December 7th, 2005
December 7th, 2005
This is Audrey's first ever video with us. She was warned ahead of time that the Bronco was naturally temperamental, but I don't think she took us seriously. Perhaps she didn't realize how hard it actually would be to start! She finds out the first time she's in it . . . and she drains the battery trying to get it started in her brown sling-back shoes. view more.
December 4th, 2005
Misty is following directions to a house that she's been assigned to sell at her real estate company. It's recently rained, and she's not sure her car will make it to the house, so she calls her boss to find out. She said she should be able to make it, so Misty proceeds - but it's not long before she's stuck, and those tires are digging some huge ruts! view more.
November 30th, 2005
Aylalee's dressed in some hot leather pants and a cute red top while she tries to coax the Bronco into starting for her while off-roading. Once she talks it into starting for her, she gets herself in a little "dip" on the trail that proves to be a challenge in getting out! view more.
November 23rd, 2005
The directions that Lee have followed to get to someone's house leads to misfortune. In a new yellow 2005 Mustang, she calls to confirm directions because she's afraid she'll get her car stuck on the narrow, muddy passageway she is traveling . . . That fear of getting her new car stuck soon becomes a reality. view more.
November 17th, 2005
November 9th, 2005
Ah, Kristen's temperamental Nova . . . she's out by herself, killing some time before she has to head back into town to meet a friend for lunch. She figured she might as well go sit at the local dam but changes her mind when she sees how dried up the river is. That Nova of hers isn't going to let her off the hook so easy . . . view more.
November 6th, 2005
This is Dyna's first time trying to start "Big Blue" as ShisH has dubbed the '86 Bronco. We're heading out to do some filming with her, but she's gotta start the Bronco before we can leave. She has better luck with it than I do. When she's got it started, she does some pretty good revving before putting it in drive and heading out of the parking lot. view more.
November 3rd, 2005
I knew better than to revisit an old "friend" of mine. Things did not go well, and I am in a hurry to leave because I am upset. But my misfortune continues when I get to the Bronco and have to fight with the door to open it, and then it won't start. This day is one of those days you wish you'd never gotten out of bed. view more.
November 3rd, 2005
I am leaving a friend's house that I have keys to because she's letting me use her tanning bed. I've tanned for the day and showered, and I'm about to head home. The jeep I am using temporarily while my car is in the shop won't start once I'm settled and ready to go. I hadn't planned on being gone too long when I went to the tanning bed, so this is somewhat interrupting my schedule. view more.
November 2nd, 2005
This is the first time ShisH and I have been able to film me in the Bronco, and the first time we filmed since we'd moved out into the apartment. I had a blast filming that day, and to wrap things up and call it a day, I do this loud revving clip for the revving fans out there. view more.
November 1st, 2005
Seeing that our new apartment is lacking in living room furniture, I decided to drive out to a local furniture store one Saturday to see what they had. Unfortunately, they were closed, so I was disappointed. I sat in the Bronco, somewhat pouting about not being able to shop before I decided to head back to the apartment. I soon realize that the Bronco picks the worst possible times to have a temperamental spell. view more.
October 20th, 2005
October 19th, 2005
October 18th, 2005
Misty and Lee are heading out to a cocktail party, but neither are too happy about the rainy weather conditions. Misty has trouble getting the old car to start, so Lee jumps in and gives it a try. Misty's not going to let Lee take the credit for starting it though and shoves her out of the way before it starts so she can try it again. Once it starts, they don't go anywhere though . . . view more.
October 11th, 2005
October 8th, 2005
October 6th, 2005
Stormy has to take the Bronco to work this time, but she's having more trouble with it than she bargained for. It's an odd vehicle to her, so she's not used to it and how it does. When she finally does get it started, she does a few quick revs before putting it in reverse and taking off. view more.
October 6th, 2005
The directions that Lee have followed to get to someone's house leads to misfortune. In a new yellow 2005 Mustang, she calls to confirm directions because she's afraid she'll get her car stuck on the narrow, muddy passageway she is traveling . . . That fear of getting her new car stuck soon becomes a reality. view more.
October 4th, 2005
I am running sooo late for work! I rush out the door, pause to put my shoes on, then proceed to try to put my shirt on as I am making my way to my car. It doesn't start, so I try continuously to get it started by pumping the gas, but that doesn't work. I run back into the house to grab the keys to the jeep, but it's just my luck that it won't start either!! view more.
September 28th, 2005