Brooke, JaneDomino, KarolinaVon
May 18th, 2022
3 girls take an old VW bus out...the end. Next up is Karolina Von. She's not driven a stick before, so she gets a crash course from Jane while Brooke supervises from the jump-seat. After a few moments of instruction from Jane, Karolina prepares for takeoff and....LIFTOFF! Not bad for her first time taking off in 1st gear except she stalls a few moments later and NOW we she gets to experience the struggles of starting off in 1st, which is the hardest part of learning to drive a stick. She tries for a while but because she's on an incline, she keeps stalling it out so Jane hops back in the seat, fires it up and gets it parked on level ground for Karolina to try again. She fires it up and is pretty great at starting off on level ground but now that she's got speed up it's time to go to 2nd and she stalls. Ah, the joys of teaching and learning the stick. :) Though, I think having 2 teachers instruct at the same time is a bit overwhelming. view more.