
Jane & Jewels Take the Monte Out in High Heels, 2 of 2


October 27th, 2022

They're leaving now that the car is running and Jane gets to the end of the driveway just in time to get behind a tractor....greeeattt! She plays with the gap between her and the slow piece of farm equipment, slowing down so she can floor it for a few seconds. She gets to the stop sign and is two-footing the gas and brake to keep the car from dying on her. She's quickly pumping the gas pedal and telling it to not die on her while she's watching and waiting for a gap between cars again. Once clear, she gets on it and pulls away. At the red light, she's two-footing it again but gets a little sloppy and loads up the carb to where it stalls out on her. It takes her some tries to get it going again and she's pumping the gas fast in those platform stiletto sandals. The light hasn't changed yet and she's begging the car to start and fortunately, she gets it cleared out and pulls away before traffic backs up. She gets to the house, parks it and does some sexy hard revving to finish this little trip. view more.

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Jane & Jewels Take the Monte Out in High Heels, 2 of 2

Brooke Morning Leather Struggles in the Volvo & Jeep, 2 of 2

October 26th, 2022

Things are moving along finally with Brooke in the old Jeep. She's backing the big car down the driveway to turn around and stalls it out. Some long cranks to try and get it to fire up again but the incline doesn't agree with the old Jeeps carburetor. She gets it going after some struggling, finishes up her turning around and is heading in the right direction down the driveway to the the struggle bus finally over? She accelerates up the road to the stop sign -- all is well. Oook, now she can try and make up some lost time by punching that gas pedal and getting this fat-ass of a vehicle up to speed. She throws it in neutral with her red leather gloves and gives it a few good romps in those tan thigh high boots before dropping it back into gear and opening the throttle up. On these narrow curvy roads, she has to get and off the gas quite often, punching it to keep her speed up. She gets to the car lot and the old Jeep dies right after she puts it into park...that's gonna be fun starting it again. Maybe in another video... **Sorry for the washed out parts throughout the clip. Some days and with some cameras, getting the exposure right is a beeeeyoootch! Especially when you're trying to manually adjust those settings on the fly. view more.

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Brooke Morning Leather Struggles in the Volvo & Jeep, 2 of 2

Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 4 of 4

October 26th, 2022

Well, this series brings an end to another Bus engine. What is that -- the 4th or 5th engine in 10 years? This engine last the longest, at about 4-4.5 years. I guess it's only fitting because the one it replaced was the shortest lived engine -- it never got broken in before these two killed it. This is the foot camera feed only without the picture-in-picture overlay. view more.

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Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 4 of 4

Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 3 of 4

October 26th, 2022

Well, this series brings an end to another Bus engine. What is that -- the 4th or 5th engine in 10 years? This engine last the longest, at about 4-4.5 years. I guess it's only fitting because the one it replaced was the shortest lived engine -- it never got broken in before these two killed it. This is the small picture-in-picture feed from the first clip in it's full size. view more.

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Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 3 of 4

Jane Domino Takes the Z28 for a Quick Spin in Keds

October 22nd, 2022

Just a quick trip around the neighborhood for Jane on this late Summer afternoon. She zips around, making a lot of noise in the process. She can't help but smile because this car may not be pretty or smooth but it definitely is a lot of fun to drive! view more.

Jane Domino Takes the Z28 for a Quick Spin in Keds

April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 3 of 3

October 22nd, 2022

"Come on baby, I'm trying to show daddy something. Come on, come on." she says as the video fades in and her trying hard to get it started. She's on to you and the fact that you're really enjoying watching her struggle to start this old car. That can be fun and she toys with you now that she sees she's got your wrapped. She gets the car to start and does some hard revving. The car backfires and sounds like it popped the muffler because the tone changes but she keeps right on going. She's getting turned on too knowing she's getting you all excited. She keeps cranking the car, putting her left foot in the seat. She's rubbing her hands all up and down her legs because the sounds, the vibrations and your fixation on her is getting her right in the feels! view more.

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April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 3 of 3

Jane Domino Revving the Bug Barefoot with Anklet in Garage

October 20th, 2022

She's still in her robe in this video and the camera is outside the drivers door and looking at just her legs and feet. She rubs her legs and thighs while her foot pumps the gas pedal to rev the engine. Imagine if this was your daily alarm clock? She wants to make sure you get up and ready for work so you can make all that money to keep thee old cars running for her to play in just for you! So what better way to get up and and alert than to fire this old car up and make a little noise in the garage. view more.

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Jane Domino Revving the Bug Barefoot with Anklet in Garage

Jane & Jewels Take the Monte Out in High Heels, 1 of 2


October 19th, 2022

Jewels is trying to get the car started first with her gold glitter stiletto pumps but isn't having any luck. She's starting to wear the battery down when Jane swaps with her to give it a try. It seems she's got the magic touch with her platform open toe sandals as the car starts to sputter and sound like it's wanting to fire up. She keeps working it, trying to get it cleared out enough but still giving it some gas to run. After some more frustrating close-calls, the car finally runs and she gets a complimentary 'Good Job' from Jewels. view more.

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Jane & Jewels Take the Monte Out in High Heels, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Flooring the Caddy & Breaks Down Plaid Skirt, 2 of 2

October 18th, 2022

She comes up to a stop sign and while waiting for a gap in traffic, she puts the car in neutral and does a little revving. When she's about ready to go, she puts it back into drive and when she gets back on the gas, the car stalls out. She gets it started again and revs it but it keeps stalling out on her. She gets it to stay running and is able to pull away from the stop sign onto the main road and mashes the gas to the floor! During the drive, the car starts losing power and she pulls off the road just before it stalls. She can't get it started again for a while and it's sounding like the battery might be straining a bit. Don't want to kill the battery because then she's really stranded. She waits a moment to let things settle and maybe cool off some. She has been driving it hard, maybe it's gotten hot? She gets it started and decides now is the time to go ahead and head back home. She cruises back home, not driving it too hard so that she can make it. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Flooring the Caddy & Breaks Down Plaid Skirt, 2 of 2

Cassandra & Crystal Crank & Rev the Monte in Rubber Boots


October 17th, 2022

"You wanna play in the car?" Cassandra asks Crystal. "Yeah!" Crystal excitedly replies and they both walk to the Monte Carlo. They're both wearing a button down shirt, shiny vinyl leggings and rubber boots. Cassandra is wearing a pair of red Hunter brand boots while Crystal is wearing a black non-Hunter brand pair. Crystals' boots are more industrial style and clunky. A little bit of playful banter from these two is throughout the clip as they crank, flood and hard rev the old Monte. view more.

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Cassandra & Crystal Crank & Rev the Monte in Rubber Boots

Mandie Sunny Afternoon Driving the Bug in Brown Cowgirl Boots

October 15th, 2022

Taking the old '72 Super for a spin. Shes' got this sexy little dress on and some brown cowgirl boots. No set destination -- just a tank of gas, an old car, a dude with a camera and the not-so-open road. lol Some narration by Mandie as she's driving along and kinda relearning how to drive a stick again. It's been a while, so she told me she might stall it a time or two. She does have issues at one red light where it was on a slight incline, so she was nervous. "It might be a second, not gonna lie!" she yells out the window in anticipation of having issudes starting off in first gear. Anyone who has driven a stick knows that at a red-light, on a hill and a car behind you is the absolute worst! I have to kinda talk her through it so we can get moving again but she is hilarious trying to handle the car and the traffic situation. **Man, I hate the double letter-boxing on my older videos! Back when I was using a free video editor and an old Sony Handycam Hi-8, that odd 720x480 resolution was something my free editor couldn't stretch out to fill the frame. view more.

Mandie Sunny Afternoon Driving the Bug in Brown Cowgirl Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Knee High Converse Sneakers Crank & Drive, 2 of 2

October 13th, 2022

*This is the same scene as part 1 just viewed from the passenger side hand-held camera. We had just filmed a custom video in this mall parking lot and are wrapping up. I think she stalled the Coronet in the middle of the driving aisle as she was pulling out of the spot. Which is why I started filming abruptly -- I hadn't planned on anything happening but the Coronet said, "Hey ya'll, watch this!" lol She cranks the car till it fires up and then we run to a drive thru to get something to eat, which is where the video ends. Lots of holding the brake pedal as we were dealing with slow traffic in this area due to the holidays. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Knee High Converse Sneakers Crank & Drive, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Monte Flip Flop Cranking Custom 1247 1st Attempt, 2 of 2

October 13th, 2022

This was her first attempt at filming this custom where the Monte Carlo won't start for her. This is filmed from a mounted camera on the passenger side window. She's wearing short shorts and flip flops. She just wants to get a snack but ends up draining the battery some but not all the way in the old car. view more.

Jane Domino Monte Flip Flop Cranking Custom 1247 1st Attempt, 2 of 2

Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 2 of 4

October 13th, 2022

Well, this series brings an end to another Bus engine. What is that -- the 4th or 5th engine in 10 years? This engine last the longest, at about 4-4.5 years. I guess it's only fitting because the one it replaced was the shortest lived engine -- it never got broken in before these two killed it. She's romping on the gas and making that little engine sing. Everything sounds okay for a while but you can start to hear this drone/grinding noise get louder and louder. It took me a bit to catch on to it and when it started stalling on her from overheating, I finally realized what happened. She romped on it a little more before she wraps it up. view more.

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Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 2 of 4

Brooke Morning Leather Struggles in the Volvo & Jeep, 1 of 2

October 12th, 2022

Leathered up on this chilly day and armed with her coffee in hand, Brooke walks to the Volvo to head out. She gets in, sets her coffee and wallet on the day before slipping the keys into the ignition and spinning the engine over. She holds the clutch and brake for the first handful of cranks. The car doesn't even sputter, so she re-adjusts her position and starts pumping the gas a little to try and get the car to fire up. "Come on baby. Come on." she says. She looks at the gauges to see if she has gas and it looks like she does. She keeps cranking it and the battery starts to get weak. She keeps coaxing and begging the car to start while fiddling with the choke. She starts getting more frustrated as the battery gets weaker and weaker. She ends up draining all the life out of the battery and decides it's time to try a different car. Video fades in to her now getting in the old Jeep. She places her coffee and wallet down on the passenger seat, gets in and puts her left on the brake. She keeps her foot off the gas for the first couple of cranks and then starts pumping it a little more each time. Ugh, looks like this is just not her day.... view more.

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Brooke Morning Leather Struggles in the Volvo & Jeep, 1 of 2

Scarlet in the Backup Car Stalled Out at the Stop Sign

October 9th, 2022

I was filming a model (I think it was Candleboxxx) and Scarlet was going to follow us in a different car just in case the car we were using broke down. Scarlet wasn't planning on filming herself but when the Monte Carlo died at the stop sign, she grabbed the little Flip camera (loved those things!) and filmed her struggle. She's wearing a really soft pair of brown leather cowgirl boots under her jeans. She's filming her POV while she's trying to get the car started back up. She gets the car started and is able to follow us as -unknown- model pulls away from the stop sign. ...or maybe Scarlet was doing it on purpose all along....hmmm? *dun dun DUUUUNNNN* view more.

Scarlet in the Backup Car Stalled Out at the Stop Sign

Dirty Diana Banging Gears in the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

October 8th, 2022

Finished up playing around at some empty parking lot and are leaving. Before I started filming, she told me to 'hold on' after I tell her I'm ready to record. "Alright, here we go." I say to her to let her know I'm ready. Just before she launches the Bug, her hand slips on the horn and lets a very go-kart sounding 'BEEP!'. Diana can't let that little beep go without giving a cheesy smile to the camera! Ok, NOW off we go, about as fast as that little Bug can. She quickly goes through the gears, getting the little car up to speed quickly before getting back onto the brakes hard to make her turn. She's having a good time banging and grinding gears. She does a little heel-toe action at one stop sign before flooring the gas and taking off again. She does a little pumping of the gas to make the car linger near the edge of it's rev limiter. Now, down through the gears as she comes to a stop. Some blipping of the throttle as a tease while waiting to pull out. Light changes, a little gear grinding and off she goes! Some fun afternoon driving on our makeshift Formula 1 Circuit with my very own 'The Red Baron' ...too bad I didn't have a Ferarri handy. view more.

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Dirty Diana Banging Gears in the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

Milena Cranks & Revs the Z28 in Studded Leather Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2

October 7th, 2022

She can't keep the car running. Not sure if it's overheating or just being really stubborn with all of her hard revving in these thigh high boots. She keeps romping on it when it's running but every time she tries to let it idle, it conks out. when she pumps it a few times before starting it, that's just enough to make it a little hard to start and this goes on for the rest of this video. I think she kinda likes the challenge of keeping it running, cranking it and the feel of it when she's revving it hard. view more.

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Milena Cranks & Revs the Z28 in Studded Leather Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2

April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 2 of 3

October 6th, 2022

"Come on. Come on, crank for momma." she keeps trying till the car finally starts. She gives it a few light revs and puts it in gear and it looks like she's got it going but she doesn't get but maybe 5 feet and the car stalls on her again. "COOOMME AAAWWWNNNNNUH!!!" she says very annoyed. She turns the key and spins the engine over while quickly pumping on the gas pedal.  She starts pleading with the car softly, hoping being nicer to it will help but she's just getting the middle finger from the car every time until it sputters and comes to life. But it deceives her and stalls again before she can put it in gear. This goes on for a while and it's almost as if the car is trolling the shit out of her. Giving her false hopes just to destroy them. "Come on, come on, take mama out tonight!" she begs the car, giving the starter a workout by doing some longer and in quick succession cranking attempts. It fires up again and she gives it some good romps of the gas pedal and it looks like...maybe...possibly that it'll stay running. Ok, now she can finally go... A while later... "Let me just park up here a little bit and let you get a little bit better of a look since you can't take your eyes off of me." she says to her passenger as she's parking the car in a secluded spot. She leaves the engine running and adjusts her skirt, teasing you with how short it is because you seemed to not be able to stop staring at her. As she's doing this little tease, she's lightly revving the car but ends up stalling it out. "Give me just a second baby..." she says and goes to restart the car but it won't start. You're not sure if she's doing this intentionally or if it's for real but either way, being stranded with her is definitely not a bad thing. view more.

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April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 2 of 3

Jane Domino Tight Jeans & Bare Feet w/Red Toes Bug Revving

October 3rd, 2022

Gets the little engine fired up and gives it a good round of revving with her red toenail polish bare feet working the gas pedal. She then parks the car and does some more revving, ending it with some sexy bouncing in rhythm with her foot pumping the gas pedal. view more.

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Jane Domino Tight Jeans & Bare Feet w/Red Toes Bug Revving

Vivian Ireene Pierce Knee High Converse Sneakers Crank & Drive, 1 of 2

October 1st, 2022

We had just filmed a custom video in this mall parking lot and are wrapping up. I think she stalled the Coronet in the middle of the driving aisle as she was pulling out of the spot. Which is why I started filming abruptly -- I hadn't planned on anything happening but the Coronet said, "Hey ya'll, watch this!" lol She cranks the car till it fires up and then we run to a drive thru to get something to eat, which is where the video ends. Lots of holding the brake pedal as we were dealing with slow traffic in this area due to the holidays. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Knee High Converse Sneakers Crank & Drive, 1 of 2

Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 1 of 4

September 30th, 2022

Well, this series brings an end to another Bus engine. What is that -- the 4th or 5th engine in 10 years? This engine last the longest, at about 4-4.5 years. I guess it's only fitting because the one it replaced was the shortest lived engine -- it never got broken in before these two killed it. Anywho, bring on the slow death series....which starts out with Riley climbing into the old Bus, cranking the stubborn thing till it starts and begins revving it in these flat hiking-style sandals. A mix of shots from in the car and outside. view more.

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Riley Kills Bus Engine Hot Pink Bikini & Brown Sandals, 1 of 4

April Lee Leather Cowgirl Nighttime Jeep Tease & Play, 2 of 2

September 29th, 2022

This was near the end of my first shoot with April Lee and she had been itching to play in the old Jeep. So what better way to end the shoot than with her getting some seat-time in the old Grand Waggy? This is a stitched together clip of her time in the Jeep cranking it, flooding it and cranking it some more. This isn't a damsel-in-distress videos but more of a slightly-over-the-top teasing clip. view more.

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April Lee Leather Cowgirl Nighttime Jeep Tease & Play, 2 of 2

Jewels Takes My Camaro for a Spin in White Boots, 2 of 2

September 28th, 2022

She's weaving and bobbing through traffic while jamming the clutch in and romping on the gas pedal. She gets that engine screaming pretty good with her fast blips of the throttle. She even gives the camera a stare-down while romping on it a few times, kind like, "You think I care if I blow it?" She busts a u-turn and gets on it when pulling back onto the highway. The cold tires spin a little bit, you can't hear them but you can see the car get a little sideways as she lets off then gets back on it. She's not super smooth with her drifting yet, gotta work on that but her heart is in the right place. lol She takes the car back home, parks it in the garage and turns the engine off. She unbuckles, takes out the key and without saying a word, she just looks at you with that, "Yeah, you liked it, I know." view more.

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Jewels Takes My Camaro for a Spin in White Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Monte Flip Flop Cranking Custom 1247 1st Attempt, 1 of 2

September 27th, 2022

This was her first attempt at filming this custom where the Monte Carlo won't start for her. This is filmed from her POV. She's wearing short shorts and flip flops. She just wants to get a snack but ends up killing the battery in the old car. view more.

Jane Domino Monte Flip Flop Cranking Custom 1247 1st Attempt, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Flooring the Caddy & Breaks Down Plaid Skirt, 1 of 2

September 26th, 2022

She's wrapping up her morning chores before heading out and it seems that someone didn't finish vacuuming. She gives the floor a quick clean, grab her leather jacket, leather gloves, purse and water then heads out. She walks carefully down the gravel driveway to the car -- don't want to mess up her heels on her sexy black knee high boots. Finally, she's in the car and can go...meh, not so fast since the car is being stubborn! It takes a while to get it going, which is not abnormal for her but it is frustrating. When she hits the road, she opens it up when traffic lets her and at stop signs, she puts it in neutral to rev it up. Don't want it dying -- aaaaaannnd spoke too soon!! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Flooring the Caddy & Breaks Down Plaid Skirt, 1 of 2

Dirty Diana Banging Gears in the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

September 25th, 2022

She's wearing a red sleeveless choker-style top, tight jeans with no shoes. Her bright pink toenail polish on her feet dance back and forth on the pedals as she bangs through the gears of the old '72 VW Super Beetle. It takes a few tries to get the old car started. She gets on the road and lets it rip! Filmed from passenger side with a small picture-in-picture view of her feet from slightly under the drivers seat. view more.

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Dirty Diana Banging Gears in the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

Scarlet Start Up Tease the Jeep Grand Wagoneer in Black Flat OTK Boots

September 24th, 2022

An old start of the old Jeep on an ugly, damp day. She's wearing a black top, jeans and black leather flat boots over her jeans. Filmed from the open drivers door, she fires right up. She gives the camera that little smirk and turns the key off. She pumps it and tries again...ok, that's a little better. She floods it for a short bit, just to give you something to watch before doing some revving and moving it. view more.

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Scarlet Start Up Tease the Jeep Grand Wagoneer in Black Flat OTK Boots

Jane Domino Morning Failed Start & Battery Drain in the Renault

September 22nd, 2022

No luck getting the Renault started this morning...fucking piece of shit! So much for getting that double espresso 2-pumps caramel venti large fat free cream chocolate drizzle coffee this morning. Ugh! She drains the battery of all it's juice trying to start it in these open toe zebra print sandals. view more.

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Jane Domino Morning Failed Start & Battery Drain in the Renault

Hana Driving the Monte in Rain Boots Self Filmed

September 22nd, 2022

She's driving the Monte Carlo on this ugly rainy day. Her rain boots are white with dots on them and she's wearing them over a pair of jeans. The Monte Carlo is a little stubborn to start but she gets it going and films herself as she drives the old and loud Monte Carlo around. Filmed entirely from her POV looking down at her legs and feet working the pedals. Mostly driving with some cranking in the beginning and a little at the end. view more.

Hana Driving the Monte in Rain Boots Self Filmed

Jewels Chauffeuring Jane in the Old Volvo Wearing Flip Flops

September 19th, 2022

The girls are leaving the shop and Jewels is driving. She's wearing these super short daisy dukes and a pair of black and tan flip flops. She cruises around, giving the car a few revs in neutral before getting back to the house and doing a little revving to finish out the video. view more.

Jewels Chauffeuring Jane in the Old Volvo Wearing Flip Flops

April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 1 of 3

September 18th, 2022

She didn't want to mess her heels up walking through all the gravel, so she's putting her sexy heels on sitting in the drives seat. Once she gets them slipped on, she stands up to adjust her short leather miniskirt and her hair before sitting back down...carefully, of course, because that's one short skirt. She gets adjusted, puts her foot on the gas pedal and starts pumping it as she slides the key in to start the engine. It's a quick first crank because the car kind sputters right away like it might start but dies quickly. It does it again, so she takes a second to let it gather it's before trying a third time, where it takes longer to sputter now. Seems like it's getting worse than better. She pumps gently but intently and after another try or two, the car does fire up but stalls. "Come on." she mumbles under her breath as she's still adjusting herself throughout all of this. It's just the process, nothing new. She keeps trying to get the car started, getting more vocal the longer the car refuses to start. "Come on. I want to show off my cute outfit!" she whines, thinking that if this keeps up then she is going to be all dressed up with no date to enjoy it. "Come on. Come on, crank for momma." she keeps trying till the car finally starts. She gives it a few light revs and puts it in gear...the end of part 1. view more.

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April Lee’s Old Monte Being Hard to Start in Black Strappy Sandals, 1 of 3