December 8th, 2022
After filming custom #387, Reese is trying to get the Monte Carlo fired up in her nurse scrubs and shiny clogs. Can't see the clogs too well here because the footwell lights are weak. I was hoping she could get the car fired up before the battery died so she could rev it to clear out the cylinders as well as get some juice back into the battery. No luck. :/ view more.
December 6th, 2022
Vivian fires up the old Bus, pulls it out of the driveway and drives it down the road to park it so she can get the Bug. She's wearing a casual pair of riding-style leather boots over her jeans. It's a short drive to where the Bug is at. She parks the Bus and walks over to the Bug and gets in. The Bug is parked in the backyard and on an incline, so after she gets it running, she has to use two feet on all three pedals at the same time. With the block heel of the boots, it makes it a little tricky for her but she manages it with only a single stall. She does a 3-point turn to get it turned around, heads up the driveway and gets back onto the road for another short drive. view more.
December 4th, 2022
The first time I shot Vika and she wanted a little seat time in the car to get reacquainted with the whole process. She's trying to start the Volvo and feels she's being punked. She ends up killing the battery and asks, "So what if the battery dies, now what?" to which I reply, "We replace it." It's 'Magic!' :) view more.
December 2nd, 2022
Putting some things away and you hear a knock at your door. You look out the window first and see this cute little blonde standing on your porch. You open the door and she says she's interested in the truck you have for sale and wants to take it for a test drive. "Do you think you can handle this truck?" you ask and without missing a beat and not even looking back at you, she replies, "I think so." in that tone that really means: '100%! Now shut up and get in!'. You both climb in the vehicle and she has to leap in because she's so petite. She fires it up, turns the radio down and starts romping on the gas pedal in her open toe stiletto booties. She buckles up, backs up and begins her test drive. She pulls out onto the main road and guns it a little. She's gotta get a feel of the truck first. She sees you checking her out while she's driving. "I love it." she says. She looks good in this big ole truck! She slows down to make a u-turn and then floors the gas pedal to let the truck work it's way through all the gears. Once it's up to speed, she lets off for a second then floors it again. Then again.....and again.... "So smooth." she says. She's not wrong though, this truck just glides down the road. The engine roar constantly filling up your ears as she just continues flooring the shit out of this truck. Your not sure if there's going to be anything left by the time this test drive is over. Much to your relief, she heads back to your house to park it but then you notice she starts romping on the gas pedal to rev the engine. She revs it for a bit before looking at you and saying, "I'll take it." with this devilish smile like she's already working on low-balling you. Women and their wiles.... view more.
December 1st, 2022
Jane gives the gas pedal in the big ole Jeep a workout today in these brown leather knee high boots. She hops in the Jeep to get it fired up for the day. It's been raining, it's chilly and it hasn't been started for the day yet. So a damp-old-cold start. It takes a while to get the Jeep started. It almost sounds like it's out of gas or something. She gets it to fire finally and lightly revs it to smooth things out. With the engine warmed up and smoothed out, she pulls out of the driveway and onto the road. She gets to the first stop sign and the Jeep stalls. She gets it fired back up but it stalls again. "Piece of shit." she mutters under her breath as she starts pumping on the gas and turning the key again. It fights her and she fights back, finally winning again is able to pull out onto the main road to be on her way. However, the Jeep bites back hard and a loud 'Bang!' is heard from the rear end of the car. She gets off the gas and coasts to a parking lot to turn around and take the Jeep back home. When she's about to pull back out onto the road, the fucking thing dies again! "UGGGHH, this is not my day with you!" she yells in frustration at the Jeep. She limps the Jeep home, parks it and does some hard revving to give it a little payback for being a temperamental bitch. She loves making these old engines scream and it kinda gets her in the mood to be frisky and playful. She starts rubbing her hands over her thighs and legs while the old 360 engine screams as her brown leather boot pumps the gas pedal over and over. With the engine all hot, she turns it off, pumps the gas a few times and gets the engine nice and flooded. She does a little cranking till the drains the battery out of all it's juice. **The loud bang we heard ended up being the rear differential saying "Adios Muthafuckaaa's!!"** view more.
November 29th, 2022
Cassandra is driving the old Monte in some black sneakers with Crystal. Apparently Cassandra isn't driving as fast as Crystal would like and Crystal sometimes throws her left foot on top of Cassandra's foot to push and hold the pedal down. A bit chaotically filmed in the beginning from Crystal's POV before I finally take the camera and film from the backseat. They giggle a lot in the video so this is more lighthearted than a wicked passenger type video. view more.
November 27th, 2022
She's getting the old Volvo ready for custom 1328 where she's wearing this denim outfit, low-cut vest and scrunched socks with Reebok princess sneakers. This was the 'cold start' of the Volvo for the day to get it into position and all. It was stuuuuubbooorrrrnn as hell to get started. She gets it going and it keeps stalling under her heavy foot trying to rev it and warm it up. It takes a while for it to finally smooth out so she can move it. During all of this, she starts getting into character for the custom and going over some lines. Pretending you're her new worker who loves watching her crank her old car. Filmed entirely from the open drivers door. view more.
November 26th, 2022
She heads out to the old 1972 VW Super Beetle in a pair of vintage over-the-knee boots, tight jeans, a black leather jacket and black leather gloves to see if she can get it fired up. It takes most of this 8+ minute video to get it started. She smells gas pretty strongly and gets out to open the hood...the rear hood, that is. It smells flooded for sure. There's a little spot of gas on the ground from where it's pouring out of the carburetor from all her pumping. She gets back in, leaves her left leg out and tries cranking it again. She's bouncing in her seat from pumping the gas over and over but now she can't even get it to sputter. Ok, it's sputtering is it flooded or not? Ugh, come on baby! view more.
November 25th, 2022
Jane rips it up in two cars in this video. First, she heads out to the Cadillac to fire it up and run it to the shop. But first, she gives it some good revving and then a nice, hard driving session before dropping it off for them mechanic boys to tinker on. She's picking up the old Camaro Z28 and gives it a hard drive session as well -- she even lays a little rubber when making a u-turn. Get it, Jane!! When she gets back home and parks it she does a little flooding of the hot engine to see how easy she can restart it. She ends up flooding it a bit too much. "Did you like the show?" she asks as she's gathering her things and getting out of the car. She sees you might have some issues getting out right now, so, she'll leave you to it. view more.
November 24th, 2022
I'm going to give it a quick rinse and have her move my car for me. She's filming from her POV for most of it as she sits and waits with the engine running. She's wearing a pair of loafers and does a little pedal play in the shoes and with just her bare feet for a while before she begins to do a little revving in it. view more.
November 20th, 2022
Start can't get her Monte Carlo to start. She puts her full size 6 into the pedal to try and get the engine to fire up but it's just not starting. A blue tank top, black high-waisted shorts and dark blue wedge sandals with an ankle strap is her outfit on this hot summers day. Even though she's showing a lot of skin, it doesn't help keep her from getting hot from the temps and from her frustration! "It's too hot for this, ugh!" she says more than once while fighting to start the car. view more.
November 19th, 2022
I think these were various scenes before and after filming a custom. She's wearing this blue and black business suit with black pantyhose. she starts out wearing some Adidas sandals to drive around in first but does kick them off for a good bit of the video. First, she's starting up and driving the Monte Carlo down the street to park it and pick up the Jeep. The Jeep is a little stubborn to get started. It takes some gentle pumping and patience to get it going. Once it's running, we head to the location where we're going to film this custom. Now that the custom is done, we're going to leave the parking lot. She fires the Jeep up and you can hear the battery is a little weak. The Jeep is still flooded from doing the cranking video, so it takes a bit to get it going. She gets it running, clears it out and drives home. She pulls into the driveway to a fun little surprise: Jane Domino giving her a boots and ass show by the Renault. I guess we returned before Jane finished her little video. That's cool, Diana just walks over there and jumps right in it with Jane, she can get down with that! The scene ends with a few cranks of Jane bouncing in that old Renault trying to get it started with Diana sitting in the passenger seat. view more.
November 19th, 2022
Just a short little hop in the shittiest fancy car I've ever owned. If you look up 'piece of junk' in the dictionary, you'll find BMW next to it. Jane fires it up, backs it out of the garage and drives it down the street in this super short leather mini skirt and red house slippers. view more.
November 18th, 2022
Paige takes the old '71 VW Bus out for a spin in knee high Minnetonka moccasin boots. One capture films over her left shoulder and another films her from the waist down from the passenger side, not picture-in-picture though. This was after she had her break-in drive in the bus and is getting more familiar with it. She's driving it harder, taking those rpm's up high before shifting and then keeping them high through most of the drive. I'm in the backseat to help her out a bit and be an extra set of eye since it is a task turning the bus around. Visibility is shit in that thing. We pick back up with Paige trying to make a 3-point turn in the old Bus at the end of the road. Fortunately no traffic comes down this way as it takes her a bit to get it turned around. A few stalls, some jerking and lurching of the bus and we're on our way again. Then the camera moves to a low, passenger side shot getting her lower body and boots working the pedals. view more.
November 17th, 2022
The Coronet finally chugs and dies out...whew, she's working up a sweat. She takes her leather jacket off and continues cranking the old and flooded Dodge. "Come on baby!" she says, pumping the gas and turning the engine over. It sputters and sounds like it's going to start but it keeps dying. She pauses for a moment and looks at you with that teasing look before going back to trying to start the car again. After a few more tries, she slips her boots off to pump the gas in her pantyhose-clad feet. You can see her dark colored toenail polish through the hose. She pumps the gas with her whole leg and aggressively tries to get it to stay running. She eventually gets the car to run long enough for it to be considered a victory but it starts to chug and kick like it wants to die. She tries feathering the gas to keep it running but no luck, it dies again. She's able to fire it back up right away and gives it some good revving before turning the car off and saying it's time to go in. view more.
November 15th, 2022
Taking the old Z out for a drive in a tshirt, shorts and pink strap flat sandals. She kicks the shoes off after driving for a bit to hit the gas with her bare feet. The camera is mounted on the passenger side window getting her full body the whole video. Jane can't hide that smile when she's driving this old Camaro! view more.
November 13th, 2022
She does a little strut from one car to the next in these over-the-knee black & white boots, daisy dukes and blue tshirt. She has her essentials: a clutch, a dew and the keys. She gets in, twists the key, pumps the gas and after two tries the car finally fires up. She revs it for a while with a quick, stabbing motion because, well, fuck you engine! She leans out to look back to see if any smoke is coming from the exhaust while she continues romping on it. After feeling good that it's been warmed up enough, she backs it out of it's spot and heads out to the road. She pulls out and gets on the gas to get the big land barge up to speed. Lots of pedal work because it's numerous traffic lights on these small roads, so just when she gets up to speed she has to slow down. She twiddles her hair while this giant 425 engine and heavy ass car suck down some fuel. She finishes the video with another little revving session before it fades out. view more.
November 12th, 2022
She just needs to run to the grocery store real quick...ha, 'quick'...that's cute. She has trouble getting it started to leave the house and tons of trouble leaving the parking lot. But she still loves her clunker! She's wearing a red leather jacket, jeans and red leather boots. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
November 10th, 2022
It's a rainy day and the girls are heading back from running to town in the old Volvo. Vivian is channeling her inner Peg Bundy look with pantyhose while Jane has this colorful blue blazer with matching heels and black dress pants look. Both girls are wearing shiny stiletto heels. They get to the house and Jane tells Vivian to get the Volvo turned around facing out the driveway to make it easier getting out later. Vivian drives around and Jane is telling her to pull up and back down into the grass to turn around. Vivian stops and looks at her with a little uncertainty about the grass. So she gets Jane to confirm that it's the grass she wants her to back into. Jane tells her that yes, the grass is where she needs to back into to get this car turned around. So Vivian does as Jane suggests and when she tries to go forward, the wheels spin a little. Vivian makes sure she's in first gear and gets on the gas again and the tale-tell sound of the whine of the transmission when the wheels are spinning in the mud gives away that yup, they're a little stuck. "We're stuck." Vivian says to which Jane replies, "How are we stuck right now?" "Because it's raining." Vivian answers. She's trying to gently rock the car back and forth to get unstuck while Jane is looking around trying to figure a way out. The video fades out. The video fades back in with the Volvo stalled and being hard to start. When Vivian gets it fired up again, she's much more aggressive trying to rock the car out of the mud. "Come on baby!" Vivian says, trying to will the car out of the mud. Both girls are smelling hot rubber now. "We are stuck, lady! I don't know how you got us here but you did." Jane says to her as both girls are just kinda accepting their fate. Vivian starts dumping the clutch and getting on the gas hard now for some tries in a desperate attempt to get it out of the mud only to have the Volvo's rear tires dig deeper... view more.
November 7th, 2022
Paige takes the old '71 VW Bus out for a spin in knee high Minnetonka moccasin boots. One capture films over her left shoulder and another films her from the waist down from the passenger side, not picture-in-picture though. This was after she had her break-in drive in the bus and is getting more familiar with it. She's driving it harder, taking those rpm's up high before shifting and then keeping them high through most of the drive. I'm in the backseat to help her out a bit and be an extra set of eye since it is a task turning the bus around. Visibility is shit in that thing. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
November 5th, 2022
They're getting some of the cars parked where they go for the night in this clip. I try to keep the cars parked somewhat neatly so my neighbors and lookey-loo's aren't scowling at us. Hopefully they don't pay attention to the mudpit and ruts that are where my grass used to be...hey, can only do what you can, right? lol Jane is wearing some sneakers and Vivian is wearing red ballet flats. Some flooded starts, old starts and reversing/parking from these two. view more.
November 4th, 2022
Doing some car shuffling today, which wasn't supposed to take too long but you know these old Chevy's - stubborn as fuuuuuuuuck! She's got a casual outfit on: blue tshit, boot cut torn jeans and black & tan cowgirl boots. This first part is her just struggling to get the '77 Camaro Z28 running. It's not starting, no matter how much Hana pumps it. She pops the hood to check if anything is obviously wrong and gets back in the car, leaving the drivers door open. She keeps cranking it and is able to get it to start sputtering. Ok, she might be getting somewhere now but damn, this car is being stubborn!! view more.
November 4th, 2022
A great old start scene in the beginning of Cassandra getting the old Jeep to wake the hell up. She's wearing a sexy secretary outfit: a white button up blouse, short black skirt, tan sheer pantyhose and tan thin-strap stiletto sandals. She's taking a nice drive to work with little traffic on these roads. She's not in a rush but she isn't light on the gas either. The heavy-ass Jeep with it's worn out engine needs some extra throttle to get up to speed. *That sun is a bitch sometimes! view more.
November 1st, 2022
She's firing up some of the cars and doing a little rearranging of the parking. She starts out in the Camaro, sitting down and giving it a good 4 or 5 pumps before turning the engine over and pumping it to get it to fire up. She tries revving it lightly but it stutters and stalls. She gets it fired up again and tries lightly revving it again and this time, it stays running. She revs it lightly for a little bit to make sure it's warmed up and on to the next car. A POV shot of her firing up the old Dodge Coronet. She does a quick turn of the key, by accident and, of course, the car doesn't start. She turns it over again and gently pumps the gas until the car fires up after a few seconds. Some light revving before it too stalls on her. It fires right back up and she lightly revs it till it's warmed up. Lastly, the Jeep. Just like the other cars, she holds that first crank for a few seconds while gently pumping it until it fires up. A little rough idling while she tries to lightly feather the gas to warm it up. She closes the door so she can move it closer to the Coronet. She puts it in reverse and squeezes the throttle open to slowly ease the Jeep up the incline without spinning the wheels. Very little tire spinning as the meaty treads dig into the ground to pull the Jeep up the little hill. She parks, gets out and done. view more.
October 28th, 2022
She's wearing an off-white leather denim-style jacket, a white button-down blouse, black business miniskirt, sheer pantyhose and these gray knee high leather boots. She fires up the old Coronet with a loud roar, reverses it out of its parking spot and moves it to another spot. She turns the car off, takes the keys out and starts pumping the gas pedal.... "Are you ready to go?" she asks while looking directly into your eyes. She's still pumping the gas pedal when she slides the keys back in and tries starting it. It fires up so she turns it off and starts pumping the gas again. It fires up again, so this time, she pumps it more and now it's flooded and won't start. She gives a little laugh as she keeps trying to start the car while looking at you with a little smirk. The car sputters and she never breaks eye-contact with you during many of the cranking attempts. She begs the car at times, coaxing it to start back up but it only sputters and teases. At the end of the video, she gets the car to barely run and she's quickly feathering the throttle to try and keep it alive but it ends up dying again. view more.
October 27th, 2022
They're leaving now that the car is running and Jane gets to the end of the driveway just in time to get behind a tractor....greeeattt! She plays with the gap between her and the slow piece of farm equipment, slowing down so she can floor it for a few seconds. She gets to the stop sign and is two-footing the gas and brake to keep the car from dying on her. She's quickly pumping the gas pedal and telling it to not die on her while she's watching and waiting for a gap between cars again. Once clear, she gets on it and pulls away. At the red light, she's two-footing it again but gets a little sloppy and loads up the carb to where it stalls out on her. It takes her some tries to get it going again and she's pumping the gas fast in those platform stiletto sandals. The light hasn't changed yet and she's begging the car to start and fortunately, she gets it cleared out and pulls away before traffic backs up. She gets to the house, parks it and does some sexy hard revving to finish this little trip. view more.