
Vivian Ireene Pierce Struggling to Start the Jeep White Boots

September 17th, 2022

Filming from the backseat, you can see Vivian walk around the front of the Jeep to get in. The Jeep is parked in it's spot and she's ready to head out for some errands. She climbs in and you see her cute little outfit: a light gray hoodie, really short shorts (hello thighs!) and a pair of off-white leather cowgirl boots. She gets buckled in and goes to start the car. She gives it a few quick pumps while cranking it for a few seconds before stopping. She pumps it a few times before trying again and still, no luck. Greeeeat, gonna be one of THOSE kinds of days. It takes a while before the Jeep finally starts to sputter and sound like it might start. She sighs in frustration often because it is teasing her really bad. Just when she thinks she has it, it sputters and conks out. It's hard to find that sweet spot between revving it just enough to clear it out and loading up the carburetor too much and having it stall. The video ends with her being stalled in the middle of the driveway. Who knows if she ever got her car started. People say she's still in the driveway to this day, trying to get her car started..... view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Struggling to Start the Jeep White Boots

Jane Domino Hot Starts & Quick Drive in Old Hi-Top Sneakers

September 16th, 2022

She's got these old school hi-top sneakers on with her daisy dukes and a black wife beater shirt. She hops in the Camaro that she drove up in earlier and it takes some tries to get it going. A flooded hot start is always a great sight! When she gets it fired up, she revs it some before backing out onto the road and hitting the gas to drive it the short distance down the street. view more.

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Jane Domino Hot Starts & Quick Drive in Old Hi-Top Sneakers

Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals (Feet Only)

September 15th, 2022

This is a bonus clip from this series where it's all of the floor-mounted pedal view in one clip.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals (Feet Only)

Jane Domino Startups of Her Mom’s 1983 Ford Mustang – Episode 04

September 13th, 2022

This little 4-banger Mustang of hers can be a bit of a pain to start some days. She likes to go out and film herself starting the car in various footwear. Sometimes it starts pretty easy, other times it can take a handful of cranks before it’ll fire up. 4 scenes makeup this clip: pajamas with white socks, flip flops, open-toe chunky mules, pajama bottoms with bare feet, view more.

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Jane Domino Startups of Her Mom’s 1983 Ford Mustang – Episode 04

Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals, 4 of 4

September 12th, 2022

We wrap up this series with continuing the passenger side view of Vivian driving the old bus with her bare legs, thighs and feet.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals, 4 of 4

Scarlet Stuck & Cranking the Monte Carlo in Tan Boots, 2 of 3

September 11th, 2022

This part jumps right into her being stuck and not able to reverse up out of the parking spot. If you are familiar with this little 'sweet' spot at our old house, I'd often times get Scarlet or models to park a car here. I have them get close enough to the shrubbery in front of the car so that they have to back up some before they can have enough room to turn to the left and go around the shrubs. But they gotta back up 10-15ft before they can do that. Scarlet is having to two-foot the car to keep it from rolling too far forward and into the shrubs. So it's almost like using a clutch, she has to get on the brake at just the right time to keep it from rolling but not too early to slow down her struggle to reverse the car. She's trying to work it to where she can get a little bit of rocking going but the tires can't get any grip and the car wants to stall out on her too. view more.

Scarlet Stuck & Cranking the Monte Carlo in Tan Boots, 2 of 3

Milena Cranks & Revs the Z28 in Studded Leather Thigh High Boots, 1 of 2

September 10th, 2022

A long, slow pan up her legs wrapped in these black leather thigh high stiletto boots with metal studs all over them to her short shiny miniskirt and little tshirt...if you can call it a shirt. She wants you to watch her play in her favorite car - the 1977 Camaro Z28. She throws her right leg in and puts her foot on the gas to fire it up. She starts revving pretty aggressive right away and not long in, she starts romping on that gas pedal! It stalls on her and she fires it right back up and while watching the tach up close, she makes the needle dance. When she brings the car back to an idle, it stalls out again. She pumps the gas a handful of times before turning the key to and the car cranks over when she starts pumping full leg to get it started. She starts revving again and going at it just as hard but I had to stop and put a cut in the video because she was getting into it a bit too much and wasn't paying attention to how high she was taking the rpm's. I wasn't really interested in losing a motor that day, so I had to get her to stop and remind her that yes, I love that she loves hard revving but I don't want to make my already expensive shoot even that much more expensive. lol I'm sorry if it 'kills it' for some of you but hey, send us $4000k and you can get your very own video of a model holding the pedal to the floor till the engine lets go. :) Or you can buy a cheap car and we'll blow it for you for the low price $99.99! But WAIT, THERE'S MORE!! ;) Ok, so yeah, hard revving, stalling and some flooded startups in this clip series by Milena in these sexy tall boots. view more.

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Milena Cranks & Revs the Z28 in Studded Leather Thigh High Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Starts & Drives the Jeep & Monte in Black Leather Pumps

September 9th, 2022

She's gotta hop in the Jeep to drive down and get the Monte Carlo for the custom video we need to do. She's wearing a white button-up blouse, a black skirt and black leather pumps -- the classic office look. It's a quick startup of the Jeep and some revving while she's getting situated. When she reverses out into the road the Jeep stalls on her. It takes a couple of tries to get going again and she can head down the road to where the Monte Carlo is parked. Swapping cars now, she gets into the Monte and gets it to fire up on the second try but not without a good bit of pumping to remind the car who controls who. Some revving whiles he's getting situated again and we're off. Lots of stop and go on this dreary day as she avoids fire trucks and handles the stop signs or red lights. view more.

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Jane Domino Starts & Drives the Jeep & Monte in Black Leather Pumps

Brooke & Jane Barefoot Cranking & Driving the ’72 Nova, 3 of 3


September 8th, 2022

This is a view from outside the car watching Jane trying to get it started to leave the house and then later, when they stalled in the cul-de-sac, of them both trying to get it going again.

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Brooke & Jane Barefoot Cranking & Driving the ’72 Nova, 3 of 3

Dropping Vivian Off to Pick Up Her Car from the Shop, 2 of 2

September 7th, 2022

", what?! Why is it doing that?!" she says, stressed out that her car is giving her fits again after just picking it up from the shop. She's in this parking lot at night with her broke down car trying to get it going again. The battery doesn't sound the strongest either, so that is looming over her head if she's unable to get the car going pretty soon. Filmed from the passenger side, immediately in front of the car with the headlights on as she cranks and from a lurker/creeper view from far away with the headlights on. view more.

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Dropping Vivian Off to Pick Up Her Car from the Shop, 2 of 2

Jane Cruising in the Volvo Torn Tank Top & Jeans w/Bare Feet

September 7th, 2022

A little old start followed by some revving before reversing the car out of it's spot and heading down the driveway. She's stretching the legs of the Volvo in this video wearing a torn (on purpose, I guess that's the style these days) tank top, torn jeans that are calf-length and no shoes. She's got some red polish on her toes. Lots of gear shifting, toe wiggling and some teasing. view more.

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Jane Cruising in the Volvo Torn Tank Top & Jeans w/Bare Feet

Scarlet Stuck & Cranking the Monte Carlo in Tan Boots, 1 of 3

September 4th, 2022

You know, you'd think with as many times as she's had issues with the cars stuck in various places, she wouldn't park her car off of the driveway. But with limited space and too many cars, that's a luxury she just doesn't get. This first clip is her just trying to get her car car started. That old Monte is being a stubborn bitch today! view more.

Scarlet Stuck & Cranking the Monte Carlo in Tan Boots, 1 of 3

Britney & Sasha PTP Shuffle in Flip Flops & Keds


September 3rd, 2022

Time to swap out and move some cars. Sasha starts out in the old Coronet wearing some flip flops. It takes a few tries to get it going before they can head out. Britney is filming and you're getting a good pov shot of Britney's long legs and Keds along with Sasha's extremely long legs and flip flops. They talk back-and-forth as Sasha maneuvers the car around because these land barges sometimes take a team effort to not hit things. Next up is Britney driving the Monte Carlo. She gets it fired right up, much to Sasha's shock since she had many problems getting it started earlier (a different video). Britney has a tough time getting the Monte turned around. Lots of stalling (car mostly starts right back up) but a lot of movement between the brake and gas as she does a 72-point turn. She's a little stuck at times because the yard is a mud pit but never fully stuck, only enough to add to the struggle. After getting the car turned around, she drives it down the street to park it. view more.

Britney & Sasha PTP Shuffle in Flip Flops & Keds

Jewels Takes My Camaro for a Spin in White Boots, 1 of 2

September 2nd, 2022

She had been wanting to drive it for a while, so I let her take it for a spin. It's getting late afternoon and cooling off (it's Fall during the shoot) but she was rocking this little tshirt/minidress sexy thing, a black leather jacket and tall white boots. Since she's never driven my Camaro before, it takes her a few miles to get a feel for the car. It's neat to see her get more and more comfortable with the car. Near the end of the video, I can tell she's being a little reserved at times, which I can only guess because it's my car. I finally tell her to 'Get it!' so that she knows she doesn't have to hold back because of me. She finally starts to open it up some. When she throws it in neutral to rev it while coasting, yeah, my butt-hole puckered a bit seeing ~6000rpms. Wasn't sure if she was going to keep going or not. view more.

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Jewels Takes My Camaro for a Spin in White Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Firing Up the Bug & Jeep in Tan Strappy Stiletto Sandals

September 1st, 2022

When she was borrowing the old Bug & Jeep for a while, she discovered early on that musical cars aka the PTP Shuffle, was sometimes not all it was cracked up to be. She's dressed up for girls night and has to move the Jeep. So she gets in to get it fired up but doesn't want to get sweaty. During these humid southern summers, it doesn't take much to start working up a sweat. The Jeep is being difficult and she's begging it to start when it sputters because the sooner it starts the sooner she can move it. Now that the Jeep is done, she can wrap it up buuuuuuut as she's walking by the old Bug, she figures she might as well give it a little bit of lovin'! So she gets the keys for it and gets it fired up and does a little revving. view more.

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Jane Domino Firing Up the Bug & Jeep in Tan Strappy Stiletto Sandals

Cassandra Cranks & Drains the Volvo’s Battery Jeans & Black THB

August 31st, 2022

She can't get her car to start and whether or not she flooded or not isn't her biggest worry right now...the battery is starting to die. Greeeeaaaaaaaat.... She's wearing these super tall leather stiletto boot over some jeans and a black top. view more.

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Cassandra Cranks & Drains the Volvo’s Battery Jeans & Black THB

Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals, 3 of 4

August 27th, 2022

This is now from the passenger side watching her having a hard time cranking the bus back up. She gets it fired up but it stalls out on her again and is flooded out pretty good. It takes some work to get it going again and she's able to get on the road. She drives around for a while and near the end of this part, kicks off her wedge sandals. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Out in the Bus in Brown Wedge Sandals, 3 of 4

Jane & Vassanta Take the Caddy Out, 2 of 2


August 26th, 2022

Same as before, the girls are out in the old Cadillac with Jane driving. They get to their stop and get out of the car. A scene of them walking back to the car and this time, Vassanta gets behind the wheel. She has a little trouble getting the car started before revving it up and driving them back home. The view goes back and forth between the two cameras. A mix of some driving and a little bit of cranking. **Sorry for the crappy color of the video. This new camera (at the time) was garbage. Tried color-correcting in post but it was a bitch! view more.

Jane & Vassanta Take the Caddy Out, 2 of 2

Heidi Taking the Z28 for a Spin in Red Stilettos, 2 of 2

August 25th, 2022

She's slowing down to make a U-turn and with no traffic coming, she 'busts a bitch' and gets back on the gas in these reddish high heels. She drives for a short while before putting it into neutral, giving it some hard revs and then back into drive to continue on. When she decides to make another U-turn (folks are probably wondering if she's lost, lol), she squeezes the throttle to the floor and once it goes through the gears she lets off. Don't want to get a ticket! She throws it back into neutral and revs some more. view more.

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Heidi Taking the Z28 for a Spin in Red Stilettos, 2 of 2

Jane Changing the Battery & Trying to Start Mom’s Mustang

August 24th, 2022

After years of service, the  battery needs to be swapped out of the old Mustang from all the stubborn starts, flooded starts, old starts and cold starts. Jane makes quick work of it and hops in to see if she can get the car start. She's wearing some casual jeans cuffed at the ankles, a black tank top and black flip flops. view more.

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Jane Changing the Battery & Trying to Start Mom’s Mustang

Vivian Ireene Pierce White & Green Adidas Sneakers & Driving Gloves Tease (PiP)

August 23rd, 2022

Look at you! I knew that would get you excited. Being close to my feet. Can you smell the leather of my shoes?” she says now that you’ve gotten down in the floor to get an unobstructed view of her shoes flooring that gas pedal. She puts the car in neutral while coasting and starts romping on the gas pedal just to tease you some more. When she puts it in drive again and rolls into the throttle, she twists her foot on the pedal like she’s crushing a cigarette butt. This clip is a picture-in-picture setup with the footwell camera as the big screen and the handheld passenger-side camera as the small screen. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce White & Green Adidas Sneakers & Driving Gloves Tease (PiP)

April Lee Leather Cowgirl Nighttime Jeep Tease & Play, 1 of 2

August 20th, 2022

This was near the end of my first shoot with April Lee and she had been itching to play in the old Jeep. So what better way to end the shoot than with her getting some seat-time in the old Grand Waggy? This is a stitched together clip of her time in the Jeep cranking it, flooding it and cranking it some more. view more.

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April Lee Leather Cowgirl Nighttime Jeep Tease & Play, 1 of 2

Jewels Driving Her Acura in Blue Cloth Wedge Sandals

August 19th, 2022

Zipping around her neck of the woods in her 2015 Acura wearing this sexy black miniskirt and blue cloth wedge sandals. The view goes back and forth from a passenger side mounted camera and a pov shot of her working the pedals.

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Jewels Driving Her Acura in Blue Cloth Wedge Sandals

Riley Cranks Up the Bus in Leopard Bikini & Snakeprint Sandals

August 18th, 2022

The old '71 VW Westy has been sitting for a good while. Let's see if Riley can get it fired up!

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Riley Cranks Up the Bus in Leopard Bikini & Snakeprint Sandals

Car Washing Fun with Jane & Vivian in Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2


August 17th, 2022

Here's the long overdue part 2 of this clip of Jane & Vivian doing a PTP rendition of working at the car wash. :) Some cranking, flooding and sexy revving by these two girls. I don't know if the car got clean or not as I really wasn't paying attention to the car...if someone could let me know, that'd be great! lol view more.

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Car Washing Fun with Jane & Vivian in Thigh High Boots, 2 of 2

Brooke & Jane Barefoot Cranking & Driving the ’72 Nova, 2 of 3


August 16th, 2022

Jane has got the old '72 Nova moving on it's own after having some issues getting it started in the previous clip. She hasn't driven this car before so she's getting a feel for it. It's a bit more of a beast to drive than the sticks she's driven before. While coasting, the engine stalls and she brings the car to a stop. She cranks it back up and stalls the car out again by being in the wrong gear. She has some issues getting the car started each time as it floods out and then when trying to take off, she gets the car bouncing pretty hard because she's not so smooth on clutch. She stalls it again pulling back into the driveway and really has some issues getting it started. Brooke gives her some pointers and after not having much luck, they decided to swap so Brooke can just get it started and reversed up the driveway. She has some issues too but manages to get it parked. view more.

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Brooke & Jane Barefoot Cranking & Driving the ’72 Nova, 2 of 3

Mandie in ‘Sexy Cowgirl Wants to Pedal Pump’

August 14th, 2022

"Hey! Whatcha doin?!" Mandie asks, sneaking up on you while you're messing with the Jeep. "So you want me to move the vehicles?" she asks but then immediately follows that with, "I want to move them!" Can't really argue with a girl who is eager to hop in your old cars and take control. She walks away to come down the steps and when she comes around the bushes, you see her full outfit. She teases you a little and asks, "Soooo, what do ya think?" referring to her sexy country girl outfit. I'm sure the jaw-dropped expression on your face is enough of an answer. She climbs in the old Jeep and pumps the gas really quick and turns the key -- it fires right up. Apparently, that wasn't what she wanted to do. She turns the engine off and pumps the gas pedal a bunch of times before trying it again. It doesn't start as easy but does fire up. She starts pumping again, a LOT. "Oh, I smell that gas!" she says and tries the car again. Takes even longer to start, but, it does start. She keeps repeating this cycle for a while, just wanting to play around while you watch. After playing in the Jeep, she moves to the old Camaro, does some similar teasing cranking with trying to flood it out to put on a little show. When she gets it parked, she goes back to the Jeep to fire it up and park it. Thus, brings the end of the show. view more.

Mandie in ‘Sexy Cowgirl Wants to Pedal Pump’

Dropping Vivian Off to Pick Up Her Car from the Shop, 1 of 2

August 13th, 2022

"Thank you so much for giving me a second ride today to pick up my car." Vivian says to you as you're dropping her off in the parking lot to get her old Monte Carlo. She gets out and goes to get in the car while you stay there and wait. She gets adjusted in the car and looks over to see you're still there. "Oh, you're going to stay and see if it starts? That's cool, thank you!" She says and then puts the key into the ignition. She pumps the gas a few times and you see her body bounce up and down while you're able to hear the squeaky linkage with each pump. When the car doesn't start up right away, you can see that she's pumping the gas more. "Maybe it's a good thing you're staying still it starts. But, it's kinda normal...sometimes it takes a minute." she claims and goes back to trying some more. It sputters and starts to sound like it's getting there, so now the trick is to not flood it. She keeps cranking it and after some more struggling, she gets it to fire up. She clears it out and asks if you'd follow her home just in case it gives her more trouble. view more.

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Dropping Vivian Off to Pick Up Her Car from the Shop, 1 of 2

Jane Booty Shorts, Hoodie & Cap Startups & Drive in 2 Shoes

August 12th, 2022

In this clip, Jane is stretching the legs of the Cadillac and Volvo. She starts with the Cadillac wearing these sexy booty shorts, hoodie, cap and tan pumps. She gives is a semi-quick startup, gently clears it out till it's running smooth and gives it a little revving to get all those fluids in the engine circulated a little bit. Once it sounds good, time for the next one. On to the Volvo now, she hunts for they keys in the bundle she has in her hands. We banter a bit before she tries to start the car. It takes more work to get this car started. She softly pumps the pedal in those same tan pumps and even gives the choke a little adjustment but nothing. So, now might be a good time to change shoes, yes? She takes a pause, puts on a pair of really tall wedge sandals that are off-white canvas straps across the foot. She models them for a moment before seeing if these are her 'good luck' shoes. She goes back to gently pumping the pedal and cranks it a couple of times before it finally fires up ....with another small adjustment of the choke, of course. She does some revving to get it warmed up and running smooth before taking it for a good pretty good length drive during this beautiful evening we're having. Mostly uncut to show the casual nature that leads up to a lot of our videos. view more.

Jane Booty Shorts, Hoodie & Cap Startups & Drive in 2 Shoes

April Lee All Black Leather & Stiletto Pumps Cranking the Bug, 2 of 2

August 11th, 2022

The old bug has not been cooperating for her. She didn't any kind of response from the old car in the first clip and as she keeps trying in this second clip, nothing but the same result...nothing! She leans out the door with one leg and looks back as she's cranking the car to see and hear if the engine is doing anything. What she can't see but we can, is the small puddle of gasoline that has now stained the ground. She's flooded it so bad that the gas is pouring onto the ground now. Should someone tell her? Naaahhh....crank away, April, crank away! view more.

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April Lee All Black Leather & Stiletto Pumps Cranking the Bug, 2 of 2

Cheyenne Malone Cold Starts & Moves the Jeep

August 10th, 2022

Never know how the Jeep is going to behave. She walks to the Jeep parked in the mud, gets in and after some tries, she gets it going. She's short and petite, so she pumps with her whole body. She stalls it and has to crank it up again before being able to pull it out of the bushes where her Aunt Cassandra got the Jeep stuck in earlier. view more.

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Cheyenne Malone Cold Starts & Moves the Jeep

Jane & Vassanta Take the Caddy Out, 1 of 2


August 8th, 2022

Vassanta meets up with Jane and Jane has the slick idea to take the Cadillac. Both girls admire their boots for a second and then scurry over to the old Caddy and hop in. Jane is driving first and gets the car started after it protests a bit. She's got her big black boots on with a pair of short cutoff shorts and a black tank top. She ends up having lots of issues with the old Caddy as it stalls throughout her drive. A mix of cranking, revving and driving with a good bit of stalling mixed in. Filmed from two different cameras. **Sorry for the crappy color of the video. This new camera (at the time) was garbage. Tried color-correcting in post but it was a bitch! view more.

Jane & Vassanta Take the Caddy Out, 1 of 2