
Cassandra Drives & Revs the Z28 in a Nightgown & White Pumps

July 22nd, 2021

Open that old v8 up and let it rip ...except when you get behind grandma. Ugh! That's okay, make the engine growl so maybe gram's will find a different route. Once she's out of the way, time to rip up the roads again. Probably not a record time on making this trip but it was as quick as could be with traffic. She finishes it off with some hard revving at the end. view more.

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Cassandra Drives & Revs the Z28 in a Nightgown & White Pumps

Anna Komis Gives the Monte Carlo One Last Try

July 21st, 2021

I think this was the last video of the day; I know it was, at least, the last video in the Monte Carlo. It was so flooded out from earlier that she let it sit for a while before coming back to it. She was hoping it would start but as you can hear that trademark sputtering the Monte Carlo does when it's flooded-beyond-hell, there is a very very very very slim chance of that happening. She light taps on the gas pedal. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow to see if it'll change it's tune. Her left leg is out of the car and yes, the seat is ALL the way back. That's how tall she is -- she still looks like she's got the seat too close. She's one of those girls who should just remove the front seat entirely and sit in the back to look normal. lol   view more.

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Anna Komis Gives the Monte Carlo One Last Try

Jane Domino Drives & Revs the Jeep in Tight Black Dress, Sheer Hose & Stiletto Pumps

July 17th, 2021

Went down to pick up the Jeep to bring it to the house. She fires it up, does a little revving to get it warmed up a bit then drives up the street. She gets the Jeep parked. The video cuts and is next filming from the open drivers door as she starts the Jeep up by flooring the gas (flooded it for a custom) and gets it started up within a couple of tries. She then just revs it for the remainder of the video to blow out all that gas and any buildup in the exhaust. view more.

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Jane Domino Drives & Revs the Jeep in Tight Black Dress, Sheer Hose & Stiletto Pumps

Jewels Starts & Moves the Volvo in Tan Strappy Sandals

July 16th, 2021

She cranks the Volvo till it starts, gives the pedal few revs and backs the car up out of the parking spot and into position for custom 1207.  First view is from over-the-shoulder and second is from passenger seat. view more.

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Jewels Starts & Moves the Volvo in Tan Strappy Sandals

Kmo Cranks & Revs the Camaro in White Thigh High Boots

July 14th, 2021

She just wanted to see if she could get it started since I told her it's a bit of a bitch. She likes the challenge. She does get it started and she does give it a good romping.

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Kmo Cranks & Revs the Camaro in White Thigh High Boots

Scarlet Driving the Dodge Ram Diesel, 3 of 3

July 13th, 2021

This is the full 21-minute clip. About 5 minutes of it has never been posted. It was originally posted back in 2007 (part 1, part 2) as a 2-part series, offering only about 16-minutes of the footage. **This is a custom video in which I get into the manual truck and depress the brake and clutch while getting my things organized and ready to go.  Quite a few red lights catch me, and I hold the clutch and brake while waiting for them.  The video fades out with me sitting and waiting on a red light holding forever! view more.

Scarlet Driving the Dodge Ram Diesel, 3 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce White Boots & Purple Dress Bug & Caddy Cranking 2 of 2

July 12th, 2021

A great old start/cold start segment in this clip where Vivian has to work hard to get the Cadillac to start up. When you hear that muffled 'thud' like a very weak backfire in the throttle body, you know the fight is on! Vivian does get it started and revs it up to smooth it out. Exhaust shots show that white smoke coming from the tailpipe. When it's cleared out enough, she films herself heading back to the house where she parks it and revs it some more, just for good measure. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce White Boots & Purple Dress Bug & Caddy Cranking 2 of 2

Jane Domino Sexy Teasing Barefoot Revving the Volvo

July 10th, 2021

Fire that baby up and rev it! She starts out casual and then gets more and more into it as she keeps pumping on that pedal. She throws in some stroking of the long gas pedal too. Her bright red toenail and fingernail polish shine. The car is running a bit rough and you can tell with each rev that it could use this exercise. view more.

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Jane Domino Sexy Teasing Barefoot Revving the Volvo

Damara Driving the Monte Carlo in Black Hose & Sandals, Self-Filmed

July 10th, 2021

She films herself driving sometimes getting her face but mostly focused on her legs and feet on the pedals. She's wearing dark pantyhose and black open-toe sandals.

Damara Driving the Monte Carlo in Black Hose & Sandals, Self-Filmed

Ginger Frye Boots Trying to Start the Cadillac

July 9th, 2021

She's got her Frye harness boots on under her jeans and wants to give the old Caddy a whippy-whirl around the block. Except that old land barge won't start. She's had old cars growing up, so she knows it's a process to get them started if they've been sitting a while. Regardless, the Caddy says 'Nope!' and she ends up draining the battery trying. Ok, time to call in backup -- the old Jeep. She hops in it to fire it up so she can jump off the Caddy. But she's also getting a big fat 'Nope!' from the Jeep as well. She's trying not to feel like she's cursed and has this big, slightly-embarrassed smile on her face. Sure, one car can not start but two? Come on! She gives up on the Jeep and tries her luck with the old Coronet (RIP) and hey, one cooperates!! She gets the jumper cables hooked up to the Cadillac, let's it charge a bit and gets back in to see if the ole Coupe Deville will fire up this time. view more.

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Ginger Frye Boots Trying to Start the Cadillac

Jewels Driving the Bus to the Shop in Platform Wedge Sandals

July 8th, 2021

Once she gets past the dead battery issues, she fires up the old bus to take it to the shop. I don't remember what needed to be done, it's always something. She is following Jane, just in case something happens. She kicks off her shoes near the end to finish the drive with her perfectly pedicured petite feet. The foot-view is perfect but that window-mounted passenger view does get a bit shaky at times. It's been hard finding a good mount that stays solid in these old cars. Makes you wonder if we're using square wheels. lol view more.

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Jewels Driving the Bus to the Shop in Platform Wedge Sandals

Dirty Diana’s Z28 Broke Down in Red Leather Suit & Boots, 1 of 2

July 6th, 2021

Diana is waiting by her broken down red Camaro. She's got the hood up and video opens up with her leaning against it and looking at her phone. She's dressed in a red leather suit with a slit in the skirt, a black leather top and black leather boots. She's waiting for her help to arrive and is getting impatient. She stares at the engine for a moment and starts going over the check-list in her head of what happens when her old car doesn't start and what to do to get it to start. Kind of like trying to self-help her situation by talking out loud. "It doesn't smell like gas....well, not as bad as it did." she says to herself. Might as well try it again while she waits. She gets back into the car, leaving the drivers door open and her left boot on the ground. She spins the engine over, giving it a few pumps. She's looking around, nervous that she's stranded and her rescue isn't here yet. "Come on, please start." she begs to the car and is looking over her shoulder when the car fires up but stalls back out because she wasn't paying attention. After some more cranking and getting frustrated that nothing is working, she gets back out of the car and sits on the front bumper, crossing her legs and letting out a big sigh at her crappy luck. view more.

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Dirty Diana’s Z28 Broke Down in Red Leather Suit & Boots, 1 of 2

Jane Broke Down & Flooded in Red Peep-Toe Cloth Wedges with Jewels

July 4th, 2021

Sometimes hot starts can be tricky. The old '72 Super Beetle is flooded in the parking lot when her and Jewels took it to run errands in town. Mainly just a view from Jewels' pov, you can hear Jewels beg the car to start even though she's not driving. Lots of sputtering when Jane gets the car close to starting but it's a knifes edge sometimes between pumping it enough to get it started or flooding it out. view more.

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Jane Broke Down & Flooded in Red Peep-Toe Cloth Wedges with Jewels

Cassandra Cold Starts the Monte Carlo in Leather Gloves & Red Hunter Boots

July 3rd, 2021

She puts on her black leather gloves before going out to the Monte Carlo on this cold day to see if it'll start up. It takes a minute but she gets it fired up and lightly revs it to warm it up some.

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Cassandra Cold Starts the Monte Carlo in Leather Gloves & Red Hunter Boots

Jane & Karolina Crank & Drive the ’74 Dodge Coronet, 2 of 2


June 30th, 2021

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! It never takes this long to get started." she says, frustrated that the old clunker is being temperamental today. She does two long cranks holding the gas pedal to the floor thinking it's flooded but nothing...not even a sputter. Jane asks Karolina, "Do you want to try?" Karolina slides over as Jane gets out to walk around. Never mind the man behind the curtain (car was really flooded and not starting). Jane gets in and Karolina gets her first ever crack at starting the old Coronet. She works the process and after a handful of attempts, she gets the car to start up. When she revs it, she doesn't fuck around...she revs the absolute piss out of it! Now that it's good...I mean, good and cleared out, Jane gets her to turn the car around and they head out. Only a short driving segment before the video fades out. view more.

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Jane & Karolina Crank & Drive the ’74 Dodge Coronet, 2 of 2

Scarlet Pumping the Air Brakes in Big Rig in Sheer Pantyhose

June 29th, 2021

I found this clip recently in some dusty folder in the corner of my hard drive that, as far as I can tell, has never been posted in full. I did post most of this clip back in January of 2007 (see that clip here). This is the full clip, which only has an additional minute of footage. It's not much more footage but still, I feel bad throwing any footage away! view more.

Scarlet Pumping the Air Brakes in Big Rig in Sheer Pantyhose

Kristen Taking the ’71 West for a Spin in Brown Boots, 1 of 3

June 28th, 2021

A camera down on the floor filming from behind and to the passengers side a bit captures that angle while I ride shotgun and film from the passenger side. She drives the old 1971 VW Camper Bus around for a bit in this 3-part series. As with most girls, it's been a while since she's driven it and since her daily driver is an automatic, she has to get a feel for it all over again. view more.

Kristen Taking the ’71 West for a Spin in Brown Boots, 1 of 3

Jane Domino’s One Night Stand with a Stuck Fetishist, 6 of 6

June 27th, 2021

The adventure concludes with this clip of Jane battling the old Volvo that is stuck in the mud at the guys house who she had a one-night stand with. She's really rocking the car and starts building up some good momentum forward and backward to where she finally is able to slip free. To her surprise, he was watching her at the end there and confronts her about why she was leaving without saying 'goodbye'. view more.

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Jane Domino’s One Night Stand with a Stuck Fetishist, 6 of 6

Scarlet Casual Cranky Crank-Up & Revving the Monte Carlo

June 26th, 2021

Viewed from the drivers side with the door open, Scarlet gets the old Monte Carlo started after some struggling and revs it up a bit. She's wearing a sweater, jeans and her gray/pink Corral cowgirl boots under the jeans.

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Scarlet Casual Cranky Crank-Up & Revving the Monte Carlo

Jane Domino White Pumps & Stripe Suit Good Old Fashion Crank-In the Rain

June 26th, 2021

No story. A few different views. A pair of white stilettos. An old clunker. Too much gas in the carb. A whole lotta wearin out that starter.

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Jane Domino White Pumps & Stripe Suit Good Old Fashion Crank-In the Rain

Vivian Ireene Pierce White Boots & Purple Dress Bug & Caddy Cranking 1 of 2

June 25th, 2021

This beginning scene is from Little Billy's point-of-view outside  Vivian's house looking at her old 1972 VW Bug. Vivian comes down the steps of her deck and walks around the car before she notices Little Billy standing there. It's early in the morning, so she's not sure why he's here instead of at school. She tells him to move along and gets in her car. She smells gas after spinning the car over one time, which is odd as she shouldn't be smelling gas that soon. "Did Billy play with my gas pedal?" Vivian wonders to herself. After some struggling, she kills the battery and ironically enough, Little Billy is still there to help out. That little weasel! The rest of the clip is just some side-filming of Vivian driving down to get the Cadillac. This clip ends before she gets in the Caddy -- that's in part 2. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce White Boots & Purple Dress Bug & Caddy Cranking 1 of 2

Jewels Starts Up, Revs & Touches Up Her Lipstick in the ’77 Z28

June 21st, 2021

She gets the old Z fired up and moves it to a better spot to do some revving in it. What better time to touch up that lipstick than when romping on the gas pedal and making that engine roar?

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Jewels Starts Up, Revs & Touches Up Her Lipstick in the ’77 Z28

Natalie Knight’s First Time in These Old Clunkers

June 20th, 2021

Look, despite what some sites try to tell you, not every girl has had any car trouble experience. Now, that doesn't mean they can't be taught what to do because, in the end, ya gotta learn somewhere and sometime, right? Take Natalie here -- she has never had any car trouble or old car experience. After battling the old '86 Monte Carlo for a few minutes, she looks just as pro as anyone else. She gets a crash course in 'pedal pumping 101' in these sexy tan leather thigh-high cowgirl boots. view more.

Natalie Knight’s First Time in These Old Clunkers

Dirty Diana Takes My Camaro SS for a Spin in Platform Flip Flops

June 19th, 2021

Some shoes make girls a little more nervous to drive in than others. Platforms, more than high heels, can be the type of shoe that is a bit tricky since you can't feel the sensation of the pedals as much on your feet due to all the material in the way. But still, that doesn't stop Diana from slipping these white platform flip flops on and taking my 2001 Camaro SS out for a spin. It's been sitting way too long and needs a drive to keep everything from getting stagnant. Nothing crazy, just enjoying the day and making a little noise in a true American pony car, even though it wasn't made in America. Canada is close enough. view more.

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Dirty Diana Takes My Camaro SS for a Spin in Platform Flip Flops

Jane & Karolina Crank & Drive the ’74 Dodge Coronet, 1 of 2


June 18th, 2021

In this first clip, it's Jane who is trying to get the old Mopar started up. She's got on these tall wedge sandals that are peep-toe and with an ankle strap. She tries for 6+ minutes to get the car to start but it ain't happening!

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Jane & Karolina Crank & Drive the ’74 Dodge Coronet, 1 of 2

Scarlet Drives the Bug in Moccasin Boots Then Socks, 2 of 2

June 17th, 2021

Now she slips off those boots and drives back home with just her socks.

Scarlet Drives the Bug in Moccasin Boots Then Socks, 2 of 2

Jane & Vivian Busted Bus Cranking Companions, 2 of 2


June 17th, 2021

The struggling continues with them both still trying to get it to start. Now it's doing less chugging and more dry cranking. Out of gas? I dunno, keep trying...

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Jane & Vivian Busted Bus Cranking Companions, 2 of 2

Scarlet Drives the Bug in Moccasin Boots Then Socks, 1 of 2

June 13th, 2021

She fires the old Bug up and takes it for a drive through the twisty country-side wearing these brown suede moccasin boots. She floors it and bangs up and down through the gears with a camera over her shoulder and from behind-the-pedals.

Scarlet Drives the Bug in Moccasin Boots Then Socks, 1 of 2

Jane Starts & Revs the Jeep Red Strappy Peep Toe Sandals POV – Quickie

June 12th, 2021

She's moving the Jeep but who says you can't dress up for it? She slips on some skin-tight jeans and these red strappy stiletto sandals with a peep toe -- they're kinda like a bootie almost. She hops in the Jeep, fires it up and romps on the pedal for a few minutes all from her point-of-view. view more.

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Jane Starts & Revs the Jeep Red Strappy Peep Toe Sandals POV – Quickie

Jane Domino Red Converse Sneakers in “Another Great Flood”

June 11th, 2021

Well, by now you folks know what it means when we have 'great flood' in the title of a video. It means that old Monte Carlo ain't startin no matter how hard Jane tries. Since it's in the middle of the driveway, I use the Jeep to start pushing it out of the way while Jane keeps trying to get it started. She doesn't stop trying to get it started the entire video. Lots of sputtering as if it wants to start but it just never catches. That was one damn good battery because she didn't stop trying because it died; she stopped because it just wasn't going to start. Two camera views of her in one of those sexy low-cut bodysuits, daisy dukes, big hoop earrings, black leather ball cap and red low-top Converse sneakers. view more.

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Jane Domino Red Converse Sneakers in “Another Great Flood”

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #10 – Starting Up the Z28 & Coronet

June 10th, 2021

She cold starts the Z28 in old Ugg-style ankle boots and leggings. She cold starts the Coronet in white patent thigh high boots. She cold starts the Z28 again in white thigh high boots.

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #10 – Starting Up the Z28 & Coronet

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Time Pedal Pumping Pink Wedge Sandals, Gloves & Blazer

June 9th, 2021

Some scenes of Vivian in the old Jeep at night. Her pink-strap cork sandals don't keep her feet remotely warm on this chilly night but they are the best shoes to wear to match her pink suede blazer she's got on. She climbs in the Jeep and pumps it a good bit before turning it over the first time to hopefully have it fire up. It does stall a time or two on her and she's a bit spastic with her behavior here and is a bit too quick on a couple of the turns of the key. Once it's idling smooth, she hits the road to warm it up and gives it one good flooring when it seems like it's running good enough to handle it. Back at the house, testing out if it'll stay running and it ends up stalling. Doesn't take long for the battery to drain out. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Time Pedal Pumping Pink Wedge Sandals, Gloves & Blazer