hat, Mustang Sally tries to tame this wild creature!  She cranks away on the Bronco, trying to get it started.

Mustang Sally Cowgirl Cranking the Bronco

Scarlet Driving the Bronco in Boots to the Gas Station

March 14th, 2006

I drive to a nearby gas station, and I decide to use my time wisely while I'm sitting at the gas station waiting for the tank to be filled.  I grab the camera and film myself swirling my feet around as I talk about how hard it was to start the Bronco the other day when I filmed myself.  Once the tank's full, I am on my way back home - flooring the gas pedal as usual!
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Scarlet Driving the Bronco in Boots to the Gas Station

Mustang Sally Stuck While Off-Roading

March 10th, 2006

Mustang Sally is so excited that she finally gets to go trail riding in good old “Big Blue!”  She’s exploring some trails that were just discovered the week before by us, and she’s surprised to find out that you can get stuck without any mud!  By the time this video is over, dirt and dust are flying everywhere, making it hard to even see “Big Blue.”
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Mustang Sally Stuck While Off-Roading

Jeanell Frustated Cranking & Revving in Sneakers & Barefoot

March 10th, 2006

Jeanell is frustrated!  She keeps pumping the gas in her sneakers, but it just won't start.  She pouts about her situation to the camera and shows her frustration.  She takes her sneakers off to try it barefoot, and after several minutes, she gets it started and does some revving for you guys.  Man does it sound good too! view more.

Jeanell Frustated Cranking & Revving in Sneakers & Barefoot

Dyna Playing in the Bronco

March 10th, 2006

In this clip, Dyna's just playing around in the Bronco, revving it up, and cranking it as it dies whenever she gives it too much gas.

Dyna Playing in the Bronco

Lee Stuck in the Mustang, Yet Again

March 7th, 2006

This is a supplemental video for you guys in which Lee is stuck yet again in the yellow Mustang.  Unfortunately this is the last footage of her spinning those new Mustang tires in the mud in Maryland.   Check this clip out and watch Lee spin those tires as she tries to free the car from a wet, sandy area.
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Lee Stuck in the Mustang, Yet Again

Scarlet Nighttime Crank & Rev in Purple Boots

March 6th, 2006

The Bronco seems easier enough to start, but there are times when keeping it running is the challenge.  I start it up after a few pumps, but it keeps dying.  Even revving it up a little doesn't help at first.  It still dies.  You'll have to watch and see if I can keep it running.
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Scarlet Nighttime Crank & Rev in Purple Boots

Goddess Revving Bronco in Loafers

March 4th, 2006

Goddess revs the Bronco in her loafers as she talks about how great it is to rev and drive a sports car fast.  Halfway through the clip, she takes off her loafers and continues revving in her ankle socks.  Then some barefoot revving follows that.  She's not shy when it comes to revving a vehicle loud, so she really lays into it! view more.

Goddess Revving Bronco in Loafers

Tremble Driving in Blue Knee High Socks

March 4th, 2006

Tremble gets into her Neon to go to a fast-food restaurant about 10 minutes from her house.  She loves the feel of the gas pedal through her knee-high stockings, so she doesn't wear shoes.  After all, she's just going through the drive through, so she doesn't really need shoes.
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Tremble Driving in Blue Knee High Socks

Aylalee Driving the Bronco in Strappy High Heels, 3 of 3

March 2nd, 2006

Aylalee has a little trouble at first keeping the Bronco running, but after a couple of minutes, she's good to go.  She's ready to find some trails to go riding down, so she sets out looking for some that will prove to be promising.  She passes the time by singing to herself and being goofy! view more.

Aylalee Driving the Bronco in Strappy High Heels, 3 of 3

Tremble Offroading & Gets Stuck

March 2nd, 2006

Tremble gets to take Big Blue deep into the woods for some offroad action. She's never been off-roading before so this is a first-time event for her.  As most of you know, ALL of our off-roading trips turn into adventures and this doesn't fall short.  Tire smoking, dirt flinging, desperate measures and non-stop action!
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Tremble Offroading & Gets Stuck

Audrey Revving a Big Rig

March 2nd, 2006

ShisH was filming Audrey in this furniture store parking lot when this big rig pulled in, prepping to hook up to a trailer in the parking lot.  Audrey tells ShisH to turn on the camera and film her as she asks the truck driver if she can rev his truck.  Watch as she revs it first in her  caramel-colored boots and then barefoot! view more.

Audrey Revving a Big Rig

Aylalee Brake Failure in the Caprice

March 1st, 2006

Aylalee is driving down back roads on her way into town.  She notices her brakes don't feel the way they normally do, but it doesn't seem to be too big of a deal.  So she keeps driving.  That proves not to be a wise choice; as she's going down a hill, she presses the brakes to slow down, but the speedometer needles keeps rising because her brakes aren't working! view more.

Aylalee Brake Failure in the Caprice

Scarlet Cranking the Bronco in Suede Calf Boots

February 23rd, 2006

In this short, supplemental video, I'm wearing my camel-colored suede boots with a vintage looking top and a white leather skirt.  We had to leave the red Bronco earlier during the day because I couldn't get it started.  Now we're back later in the evening hoping to get it going.  It all depends on if I can get it started. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Bronco in Suede Calf Boots

Tremble Revving the Neon in Blue Socks

February 19th, 2006

Talk about some sexy revving and high-end flirting with her feet!  Tremble climbs into the Bronco and starts it up.  She revs with her foot slightly arched (both left and right feet), strokes the pedal with her foot, does some redline revving, and a lot more!  She loves revving while you guys watch her, and she definitely likes to put on a show.
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Tremble Revving the Neon in Blue Socks

Dyna Driving in Sneakers

February 19th, 2006

In this short, supplemental video, it takes her a few tries to get it started.  After starting it, she starts on her journey back to the apartment to wrap up a day's worth of filming.

Dyna Driving in Sneakers

Lee Playing in the Bronco Cranking & Revving

February 17th, 2006

Lee's a little giggly in the beginning of this clip as she talks about being "floodily challenged" while she's pumping away on the gas.  It won't stay flooded, so she does some revving for you guys as plan B.  Talk about flooring that gas pedal too!  She really lets the Bronco have it with the revving since she couldn't do any cranking for you guys!
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Lee Playing in the Bronco Cranking & Revving

Mrs. B Peeling Out in the Marquis, 4 of 4

February 14th, 2006

Burninwuba's wife peels out of the parking lot in her vehicle in this clip!

Mrs. B Peeling Out in the Marquis, 4 of 4

Mrs. B Peeling Out in the Marquis, 3 of 4

February 13th, 2006

This clip is of Burninwuba's wife's foot as she does a burnout.

Mrs. B Peeling Out in the Marquis, 3 of 4