February 7th, 2006
Penelope borrows a vehicle to take on a business meeting because she knows she'd probably wind up going off-road, and she didn't want to get stuck. Unfortunately the gate is locked, so she calls a her boss to let her know that she can't get in and no one's coming to the gate. When she's ready to leave and head back, the Bronco won't start. So much for "no car trouble." view more.
February 2nd, 2006
Jeanell had to stop by Wal-Mart for a few items before heading over to her friend's house. When she gets into the Caprice, puts her bag away, and settles in, she soon finds that the Caprice is not in a cooperative mood today. She calls her friend to let her know that she's been held up at the store but will be there in a few minutes. Then she continues cranking away, pumping the gas in her knee-high boots in hopes it will start - soon! view more.
February 2nd, 2006
Misty is dressed in her riding outfit and on her way to the horse arena. She's never been to this place before, and it's almost time for her to compete. Feeling rushed, she takes a back road to save some time and manages to get herself into a tight situation. She calls her friend to see about getting help but until then, she keeps spinning those tires to get unstuck. view more.
January 15th, 2006
January 15th, 2006
Aylalee has a little trouble at first keeping the Bronco running, but after a couple of minutes, she's good to go. She's ready to find some trails to go riding down, so she sets out looking for some that will prove to be promising. She passes the time by singing to herself and being goofy! view more.
January 15th, 2006
This was supposed to be a surprise for ShisH when he got home. I was going to film in a bunch of different outfits at various locations, edit it together, and give it to him as a surprise. But I never got the blasted thing to start. grrrr I talk to the camera throughout the video since it was supposed to be for ShisH. I don't mind sharing though. heehee view more.
January 15th, 2006
January 13th, 2006
After meeting an old friend of mine, I’m glad to be leaving. He wasn’t anything like I remembered. I turn the key to start the Bronco, but it only turns over without catching. Just great! I’m ready to get back home after wasting all this time, and now I can’t get the vehicle to start! I really pump the gas and hope it’ll start for me - soon. I don’t want passers-by stopping and asking if I need help because it’s already embarrassing enough. view more.
January 10th, 2006
Misty is dressed in her riding outfit and on her way to the horse arena. She's never been to this place before, and it's almost time for her to compete. Feeling rushed, she takes a back road to save some time and manages to get herself into a tight situation. She calls her friend to see about getting help but until then, she keeps spinning those tires to get unstuck. view more.
January 9th, 2006
Aylalee has a little trouble at first keeping the Bronco running, but after a couple of minutes, she's good to go. She's ready to find some trails to go riding down, so she sets out looking for some that will prove to be promising. She passes the time by singing to herself and being goofy! view more.
January 7th, 2006
January 6th, 2006
January 4th, 2006
ShisH set up the camera ahead of time without me knowing it was there. I had just gotten home from work, and before I could get halfway across the parking lot, ShisH asked if I wanted to crank up the Bronco and run to the gas station and fill it up because it was running really low on gas. So I said, "Sure! Why not?!" After we got I got it started, he told me he'd filmed it. Sneaky devil! view more.
January 2nd, 2006
January 2nd, 2006
Goddess is dying to do some cranking for you guys! She enjoys being a flirt, so she won't let the Bronco start up until she's gotten you all hot and bothered while watching her crank it in her leather-looking skort and white elbow-length gloves while smoking a cigarette. view more.
January 1st, 2006
Kristen gets into her Nova to leave, but it's giving her a little trouble. She turns it over a few times, but the engine just isn't catching at first. She pumps on the gas and keeps trying until she does get it started. Once it's running, she doesn't let it die on her again, so she revs the engine really loud. view more.
December 21st, 2005
December 19th, 2005
December 18th, 2005
I'm at the apartment during my lunch hour, and since the Bronco hasn't been started in several days, I decided to see if I can get it running before I head back to work. I'm chewing my Bubbulicious bubble gum and blowing bubbles while I get it started and then rev it for a little. view more.
December 17th, 2005
In this short clip, Dyna is leaving a store after doing some window shopping, and the Bronco won't start. There are several times when she thinks it might catch just as she stops pumping on the gas and trying. So she goes at it again, giving the pedal a good work out this time around. view more.
December 15th, 2005
Lee's driving out in the Mustang convertible to meet up with FLY for more filming. She enjoys the wind on her face while listening to music; when she meets up with him, she follows him to the location, but her Mustang is not quite as capable of making it through the area as his is. She can't make it past a certain point, but she keeps trying. That inevitable worsens her situation as the tires get more and more buried in the mud. FLY waits to see if she'll get out so they can continue onward. view more.