November 30th, 2021
"Look at you! I knew that would get you excited. Being close to my feet. Can you smell the leather of my shoes?" she says now that you've gotten down in the floor to get an unobstructed view of her shoes flooring that gas pedal. She puts the car in neutral while coasting and starts romping on the gas pedal just to tease you some more. When she puts it in drive again and rolls into the throttle, she twists her foot on the pedal like she's crushing a cigarette butt. This clip is focused entirely on her feet working the pedals. view more.
November 28th, 2021
So we finally make it to the courthouse and go get the polished turd registered. She drives through the downtown area of my small town and has a few issues with the car but it doesn't seem too bad. But we get to the biggest intersection of our entire town and that's when it wants to really show it's ass. She can't keep it running. We're coasting down the bridge to the redlight and people are trying to go around. But for all the congestion we caused, not a single person honked their horn. That's because a pretty girl in a BMW gets a pass but if it was me, I'd get honked at, flipped off and cussed out. Whatevs! She does get the car going again and we do make it back home but we've both had enough of this shitbox for the day. view more.
November 28th, 2021
It's a cold one here in Alabama and Mandie is filming herself cold starting the old 1974 Dodge Coronet. "Gosh, it's freezing! I hope this thing starts for me." she mumbles to herself and spins the engine over and holds it for a few seconds while pumping steadily on the gas until it starts up. "First try!" she says triumphantly while the engine is chugging and struggling to run. Anyone who grew up around these old cars in the cold weather knows that a 'first start' is rarely a good thing because when it stalls out, good luck getting it cranked again. Her foot it still pumping the gas to try feather and smooth it out but it's chugging worse every second and she's realizing it's not looking good. "Come on...come on..." she begs the car to not die but it eventually stalls out. She tries cranking it over again and the battery isn't sounding too good now. Greaaaaat. She ends up draining the battery after a few more attempts. "Ok, let's try this one more time. Stupid battery!" she says as she gets re-situated in the car . When she turns the engine over this first time with the new battery, she's happy with all the power she now has getting to the starter, it gives her a boost of confidence that she'll be able to get it started. Now if she can only get the carburetor primed properly without flooding it, she can get this baby fired up!. She's pumping the gas a lot before turning the engine over and it's now becoming counter productive as she's beginning to flood the car out. Lots of sputtering, cold engine chugging, stalling, pumping, priming and begging here. Near the end, she even gets some really good hard revs in but she prematurely puts it in gear thinking she's warming it up enough and it stalls out, this time, for good. view more.
November 27th, 2021
She got these new, 2-toned boots and is breaking them in. Lots of stubborn cranking mixed through this clip where the plan was to go run errands. But I can't remember if the starter was sounding weird or I was seeing/smelling smoke, so she drove it back to the house so I can take a better look. This thing floods out so dang easily -- almost too easily. view more.
November 25th, 2021
We get the cover off the car so she can hop in to see if it'll fire up. The battery is weak but not dead and she is able to get the car started. She revs it up to get all the fluids circulating and up to temperature. It's also good to get some freshly charged juice into the battery as well. She tests out the battery now but flooding the car some and cranking it over. Of course, just because you flood the car intentionally doesn't mean you can easily start it back up. Come on Jane, you just charged the battery up....don't kill it! view more.
November 24th, 2021
She's wearing her old and well-worn light tan colored cowgirl boots when she gets in the Jeep and fires it up. She loves pumping on that gas every time she turns the key. Came close to flooding it but I wasn't gonna stop her. She revs it a few times and backs up the big Jeep and coasts down the driveway. She stops, puts it in park and slides her old boots off and then her socks so she can drive with just her bare, sweaty feet. She has dark red nail polish with white tips on her toes. view more.
November 21st, 2021
Mari may be very petite but she isn't gentle on any gas pedals. She's hammering down on that Volvo's big, floor-mounted gas pedal trying to get it started. She has her left arm around the steering wheel so she can scoot up on the seat and reach the pedals. The car is sputtering and struggling to fire up from being flooded under her constant hammering. She pauses for a moment and then stomps the pedal to the floor while turning the key over. She holds both the key and the pedal to the floor and waits...and waits...and waits for the car to finally sputtering, cough and come to life. When it does, she only gives the car a moment to run before romping on that gas pedal. Over and over and over again, she floors it and makes that engine scream. A quick look at her face and she's not scared of the noise, she's enjoying it. I guess it's payback for it not starting for her. Now she hops in the Jeep to leave because her work here on the Volvo is done. I suppose the Jeep saw what she did to the Volvo and decides not to give her problems. She gets on the road, slowly rolls into the throttle and.....the damn batteries died on my camera. :/ view more.
November 21st, 2021
They were filming all kinds of stuff today and this clip is them cranking the old 1976 Chevy Laguna in some Converse kicks! You view this entire segment from the front dash mounted camera. Brooke can't find the keys at first and has to go hunt them down. In the meantime, Jane slides into the passenger seat and gets the cameras setup. Brooke finds the keys, gets in and now she can try getting the car started. While she's getting situated in the seat and putting the key in, she's already pumping on the gas out of habit. As sure as god wears sandals, the car doesn't start. From here, you watch her struggle but not entirely out of frustration as she glances over at Jane and gives her a little smile. After a bit more trying with no luck, they swap and Jane can't get the car started either at first while Brooke teases her for not being able to get the car started. The car sputters a lot and gets close to starting but that doesn't happen. view more.
November 19th, 2021
An old car pulled off to the side on an old deserted dirt road. The drivers door is open and a sexy, pantyhose-clad leg is positioned out of the car with the foot wrapped in a sexy patent white stiletto sandal. Then there's the sound of an old Chevy V8 engine cranking over but not starting. Is this a dream? A fantasy? Your lucky day that your recent Panda Express fortune cookie predicted? Well, why don't you walk up and ask if she needs help and see what dreams may come. view more.
November 19th, 2021
She gets the old Monte Carlo started and runs it to the shop to drop it off for some tinkering to be done to it. She's wearing a gray, loose fitting tank top with some cargo pants and gray booties. While there, the guys at the shop 'gainfully employ' Jane to steer an old truck while they push it into one of the bays to work on. Now that's done, she's changed into some shorts and brown leather sandals to start and warm up the old '72 Super Beetle and '70 Volvo. view more.
November 16th, 2021
Well, before the BMW was a complete shit-turd of a car, we could somewhat drive it around town. This was my adventure with Jewels getting the BMW to and from the local courthouse to plate the piece of junk. It runs decent most of the way but it does have some issues here and there. Of course, no one is going to give a smoking hot blonde in a convertible BMW that's broke down a hard time. She drives in heavy traffic, revs when idling because it's necessary and works her way to the place we need to be. She's wearing a purple tank top, daisy dukes and tan leather flip flops. view more.
November 14th, 2021
Chalk up another win for the Monte Carlo against Scarlet. She tries for almost 5 minutes but the battery gives out before it ever starts. She mashes and holds it to the floor for 5-6 seconds more than a few times and the car just sputters and coughs but it's so flooded that even trying to push the pedal through the floorboard isn't helping. Filmed entirely from Scarlet's POV. view more.
November 11th, 2021
She gets in and takes off her red leather knee high boots and gray socks before touching the pedals. She's wearing a black leather jacket, red leather gloves that are torn in between the fingers in a few spots -- they've seen better days, and a short leather mini skirt. She gets situated now that her feet can air out and reaches out with her left toe stretched to push the clutch to the floor and spins the engine over while lightly giving it gas. The old Volvo can be a pain sometimes and it's looking to be one today. After a couple of minutes of trying, it starts to sputter aaannnd there we go, it fires up! She gets it warmed up and then hits the road with purple toenail polished bare feet working the pedals. She gives the Volvo some hell when it tries stalling on her. Sometimes you gotta man-handle these cars. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
November 10th, 2021
"Will you wait for me, I wasn't joking when I asked for you to wait for me." Jane says while Vivian is getting out of the car. The car died right as Vivian was parking it, so yeah, Jane is nervous now because she couldn't get the Monte Carlo started earlier. After a few tires, she gets it started and they're both like, 'Yay' but right as Vivian turns to walk away, the car dies. She just stops and looks at Jane. Fortunately, the car fires up again and now (maybe finally possibly?) Vivian can hop in the Cadillac, get it started and they can both leave. Viewing Vivian from inside the Cadillac, she turns and opens the door of the Monte Carlo to give her some more advice before getting in the Cadillac. The car fires right up for her. All it takes is 3 pumps of the gas and vroom vroom baby! "Purrs like a kitten." she says under her breath. She backs it up out of the parking spot, avoids Jane driving like a lunatic and heads down the driveway to get on the road. Her cowgirl boots go back-and-forth on the gas and brake pedals as she drives through traffic and stop lights on these narrow country roads. She gets it parked back at the house and does some romping of the gas pedal (with a cameo from Jane) before shutting it off. view more.
November 7th, 2021
She finishes up her drive to the gym and gets in the parking lot, parks the car and heads in. She's done with her workout and is getting in the car after feeling pretty good from her cardio. She hunts for the keys, finds them and goes to start the car up....shit. It's not starting and it's hot. view more.
November 6th, 2021
She was just going to town romping on that Coronet's gas pedal and making it's engine scream when the engine just kinda conks out. Out of gas maybe? She cranks it over again and again but it's not starting. We end up seeing some smoking coming out from under the hood as well as that distinct smell of rubber burning...not like the good kind of rubber burning but that of a rubber/plastic wire coating burning. Pop the hood and see a small little flame on a wire that the entire protective coating is just turned to white ash. Not really sure what it did as she gets the car started up and it seems to be running fine now. Guess that wire wasn't needed after all. view more.
November 4th, 2021
Great, now the car will.not.start...uuuggghhh!!! Various angles: passenger side, open drivers door & pov while she keeps trying to get this car started. She finally calls her friend to tell her she's going to be late because her car won't crank and that she'll just get an Uber to meet her there. view more.
October 31st, 2021
They were filming all kinds of stuff today and this clip is them cranking & driving the old 1976 Chevy Laguna in some Converse kicks! This first clip starts out with Jane filming from her pov as her & Brooke get into the car and she watches Brooke play around cranking the old car up. They go for a little drive out through the country in this old hot rod. When they get back, they do a little 2-feet 1-pedal revving before the video ends. view more.
October 29th, 2021
Coming to a stop sign, the car dies and she pulls over off the side of the road. She tries restarting the engine a couple of times before looking confused. "What happened?" she asks, looking at her gauges and then checking to make sure the air and lights are turned off as to not drain the battery. She pumps the gas a handful of times before turning the key and then spins it over again. Nothing. She pumps some more in between the cranks and tries another time...still nothing. "Come on..." she begs the car softly, cranking it some more times and mixing up when she pumps it to see how the car responds. Is it flooded? Is it not getting enough gas? "I bet you're enjoying this; watching my feet hit the pedals." she looks down and says to you. I guess if you're stranded, might as well make the most of it. But she can't hide her frustration with the car, which you enjoy even more. view more.
October 28th, 2021
The cranky crappy clunker Chevy strikes again! She tries for over 5 minutes to get the old Monte Carlo started but it's just a big fat old F-A-I-L! She tries being nice and gentle on the gas pedal at first, you know, thinking if you're nice to it it'll be nice to you. Nope! NADA! She gets progressively most frustrated as the car keeps refusing to start. She doesn't kill the battery but you do hear it getting not far from being flat near the end. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
October 28th, 2021
"Will you wait for me, I wasn't joking when I asked for you to wait for me." Jane says while Vivian is getting out of the car. The car died right as Vivian was parking it, so yeah, Jane is nervous now because she couldn't get the Monte Carlo started earlier. After a few tires, she gets it started and they're both like, 'Yay' but right as Vivian turns to walk away, the car dies. She just stops and looks at Jane. Fortunately, the car fires up again and now (maybe finally possibly?) Vivian can hop in the Cadillac, get it started and they can both leave. Now, viewing Jane's boots pumping on the gas to rev the engine from her point-of-view, we hear Vivian giving Jane one last pointer before getting into her Cadillac. You can hear it startup on the first try (lucky her) and that's Jane's cue to head out. It's a regular drive back as there's evening traffic and she's still nervous about the car dying on her at any moment. When she gets it back to the house, she parks it and revs it some before shutting the engine off. view more.
October 28th, 2021
She's such a bad friend. She plays a trick on Scarlet by flooding her car out then asking her for a ride home. Who does that? It takes a bit to get the old Bug flooded out. She pumps the gas pedal constantly and the car does start up quite a bit but sometimes, it's more flooded than others and takes a few tries. She wants to get it flooded to the point where it'll crank over without starting consistently. She finally gets it flooded nice-n-good, so time to go find Scarlet and get that ride home...hmm, where is Scarlet? *looks around* *No scene of Scarlet cranking the car. view more.
October 21st, 2021
Trying to see if she can get moms old Mustang to start up. She doesn't even slip on any shoes since the thing is a piece of crap and hardly ever starts. One day, either her mom needs to show her how to get this old thing started quicker or just take it to the scrap yard. Once a wasp comes out to play, Jane decides it's time to split. view more.
October 21st, 2021
She wanted to check out the Camaro since it had the hood up. She's gonna crank it up because it's been sitting for a while. She gets it fired up after a few tries and starts revving it up. She's not shy with this thing either and makes it sing a loud tune with her big black boots justa pumpin away on the gas pedal. Once the Camaro fun is over, she goes back to the Jeep and cranks it until it starts again. Gotta love the hot starts as they can be just as stubborn as cold starts. It fires up, she romps it and then hits the road putting that pedal to the carpet more than a few times. It stalls coming to one of the stop signs and I apologize for the horrible camera quality. The sun was absolutely terrible in this spot. She cranks it some more and manages to get it going again where she continues to push that pedal down till she makes it back to the house. view more.