
Vivian with Jane Trucking Around


March 4th, 2023

No picture-in-picture view, just the main passenger-side feed. Vivian is at the wheel with Jane sitting right next to her on the bench seat so that I can squeeze in as well. Some cranking, driving and a little flooding/sabotage by Jane when when Vivian gets out of the truck to grab something. They look good in this old truck! Click here for related clips in this old truck. view more.

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Vivian with Jane Trucking Around

Scarlet Evening Cranking the Monte in Black Boots & Pissed Off

March 4th, 2023

She's trying to go out but her damn car isn't starting. It's pissing her off and she starts pumping the gas pedal fast and firmly to the floor. The car will sputter and tease her, which only adds to her frustrations. It's dark, you can hear her voice cut through the low-light while her black boots just hit that gas pedal over and over. view more.

Scarlet Evening Cranking the Monte in Black Boots & Pissed Off

Vivian Cranks, Drives & Stalls the Jeep in Pink Flip Flops & Bare Feet

March 2nd, 2023

No one accessories and color matches like one! She has on a pink tshirt, super-short shorts and these pink strap wedge flip flops (sandals?) and trying to get the Jeep started up with Jane riding 'bitch' right next to her. Vivian is having some issues getting the Jeep to start and Jane is, well, she's trying to just get through life with her allergies going bonkers! Vivian keeps at it and manages to get the car started after a while and gives it some good revs. She backs out of the parking spot, heads up the driveway to the road and the Jeep conks out on her. Some sexy struggling to get the car started again and once it's running this time, she kicks her shoes off and two-foots it to keep it from stalling on her again. She pulls out onto the road and takes off, flooring the gas pedal pressing her bare foot on the throttle all the way down to the carpet. She stalls the Jeep at the stop sign and bounces and begs it to get it started again. A car comes up behind them and she has to wave it around while she just sits there and bounces in the seat while pumping the gas to get her old Jeep started. She revs it hard when she gets it started again and they are able to make it home a few minutes later. view more.

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Vivian Cranks, Drives & Stalls the Jeep in Pink Flip Flops & Bare Feet

Jane Domino Cranking the Z28 in Keds

February 27th, 2023

This is just a leg/feet view of Jane cranking the old 77 Camaro Z28. Lots of sputtering, coughing, chugging and stalling.

Jane Domino Cranking the Z28 in Keds

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Monte in Brown OTK Boots

February 25th, 2023

Vivian having some troubles starting the old Monte Carlo. She's wearing these tall caramel colored boots over some jeans with a button-up blouse. I think this was after a custom video we did and the car was flooded from it.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Monte in Brown OTK Boots

Jewels Driving the Z in Tan Stilettos Like Custom 1173 – Feet

February 25th, 2023

I think this was her first attempt at this custom (#1173 in our C4S store here)  but because the main camera angle was slanted too much, I had her do it again. Gotta crack that whip sometimes! lol This is a video of her just romping it over and over again in the old 77 Camaro Z28 while wearing those super sexy stiletto pumps viewing just the pedals in full-screen mode. Don't think anyone can do it quite like Jewels! view more.

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Jewels Driving the Z in Tan Stilettos Like Custom 1173 – Feet

Vivian Morning Run to Town in Sweater Boots, 1 of 2

February 24th, 2023

It's early, she just woke up and hasn't even finished her first cup of joe before dealing with this old car to run to town. She's still in her pajamas and has no make-up on, so if she breaks down and has to walk, she's not going to be happy! She gets the car started and drives to stop #1 ... the parts store. view more.

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Vivian Morning Run to Town in Sweater Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Out in the Coronet Daisy Dukes & Bare Feet

February 23rd, 2023

Out and about in the old 74 Dodge Coronet. I think we were running back and forth doing customs. She's got dark red toenail polish on her toes and is driving the old Coronet with no shoes. Bare legs, bare feet, a big car with big pedals!

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Jane Domino Out in the Coronet Daisy Dukes & Bare Feet

Tyler Grace Food Run in the Z28 in Socks & Boots, 1 of 2

February 20th, 2023

Heading off to grab some grub and Tyler Grace is taking the old Camaro. She's wearing tall 'All Star' socks with her cowgirl boots. The Camaro takes a second to get started. She casually drives to the food place since there is tons of traffic around due to construction. As she's going through the construction zone, some of the workers yell out to her about her car and she just laughs it off. view more.

Tyler Grace Food Run in the Z28 in Socks & Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Revving the Volvo After Custom 1313 – Pedals (Quickie)

February 19th, 2023

Giving the Volvo a good ole revving after flooding the car out during custom #1313. She's wearing her sexy red dress and these thin-strap stiletto sandals. The Volvo coughs and backfires while the gear shifter rattles and vibrates as the engine's rpms dance up and down under Jane's right foot. view more.

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Jane Domino Revving the Volvo After Custom 1313 – Pedals (Quickie)

Jane Domino Revving the Volvo After Custom 1313 – Body

February 19th, 2023

Giving the Volvo a good ole revving after flooding the car out during custom #1313. She's wearing her sexy red dress and these thin-strap stiletto sandals. The Volvo coughs and backfires while the gear shifter rattles and vibrates as the engine's rpms dance up and down under Jane's right foot. view more.

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Jane Domino Revving the Volvo After Custom 1313 – Body

Vivian Ireene Pierce Wants to Drive Your Bug Leaving the Fair

February 18th, 2023

The sounds of the local fair are fading in the background as you're walking with Vivian to your car. She had a good time and when you both reach the car, she looks at you and sweetly begs you to let her drive. She loves your little 1972 VW Super Beetle! She convinces you to let her drive and you hand her the keys. I mean, why wouldn't you let her drive in those cute Reebok 'Princess' sneakers, green socks and tight jeans? She has a hard time getting it started though, which is to be expected. She asks you if it's normally this hard to start as she keeps cranking the car over. She does get it started, gives it some good revs and stalls it trying to pull out. Oops! She cranks it again till it starts, revs it and tries pulling out again....yay, she just needs a little practice. No AAA calls needed today! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Wants to Drive Your Bug Leaving the Fair

April Lee Missed the Boat, 2 of 2

February 16th, 2023

She's patiently trying to get her old Jeep started again but it's not looking good. She's flooded it pretty badly. It's not the first time she's done that, so no sense in getting all worked up. She just keeps trying till it clears out and she drives it back home. She sees her friends as she's pulling into the driveway and I guess they didn't want to go without her after all. view more.

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April Lee Missed the Boat, 2 of 2

Jewels Driving the Z in Tan Stilettos Like Custom 1173

February 15th, 2023

I think this was her first attempt at this custom (#1173 in our C4S store here)  but because the main camera angle was slanted too much, I had her do it again. Gotta crack that whip sometimes! lol This is a video of her just romping it over and over again in the old 77 Camaro Z28 while wearing those super sexy stiletto pumps. Don't think anyone can do it quite like Jewels! view more.

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Jewels Driving the Z in Tan Stilettos Like Custom 1173

Cassandra All Dressed Up for the Caddy That Won’t Start, 4 of 4

February 14th, 2023

Same song and dance: the car doesn't want to start, Cassandra wants it to and a fight ensues. After a while, she gets some help when someone cracks open the lid and bangs on the carburetor. Finally, it starts -- kinda. It still isn't 100% right but it's running. The end. view more.

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Cassandra All Dressed Up for the Caddy That Won’t Start, 4 of 4

Vivian with Jane Trucking Around (PiP)


February 11th, 2023

Vivian is at the wheel with Jane sitting right next to her on the bench seat so that I can squeeze in as well. Some cranking, driving and a little flooding/sabotage by Jane when when Vivian gets out of the truck to grab something. They look good in this old truck! Click here for related clips in this old truck. view more.

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Vivian with Jane Trucking Around (PiP)

Jane Domino Does Some Flooring & Pedal Play in Her Honda Truck

February 10th, 2023

The video starts out from her dash looking at her face. She chats about how the drive she has to PTP HQ is not a bad drive...long, but not bad. She gets a chance to floor the gas here and there to give a little tease. She takes the camera off the dash mount and gets some feet shots while she plays around hitting the gas to the floor in short bursts and doing some pedal-play. **This video is NOT picture-in-picture view more.

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Jane Domino Does Some Flooring & Pedal Play in Her Honda Truck

Scarlet Fights Her Car in Red Jessica Simpson Boots POV

February 9th, 2023

Another day, another struggle. Scarlet films from her point-of-view the fight she has getting her car started.

Scarlet Fights Her Car in Red Jessica Simpson Boots POV

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes

February 8th, 2023

Various takes of Vivian cranking up and doing some revving in those Birkenstock sandals from scenes that didn't go into custom 1351.. During each take, she gets in the car and is eager to go but finds that her is, well, mostly ready to go too. That's not supposed to happen, it's supposed to resist, protest and fight back. So, CUT! She tries it again....and again....and again. There's some revving mixed in, a little reversing and maneuvering the car around too. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes

Rockell Starbux Hot Start & Hard Rev in Black Boots

February 7th, 2023

The video starts viewing the tailpipe and there's already a black soot spot on the ground from some action that happened previously. The car is hot and the engine is off -- so that means a hot start in the old Monte Carlo! It takes her some work to get it started and when she gets it fired, she lays her big size 9.5 on that gas pedal and revs the crap out of it over and over again in those big black boots. view more.

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Rockell Starbux Hot Start & Hard Rev in Black Boots

Brooke Driving the Bus in Low-cut Tank Top – Face Cam

February 5th, 2023

I think this was some extra footage from this camera -- either the foot camera died or I wasn't really planning on filming because Brooke needed some more seat-time in the bus. She always got so stressed out driving this thing and I never understood why. She drives a stick shift fine. This clip does have me talking to her some throughout the video because I'm just trying to have her relax a bit while driving it but also reminding her of how she should drive it. I definitely couldn't just toss it because, I mean, would you just L (  .  Y  .  )K at this! There's a hard start at the beginning with some hard revving that goes into some driving with a mix of hard/aggressive driving mixed in her nervousness. She stalls at one of the lights and really gets freaked out then forgets how to drive. As I'm telling her what to do (come off the clutch and put it in second), she's too busy talking and not paying attention. You can hear her slipping the hell out of the clutch and I'm already smelling it but she's smiling, talking and not even listening -- fuck clutches, right?!?! lol view more.

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Brooke Driving the Bus in Low-cut Tank Top – Face Cam

Jane & Vivian Dressed Up Rainy Stuck in the Volvo, 4 of 4


February 5th, 2023

Outside camera view of Jane still rocking that old Volvo in and out of her rut. It's hard to tell if she's making any progress. Back to the inside view from the backseat and watching her focus on timing the rocking motion 'just right' so that she can get momentum to get up and out of that rut. After some lip-biting action and lots of gear whining, she gets the car out and onto the driveway. "Turf that lawn!!" Vivian says as Jane stays on the gas as the Volvo is inching it's way out of the mud. view more.

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Jane & Vivian Dressed Up Rainy Stuck in the Volvo, 4 of 4

Jane Domino Cranking the Flooded Camaro in White Keds

February 4th, 2023

Some cranking, stalling, sputtering and flooded struggling with Jane in the old Camaro.

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Jane Domino Cranking the Flooded Camaro in White Keds

Persephone Pierce Warming Up the Volvo in Converse

February 3rd, 2023

She fires up the old Volvo and gets the engine warmed up in preparation for custom 1390. She's wearing some torn jeans, a checkered blazker and black & white Converse hi-top sneakers. view more.

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Persephone Pierce Warming Up the Volvo in Converse

Vivian Ireene Pierce Startups in Gray Boots at Night

February 3rd, 2023

Doing a little after-shoot-car-shuffling. We try to get the cars somewhat parked when we're done shooting for the day because if one decides to take a dump first thing in the morning, at least it's not blocking us in entirely. She gets the old Bug cranked up first and then the Coronet. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Startups in Gray Boots at Night

April Lee Missed the Boat, 1 of 2

February 1st, 2023

Some friends of her are doing a dinner cruise on their dad's boat and invited April out. It's a chilly Fall evening, so she's dressed appropriately for a sexy dinner date. She hops in her old Jeep and heads to the docks to wait to be picked up. When she gets there, unfortunately, there is no boat waiting for her. She hangs out for a bit, thinking they're running late but when nobody answers her call, she decides to head back home and figure out what's up. She climbs back into her Jeep, goes to start it but it won't start. She gently pumps it with her shiny red cowgirl boots but it's still not starting. Greeeeeat! Abandoned and stranded.... view more.

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April Lee Missed the Boat, 1 of 2

Hana Driving the 77 Z28 Miniskirt & Bare Feet On a Rainy Day

January 29th, 2023

She's wearing this super short denim skirt with bare legs and no shoes while driving the old Z around in the rain. No polish on her toes either. A casual drive with the very throaty sounding Camaro. If only we could of found an empty parking lot to do donuts oh man! view more.

Hana Driving the 77 Z28 Miniskirt & Bare Feet On a Rainy Day

Jane Domino Cranking the Bus #1257 Leftover Scenes

January 28th, 2023

Some scenes that didn't make it into the final edit of custom #1257. She's bouncing in the seat and making her shiny vinyl pants squeak as she moves. She's cranking the bus engine over but isn't pumping the gas in this custom video nor this clip. view more.

Jane Domino Cranking the Bus #1257 Leftover Scenes

Jane & Vivian Hard Start & Drive the Jeep in Peep Toes


January 25th, 2023

Vivian tries getting the Jeep started first. She's wearing a multi-colored striped vintage dresse and some tan colored peep-toe high heels. She gives it some good tries but she's not getting anywhere and asks Jane if she wants to give it a try. They swap seats and Jane, wearing her gray top, daisy dukes and a pair of peep-toe Mary Jane style pumps gives the old Jeep a try. She gets it to sputter on the second try but it doesn't finally start till a handful of tries later. She gives it some good revs to clear it out before heading off. The get on the road and find that the Jeep isn't playing too nice because it dies at the stop sign. When Jane is trying to get it started again the battery sounds like it's almost dead. Some slow cranks and then it almost stops turning over. Jane's eyes get wide. She gives the car a good pause to let things settle then tries again and after some slow turning over, the Jeep fires up. At the next stop - a red light - Jane puts the car in neutral to keep the rpm's up. She's not taking any chances. They continue their drive with Jane flooring right after passing some construction guys doing some work on the road. I'm curious what their thoughts on these babes riding around in this old Jeep. Jane finishes out the drive with a quick hard revving session after parking the car. view more.

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Jane & Vivian Hard Start & Drive the Jeep in Peep Toes

Rebecca Casually Driving the Monte in Black Pumps – Quickie

January 25th, 2023

This is a short, casual driving clip of Rebecca in a pair of black leather pointy-toe pumps.

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Rebecca Casually Driving the Monte in Black Pumps – Quickie

Cassandra All Dressed Up for the Caddy That Won’t Start, 3 of 4

January 24th, 2023

Lots and lots of cranking the Caddy with mostly little success but there are some signs of life from it! It starts to sputter and chug more and at one point, it even semi-kinda-sorta idles...progress?? She disconnects the Camaro jumper cables and parks it out of the way because she thinks we're almost there but the Cadillac plays tricksies on her. The battery starts to go weak again, so, back to hooking the Camaro back up. After that, she stops by the Jeep to change boots. I didn't realize this until she was already into the black leather thigh highs. I was curious what she was doing over there though. So yeah, back to the Cadillac to try to get it started...UGH!! Crank and pump and pump and crank and crank and crank and pump and pump and FUCKING START!!! view more.

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Cassandra All Dressed Up for the Caddy That Won’t Start, 3 of 4

Jane & Jewels Sunny Day Barefoot Driving the Bug, 3 of 3


January 22nd, 2023

They're parked and Jewels is filming Jane kicking off her blue sandals before saying, "Switch!" and gets out of the car to run around and get in the drivers seat while Jewels just crawls over. Jane has some issues getting the Bug started but finally gets it cleared out and ready run. She takes it for a fun, spirited drive with her bare feet working all 3 pedals while her sexy friend is riding shotgun! view more.

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Jane & Jewels Sunny Day Barefoot Driving the Bug, 3 of 3