JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
April 23rd, 2021
Vivian isn't having much better luck than Jane. "By the time we get there the sun is going to be down." Vivian laments. Jane tries reassuring her but both girls are running out of patience. But just as their patience is about to be spent entirely, Vivian gets the Volvo to stay running after she revs it a few times and it looks like they might of finally won this battle. She puts the car into reverse and backs out of the driveway... view more.
April 21st, 2021
She's wearing these vintage cowgirl boots that were very popular in the 80's. Think to just about every horror movie then and these little boots were worn by many of those poor pretty girls who are fleeing from the bad monster only to slip and fall then their car doesn't start. Not quite as dramatic as those movies, Star does have some of the same car issues that plagued those poor damsels in distress. She tries getting the Cadillac started but kills the battery. She then hops in the Monte Carlo and cranks it till it finally fires up. Then, in typical Star fashion, she revs the shit out of it and you gotta love the subtle double-fist pump she gives when she gets it to start. view more.
April 21st, 2021
She's having a hard time getting the car started while it's parked in the garage. It sputters and teases her a lot before finally firing up where she can rev it to clear it out. She backs it out of the garage and pulls it around to let it idle for a bit since it hasn't been ran in a while. She forgot to put it in neutral before taking foot off the clutch,oops! Great, now it won't start again... Oh and never mind the creeper camera angle! lol Most of the video is of her from mounted camera angles she set up as this was something she did on her own. I just wanted to sneak a peek of her cranking up the old thing from behind the door and decided to film it. You never see her feet as they are just out-of-frame of the camera angles she used. Sorry! view more.
April 18th, 2021
She's still playing around and this time, the entire camera angle is from the passenger seat as I'm riding along. She was continuing to run down her muddy path, hit her driveway and do some more reversing but she chewed up the muddy part pretty good that when she goes through this time, the car slides partway off the driveway and is stuck...again. I'm hoping she's not stuck-stuck and try to get her to easy the car back-and-forth to rock it since she's more of a punch-it-to-the-floor kinda person. After some trying, she can just tell that the car isn't going anywhere. I can't get out on my side, so I guess I'm trapped in the car while she's stuck in the mud. Such is life...oh and to add to the fun, the Coronet dies and almost doesn't want to restart again. Scarlet comes to assist at the end of the video. The Jeep is chained to the Coronet and filming from outside the passenger side rear quarter panel, you get to see that tire that is just covered in thick mud slowly get snatched out of the hole. view more.
April 17th, 2021
We stopped at a store and upon leaving, some guy wanted a pic of the bus, or so he said. He really just wanted a pic of Jane but didn't know how to ask for it directly without sounding like a perv. Once she gives a pic for her adoring fans, she fires the bus up and drives us back to the house, again, keeping them rpm's high and bangin' gears! view more.
April 17th, 2021
This video is of Vassanta playing hide-and-seek with Little Billy. He's not able to control himself from peeking out from behind his hiding spot to star at Vassanta's boots. This results in him being spotted and Vassanta gets him. Now that the game is over Little Billy asks for a ride home. They walk to the car and get in where Vassanta fires the car up. Little Billy tells Vassanta that his mom told him not to be late again. "Momma said, 'Little Billy, if you're late again, you're in trouble!' and so I can't be late again." Little Billy says. "Well, we're not going to be late." Vassanta says as she's revving the car up that fired right up. "Turn it off and make sure it'll start again. Pump the pedal first." Little Billy tells Vassanta. So begins the show... **This was an interesting request that has a lot of specific lines for 'Little Billy' to say. So it may not appeal to all audiences. Lots of flooding, flooded cranking, sputtering and sabotaging Vassanta's attempt at getting the car started.* view more.
April 15th, 2021
Tinsley walks to the old '72 Super Beetle, gets in and cranks it for a while before it fires up. She's wearing brown leather knee high boots over some tight jeans and a brown sweater. "Come on." she softly mumbles after it doesn't start the 3rd time. She keeps cranking it till it finally fires up and she revs it a little to clear it out then backs up into the road and drives around for a while. view more.
April 14th, 2021
She changes out of the black-and-white cowgirl boots for some more casual patent black loafers. She's in the Cadillac changing shoes because that's the car she drove over to where the Jeep is at to give it a cold start. The Jeep is a bit stubborn this morning to start but she gets it fired up, warms it up a little and moves out of the parking spot so she can pull the Cadillac up into it's spot. The Cadillac takes a few tries to fire up and she parks its. Back in the Jeep, she drives back to the house. view more.
April 10th, 2021
You can tell when that old Monte Carlo is flooded really bad because it has that gurgly sound. When it gets that way, it's so close to being flooded in the way where it won't start for days. You just have to let it sit before it'll have a chance at starting. Scarlet is trying not to let it get to that point when she heads out to start it up but it's on the verge until it gives a nice 'pop' of a backfire. Now Scarlet knows she should be able to get it to sputter enough to start the process of clearing it out. She just keeps massaging the gas pedal with her black leather boots until the engine is smoothed out and running good again. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
April 10th, 2021
Nothing like a junk car to kill your mood and plans for a nice, relaxing day at the beach. They're ready to head out, rocking their matching flat thong sandals but the Volvo said, "Not today, ladies. Not...today..."
April 9th, 2021
She's short, so she has to wrap her left arm around the steering wheel so she can pump the pedal when she's trying to get the Jeep started. After a few tries, she looks at you to apologize for her car not starting but reassures you that she'll get it started. It sputters a lot before it fires up but it keeps stalling on her. She's trying to pull it out of the bushes where it's parked but it's uphill slightly and muddy, so the tires spin a little when she eases on the gas slowly to creep it forward but you know how these old cars can be when you get off the gas too quick...they conk out. view more.
April 8th, 2021
Thank the good lort above for tight tank tops and short shorts! :D Jane rips it up in the old bus today, making that engine scream as she keeps the rpm's constantly hovering around the rev limiter -- which she bounces off of constantly. Some cranking mixed in here and there as the engine keeps stalling when it comes near an idle. view more.
April 4th, 2021
We're driving to the big ole city in the big ole boat-of-a-car, the Coronet. She's wearing a sweatshirt, black leggings, tall white socks and brown Justin cowgirl boots. She has to hop on the interstate for some of the trip and opens the Coronet up a little but overall, this is just a cruising/casual driving clip with 95% of the footage focused on her socks and boots working the pedals. view more.
April 3rd, 2021
They're taking the Caddy out for a spin today. Filming from the backseat, Cassandra gets behind the wheel first and starts cranking the car while pumping the gas to get the car started. It sputters and protests wanting to run as she keeps trying while Vivian rummages through her purse to forage for munchies. Finally, the car starts and Cassandra lightly revs it to warm it up and as a reward, Vivian offers her a tic-tac mint. Except the reward is a bit premature as the car conks out. "Did you come out here and play with my gas pedal?" Cassandra asks of Vivian. Soon after asking this of Vivian, she gets the car started and looks like they can go. They stop in a neighborhood to swap seats and as Vivian is outside the car walking around, Cassandra slides over into the passenger seat and quickly turns off the car to sabotage Vivian. When Vivian gets in, the girls banter and excessively laugh and talk (sorry!) as Vivian tries getting the car to start. She does get it started after a while and drives the car back to the house and parks it. view more.
April 2nd, 2021
Stopping to get some gas so she doesn't run out. Her mom would NOT be too happy about that. She pumps gas while all dressed up wearing her red dress pants and black leather stilettos. Once she's done pumping gas, she gets ready to but finds out she has to pump a little more gas -- in a different way. The car takes two good tries to fire up and pulls out of the station and back on the road. view more.
March 31st, 2021
Vivian takes the old Bus out for a hard drive today in this sexy satin blouse and denim shorts with no shoes. There's a lovely flooded/stubborn cranking battle in the beginning of this clip that you cranking lovers don't wanna miss! :) She drives around for a good while, really giving the bus a workout by keeping those rpm's high and shifting late. view more.
March 30th, 2021
An ugly, overcast day and her old Monte Carlo is a pain to start. She begs the car to start for her and after some effort, she gets it started. As she's backing out of the parking spot, the car stalls out and she never gets it cranked up again. She drains that battery trying. A while later, she's comes back to the car with Jane to give it a try. She opens the door, leans in and turns the key while still standing outside the car. She spins it over a few times but the battery dies very quickly. Jane reaches in and tries the same thing but gets nothing but the clicking of a dead battery. view more.
March 28th, 2021
She had came over to drop something off for Scarlet, so figured she could see if the old Camaro would fire up since Vivian had to use it in a bit. She loves that Z28, so she was eager to oblige. It's windy out and makes lighting up her cigarette a pain when she's only got one hand free. She fires the old Chevy up and warms the engine with some mild revving before Vivian hops in and rides with her down the street. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
March 27th, 2021
A behind-the-scenes clip of Jane cranking, driving and revving the Monte Carlo with her co-pilot comedian, Vivian. Jane is wearing these white slip-on style sneakers as I film from the backseat. She does a little cranking to get the car started, stalls it at the stop sign a few times, drives for a bit before the car dies on her and she has to pull off to the side of the road. When she gets the car parked, she does some hard revving while leaning out looking back at the exhaust she's making. view more.
March 26th, 2021
Stuck at home, bored, she heads out to play in hubs old 1976 Chevy Laguna hot rod. Maybe she'll surprise him with actually getting it started and moved. Or maybe she'll piss him off when she floods it out so badly she drains the battery trying to get it started. Let's see. view more.
March 25th, 2021
The video starts out with a sexy walking scene of her in these killer heels, sheer hose and a mini-skirt. She walks to the Jeep, gets in, fires it up and pulls it out of the garage so she can romp on that gas pedal some. Her dark red toenail polish can just be seen with these black, thin-strap sandals. She teases you throughout the video and even throws in a little pedal-stroking to make you wish you were as lucky as that old-ass gas pedal. view more.
March 24th, 2021
"Ok, we'll follow you." Reese says to Scarlet while walking to the old Camaro wearing these black leather boots, jeans, a black leather jacket and tight leather driving gloves. I don't remember where we were going, we might of all been getting ready to dinner after shooting all day. She has some issues getting the old Camaro started up and when turning around, it stalls and floods out a little bit. She revs it a few good times when it fires up again and pulls out of the driveway onto the road and follows Scarlet over to drop the Camaro off before we all pile into the old Jeep. view more.
March 20th, 2021
She slips into the Cadillac wearing her sexy pajama's with no bra and tries to get the Cadillac flooded nice and good so Jewels will have issues when she comes by later. She has some fun teasing you in the process of flooding it out with her bare feet and legs. She ultimately gets it flooded and the trap is set! view more.
March 19th, 2021
It's time to finish out this long series of all kinds of startups, cold starts, failed starts, struggle starts and the like from the past decade with Scarlet. In this clip, you'll see her: -Startup the Volvo in brown cowgirl boots -Get the old Jeep going after a handful of sputtery attempts -Startup the Monte Carlo in white dress boots at night -Old start the Camaro Z28 in two-tone cowgirl boots ...and a handful of other scenes. I hope you enjoyed this series. This was a compilation made from scenes I've had sitting in a folder with some of the oldest clips being stored there for 10+ years. view more.
March 18th, 2021
This clip starts out with Cassandra waiting in the Coronet to be pulled out. The car comes right out with some help from the Jeep. Now that she's reacquainted with where the hole is, she navigates around it and heads down her driveway, stops and squeals her muddy tires trying to reverse up the wet incline. She stays on the gas and just spins the tires as the car slowly reverses up the incline. She heads down her driveway again, sliding in the muddy ruts before getting on the slick pavement again where she hits the gas again to reverse up the slope very slowly and again, blowing off some of that rubber. When she comes back down her muddy path, she figures hitting that big hole makes for a good time. A mix of outside, mounted-camera and in-car camera angles as she plays in the mud and spins some tires! view more.
March 14th, 2021
Scenes in this clip from Scarlet are: -Flooded cranking the Monte in Frye riding style over-the-knee boots -Cold start of the Coronet in black leather boots and black leather jacket -Old start of the Cadillac in brown cowgirl boots -Cold start of the Camaro Z28 in brown boots and black leather jacket and gloves (similar to previous clip) -Startup of the Monte Carlo in dressy black leather over-the-knee boots and red pants -Flooded start of the Monte Carlo in well-worn casual black leather cowgirl boots -Startup of the Cadillac in dressy black knee-high stiletto boots view more.
Brooke, JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
March 13th, 2021
I'm filming Jewels in the Coronet and they're going to follow us. I gave them some cameras, the keys to the Monte Carlo and told them to do stuffs. This is their adventure...
Cranking, flooding out, stalling, revving, driving with bare feet, stiletto sandals and cowgirl boots.
view more.