May 28th, 2023
Jane is hanging out at the house by herself while Scarlet and I are running some errands. Jane gets bored and decides to take the old Bus out for a little drive to kill some time and stretch it's legs a little. This is her hot-n-sweaty adventure. This second clip is filmed from the passenger side also but it gets more of a leg and feet view instead of full body while she is trying to get the old Bus started and out of the driveway. It's being extremely stubborn to start and doesn't want to run smoothly. It's not entirely uncommon for that to happen when it's been sitting for a while. She just works the process to get it started and figures it'll clear out after it's been running long enough. Mainly startups, cranking, stalling and light/medium revving in this clip. view more.
May 26th, 2023
She's slipping her gloves on before heading out to where the Coronet is parked and along the way we stop to admire her skills at 'landscaping' my yard. There are numerous ruts in the yard from where she got the Coronet and Renault stuck during her visit. There were already some ruts made from when Jane and others got stuck before she arrived, so you really can't tell what is Vivian's doing or what was there before-hand but regardless, it's a mess that was made but since we were in the early stages of moving, we really didn't care. lol As for the tree limbs, mangled bushes and stuff like that, well, right before Vivian arrive we had someone crash their car into our yard. This person took out many bushes, ripped right through the tree we you see laid on the ground, totaled the Renault and damaged the Coronet. The person was okay but when trying to help the lady down from her car (she climbed up and out because car was on side) she leaped when I wasn't looking and when we hit the ground with her on top of me, it messed my back all up. To this day, I still have back issues from this and I don't know if they'll ever go away....but anyways, that's why it's such a mess because we were in the middle of getting home insurance, police paperwork/evidence, her car insurance and everything sorted. I only wish I mentioned something to the police officer taking statements about my back, her insurance could be paying for my bills but I just thought it would be sore for a day or two and go away. So yeah, some backstory for ya, blah, for this first clip of the two-parter, Vivian is just doing a cold old start in the Dodge Coronet wearing a leather jacket, leather gloves, miniskirt, sheer pantyhose and taupe leather boots. view more.
May 26th, 2023
Jane is hanging out at the house by herself while Scarlet and I are running some errands. Jane gets bored and decides to take the old Bus out for a little drive to kill some time and stretch it's legs a little. This is her hot-n-sweaty adventure. This first clip is filming from the passenger side getting her full body trying to get the old Bus started and out of the driveway. It's being extremely stubborn to start and doesn't want to run smoothly. It's not entirely uncommon for that to happen when it's been sitting for a while. She just works the process to get it started and figures it'll clear out after it's been running long enough. Mainly startups, cranking, stalling and light/medium revving in this clip. view more.
May 22nd, 2023
This was back when the old Camaro still had carpet and it's center console. Had to rip that stuff out because the carpet was rotting from the water leaking in and ants/bugs were hiding underneath it. The center console made it hard to see down into the footwell. So, out it came to make more of a fixer-upper type of themed car. Scarlet is taking it town to run her errands. She's got an orange dress on and brown cowgirl boots. This first part is her leaving the house with a startup, a short stall and mostly driving. She punches the gas when she can but traffic is pretty heavy so it's only in spurts. She heads to her first destination, the grocery store. view more.
May 21st, 2023
Various cold starts, old starts, hot starts and hard starts with Jane. -Cold start of her mom's '83 Mustang in brown boots over jeans. -Old start of the '72 Super Beetle in sneakers. -Old start of the '80 Cadillac in sneakers. -Old start of the '86 Wagoneer in sneakers. -Old start of the '77 Camaro in sneakers. -Hot start of the '86 Wagoneer barefoot. -Old start of the '72 Super Beetle in Keds (bad audio). -Hard start of the '86 Wagoneer in flip flops (bad audio). view more.
May 20th, 2023
Her struggles continue in part two with the old Monte Carlo flooding out and stalling on her. The battery is starting to get weak and she knows she doesn't have much time left to get this old piece of shit to stay running. The engine fires up and she revs it hard because the harder you rev it the better it's going to run, right? Her little size 6 red leather boot pumps up and down on that gas pedal making the engine scream as she isn't even bothered by the abuse she's giving the engine. Hell, it could be considered payback for the car acting like a clunker. The car coughs for a split-second under her heavy foot and stalls out. She gets it fired right back up and continues where she was with the revving. The car stalls again on her but it fires right back up. She continues with the hard revving session but takes a moment to take off her leather jacket because things are getting a little hot now. She checks to see if the car will idle on it's own and when it does, her job here is complete. She puts her jacket back on, grabs her thigns and gets out of the car as you get a view of the smoke coming out from under the hood. view more.
PersephoneSelenePierce, VivianIreenePierce
May 19th, 2023
This is now the second half of the video again but with the pedals in full screen instead of the small picture-in-picture view previously. Momma Pierce is trying to get that old Bug back home!
May 17th, 2023
They just got gas and Diana asks Jane if she wants to drive back. They swap spots and when Jane goes to start the car, it won't start. She's cranks the car for a bit and gets the feeling someone is creeping behind her and yeah, some dude is lingering next to the door instead of getting into his car to leave. She gets a little embarrassed and hopes he doesn't ask if they need help or anything. She gets the car to start and quickly leaves. As she drives back, Diana gets some great shots of her long legs while Janes bare legs and feet are working the pedals. A lovely day for a drive in the old Volvo. view more.
May 15th, 2023
She slips on these baby pink Hunter rubber boots over her black leather pants, throwns on her red leather 3-button blazer and heads down to the cars. She gets the keys to the '77 Camaro Z28, hops in and gives it a cold start. She gets it running and does a little revving to warm it up. After the engine is all good and warm, she turns it off and floods it out. Her big ole rubber boots work that gas pedal while you watch from the open drivers door with her left leg out on the ground. view more.
May 14th, 2023
This is a driving scene of Vivian heading out to go do this custom #1404. She's wearing her vintage business suit, scrunched socks and white leather Keds. Some medium-style driving -- not to hard, not to grandma'ish. She gets to the store parking lot, finds a spot and parks it. Now, time to go over the script and knock this custom video out! Part 2 takes both feeds from part 1 and you see them back-to-back in full-screen instead of having one in the small picture-in-picture mode. view more.
May 14th, 2023
This is a driving scene of Vivian heading out to go do this custom #1404. She's wearing her vintage business suit, scrunched socks and white leather Keds. Some medium-style driving -- not to hard, not to grandma'ish. She gets to the store parking lot, finds a spot and parks it. Now, time to go over the script and knock this custom video out! view more.
May 13th, 2023
Yup, no-go for the land barge today...not a hope-in-hell of it starting as it doesn't even give a sputter. Out of gas? Bad fuel pump? Dunno but Jane is over it. Filmed entirely from the passenger seat. She went early on morning before I was up and ready to shoot to see if it would start so we could use it. She hadn't driven it in a while, so she was hoping it would start. Nice try but no dice. view more.
May 12th, 2023
"Last one to the car is a rotten egg!!" Jewels says and starts running towards the Monte Carlo while Jane is having to finish locking up and at a severe disadvantage. Jewels gets to the car first and gets in the drivers seat as Jane hops in the passenger seat. Jane is still saying it was unfair but maybe she's just a sore loser, I don't know, you be the judge. Jewels is wearing a cute little plaid shit, some daisy dukes and black Vans sneakers and goes to start the car. She passes the camera to Jane to film while Jewels struggles with the old car. We all know Jewels is a petite little package and she has to stretch her feet and legs out to pump the pedal and that gives her the cutest (and sexy) bounce almost every time she pumps the gas. Jane just waits patiently for Jewels to get the car started....if she can get the car started. view more.
PersephoneSelenePierce, VivianIreenePierce
May 11th, 2023
A bunch of scenes that didn't make it into the final edit of custom 1381. Persephone does a good bit of cranking on the old Volvo between these different takes. Sometimes we have to cut and redo a part because of forgetting lines, the car not cooperating the way we want it to or other things. It's also a time to get Persephone familiar with the nuances of the cars. At one point, she revs it for a bit to get the engine warmed to try and make it easier to stall out and become flooded. During this time, the sun moves and I have Vivian get behind-the-wheel and get the car moved, so some pedal action of Momma Pierce of her patent stiletto pumps and butter-like pantyhose Filmed entirely from the backseat of the car. view more.
PersephoneSelenePierce, VivianIreenePierce
May 11th, 2023
This is now the first half of the video again but with the pedals in full screen instead of the small picture-in-picture view previously. You get to see both of these ladies' feet up close and personal. First, Persephone getting it started and warmed up in her black slight-wedge sandals and purple toes then with Vivian with her tan leather sandals, bare feet and red toes. view more.
May 7th, 2023
At their last stop before heading home, Jane comes down the stairs from the post office with a few boxes of new gifted goodies. As she's loading the boxes into the car, Brooke is filming and Jane talks about how she could hear Brooke was having fun in the car all the way in the post office. Passing the camera to Jane, the girls head back home with Brooke hitting that gas pedal in those strappy sandals. They cruise back home; chatting about cars, the breeze and stupid douche-bags pretending to be girls on social media to try and hit on these models. view more.
May 6th, 2023
We've finally made it to the place we're getting food at, she finds a parking spot to park it and we go in to order. We come out with food in hand and get situated in the car. She buckles in, puts the key in the ignition and spins the engine over while giving it a few pumps. It doesn't start, she tries again while pumping it a bit more but all you hear is the sound of the metallic starter echoing across the parking lot. With people coming out to their cars, she gets that embarrassed smile on her face and keeps trying to start the car. A few nervous laughs and a bunch of attempts later, she gets the car fired up. She lightly revs it and I can tell she's a bit flustered so I remind her she did good and all that. I also try to get her to open the car up a bit more and that she doesn't have to be timid driving this thing. So I tell her to floor it when she pulls out ....but she didn't....*sigh* She takes her right boot off at a red-light and drives the rest of the way back in her tall socks, well, her tall sock since she doesn't take off her left boot. A good hot-start with casual driving in traffic with Tyler Grace. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
May 5th, 2023
Vivian is behind the wheel of the Monte Carlo and Jane Domino has the phone out doing an Instagram (fuck them) live video. I'm filming from the backseat watching while Jane narrates and fields questions from you all while Vivian does the pedal pumping with her bare feet and purple toes. She starts out in Vans but takes them off very early in the video. Some cranking, some revving, some cranking from the passenger side and flooding. I'll have to find the video from Jane's's somewhere around here. view more.
May 4th, 2023
She's trying to get situated before heading out and I don't think the cold drink between her legs is the best cup-holder. She drives up to the stop sign and she stalls the car out. "No! I knew it!" she says. She has one hell of a time getting it started and keeping it running while stuck at the stop sign. She keeps working the process until she can finally keep it running long enough to get onto the main road. She's nervous now and since she really only drives a stick when she comes to shoot with me, she's rusty at driving a stick. While driving, she's all over the road because this was back with the old steering gearbox that had so much play in it that it felt like driving a clown car. So that made for a fun drive.... view more.
May 3rd, 2023
She's filming herself driving the old Jeep in these well-worn flip-flops and with an anklet around her right ankle. Her toenails are painted purple and for those that like a little leg hair, the sun highlights her light hair on her legs. A casual drive looking down from her point-of-view of her legs and feet. view more.
April 29th, 2023
It's a hot one here and the VW's are parked in the garage. They've been sitting a bit so it's time to do an old start and warmup. She slips on these tall platform wedge-heel sandals and heads over to the old 1972 VW Super Beetle. After giving that car a little session, she heads over it's older cousin, the 1971 VW 'Westfalia' Bus/Campervan. Suns out, thighs out! :) view more.
April 27th, 2023
She's wearing this sexy black dress with pink floral patterns on it that comes down to her knees with no shoes for this video driving the Volvo back to the house. Jane is in the backseat filming and this is her view of Vivian in the Volvo. It takes her a couple of tries to get the car started before she backs it out of the parking spot and notices that the brakes are a little off. She gives them a check and just mentions that they should be looked at or something. She pulls out onto the road and the car is running rough since it's been a while since it's been driven. After a short bit though, it clears up some. Vivian's bare feet and red toes work the 3 pedals like a pro and she just casually drives the Volvo through our little one-horse town. view more.
April 26th, 2023
Some extra filming that went on during custom video #1368. While Vivian is in the car filming the actual custom, I didn't want to feel like a 3rd wheel and just lollygagging around. So I whipped out my di....gital camera and start filming. I positioned myself where the roof of the carport blocked the glare on the windshield so you could see Paige while she was cranking and keeping the exhaust in view. view more.
April 25th, 2023
Rocking the leopard print in the perfect car for it, feeling very retro here with the leather jacket, leather driving gloves and black leather vintage boots. She's wearing black sheer pantyhose too. The old Caddy is hard to start, which is typical and Jane reminds it of what happens when it doesn't start for her...she's gonna have to rev it hard. As her right leg pumps the gas pedal, her dress keeps riding up and reveals the edge of the reinforcing girdle in her hose. She doesn't even notice as she's focused on getting the car started. She does get it fired up, gives it some good romps to clear it out before heading out. The car is still misbehaving and stalls on her when she's making a turn. She quickly gets it fired back up, revs it some more and then gets going again as the car stutters a little when she lays her boot into it. Gotta teach these cars who is the boss sometimes. As she's driving around, stretching her leg out to push the pedal to the floor, she finds the urge to feel her pantyhose with her leather gloves. view more.
April 23rd, 2023
It's a cold one here in Alabama and Vivian wanted to take the old Coronet for a drive. This was one of our earlier shoots and she was still getting the hang of these old cars, so in the beginning to get it started I remind her of some pointers that we had gone over the first day she was here. Mainly, it was pointers on handling these big old cars, cold/hot starts, don't grind the starter and things like that. I've found that instead of just throwing models in cars and hoping for the best, spend some time with them in videos helping/reminding them of things. Even models who are very savvy with old cars still need reminders and/or tweaking because each car is different. Vivian has had prior experience with old cars but it was when she was younger and every car is different. Being that it's as cold as it is, it was going to be a challenge whether she knew what to do or not. So yes, this is kind of a behind-the-scenes of a cold start with Vivian in the Coronet. Lots of cranking, sputtering, stalling, pumping, priming, warm-up revving, thick white exhaust smoke and then once the car gets running, driving. Filmed on the first generation of GoPro's waaaay back in the day, so quality is blegh...sorry! view more.
April 21st, 2023
Ride along with Jewels while she goes for a drive in her 2015 Acura. She's wearing this black short dress and blue strappy stiletto sandals. Her toes are a shade of bright red and there are two angles in this clip; one being from the passenger side and the other is from a camera down and just to the left of her gas pedal foot. view more.
April 21st, 2023
Wearing her orange Keds sneakers and some jeans rolled up to just below her knee, she walks to the Volvo and hops in to get it started. Filmed entirely from her point-of-view, you watch her struggle with this old wagon. Lots of stalling, flooded starts, pedal work and struggling but sadly for Jane, the Volvo wins the battle today when the battery ultimately dies. view more.
April 21st, 2023
"This day can't get any worse." is a phrase you should never ever mutter because some guy named Murphy once said, "I'm gonna get you, my pretty!!!" ...or something like that. Regardless, Kimberly finds out that yes, things can get substantially worse. She's having one of 'those' days today. She's already late for work when she comes sluggishly into the kitchen with her boots in hand. She's about to leave and just as she's booting up she gets a call from her boss. She tells him she's on her way but her attitude definitely doesn't help the situation. Whatever, she's over it already today. She sarcastically asks if it's okay for her to put her boots on so she can leave and then hangs up the phone.. She finishes getting her socks and boots on then heads out the door to go to work. But wait...there's more! She gets in her car and yup, it won't start. Watching through the open drivers door, she fights with the car. "Come on, almost there...come on!" she begs the car, pumping it and holding the gas pedal. It teases her often but her booted foot just keeps flooding it out. She's bouncing, begging, pumping, hoping and finally the car fires up and she can get to work. But wait...there's more! She's parked the car off the driveway a little and has to turn it around in the bushes and from the looks of the car, she already had a battle in the mud with it. As she backs the car up to turn it around, it stalls on her. "Sometimes you need a man." she mumbles while cranking the engine again. She's not as hopefully this time and seems to be on the verge of giving up. But she knows this car is a piece of shit and you just have to be more persistent than it. It pays off when the engine fires up again and NOW she can get to work. But wait...there's more! She revs it a few times, puts it in 'D', hits the gas and her wheels just spin. She gives it a rock or two then puts it into 'R' to get a bit more of a running start. She puts it into 'D' again, rolls into the gas and wheels just start spinning again. She rocks her body back-and-forth in her seat, turns the steering wheel and starts squeezing the throttle open more but she's made the mistake of dropping her front wheels off the driveway and now it's a big ledge she has to try to get up over which isn't looking likely. Remember how she said this day couldn't get any worse? But wait...there's more! view more.
April 17th, 2023
They're at the gas station now and Brooke is filming Jane doing all the hard work. Some gratuitous butt shots of Jane's booty in her tight jeans while they chat about how nice of a day it is. Once the car is filled up, Brooke tells Jane she can drive back. They swap spots, Jane gets the car started and when she pulls out onto the highway she floors the gas pedal and pins it to the floor! Next stop, the post office box! Jane gets out to go check our box for any goodies that might of been sent in from you folks, Brooke takes that time to get back behind the wheel and do some mild revving in the parking lot. She films from her POV until Jane comes back out. view more.