
Jane Domino Blue Dress & White Boots Ride Along in the Caddy

December 18th, 2024

Just a typical video with her where we're just heading out to take the Caddy for a spin. No scenario, no acting, a little dialogue between us in the beginning and at the end during her parking segment. She's all dressed up in this cute blue summer dress with some white knee high boots. She forgot the keys so I give her the camera and she heads down to the car to wait. I toss her the keys and she films from her POV her giving the car an old start. It's stubborn, naturally, and it takes a while for her to get it going. She's worried the battery is going to die before she can get it started. She manages, just barely, to get the car started before the battery gives out and proceeds to give it a good romping before heading out. The car stalls a couple of times trying to get on the road but it's running better. At the stop sign, she puts in in neutral and gives another few good romps before flooring it onto the main highway. She mashes the gas pedal to the floor and holds it there over and over again, keeping the old car at speed. She throws it in neutral a few times and revs it too. With the windows down and the much quieter exhaust at the time, you can just barely hear the engine rev up when she's driving but you can see her plain as day. When we get back, she has a challenge to park the giant car in the garage and, of course, I'm very critical of these girls parking. Takes her a minute to get it situated and, with me distracting her, she stalls the car. It's a little flood and stubborn to get started again. view more.

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Jane Domino Blue Dress & White Boots Ride Along in the Caddy

Dirty Diana Driving the Z28 in Booty Shorts & Boots

December 15th, 2024

Ride along with Diana taking the Z for a spin in some cheeky daisy dukes and black boots. **Download this video to get the proper aspect ratio. Embedded player has issues with 1440 x 1080.

Dirty Diana Driving the Z28 in Booty Shorts & Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce Getting It In the Bus Black & White Flops, 2 of 4

December 14th, 2024

She's ripping it up in the bus barefoot on these neighborhood roads. She brings it back to the house, parks it and gives it a little revving session before it dies on her. She blows a kiss to the camera, thinking the video is over but goes to fire the engine back up but it's flooded. She cranks it, revs it and cranks it some more for the rest of the video. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Getting It In the Bus Black & White Flops, 2 of 4

Jane Domino Blue Leggings & Black Nike’s Gym Run in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

December 13th, 2024

During her stays with us, she still has to stick to her routine. She has found a gym nearby and gets up, throws on her blue leggings, a black tshirt and her black Nike sneakers with white ankle socks and heads out. She's taking the Monte Carlo because it's the only car that she can get out since it's blocking hers in the driveway. She gets in, gives the car an 'old start' (2 tries) and heads out. While she waits at the stop sign for a gap in the morning traffic, she revs the car up. She does this throughout her trip to keep the car going. It's a mostly casual drive in morning traffic with a little 'tire chirp' taking off from a red light by the high school. Can't get too crazy. She's able to romp on it a few times during her trip when the road opens up and traffic clears. Sometimes not making the yellow light and being the first car stopped at the red light helps. She makes it to the gym, parks and goes to workout...but not without a little revving before turning the car off. view more.

Jane Domino Blue Leggings & Black Nike’s Gym Run in the Monte Carlo, 1 of 2

April & Jane Bikini Top Babes Crank & Rev the Z28, 1 of 3


December 13th, 2024

It's a hot day and both gals are wearing bikini tops and daisy dukes with their cowgirl boots. Jane is filming as they walk to the Camaro to take it out for a joy ride. What is more southern than two bikini-wearin, boot-scootin, daisy-duke-rockin hotties in an old ass Chevy Camaruh! lol The ladies get situated and April Lee gets in the hot seat, gives it some quick pumps and spins the engine over. She holds the key and keeps pumping until the car sputters some but it dies. She re-adjusts her hair and skimpy bikini, gives it some more pumps and tries again. The car roars to life and she does some mild revving at first to keep it running and get it warmed up. Lots of skin showing as Jane gets her legs and thighs in the shot too while April revs away. "I want to rev it some." Jane says and the gals get out of the car to trade spots. "I think I'm gonna take my shorts off." April Lee says. "Do it! You're hot!" Jane replies as she walks around the car. "Do it nice and slow..." and April proceeds to drop her shorts and show off those amazing legs and ass as she struts around the car and gets in the passenger seat. April Lee is filming now as Jane is going to be the one to drive...except the car has been idling and when she goes to hit the gas to lightly rev it before heading out the car chugs, sputters and stalls. Like a typical old-ass Chevy, hot starts are rough. She keeps trying to get the car to start and eventually it does. She romps on the gas, giving it some good revving before the video ends. view more.

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April & Jane Bikini Top Babes Crank & Rev the Z28, 1 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce Crank, Drive & Rev After Custom 1429

December 11th, 2024

Finished filming custom #1429 and before she tries starting the car to move it out of the way so we can get to the next custom, she first has to change her boots. A short scene of her taking off her knee high pair and putting on an over-the-knee pair. Once she gets changed, she gets situated in the car to pose for a few pics. She goes to start the car and it's pretty flooded from the video, so she's gotta work it to get it running. It starts after a few attempts but chugs and dies. It takes her a couple of more tires to get it to fire up where she's able to give it some hard revving. When it's running smooth she asks, "Wanna go for a ride?" but you shake your head 'no'. She turns the car off to better hear what you want to see. She quickly starts pumping on the gas pedal and spins the car over but it only cranks. "More of that?" she coyly asks you. You shake your head 'yes' and she puts her left leg out, gets re-situated and starts cranking the car again seeing if she can get it started after flooding it out. "Come on baby, don't die on me!" she begs of the car as the battery starts to get weak. She's not able to get it started again...she flooded it a bit too much. She ends up draining the battery. "I need another battery." she says and you can't run to get a fresh battery fast enough. *fades out* **There's a little outtake/intermission scene here as the county I live in started their monthly test of the warning sirens** *fade in* She's got the fresh battery, asks if you're ready and turns the key. She pins the gas pedal to the floor while holding the key and waiting for the car to catch. It fires up and she revs it in those tall black leather boots. "Alright, now it's time to hear the engine purr! Why don't you get in the car with me and go for a little drive?" she says to you. You get in and she heads out. She takes a short drive while you focus on legs and boots working the big pedals in the big car. She has to floor the gas just to make the car get up to the minimum speed limit -- this old heavy ass bertha! She gets back to the house and does some more hard revving while you just watch her boots! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Crank, Drive & Rev After Custom 1429

Jane Domino Drives Jeep to the River Brown Strappy Sandals, 2 of 2

December 8th, 2024

Ok, time to head out and drop the Jeep at the shop to get looked at. It doesn't want to start and after a while, it reluctantly starts back up. She then drives the hell out of it before getting to the shop. It's running good by then because she cleared it out flooring it on the highway. view more.

Jane Domino Drives Jeep to the River Brown Strappy Sandals, 2 of 2

Jewels Drives the Bug in Pink Tank & Platform Stiletto Sandals

December 7th, 2024

Jane is sitting in the passenger seat filming and waiting for Jewels to change out of her cowgirl boots into these platform stiletto sandals. Jewels struggles with the tight boots while Jane laughs. She gets changed finally and sits down. Her struggles continue with trying to get situated and sticking that key into the ignition. It's a new ignition and the key isn't as 'smooth' as it used to be. Ok, ya ready? she asks Jane and she fires the car up...which starts right up. She does some revving before heading out. It's different driving in these super tall heels but she makes it look good! Her french pedi toes in view and you get glimpses of Janes platform sandals she's wearing from time to time. view more.

Jewels Drives the Bug in Pink Tank & Platform Stiletto Sandals

Vivian Ireene Pierce Warming Up the Jeep #1379 – Quickie

December 6th, 2024

This is a quick scene of Vivian doing some medium revving in the Jeep in brown wedge sandals. Persephone is hanging out in the passenger seat, getting ready for custom 1379. Open-drivers door and exhaust shots. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Warming Up the Jeep #1379 – Quickie

Jane Domino Crank & Drive the Monte in Red Stiletto Loafers, 1 of 2

December 6th, 2024

This first clip is her just trying to get the Monte Carlo started in these red patent stiletto loafer-style shoes. She's wearing them with tight dark denim jeans and a black sweater. It's a little chilly out but not too cold...certainly not cold enough for this damn car to not start! view more.

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Jane Domino Crank & Drive the Monte in Red Stiletto Loafers, 1 of 2

Fallonn & Vivian Crank & Drive the 1987 Renault in Boots, 2 of 2


December 4th, 2024

Vivian got the car started so she gets to drive it first. She gets the car turned around and heading in the right direction down the driveway. She zips around in the little car, going through the gears while Fallonn rides along. Vivians yellow snakeprint boots show up really well in the all-black footwell of the car. After a while, Vivian trades seats with Fallonn and lets her get some driving in on the way back to the house. view more.

Fallonn & Vivian Crank & Drive the 1987 Renault in Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Custom 1283 Shenanigans

December 1st, 2024

Just move the Camaro back to it's parking spot, Jane. It'll be easy, Jane. However, 'easy', it was not. Cranking, stalling, sputtering and parking the Camaro Z28 in daisy dukes and stiletto open-toe sandals.

Jane Domino Custom 1283 Shenanigans

Vivian Rainy Day Cadillac Struggles Brown Gloves & Boots, 2 of 2

December 1st, 2024

Damp days and old car electrical don't mix well. The Cadillac is being a bitch and not wanting to start or stay running. The rain is getting louder and is starting to drown out the sound of the engine turning over. She has to use the dash lights to know if the car is running still or died on her at one point. Trying to reverse the car when it does kinda run just makes things worse. She gets it backed up and hesitates before leaving due to the car not running right and revs it up hard for a bit to see if it smooths out. Ultimately, she's not comfortable with it and parks it. view more.

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Vivian Rainy Day Cadillac Struggles Brown Gloves & Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Driving Her Honda Truck Orange & Clear Heels

November 29th, 2024

Who says driving to run your errands has to be in boring shoes? Jane has on a pair of orange and clear stiletto heels and drives her Honda Ridgeline truck. She doesn't grandma poke around either.

Jane Domino Driving Her Honda Truck Orange & Clear Heels

Raquel Derek Cranks & Drives the Jeep Overalls & Boots, 2 of 3

November 29th, 2024

Driving along in the old Jeep with Raquel in her overalls and cowgirl boots. She gets to where the cars are parked but not without sliding on the muddy driveway a little -- this will prove to be more challenging later. She parks the car and videos fades out... Video fades in with us leaving but the Jeep is not starting. Gotta love hot starts with these girls! She takes a while to get the Jeep started but she's persistent. She gets it going finally and goes to turn the car around. She finds herself in a bind because she's a little stuck trying to climb up the incline. The tires spin a little and she's just trying to work the process and get the car going without stalling it. Unfortunately, she's stuck and stalled. She cranks the Jeep again but gets it started pretty quickly and tries moving again. The tires spin a little but she stays in it to let them get traction and creep forward. The Jeep stalls on her again...after some more cranking and pumping, it fires up and she keeps trying to make it through the mud. You can hear the mud hitting against the wheel wells as they chew through soft ground and she lets up off the gas too quick and the Jeep stalls again... view more.

Raquel Derek Cranks & Drives the Jeep Overalls & Boots, 2 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce New Boots Night Vision Hard Crank & Drive

November 27th, 2024

Night vision clips are always a bit different because even though you can see her pretty well, she can barely see anything. So she has to 'feel' her way around. She climbs in the car after showing off her new boots she just had to put on...that's why it took her a bit longer to follow you out. She gets situated and goes to get the car started, which proves to be a severe pain in her ass! If you were walking by, sure, you might not see the car but you would hear that starter just working it's ass off and you would probably choke from all the gas in the air from her flooding it. After a while, she finally gets the car going and drives it hard, burying the pedal into the floorboard at times. She loves showing off for you ...let's just hope she keeps it on the road though. **WMV files don't stream, download only.** view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce New Boots Night Vision Hard Crank & Drive

Jane Domino Volvo Self Filmed Pink Pumps Pedal Play

November 24th, 2024

I think she might be waiting for me to figure out what we're doing or where we're she just blips on the throttle of the Volvo in these pointy patent pink pumps.

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Jane Domino Volvo Self Filmed Pink Pumps Pedal Play

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Riding Boots Caddy & Renault Start & Drive

November 24th, 2024

She walks to the Cadillac while you're sitting in the passenger seat, gets in and gives this baby a nice cold start in her brown leather riding boots. After it starts and she gives it a few revs looking back at the exhaust of the car, she heads out. She makes a short drive down the road because she's stopping by to see if the Renault will start. She hops in the Renault and it's more stubborn than the Caddy. She eventually gets it started before getting it turned around and out of it's hibernation parking spot to go for a lil spin! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Riding Boots Caddy & Renault Start & Drive

Jane Domino Casual Drive Camaro SS in Sneakers

November 23rd, 2024

Filming over her left shoulder, Jane is driving my Camaro SS in sneakers. It's a casual driving video with a little bit of revving while waiting at a stop light and a bad-driver-stall at the end. lol

Jane Domino Casual Drive Camaro SS in Sneakers

Jane Domino PTP Fleet Startup in White Toenail Polish – 4 of 6

November 21st, 2024

In the old bus still and she has it fired up and idling while she just looks down her thick thighs and legs to her feet with her white nail polish just popping against the dark floor. She does a little revving before turning the key off. I was filming outside the Bus and when it stopping running I opened the passenger door to ask what happened. She said she turned it off. I asked why and to get it going again. Well, now it won't start...shit.... view more.

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Jane Domino PTP Fleet Startup in White Toenail Polish – 4 of 6

Cassandra & Vivian Stranded at the Park


November 20th, 2024

They stopped here to do a little scenic walking during their lunch break but looks like they're going to have to call for a ride because Vivian's Volvo won't start. Both girls give it a try before leaving to take a walk to let the car sit. Maybe they'll have better luck in a bit. view more.

Cassandra & Vivian Stranded at the Park

Vivian Ireene Pierce Getting It In the Bus Black & White Flops, 1 of 4

November 17th, 2024

Taking the bus out for a spin, Vivian hops in ready to go with a low-cut red top, booty shorts and black & white flip flops. She has issues getting it started up (typical) but is able to get it going and cleared out. She heads out, driving through the neighborhood and, minus a short stalling issue at a stop sign, her drive is going pretty smooth. This old bus needs some miles on it as it never gets driven enough, so any chance she gets she tries to drive it around the area. She pulls out onto the road and floors the gas, keeping the rpms high. The bus stalls on her again when she comes to a stop sign. The idle needs to be adjusted a little to keep it from stalling when she's coming to a stop...because dammit, it did it again! She kicks off her flip-flops and decides to feel the pedals with her bare feet now, maybe that will help. She's going again and the video finishes out with her having a good drive but the bus stalling as she's coming to another stop... view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Getting It In the Bus Black & White Flops, 1 of 4

Brooke Washing the Laguna & Takes It for a Dry Spin

November 17th, 2024

Brooke gives the Laguna a quick wash before firing it up (with some issues) and taking it for a little spin cycle. She's wearing daisy dukes and red boots. Cranking, revving, exhaust smoke, cruising and stalling are all mixed into this clip. view more.

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Brooke Washing the Laguna & Takes It for a Dry Spin

Jane Domino Drives Jeep to the River Brown Strappy Sandals, 1 of 2

November 16th, 2024

She wants to take the old Jeep out and run it down to the river to hang out for a bit. She gives the Jeep a good old fashion old start and it's a bit of a struggle but she gets it going finally. She revs it up and then drives down to the river. view more.

Jane Domino Drives Jeep to the River Brown Strappy Sandals, 1 of 2

Vivian Rainy Day Cadillac Struggles Brown Gloves & Boots, 1 of 2

November 16th, 2024

Damp days and old car electrical don't mix well. The Cadillac is being a bitch and not wanting to start or stay running. The rain is getting louder and is starting to drown out the sound of the engine turning over. She has to use the dash lights to know if the car is running still or died on her at one point. Trying to reverse the car when it does kinda run just makes things worse. **Side note, there is a part near the end of the video where I'm filming her legs and she looks over to me with a worried look on her face and silently mouths: "I think I'm stuck!" view more.

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Vivian Rainy Day Cadillac Struggles Brown Gloves & Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Hot Starts & Floors the Monte #1270 Leftovers

November 14th, 2024

So this scene was in the middle of filming custom 1270 here and I told her to get the car fired up and start driving back. She was kinda 'froze' in the position for a moment while I adjust the angles and when I tell her 'Go ahead', it's to start the car and leave. Well, the car didn't really want to start. It was flooded pretty good from her trying to start it for the custom that now, when we need to get moving, it's just like 'nope'! You can see her getting frustrated with the car for real. She keeps fiddling with it till it finally clears out so she can get on the road and drive. She lays into the gas pretty good to get the plugs cleared up but I also think she's flooring it as punishment for not starting for her. There's a bit of anger in the way she punches it. view more.

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Jane Domino Hot Starts & Floors the Monte #1270 Leftovers

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1422 Leftovers, 2 of 2

November 10th, 2024

These are scenes of Vivian from an interio view looking down her legs and thighs while she's working the pedals driving home. Then it cuts to a view of her getting the Bug parked from a far away shot.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1422 Leftovers, 2 of 2

Jewels Fights with the Monte Carlo Plum Dress & Gray Boots

November 9th, 2024

Another one of our genuine real videos with Jewels trying to get the Monte Carlo moved into the garage. Lots of stalling, flooded starts, revving to clear it out, frustration and some teasing mixed in this clip. I love it when the Monte Carlo behaves this way and really gives the girls a big middle finger. Jewels was made for these old cars and has such a way with the camera. She's wearing this plum colored dress with sheer pantyhose and gray knee high boots. view more.

Jewels Fights with the Monte Carlo Plum Dress & Gray Boots

Jane Domino Driving the Bug Home in Blue Tank & Red Toes

November 8th, 2024

Grabbing the old Bug from the shop and bringing it back home. She's wearing this sexy lil summer outfit: a blue tank top, daisy dukes and just her bare feet with painted toes. A quick startup, a spirited drive home with a little dialogue between us. view more.

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Jane Domino Driving the Bug Home in Blue Tank & Red Toes

Fallonn & Vivian Crank & Drive the 1987 Renault in Boots, 1 of 2


November 8th, 2024

Giving ole Pepe le Pew a workout today. Fallonn hops behind the wheel first to try and get the car started. It's been sitting for...I don't know how long. She's wearing black stiletto OTK boots. She gives it a good try before swapping with Vivian. Vivian is wearing these snake print boots and gets the car to sputter a good bit before getting it to fire up where she starts revving it pretty aggressively. view more.

Fallonn & Vivian Crank & Drive the 1987 Renault in Boots, 1 of 2

Dirty Diana Takes the Bus for a Spin White Platform Flip Flops

November 7th, 2024

Jane is riding shotgun while Diana gets the Bus started and warmed up enough for it to stay running. They take it for a short cruise to stretch it's legs. Those tall flip flops take a little getting used to for Diana.

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Dirty Diana Takes the Bus for a Spin White Platform Flip Flops

The Pierces Revving the Camaro Custom #1357 Leftovers


November 7th, 2024

Some scenes that didn't make it into the final edit of custom 1357 here. Vivian is revving the Camaro after getting it fired up and is lightly revving it in her Birkenstock sandals and white socks. She's revving it for a bit before calling Persephone over to let her rev it some. Persephone sits down and does some revving in her black leather knee high boots. view more.

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The Pierces Revving the Camaro Custom #1357 Leftovers