
Jeanell Cranks & Drains the Caddy in Shiny Red OTK Boots

October 21st, 2021

She loved the Cadillac when she saw it. It's been a while since she's visited us and she liked the new ride. I told her she could take it for a spin if it'll start. She just kinda looked at me with that 'challenge accepted' look. The video starts with me filming from the backseat. She gets in and spins it over quite a few times before giving it any gas. She had that old Firebird for a while that would flood really easy, so she's used to not pumping much at first. But after a while of it not sputtering or giving the slightest hint that it's going to start, she starts slowly pumping on the gas pedal. It's not long before this 'battery eater' starts chomping away at the life of the battery in it and once you hear it start to get weak, it's not very long before it's game over. view more.

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Jeanell Cranks & Drains the Caddy in Shiny Red OTK Boots

Jane Domino Side-Slit Beach Dress & White Thong Sandals Flooring

October 16th, 2021

Love those cranky old Jeep hot starts. Pump pump pump - crank - chugging - stall. Repeat a few times till it finally starts. She's wearing flat white thong sandals with this super-sexy beach dress the exposes her bare legs and the side of her thigh and hip area. She ain't gentle on the Jeep. She mashes the gas as much as she can. You can hear and feel the *thunk* from all the wore out drivetrain components responding to her quick punching of the gas over and over again. She ends the clip with some hard revving, as if it hasn't already been worked out enough. view more.

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Jane Domino Side-Slit Beach Dress & White Thong Sandals Flooring

Scarlet Fights the Monte Carlo in Tan Leather Cowgirl Boots POV

October 16th, 2021

Another epic battle between The Blue Monte & Scarlet. POV filmed of her hand turning the key and tan leather cowgirl boots pumping the gas pedal. The car sputters, coughs and gasps for air. After a while, she starts begging the car when it gets close. When she hits that perfect blow, the car begrudgingly runs and she's very careful to not give it too much gas at first. Let it clear out on it's own before slowly massaging the gas pedal more and more until she can really give it some good, hard revs. view more.

Scarlet Fights the Monte Carlo in Tan Leather Cowgirl Boots POV

Roxy Gets Gas in the Old Bug in White Frye Boots, 1 of 2

October 15th, 2021

A little cranking to get the car started, casual driving, getting gas and some cranking again to get it started at the gas station with me having to tell her to let go of the key...*sigh* Sorry about that but you'd think a self-proclaimed 'car chick' would know not to hold the key when the engine is trying to run. Anyways...super beautiful gal, sexy boots, sweet bug and a mix of pedal-pumping for ya. view more.

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Roxy Gets Gas in the Old Bug in White Frye Boots, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Loafers, Hose & Daisy Dukes in the Monte, 2 of 2

October 14th, 2021

We're done filming stuff wherever we're at and are ready to head back. "Alright, take me back to my Jeep." I tell Vivian, filming from the passenger seat. I tell her to keep her shoes so we can see her feet and toes a little better this segment. She tries starting the car, which is pretty flooded but after some pumping and holding, she gets it fired up and is revving it up when she praises herself a little bit. "Even when it's flooded, I got it started." Well, Vivian, because you're a prooooo! I continue filming filming for the short drive to the Jeep. I get in close to those thighs wrapped in nylon and you can see the reinforced seams near the top of the hose peeking out from under her itty-bitty shorts. We've now arrived, she smiles and the video cuts to a POV shot of her thighs. It stays there as she goes to start the car but it doesn't start on the first try...or second try....or third try. You start seeing her right thigh bouncing a lot more as she starts pumping the gas more aggressively. A shot from my perspective in the Jeep looking at her through the drivers window as she glances at me with that nervous 'Oops, I flooded it' look while she's bouncing from all the pumping. She keeps cranking, grinding the starter slightly a time or two from her eagerness to get it started. Once it fires up, she revs it to clear it out. During the drive back, she's a little more aggressive than before. Maybe a little extra punishment for the car misbehaving? She gets it parked at the house and is slipping her loafers on when I signal her to move the Monte forward more as it was blocking the Jeep. Another little struggling segment of her cranking the car before the video ends. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Loafers, Hose & Daisy Dukes in the Monte, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Stuck in the Mud with Little Billy in ‘Game Canceled Due to Rain’, 4 of 6

October 13th, 2021

"Shit! Oh my gosh....I'm really buried in here aren't I Billy??" Jane says with the door open and looking back at the muddy tires in the rut she's creating. She's cranking the car at the same time because just being stuck in the mud isn't enough, the car continually keeps stalling out on her thanks to her busted, (t)rusty & extremely crusty carburetor. The tires are beginning to smoke a little each time she tries spinning her way out. view more.

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Jane Domino Stuck in the Mud with Little Billy in ‘Game Canceled Due to Rain’, 4 of 6

Jewels Gets Brookes Old Chevy Laguna Started in Boots & Leather

October 10th, 2021

Jewels shows up in her cute little Jeep Wranger to help Brooke get the old car started that has been sitting all winter. It's got a flat tire and is dusty. Brooke tried getting it started earlier that morning but with no luck. Jewels spins it over and pumps the gas pedal but it doesn't even sputter. She looks up at Brooke with that 'Ewww' face before trying again...and again...she keeps pumping the pedal...maybe it's flooded? Already? She pops the hood and they both check the oil. It looks good and the battery sounds good. Hmm. She leaves the hood up and gets back in the car and starts cranking it again and after a few seconds it sputters and chugs and coughs and fires up. "Oh my gosh, yay!" they both excitedly say just before the car sputters and stalls. "Ugh!" Jewels hits the gas pedal again and turns the key and it fires up. She lightly revs it some and both girls are happy that it started. She checks under the hood again as the car idles. It's sounding good. Brooke tells her to get in and rev it a little more. view more.

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Jewels Gets Brookes Old Chevy Laguna Started in Boots & Leather

Jane Domino Taking the ‘Shit Nugget’ to the Gym, 1 of 2

October 9th, 2021

She's taking her old Bug to the gym. She's got her hat on, a light mid-drift sweater, spandex shorts and her Nike sneakers with some socks...she's ready to get it. The Bug....meh, not so much. It's cranky, so it takes a little exercise to get it going on a good day but it's been sitting a while and, well, it might take a little longer. She talks herself through a checklist when it's refusing to start. "Okay, it's got gas." and she knows it's been sitting a while and this is somewhat normal, right? When it does finally start, she lightly revs it a little and it sounds rough. When she puts it in reverse to back out of the garage, she says, "I don't know if I trust you yet." After a 50-point turn backing out of her garage, she's good-to-go and she's off -- not! A little rusty driving and stalls it. Now it's not wanting to start again. Pump pump pump, turn the key, pump pump pump "OOhhh come on, it's too hot!" A little more struggling, the car starts up again and she hits the road. She punches the gas and drives the old Bug hard, keeping those rpm's high so that it won't die on her. view more.

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Jane Domino Taking the ‘Shit Nugget’ to the Gym, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Loafers, Hose & Daisy Dukes in the Monte, 1 of 2

October 7th, 2021

POV filming with Vivian in the old Chevy Monte Carlo. She's following the Jeep around as we do stuffs. This first clip starts out with her getting the car started and then the rest of it is her driving in her loafers. The old Monte is pretty loud as this was during the time the muffler was split. So anytime she gets on it, you hear it. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Loafers, Hose & Daisy Dukes in the Monte, 1 of 2

Heidi Taking the Z28 for a Spin in Red Stilettos, 1 of 2

October 7th, 2021

The heels she wants to drive in aren't the best to walk on gravel with, so she carries them and puts them on after sitting down in the car. She gets them buckled up, fires up the old 350 and gives it a few romps before taking it for a good hard drive. view more.

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Heidi Taking the Z28 for a Spin in Red Stilettos, 1 of 2

Sylvia Cranks & Revs the Cadillac in Red Leather Pants & Yellow Snake Print Boots

October 6th, 2021

Giving the ole Caddy some crankin' & revvin' love. She slowly struts along the long hood of the car, running her finger along the length of the hood. She gets in and leaves her left leg out of the car to give her boot a long, slow rub down then back up the shaft -- okay, enough adjectives...ON TO THE PUMPING! She cranks the old car until it starts and revs it up with a quick 'blip' style of revving. view more.

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Sylvia Cranks & Revs the Cadillac in Red Leather Pants & Yellow Snake Print Boots

Jane Domino Driving ’71 Westy in Black Tights & Shiny Ballet Flats

October 3rd, 2021

Takin the ole VW Bus out for a drive. She's wearing a blue crop top, leather skirt, black tights and shiny ballet flats. The video ends a bit abruptly, sorry about that. She was, what I thought, about to pull out in front of a big rig but she says she saw it -- I dunno. Filmed entirely from the passenger side with some feet closeups. view more.

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Jane Domino Driving ’71 Westy in Black Tights & Shiny Ballet Flats

Jane & Vivian Go to Grab the Caddy Boots Over Jeans, 1 of 3


October 2nd, 2021

Jane is in the car trying to get it started while she waits for Vivian to get her things and get in the car. "Come on baby, start." she says, trying to be nice. Vivian gets in and is ready to go now but seeing as the car won't start, going nowhere fast is their only destination. Vivian tries offering support because Jane is battling her allergies while trying to get her piece of junk started. She finally gives up to let Vivian try. Vivian slides over behind the wheel while Jane gets out and goes around the front. Vivian is able to get the car started after struggles of her own. She backs out of the driveway and hits the road, putting her boot to the pedal. The car is running smooth now that it's been cleared out. Vivian gets on it a few times and no problems. Good, maybe it'll behave now...except it dies right as Vivian is parking it next to the Cadillac. "I hope it starts. There you go sweetie." Vivian says sarcastically, chuckling while looking at Jane's long face realizing she's not done fighting the Monte Carlo today. Jane is wearing her vintage brown leather boots over jeans with a sleeveless shirt while Vivian is wearing her tall brown leather cowgirl boots over some tight jeans and a t-shirt. view more.

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Jane & Vivian Go to Grab the Caddy Boots Over Jeans, 1 of 3

Jane Domino Cranking Moms Mustang in Open Toe Black Clogs POV

October 2nd, 2021

No wonder mom doesn't drive this thing anymore, it's a pain in the ass to get started! It sputters and teases you like it's going to finally start but it keeps chugging and conking out. It's so damn annoying! That picture is my "Mom, I'm gonna light your piece of crap car on fire!" face. view more.

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Jane Domino Cranking Moms Mustang in Open Toe Black Clogs POV

Brooke Starts Some Cars in Dark Jeans & Dirty Casual Boots

October 1st, 2021

Let's go see if some cars start today. She heads out to the Bug first and then the Coronet. She gets them both fired up after some cranking and gives them a good revving. Simple and to the point.

Brooke Starts Some Cars in Dark Jeans & Dirty Casual Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce White & Green Adidas Sneakers & Driving Gloves Tease, 1 of 4

September 30th, 2021

"What are you doing down there?" Vivian asks after she gets situated in the Jeep. She's looking down at you looking up at her from the floorboard of the passenger side. "Oh, you want to get a better view of my feet." she says in realization of your plan. This first clip is entirely from this view while Vivian drives the full-size Jeep Grand Wagoneer around. She punches the gas and the big 360 engine kicks down a gear and makes a lot of racket to respond to Vivian's command. It seems she's got the command of two engines with one gas pedal. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce White & Green Adidas Sneakers & Driving Gloves Tease, 1 of 4

Scarlet Startups in the Monte 1st Smart Phone Days

September 26th, 2021

I don't remember exactly when I got my first 'smart' phone with a, at the time, decent camera on it. I do recall it was one of those Droid's -- not the Razer but somewhere around there. What was that, 2009'ish? Anywho, a few scenes here testing out this phone as we run errands in Scarlet's Monte Carlo. Which, by the way, I don't know if I ever mentioned that it was Scarlet who found, purchased and eventually got the engine rebuilt because she liked and wanted the car. I had no idea about it until later as she kept it at her parents house. So, a little FYI. view more.

Scarlet Startups in the Monte 1st Smart Phone Days

Rose Pedal Gives a Tutorial On Cranking a Newer Model Car

September 26th, 2021

I've seen it asked how do you get these newer cars to crank? Rose Pedal gives a perfect crash course in how to achieve the illusion of a damsel without the distress. Technique, baby, it's all about the technique!

Rose Pedal Gives a Tutorial On Cranking a Newer Model Car

Jewels Cranks, Drives & Revs the Monte in Black Dress, Hose & Tan Stiletto Pumps

September 25th, 2021

A gorgeous day to take the old Monte for a spin. A little crankin to get it started. A little revvin to warm it up. A little cruisin to let the wind blow your hair and then a little more revvin to finish things up. Outfit: A cute, snug-fit black dress with sheer pantyhose and tan leather stiletto pumps. view more.

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Jewels Cranks, Drives & Revs the Monte in Black Dress, Hose & Tan Stiletto Pumps

Jane Domino Struggles to Start the Renault in Black Leather Riding Boots, 2 of 2

September 22nd, 2021

Gonna see if the Renault will start before it starts to rain. It got flooded real bad in a custom we filmed in it earlier (custom #1011), so now comes the fun part! She keeps trying to get the old car started and in this segment, the camera is from the open drivers door. She keeps on cranking the car even as the rain starts to fall ever so slightly, it's a race. Can she get the car started before she gets soaking wet? Her black leather riding boots blend in with her black leather pants and she finishes the outfit with a black leather t-shirt. Lots of close-up thigh shots where the leather gets tight on her thighs as she bounces her leg up and down. She does get the car to sputter but ends up draining all the juice out of the battery. view more.

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Jane Domino Struggles to Start the Renault in Black Leather Riding Boots, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Volvo Old Start in White Leather Strappy Sandals

September 21st, 2021

Gonna head out early to see if the Volvo will start and get it warmed up before leaving in it. It fires up on the first try but pressing down on the pedal to rev it up, the Volvo makes that gasping sound and dies. She pulls the choke out a little, pumps the gas a few times and turns it over again but it doesn't start. It takes quite a few tries to get started again but whether it's her pumping or her sweet begging that convinces the engine to start, who knows? Filmed from her point-of-view the whole video. Flat white sandals and tight jeans. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Volvo Old Start in White Leather Strappy Sandals

Jane Domino Blue Flip Flops Car Swaparoo

September 18th, 2021

She's taking the Monte Carlo back to get the Coronet. The Monte Carlo fires up on the first try and she romps the gas pedal a few times before backing out of the driveway. Once she puts it in 'D' she rolls into the throttle and takes it all the way to the floor. It's a very short trip, so once she gets up to speed pretty quickly, she can just coast the rest of the way. She gets the car parked. Cut to her in the Coronet and this one does not start up on the first try. It takes a handful of tries to get started and she does some mild revving to warm it up. She gets it on the road and drives like a normal person back to the house. Once parked, she does a little more revving before turning the engine off. view more.

Jane Domino Blue Flip Flops Car Swaparoo

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the BMW in Black Pumps & Booooobs!

September 18th, 2021

Trying to see how the BMW is going to run today. She hops in, fires it up, backs it out of the garage and down the driveway before romping on the gas pedal. White smoke comes out of the exhaust and while it revs nice and smooth, it still doesn't idle for shit. Her shiny black pumps make the engine scream pretty good -- not sure how our neighbors like that but hey, who cares? For anyone curious, the BMW is done like Uncle Frank's first time deep-frying a frozen turkey for Thanksgiving. If ya know, ya know! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the BMW in Black Pumps & Booooobs!

Scarlet Cranking the Stubborn Monte in Dirty Flat OTK Boots

September 17th, 2021

Her point-of-view trying to get the old Chevy started. Her black boots are dirty and covered in some mud. She gets the car to start a few times but it's running really rough and keeps stalling and flooding out. Gotta love them old starts.

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Scarlet Cranking the Stubborn Monte in Dirty Flat OTK Boots

Jane Domino Stuck in the Mud with Little Billy in ‘Game Canceled Due to Rain’, 3 of 6

September 15th, 2021

"You know what Billy? I have an idea... I'm going to go forward." Jane says with confidence that her decision is the right one. She pumps the gas pedal and turns the key to get the car started again and it sputters, coughs and chugs in defiance. She keeps cranking it until it finally starts up. She revs it a few times and puts her foot on the brake to put it into gear but it stalls. She's getting really frustrated at this old Camaro. She does get it to run and starts to pull forward but the car dies again as she's going, so it seems like one problem might of been over-come. Now, if she can just get this car that she hates to keep from dying, that would be great. It's raining again now, so her stuck predicament might get worse if she can't get the car started so she can leave. It's a lot of flooded hot starts with the car stalling before she can get it in gear. When she is able to get it in gear, the ground is now slicker than ever and her wheels are just spinning as she looks out the open drivers door at her rear wheels. "Oh, they're just spinning, the tires are just spinning now Billy." she says, frustrated and desperate at her situation. "I'm just burying us deeper. Oh...oh, it's starting to catch Billy, I'm about to get it!....famous last words. view more.

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Jane Domino Stuck in the Mud with Little Billy in ‘Game Canceled Due to Rain’, 3 of 6

Cassandra Driving the Caddy to DMV in Tan OTK Boots, 2 of 2

September 14th, 2021

Got our business done at the DMV and heading back. Cassandra gives a little synopsis of our adventures and then goes to start the Cadillac to leave but it doesn't start. No biggie, she tries again...still no luck. "IF I can get the kitty to purr for me...come on kitty kitty!" she says as she pumps the gas a few times then spins the engine over for that 'third-times-a-charm-right?' and thankfully, it starts up. It's just starting to rain as she gets on the road but no worries, she's in a land barge, so she's good. lol She mostly drives using her left foot to brake instead of just using her right foot. This time, the main view is the foot-well camera while the picture-in-picture view is from the dash cam. view more.

Cassandra Driving the Caddy to DMV in Tan OTK Boots, 2 of 2

Kate Cranking the Mitsubishi Galant in Black Leather Pants & Cowgirl Boots

September 12th, 2021

No luck getting this shit-box of a car started. Tight black leather pants and well-worn black leather cowgirl boots.

Kate Cranking the Mitsubishi Galant in Black Leather Pants & Cowgirl Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce VW Bus Solo Cruise Pink Wedges & Barefoot, 2 of 2

September 12th, 2021

With one camera over her should and one from slightly behind and to the passenger side floorboard, she takes off in the old '71 Westy. It's always a good day to give the old bus a drive. It's always much more pleasing to see a sexy gal behind the wheel of one too. She slips off her pink-strap wedge sandals in the beginning of this clip and drives around with her bare feet for the duration of this video. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce VW Bus Solo Cruise Pink Wedges & Barefoot, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Cranking the Stubborn Volvo in Shiny Brown Platform Pumps

September 10th, 2021

Three different angles during this self-filmed clip of Jane struggling to get the Volvo started and keeping it running. The first angle is from the passenger side window; the second angle is from the dashboard looking down at her chest and thighs as she pumps the gas and bounces in her seat and the third angle is from her point-of-view looking down at her legs and feet working the pedals. The Volvo likes to be choked some days and other days, well, it's more into just plain old 'vanilla' style. Lots of cranking, sputtering, stalling and begging in this clip. **Not sure how or why I edited this in an extra-wide format. Most players should be fine playing it but if you have a problem with playing it, I recommend using VLC media player from  view more.

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Jane Domino Cranking the Stubborn Volvo in Shiny Brown Platform Pumps

Rockell Starbux Pedal Pumping Fun in Black Riding Boots, 1 of 2

September 10th, 2021

Rockell Starbux has a fun day of cruising around, cranking and revving some of our cars in her flat knee high riding-style boots. She's in the Jeep, fiddling with her busted up phone -- I don't think I've EVER met a model with a non-damaged phone. The Jeep is already running and she backs up to do an over-dramatic and completely unnecessary 3-point turn to get around her car. The Jeep stalls once but fires back up and she heads out of the driveway. We get on the road and I give her directions to where we're going; which our first top is the gas station. Done getting gas, the Jeep (thankfully) fires right up and she gets back on the road. She gets past some traffic and can hit the gas to open it up some but not for long because our turn is coming up. She makes some random noises at the cars she's passing (don't ask me...) and talks about picking up a bunch of guys because she's in an old Jeep...or something. So we get to our destination and next up is getting the old '74 Coronet started up. She gets the old thing fired up after 3 or 4 tries and immediately starts revving the shit out of it. To hell with letting it warm up a bit or getting oil to all the engine parts; hammer it down and give it hell! lol It stalls after some hard revving and she fires it back up to go right back into her hard ass revving. It stalls again and is a little harder to start. Gotta lover her southern "Dangit!" and "Come awwnn!" After some more of her putting her size 9.5 boot to the floor, the video ends. view more.

Rockell Starbux Pedal Pumping Fun in Black Riding Boots, 1 of 2

Brooke Driving the ’76 Chevy Laguna Leather Skirt & Black Shiny Pumps

September 8th, 2021

Let Brooke take you for a drive in that old hot-rod of hers. A great way to unwind after a day at the office. Just hop in, fire it up and hit the gas! She's wearing a white button down shit, knee-length black leather skirt and shiny round-toe stiletto pumps. view more.

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Brooke Driving the ’76 Chevy Laguna Leather Skirt & Black Shiny Pumps

Mandie Night Time Crank & Rev the Bug in Tan Scrunch Knee High Boots

September 5th, 2021

I believe we had this engine in the Bug not too terribly long and I was having Mandie do a little cranking & revving in it. You can try to turn the brightness up on your player but it might not help. The footwell lights are on, so you can see her boots, her calves but that's about it. You can see the outline of her hair and face but it had gotten too dark to see anything else. I didn't have any lights on me, so it is what it is. Some good cranking, stalling and revving before I realized that the engine was overheating and that's why it wouldn't idle. I really didn't want to ruin another good engine so soon. So the video ends with me telling her to, "Turn it off, turn it off turn it off turnitooooffff!" lol view more.

Mandie Night Time Crank & Rev the Bug in Tan Scrunch Knee High Boots