January 7th, 2022
She's got this cute yellow dress with white polka-dots on with a pair of flat gold thong sandals. We're over where we parked the cars to grab the old Monte Carlo. An easy old start that on took a few pumps for the car to fire up. She's trying to back it up out of this tight yard we had most of the cars parked in. She reverses up the driveway and gets the car turned around and then gets on the road. Her pink toenails and gold sandals glisten in the sun as she presses down on the pedal to open her up a little but the engine coughs and stumbles a little. She lets up on the gas then slowly rolls into it again. She goes down, turns around again and this time when she rolls into the throttle, the car responds much better now...that's more like it! view more.
January 6th, 2022
It's cold and Vivian is running late. She gets in the Bus and is on the phone with a co-worker, explaining her issues. When she tells her co-worker she's trying to take the bus, the co-working thought Vivian meant the public transportation bus and not Vivian's old VW Bus. Vivian spins the engine over the first time and you can hear the weak battery from the temps getting so low the night before. It cranks over slow and she's pumping fast on the gas to get some fuel up into the carb. She hangs up the phone after a few failed attempts and devotes all her attention to getting it started before the battery dies. When she gets it to fire up, she revs it up mildly to keep it from dying. All is going well, the engine is getting heated up and she might can leave soon but the Bus engine starts to stutter when she hits the gas pedal and she quickly start stabbing it get it to clear out but it stalls. A few more cranks -- uh oh, the battery ain't sounding good... view more.
January 5th, 2022
These are the behind-the-scenes and things from custom 1166, where she was cranking the old Monte Carlo in this itty bitty skirt, black sheer hose and sexy strappy stiletto heels. The video starts with her in the car while it's parked in our garage and she starts it up. She revs it while I finish tinkering with some cameras, which you can see via the picture-in-picture mode. Once that's situated, I get back in the passenger seat and, after a little bantering, she gets the car into reverse and attempts to park it where I want it for the video. However, it proves to be a little difficult since a) she's already forgotten which way she's going and b) she keeps spinning the wheels trying to reverse up the gravel incline. After 3 failed attempts she basically just says 'fuck it' and "I'm just gonna gun it." with that no-fucks-given look on her face. Finally, she gets it where it needs to be! She does a little more revving right after the car stutters and almost dies but she was quick on feathering it and keeps it running. She kills the car, starts pumping on the gas and thus ends the clip. view more.
January 4th, 2022
She's running some errands for me today. I've got a 5-gallon bucket of used engine oil I need recycled. so she loads it up to take it to the auto shop to get it disposed of. She mounts the camera to the passenger side and you're treated a nice old start from the Volvo. The long gear shifter shakes each time she cranks it and the more the car sputters, the faster it shakes. It takes a few tries to get it started and she lightly revs it when it's running. She buckles up, revs it a little harder and feels comfortable that it's ready to go. She kicks off the sandals and drives with her bare feet for a few minutes before getting there. She drives across town to the store, parks and heads in. Unfortunately, because there was too much gas in the oil (gee, I wonder why?! lol), they wouldn't accept it. The guy helps her haul the buckets back to the Volvo and she heads back home. view more.
January 1st, 2022
Vivian is taking the BMW out for a spin, hoping that putting some miles on it with fresh gas will help clear up the problems it's having. There is a dash cam mounted on the passenger side viewing her legs and body paired with a picture-in-picture view of a camera behind her legs and boots shows her footwork during the drive. She floors it on the main highway and lets it rip before having to slowdown due to traffic. She throws it in 'Neutral' and hits the gas pedal quickly to where you hear the 'tap tap tap' of the pedal being pumped with the engine rpm's dancing in suit. She enjoys the BMW and likes opening the throttle up because it's a smooth scream right up till it shifts. For a little car, it's got a lot of zip! We end up on some side roads and get a little lost, so we try to backtrack our path and find a sweet car for sale on the side of the road. She gets us turned around and back to the car, which is where this scene ends. view more.
January 1st, 2022
Jane is waiting on Jewels to come out of the house so they can go. Jewels is finally ready and walks across the yard with her bright yellow flat sandals on. She's riding shotgun so Jane can drive. A little cranking, some stalling at a stop sign and red light along the way, then some hard flooring by Jane to make up the lost time when the Jeep stalled. When they park the Jeep, Jewels slides over next to Jane to do a little 'grand finale' revving with her left foot. Her fresh french pedi and bright yellow sandals against her tanned legs make for a nice view while Jane's blue 'butterfly' sandals and feet are just in view, tapping away while Jewels romps on the gas pedal. view more.
December 31st, 2021
They were filming all kinds of stuff today and this clip is them cranking the old 1976 Chevy Laguna in some Converse kicks! You view this entire segment from the passenger side camera. Brooke can’t find the keys at first and has to go hunt them down. In the meantime, Jane slides into the passenger seat and gets the cameras setup. Brooke finds the keys, gets in and now she can try getting the car started. While she’s getting situated in the seat and putting the key in, she’s already pumping on the gas out of habit. As sure as god wears sandals, the car doesn’t start. From here, you watch her struggle but not entirely out of frustration as she glances over at Jane and gives her a little smile. After a bit more trying with no luck, they swap and Jane can’t get the car started either at first while Brooke teases her for not being able to get the car started. The car sputters a lot and gets close to starting but that doesn’t happen. view more.
December 31st, 2021
Shuffling some cars around on this chilly day. She gets in the Monte Carlo and gets it fired up and moved out of the way. She leaves it idling and goes to the Volvo to uncover it and get it fired up. She pulls it down in front of the Monte Carlo and while filming from the back of the car to get some exhaust shots of her warming it up, it sputters and dies. A mix of cranking, sputtering, stalling and revving fills out the rest of the video with some exhaust and close-up pedal shots. view more.
December 30th, 2021
"Gimmie the keys. I don't have the keys." she demands of me while standing on the stairs. I give her the keys and she walks around to the drivers side and gets in. I film her cranking up the old car from the opens drivers door. She gets it started after a few tries, gives it a few revs and backs up. I head inside thinking she's leaving but I hear the car stall. I start filming again with her bouncing and cranking in the middle of the driveway. The car conked out and she flooded it. She fights it for a bit before getting it started and backs it up out of the way. The video cuts to a later time where we're getting ready to leave in it but she can't get it started again. Lots of begging, bouncing with her boots pumping away on that gas pedal making the engine sputter, cough and gasp under her boots. view more.
December 29th, 2021
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Vivian ain't happy with her man and she takes out her anger on his yard and her car but finds out that she's bit off a bit more than she can chew. Her goal was to leave some ruts in his nice grass that he meticulously maintains but ends up getting stuck. To make the situation worse, her relentless pounding of the gas pedal to get unstuck ends up overheating this thingymabob and the car keeps stalling. She's hoping he doesn't hear or see her stuck in his yard before she's able to get out. It would be kind of embarrassing to have to ask him for help. Like, "Yeah, so can you pull me out of the muddy mess I've made in your yard because I was pissed off at you?" Tiny shorts, white Keds, black tshirt, muddy ground, big old Cadillac and a lot of frustration! view more.
December 24th, 2021
She's having a little fun today teasing you while she cranks up and revs this old 1977 Camaro Z28. She's got this tight white bodysuit on, a pair tight light-colored denim jeans and some aqua blue flip flops. After she gets the car started and revs it for a bit, she turns it off to flood it out some. Some 'crotch cam' views as her right thigh bounces up and down and the engine cranking over and over but not starting from her flooding it out. Apparently she flooded it too much because she can't get it started again. Oh well... view more.
AnabellePync, Cassandra, SydneySpectra
December 24th, 2021
Some more cranking and revving action with Sydney behind the wheel and Cassandra filming up close from the drivers door. This clip has some scenes I was filming from much further away as well as when I got behind Cassandra and started filming the filming. view more.
December 24th, 2021
**This is the full-view of the passenger side angle. Same video, just with no picture-in-picture.** Heading to the gas station to fuel up the old bus with Milena behind the wheel. Some rapid pumping of the gas pedal to get it fired up, easing back to get it turned around without hitting anything and off we go. She knows hows to drive a stick shift, so I just tell her to rip it up and don't be gentle on the old bus, it can take it. For her first time driving it, she doesn't hold back at all. She keeps those rpm's screaming and is hovering right around the redline the whole time. You can tell when she hits the rpm limiter because of the quick popping you hear from the exhaust. Once we get some gas, she climbs back in to take off and when the Bus doesn't start up the first time, she goes into her fast pumping technique and really floods the engine out. She stops for a minute and then tries it again and gets it fired up. Had to remind her to clear it out because unlike all the new cars she's used to driving, these old cars have to be smoothed out. She drives around a little bit to get some extra practice in the bus because while it's easy to drive, it takes a little bit to get a feel for shifting cleanly and, as you'll see in the video, knowing when it died so that you don't pull out into traffic and get t-boned. lol This is a picture-in-picture video with main view being behind-the-pedals and the small view me filming from the passenger seat. view more.
December 19th, 2021
Shit! Her car broke down on her and she had to pull over on the side of the road. She's let it sit for a few minutes to cool off since it might of overheated? She tries to start the car again but it's still not starting up. She pumps the gas pedal to the floor and keeps trying until the car finally starts up. Ok, sounds good. Maybe she's out of the woods. She puts the car in gear and squeezes on the throttle but the car bucks, kicks and lurches like it's trying to go but stalls out. "What the hell was that?!" she says, frustrated and now more desperate to get her car started. She begs the car to start for her as she quickly pumps the gas pedal over and over to get the car started. A few cars pass by but no one stops to help. She's getting more nervous and starts pumps the gas pedal fast with her entire leg. She begs it to start for her and almost as if it's listening, it sputters and roars to life. She revs it hard and quickly puts it into drive before it has a chance to stall and floors the gas. Rocks and dirt get kicked up into the wheel wells as she peels out and once her tires hit the pavement, they chirp a little and the car takes off. view more.
December 18th, 2021
Ugh, it's one ugly morning for Tinsley. She heads out of the garage to her old car and hopefully the thingymabob under the hood didn't get to wet so her car will start. She balances her coffee in between trying to get the car started. Fortunately, no spills this morning and the car finally starts -- whew! She gets on the road and heads to the office. view more.
December 17th, 2021
December 17th, 2021
"Gimmie the keys. I don't have the keys." she demands of me while standing on the stairs. I give her the keys and she walks around to the drivers side and gets in. I film her cranking up the old car from the opens drivers door. She gets it started after a few tries, gives it a few revs and backs up. I head inside thinking she's leaving but I hear the car stall. I start filming again with her bouncing and cranking in the middle of the driveway. The car conked out and she flooded it. She fights it for a bit before getting it started and backs it up out of the way. The video cuts to a later time where we're getting ready to leave in it but she can't get it started again. Lots of begging, bouncing with her boots pumping away on that gas pedal making the engine sputter, cough and gasp under her boots. view more.
December 15th, 2021
December 14th, 2021
Filmed from her POV, she cranks the poor Bug's flooded engine until it starts and then gives it a good clearing out. She's wearing an itty-bitty dress(?) with black leather stiletto pumps. See custom 1130 here. view more.
December 12th, 2021
How about a little bit of fun today? Vivian is sitting in the old Coronet with her tight leather leggings on and a pair of black leather thigh high stiletto boots. There's some other filming action going on because you can hear a car being revved up in the distance (not sure who I'm shooting) and poor Vivian is all alone...in this old car...with her boots...and the keys...what EVER shall she do?? *she starts pumping the gas pedal slowly* She floods the car out to make it hard to start and then does some quick romps on the pedal before flooding the car out again. view more.
December 12th, 2021
It's never a dull ride with Jewels and her petite size 6 feet. She's got a toe ring on her middle toe, sporting a french pedi and the Jeep is fired up and ready to go. She stretches out her right foot on the gas while putting her left foot in the seat. It's a bumpy ride in this old thing, hang on. Sorry for the camera shake, the mount wasn't ready for Jewels. view more.
December 11th, 2021
She punching the gas, spinning those tires and flinging mud. "COME OOON!" She feels like she's getting some momentum going but when she lets off the gas the car dies. "SHIT!!" Outside views show the rains is starting to lightly drizzle down again. She needs to get out before the rains starts and makes the ground even slicker than it is. "Come on baby, that's it. Come on baby...come on. There we go!" she's enthusiastically saying since she's finally getting a feeling that she has a chance to get out. The look on her face, you can tell she's in the zone and now that the car isn't dying so much, those tires are starting to heat up a bit but the advantage to that is it's drying out the ruts she's in and giving her better traction. "Let's try backing up a bit." she says to herself since she's got a little hump of mud that is stopping her from going forward. It helps a little but she's still just on ground that is too slick. She goes to hit the brake and the car slides way back and at first sight, that looks like she's going to have to start all over again but remember that semi-dry ground she's created from all the spinning? When she hits the gas to go forward again the tires gets some traction and with her newfound speed boosting her excitement at getting unstuck, she just puts the hammer down and holds it! Those tires spin wildly as she kicks up dual rooster tails of mud as the car finally works it's way up the muddy incline to more solid ground. Mission Accomplished! view more.
AnabellePync, Cassandra, SydneySpectra
December 11th, 2021
Sydney gets a go at the old Monte Carlo to see if it'll start. Anabelle Pync hops in the passenger seat while Cassandra films from the drivers door. The old Monte is flooded and Sydney needs a few tips from Anabelle on getting the old girl started. Sydney is wearing some vintage red leather boots with a blue dress. Her size 11 foot covers that whole gas pedal as she pumps it, trying to get the car to start. She manages to get it to fire up and starts revving it to clear it out. It sounds rough as hell at first but as she keeps romping on the pedal (with some help from Anabelle in her gray boots) until it's running much much better. view more.
December 5th, 2021
A stubborn start, the old Volvo is. Hard rev it, she must. #ponderingsofYoda Filmed from the drivers open door at first and then from the back of the car viewing the exhaust a she romps on that old and worn-the-hell-out gas pedal black leather riding boots. The Volvo is spitting out black some black smoke each time it pops and misfires but she just smiles and keeps revving. view more.
December 4th, 2021
Heading to the gas station to fuel up the old bus with Milena behind the wheel. Some rapid pumping of the gas pedal to get it fired up, easing back to get it turned around without hitting anything and off we go. She knows hows to drive a stick shift, so I just tell her to rip it up and don't be gentle on the old bus, it can take it. For her first time driving it, she doesn't hold back at all. She keeps those rpm's screaming and is hovering right around the redline the whole time. You can tell when she hits the rpm limiter because of the quick popping you hear from the exhaust. Once we get some gas, she climbs back in to take off and when the Bus doesn't start up the first time, she goes into her fast pumping technique and really floods the engine out. She stops for a minute and then tries it again and gets it fired up. Had to remind her to clear it out because unlike all the new cars she's used to driving, these old cars have to be smoothed out. She drives around a little bit to get some extra practice in the bus because while it's easy to drive, it takes a little bit to get a feel for shifting cleanly and, as you'll see in the video, knowing when it died so that you don't pull out into traffic and get t-boned. lol This is a picture-in-picture video with main view being behind-the-pedals and the small view me filming from the passenger seat. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
December 3rd, 2021
Vivian has heard rumors about this secret little boutique out of this girls house that has some amazing deals on shoes and boots. She meets Jane and they exchange their greetings before Jane gets to work satisfying Vivian's boot fetish demands. Vivian tries on various pairs with Jane helping Vivian in and out of each pair of boots. Vivian even tries on the pair of boots Jane is wearing and sure-enough, that's the pair she wants. She offers up a trade of her boots for Jane's. Jane is reluctant but agrees to it and the pair exchange boots. Vivian now decides to ask Jane to accompany her to her wine tasting reservation. Jane agrees and proceeds to close up shop before walking out with Vivian to take her car. Jane stops in her tracks seeing Vivian's old car and says, "That's your car?" Vivian defends her rusty old beater and when she goes to get it started and it doesn't start, she defends it by telling Jane about the sentimental value it holds. Jane admits that she had something similar growing up and that Vivian just needs to pump it more. Vivian tries for a while but can't get the car to stay running because she's flooding it out. Jane offers to try and she's not able to get it started either. Time to find another ride! view more.