Jewels Hooters Babe Makes the Camaro Gurgle, Chug & Flood Out
August 28th, 2021
This was sometime during the filming of custom 1145 and the battery in the Monte Carlo is being quick-charged, so we have some down time. She heads to the Camaro to get it started and do a little revving in it. We have to do a little 'feral cat scattering' process before anything else as two little kittens were finding their way up into the engines of the cars to seek refuge. Jewels bangs on the hood and then gets behind the wheel, leaving her left leg out. I always have the girls hit the gas pedal a few times to just make sure the kittens are gone and it's a good reason why I have them do that as one of them scurries away then.
Now that the car is animal free but certainly not pest free, she can see if it'll start. She has already primed the carburetor, so on the first turn of the key the car quickly sputters like it wants to start. It chugs out. The second time it fires up after a few seconds and she pumps the gas pedal to rev it up and clear it out. She's mild at first because you can hear the engine wanting to stall out again and if she goes too hard, it'll stall. She keeps getting harder and harder with her revs while rubbing leg and inner thigh as she just enjoys the sound of the engine getting louder and smoother.
Once warmed up, she turns the engine off, pumps the gas pedal a few times and sees how soon it'll startup after being lightly flooded. It sputters and chugs because a hot engine doesn't like it's gas pedal pumped. She lightly taps on the pedal while the engine chugs, coughs and sputters more before finally stalling out. She plays with the Camaro a little more before giving it a break and moving on to the Cadillac, which had a deader-than-dead battery.
Back to the Monte Carlo now and zilch! I think the starter was shot.
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