
Vivian Ireene Pierce Black Sheer Hose & Peep Toe Stiletto Start, Rev & Drive POV

April 4th, 2022

She's driving the old Z28 and you watch all the action from her point-of-view. She tries playing with the car in the beginning to see if it will be a little harder to start because it did fire right up. Which, for normal folk, that's what you want. But, you know, sometimes she loves to make it a challenge. She turns it off, hits the gas pedal a few times and cranks the engine over, hoping it might be a little flooded but the Camaro isn't really in the mood to be flooded too easily today. Ugh, whatever, so revving it is then! She gives it a good romping session in her black patent peep-toe stiletto pumps. She even kicks off her right shoe to feel the pedal under her pantyhose-clad foot. Now that is all out of the way, she hits the road! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Black Sheer Hose & Peep Toe Stiletto Start, Rev & Drive POV

Milena First Time in the Bus Tan Wooden Sandals

April 3rd, 2022

The Bus is a unique vehicle to drive. The view, the gear shifter, the feel of the car and handling are all different than anything else we have. So even the best stick shift drivers need some seat time to get familiar with the bus. She gets it started up on the first try, or so she thought. She doesn't rev it and the bus stalls. Oops. It takes her a few cycles before getting a feel for how much 'umpf' you've gotta put into the gas pedal to keep it from stalling. She then gets into a rhythm revving it and just starts revving the hell out of it. I guess when it feels good it feels good. Now it's time to hit the road and put some miles on it. She doesn't go easy on it either. view more.

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Milena First Time in the Bus Tan Wooden Sandals

Rose Pedal Cranking the Toyota Celica in Open Toe Sandals

April 2nd, 2022

"I don't know why she just died on me..." she says, looking at the camera. She starts pumping the gas because, well, it's a time-honored tradition. She gets the car to sputter after pumping it a lot but it doesn't start all the way up. She goes back through the process a few times and only gets the same results - a sputtering car that won't start. She battles with car for a while trying to get it started but finally wins out, yes! She gives it some good hard revs before suggesting that her revving sounds a little dangerous, so maybe now is a good time to stop while she's ahead. Open-drivers door and passenger side views. view more.

Rose Pedal Cranking the Toyota Celica in Open Toe Sandals

Jane Domino Night Cranking the ’77 Z28 in “I Would Do Anything for You”, 1 of 3

April 1st, 2022

She's sipping on some -- what is it called? -- oh, yeah, grape juice plus. Brings out the inner primate in us all. *ba-dum-tiss* You've sneaked in a little night vision camera so you can watch Jane over and over again after this evenings delights are just a foggy memory. She's trying to start the old Camaro but with all the pumping she's doing and flooding the engine, it's almost as if she doesn't want to go anywhere. She knows you're filming her but that doesn't mean you can't look at her and watch while filming. "I would do anything for you." she says sincerely, or, as sincerely as any horny inebriated woman could. Either way, she's putting on a show just for you, so enjoy! **Just an FYI to why these segments are all about 3 mins in length: it's because the camera had no audio, so I used a separate video device to capture the audio. Due to the different capture rates, I could only sync the audio to the video accurately up until the 3 minute mark before it started becoming too noticeable. I liked this little camera for the 'spy' look but it was a beeeeeyotch editing it. Now you know the rest of the story. :) Good-day!" view more.

Jane Domino Night Cranking the ’77 Z28 in “I Would Do Anything for You”, 1 of 3

Jewels ‘Hooters Babe’ Takes You for a Quick Ride & Rev Before Work

March 31st, 2022

Like she really needs to ask if you want to go for a ride. Puuhhlease! Of course you climb in the car and she takes you for a quick ride before parking it and romping on the gas pedal. A little show to hold you over till she gets home.

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Jewels ‘Hooters Babe’ Takes You for a Quick Ride & Rev Before Work

Jane & Veronica Give the ’87 Renault Some Cranking & Revving Love


March 30th, 2022

Little 'Pepe Le Pew' gets some attention from these two today. This car was always a stubborn little car to get started, made for great videos! They each take a turn cranking it up and revving in their boots.

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Jane & Veronica Give the ’87 Renault Some Cranking & Revving Love

Hana Cranks & Drives the Monte in Leather Dress & Black Leather Pumps

March 27th, 2022

I was waiting for her to finish with her business on the clock -- see how nice of a boss I am?! So yeah, she finishes up and starts telling me about the story while trying to get the car started. It's a flooded hot start in the Monte, you know how those can be. :) The drive back is a loud good one. The exhaust on the Monte at this time was that grumbling hillbilly sounding busted exhaust. Every time she would get it, it would echo across the hills. She really has to extend her leg to pump the gas in this clip. Not sure if t was the heels or she had the seat back a little bit too far but if you like the full leg extended almost to where her butt raises off the seat, this might be up your alley. view more.

Hana Cranks & Drives the Monte in Leather Dress & Black Leather Pumps

Vivian Ireene Pierce Barefoot Pink Toes Flooring & Revving the Jeep w/Jane

March 26th, 2022

Filming from the backseat, Jane & Vivian climb into the old Jeep. Vivian slides her shoes off and reaches her petite bare feet up to the gas pedal and pumps it a few times and then turns the key. The engine fires right up. She backs out of the parking spot, heads down the driveway and gets onto the road where she pushes the throttle down with her big toe. When the road straightens out a bit, she floors the gas pedal for a moment  before getting back on the brakes. The road opens up again and she stomps it down to the floor and eases off again quickly because her stop sign is coming up. She uses both feet on the brakes, waits for traffic to clearn the uses the big-toe method to squeeze open the throttle again and pulls away from the stop sign. Some more flooring when and where she can before pulling into the driveway, parking the car and doing a little hard romping revving before shutting the engine off. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Barefoot Pink Toes Flooring & Revving the Jeep w/Jane

Raquel Derek Morning Cold Start & Coffee in Brown OTK Boots POV, 1 of 2

March 24th, 2022

Another dreary morning and another rough cold start in her old Monte Carlo. Why doesn't she get to drive the nice suv to work? Ugh! At least she has some time to drink her coffee and get a right leg workout in before hitting the road. Filmed from her point-of-view of her long legs wrapped in jeans and brown over-the-knee boots with a stiletto heel trying to get her car started. view more.

Raquel Derek Morning Cold Start & Coffee in Brown OTK Boots POV, 1 of 2

Diana Takes the Volvo to Get Gas in Gold Thong Sandals w/Jane

March 23rd, 2022

I sent the girls to go get gas in the Volvo because that what bosses do, right? Jane is filming and Diana is driving. Diana is wearing this cute asymmetrical slit sun dress and these gold thong sandals that show off her french pedicure nicely. They get in and the Volvo fires up easily but it keeps dying on her as she's trying to get it backed up out of the parking spot. She ends stalling a handful of times and when they do get on the road, they take the backroads at first to let the car warm up some. It's a rough ride though because it's stuttering when she tries to accelerate. The gas is low and they think that is the problem so getting gas should take care of it. They make it to the gas station without any issues other than the drive being not very smooth. I don't know why they stopped filming there as there was no footage of the drive back. I'm sure I probably yelled at them and told them what terrible employees they are and they probably just ignored me. I only think I'm the boss. view more.

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Diana Takes the Volvo to Get Gas in Gold Thong Sandals w/Jane

Scarlet Cranking the Monte in 2 Pairs of Boots Running Errands

March 22nd, 2022

We spent most of the afternoon running errands and ended up going well into the evening. Had to make quite a few stops so that meant lots of hot start. The good ole Monte Carlo didn't disappoint being stubborn trying to leave all the places. After the first coupe of stops, she changes out of her brown Frye cowgirl boots and into a pair of Ariat leather boots to continue the cranking and driving. Cranked it at the grocery store parking lot, gas station pump, lunch parking lot and drive way. Driving in between the cranking helped clear the car out but also kept the engine at operating temperature. If you just look at the gas pedal wrong when the engine is warm, it's gonna be hard to start. view more.

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Scarlet Cranking the Monte in 2 Pairs of Boots Running Errands

Brooke & Jane Gas Up & Go for a Cruise in the Stalling Bus, 2 of 2


March 19th, 2022

They trade seats so Jane can get her turn in the old Bus. Jane is wearing these white strappy high heeled sandals and her red toes are right in your face with the camera being down there by the gas pedal. Jane is much more comfortable driving the Bus than Brooke and is able to give the old engine a good beating. The girls chat about work and stuff while Jane works the pedals like a pro in her heels. After a while of Jane driving, Brooke wants to drive it again but this time, with no shoes. She kicks off her wedge sandals and drives the Bus back to the house with just her bare feet. view more.

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Brooke & Jane Gas Up & Go for a Cruise in the Stalling Bus, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking Zebra Platform Sandals, 2 of 2

March 19th, 2022

Viewing from the back seat over her shoulder, she can't get the Cadillac started wearing these open-toe platform zebra sandals. She takes that battery from full to deader'N dead.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking Zebra Platform Sandals, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Takes Caddy to Run Errands in 2 Pairs of Orange Boots, 2 of 3

March 18th, 2022

Back with Jane and running errands with her in the old Cadillac. She stomps the gas pedal pulling out onto the main highway for a short distance before tucking into the gas station. Just as she's making the turn to the gas pump the car stalls on her. She turns the roar of the air off and you can then hear how quiet everything is. She fires it back up and gets it parked by the gas pump. She kicks open the door and before stepping out to get gas she figures this a good time to change boots. She kicks off her tall brown vintage cowgirl boots and slips on those super tall brown thigh high boots. Ah yes, the perfect getting gas outfit! She just 'hangs out' at the back of the car while the car gobbles up all that gas. Nope, nothing to see here...definitely not sweet ass cheeks hanging out from under a pair of barely-there daisy dukes or anything. Gas is topped off and back in the car she goes. Can't have an ass-tease session without a little pedal-play session before leaving the gas pumps. She hits the gas pedal a few times while giving you 'the look' and then tries starting the car. It takes two tries to get it going, awww, maybe better luck flooding it next time. She gets back onto the highway with another stomp of the gas pedal and on to our next destination. We arrive at the PO box and while I'm running in to drop off mail and check for packages, Jane is out in the Cadillac playing with that gas pedal some more trying to flood the car out. She films herself pumping the gas and cranking the car, teasing you by begging for the car to start. When I come back to the car, she doesn't stop the teasing and keeps on going until the car fires up. She does some revving before backing out of the spot to go to our next stop -- oops, the car stalled! view more.

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Jane Domino Takes Caddy to Run Errands in 2 Pairs of Orange Boots, 2 of 3

Jane & Jewels Crank the ’77 Z28 in Flat Sandals to Go Get Lunch


March 17th, 2022

Time to get some grub! Jewels is filming as they walk to the old 1977 Camaro Z28 to go grab so lunch. Jane is going to drive and since the Camaro is already parked at the end of the driveway from moving it earlier, it should just be a quick 'get in, get going, get back', right? Meh, Camaro says, "But will it be quick though?" as it doesn't want to start. "Jewels, what if the car don't start?" Jane says, getting a little annoyed the car isn't starting because she's hungry and about to start getting hangry! They swap and Jewels climbs over to see if she can get the car started. "Come on baby!" she begs the car to start, stretching her leg and foot to push the gas all the way to the floor. The car sputters and chugs like it wants to start... view more.

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Jane & Jewels Crank the ’77 Z28 in Flat Sandals to Go Get Lunch

Princess Driving the Bug in Gray Boots to the Store, 1 of 3

March 16th, 2022

She's wearing a dark denim dress and well-worn gray boots to run us to the store and back in the old 1972 Super Beetle. She cranks it over twice before the battery dies. Doesn't even hit the gas pedal at all -- I guess she forgot how to start these old cars. Ugh! The video fades out then fades back in with her already pulling out of the driveway. I don't recall why I didn't film her starting it up after the battery change, probably her getting to antsy and doing things before having the cameras on. Anyways, this is her cruising in the old Bug on a pretty day. She's a talker, so there is some chatting back and forth about stuff while she's goes through the gears in the old Bug. view more.

Princess Driving the Bug in Gray Boots to the Store, 1 of 3

Jane Domino POV Crank & Drive the Caddy in Classic Black Leather Pumps

March 13th, 2022

Running the old Caddy down the street to park it with the other cars. She's up and ready to go but the PTP Shuffle is priority. The Cadillac needs to be parked. She films herself getting this car started up, which is no easy task with that garbage carburetor it has. It'll fire up but if she gives it too much gas, it does that muffled backfire under the hood and floods out. After working the process for a bit, she gets it to finally rev enough to where it can clear out and warm up. Now she gets the car backed up and drives the short distance to park it. view more.

Jane Domino POV Crank & Drive the Caddy in Classic Black Leather Pumps

Vivian Ireene Pierce 80’s Flair Crank-N-Rev in Reebok Princess Sneakers

March 12th, 2022

Vivian cranks, revs and parks the old '71 VW Bus in this 80's outfit complete with the big hair (no ozone layers were harmed during the filming of this video). She's wearing matching denim jeans and jacket with a bust-enhancing top, thick scrunched socks and Reebok princess sneakers. The Bus is hard to start and she revs it for a bit when she finally gets it fired up. Then she maneuvers it around to park it in a different spot because we are about to film a custom in the Volvo. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce 80’s Flair Crank-N-Rev in Reebok Princess Sneakers

Vassanta Cranking the Jeep in Plaid Skirt & Red Booties

March 11th, 2022

Vassanta struts up to the old Jeep, slides in behind the wheel and leaves her left leg dangling out while trying to get it started. She's wearing the red stiletto booties with a short plaid skirt and sleeveless top. The Jeep spits out some black exhaust smoke when it sputters and coughs like it's going to start but her fast pumping just floods it out before she can get it cleared out. She does a lot of long cranks while trying to get the car started and surprisingly, she gives up before the battery shows signs of weakening. view more.

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Vassanta Cranking the Jeep in Plaid Skirt & Red Booties

Jane Domino Warming Up the Volvo Red Dress & Heels for Custom 1313

March 9th, 2022

This is some footage before filming custom #1313 where Jane is warming up the old Volvo wearing these sexy red stilettos and tight red dress. view more.

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Jane Domino Warming Up the Volvo Red Dress & Heels for Custom 1313

Kimberly Heart Cranking the ’77 Z28 Daisy Dukes & Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 2

March 9th, 2022

*This is the same as the first clip but filmed from behind-the-pedals** It's hard not film some intro footage of Kimberly basking in the hot southern summer sun. Her itty bitty shorts, tied-up button-up shirt that is barely on and some pure country leather cowgirl boots. "Guess I'm gonna take the Camaro out, if I can get it started. It's one of those beautiful days. I mean, come on, I'd look hot in it." she says, completely understating the fact that yes, she will/does look hot in that old pony car. She hops in, finds the keys and tries to get it started but that starter sounds sick, battery sounds weak and she's pumping the hell out of it and it's not sputtering. Her little drive might not be happening. view more.

Kimberly Heart Cranking the ’77 Z28 Daisy Dukes & Cowgirl Boots, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving the Jeep in Keds & Slowly Floors It

March 7th, 2022

She's driving the big ole Jeep in these cute Keds with some socks, tight jeans, blouse and a blazer style jacket. She gets the car started and revs it up while keeping her left foot still on the brake. She backs out of the driveway while we joke around about favorite body parts ....yeah, that happened. lol So now that she's on the road, she periodically slowly presses down on the gas pedal to speed up on the straight parts or to accelerate after making a turn onto a new road. Lots of back-and-forth from the gas to the brake and back to the gas. She uses her left foot to control the brake a few times as well. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Driving the Jeep in Keds & Slowly Floors It

Scarlet Just Wants to Park the Monte Carlo Struggles

March 6th, 2022

Park the car in a different spot, Shish said. It'll be easy, he said. I'm sure that's what Scarlet is mumbling in her head as she's struggling to get her old car to start.  Her black leather cowgirl boots with a metal tip pump on that gas pedal to try and get the car started long enough to park it in the bushes. view more.

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Scarlet Just Wants to Park the Monte Carlo Struggles

Brooke & Jane Gas Up & Go for a Cruise in the Stalling Bus, 1 of 2


March 5th, 2022

Got the cameras setup and am turning them loose to go rip it up in the old '71 VW Bus. They gotta stop and get gas first. Can't rip it up without some good ole fashioned gasoline! Speaking of gasoline, how bout them prices we're seeing these days? :( Brooke starts out behind the wheel first it's just her driving the bus this entire first clip. Lots of stalling because the bus isn't idling very well but also because she's a bit rusty at driving it. Some mildly flooded restarts each time. You can tell she's a little nervous and has a handful handling the bus. She's wearing cork wedge sandals with a blue strap and gold buckle. view more.

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Brooke & Jane Gas Up & Go for a Cruise in the Stalling Bus, 1 of 2

Cassandra Takes Vivian & Little Billy for a Drive Black Cowgirl Boots & Leather pants


March 3rd, 2022

Little Billy is already in the car before either of the girls. He's picked his seat and ends up forcing Vivian to ride in the middle since Cassandra is driving. "Is Billy in there?" Cassandra asks. "Yup. He wants to come too." Vivian replies as she's getting in and throwing her jacket in the backseat. Cassandra gets seated after Vivian gets situated, grabs the keys from the dash and goes to start the car. She gives the old car some quick pumping of the pedal but it's being stubborn. She gives Billy a bored look as if she's annoyed at him staring her her boots pumping the gas pedal. She doesn't say anything and keeps cranking the car till it starts. A few revs to clear it out and they're off. Little Billy keeps his eyes on Cassandra's boots working the pedals and Vivian's boots right next to him. Maybe that's why he got to the car early so they wouldn't force him to sit in the back. Cassandra kills the car at a stop sign right when Vivian is telling her to 'Punch it! Punch it!'...seems like that was a bad idea. Cassandra cranks the car till it fires up again and then, instead of punching it, she rolls into the throttle and they finish they're ride. view more.

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Cassandra Takes Vivian & Little Billy for a Drive Black Cowgirl Boots & Leather pants

Jane Domino Gets the Flooded-N-Backfirin’ Monte Started in Black Nikes w/Gold Logo

March 2nd, 2022

Some 'Uncle Buck' action going on with the Monte today as it backfires, pops, sputters, chugs and completely fights with Jane as she tries getting the car to start. It finally starts after some effort and she revs it till she hears that smooth engine sound when it's completely cleared out. view more.

Jane Domino Gets the Flooded-N-Backfirin’ Monte Started in Black Nikes w/Gold Logo

Dirty Diana Teases You Flooding the Monte Carlo in OTK Boots & Long Leather Gloves

February 28th, 2022

As you are walking to the old Monte Carlo to leave, Diana looks back at you and says, "Oh no, sweetie, I'm driving tonight!" She gets in the car and you give her a good look up and down. From her platform leather over-the-knee boots, to the little bit of skin that is exposed between the top of her boots and bottom of her sexy leopard print dress. She's complimented the whole outfit with a pair of black leather gloves. She starts pumping the gas slowly as you take her all in, she knows she's already got you under her spell but she enjoys the game! "You know I gotta give it a few good pumps to help get it started." she coyly says to you. Pump away, my dear, pump away! view more.

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Dirty Diana Teases You Flooding the Monte Carlo in OTK Boots & Long Leather Gloves

Jane & Jewels Bus Issues Parking & Revving


February 27th, 2022

The scene starts out with Jane man-handling the Bus. We were heading out to do a video but found an issue with it, so she's trying to get it back up the driveway and parked. Instead of turning around, she just reverses the old Bus up the driveway. She then swaps with Jewels to let her do some revving with her petite bare feet. view more.

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Jane & Jewels Bus Issues Parking & Revving

Jane Domino Teases You After Catching You Sabotage Her Mustang

February 26th, 2022

Walking to the old Mustang in a pair of sexy black leather stiletto pumps; the heels clicking on the concrete with each step -- she's got a little treat for you! She gets in the car, turns the camera to her face and you can hear her already pumping away on the gas pedal. "That's more like it. Get a little bit of privacy in this car shall we?" she says, coyly, as she's spinning over the little 4-cylinder engine that isn't starting. "Do you like it when my car won't start for me? Why else do you think I wore this outfit? I saw you the other night out here tinkering under the hood and all of a sudden I started having car trouble." Uh-oh, you just got busted! Let the fun begin... view more.

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Jane Domino Teases You After Catching You Sabotage Her Mustang

Jane Domino Takes Caddy to Run Errands in 2 Pairs of Orange Boots, 1 of 3

February 24th, 2022

Love being driven around to run errands while these hot babes drive these old cars. Got a great view of Jane working the pedals in this old Cadillac Coupe Deville today. Gotta go get gas, run to the post office and raise a little hell in between. This clip starts out with her wearing her cute black dress and these light brown vintage cowgirl boots getting the old Cadillac started up. It's being cranky and temperamental, so it takes her a few minutes to get it going. She gets it started though and moves it out of the way so she can park the Jeep in it's spot. She gets the Jeep parked but the Caddy died. She gets back in the Caddy and goes back to cranking and pumping it again to get it started. "Why are you sputtering?!" she complains to the car as she gets it to run but it keeps stalling out. When she gets it to stay running, she romps on the pedal a bit before driving off. She pins the pedal to the floor when she can but it's a lot of on-then-off of the gas on these twisty back roads and dealing with traffic. But it's okay, it gives a lot of pedal action for us to feast our eyes upon! At one point, she slows almost to a stop in the middle of the road so she can really hammer that pedal down and hold it! Jane is definitely a pro at driving this big old car! view more.

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Jane Domino Takes Caddy to Run Errands in 2 Pairs of Orange Boots, 1 of 3

Britney & Sasha in “What Girls Talk About”, 2 of 2


February 24th, 2022

"Now we got Sasha behind the wheel." Britney says now that they've swapped. Sasha is wearing pink-strapped flip-flops and sports silver toenail polish. Her super long legs stretch out from that black viny bench seat down to the pedals. There's a lot of traffic out on this sunny day, so they chat a lot about different things. view more.

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Britney & Sasha in “What Girls Talk About”, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking Zebra Platform Sandals, 1 of 2

February 23rd, 2022

Viewing from the passenger side window, she can't get the Cadillac started wearing these open-toe platform zebra sandals. She takes that batter from full to deader'N dead.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking Zebra Platform Sandals, 1 of 2