December 13th, 2020
I guess mom tried to get the car started earlier but wasn't successful because the battery is sounding a bit weak already. Jane is holding the gas pedal to the floor in case it's flooded and the damn thing still doesn't want to start...."Come on...." she says. It's raining too, so she really doesn't want to get out and change the battery. "Come on baby, start!" she begs the car and after some work, she gets it to fire up and clears it out with some sexy warm-up revving from her point-of-view. view more.
JaneDomino, VivianIreenePierce
December 9th, 2020
They pile into Jane's old truck after not finding anything at this barn yard sale and go to leave but can't get the truck started. Jane tries getting it started for a while before letting Vivian slide over to try starting it from the passenger side. Vivian, thinking she can get it started, eventually swaps seats with Jane so she can give it some good attempts. They have issues with the starter getting hot and seizing up, which doesn't help at all. Not the best area to break down at.... view more.
December 6th, 2020
An interesting video idea that was part of a series of customs where Vivian is my girlfriend and loves to play in the cars for me as well as cater to my boots and leather fetish. The video opens with her red leather chap boots resting in my lap as we're both almost lounging in the old Camaro. It's raining and cold outside, so the windows are a little fogged up. She decides she wants to get the car started because she knows what I like and that is her trying to start these old cars. She gets situated behind the wheel and starts cranking the engine over to get the car started. It's flooded and won't start....oh darn! She teases for a while as I slowly rub her leg and rest my hand on her thigh while her leg and foot is pumping the gas pedal, trying to start the car. When she's finally able to get it fired up, she romps on the gas pedal a few times to clear it out and then tries to drive off but the car is stuck in the mud! She struggles with the car, trying to rock it free but it's not moving anywhere. "Executive decision...we're going inside!" she says as the video draws to an end. view more.
December 3rd, 2020
They're chilling in the old Laguna with their sneakers propped up on the dash and fiddling on their phones. It's getting hot sitting still, so they decide to hit the road again and maybe stop for some ice cream. Brooke wants to drive, so they swap seats, buckle in and Brooke cranks the old car over a couple of times and gets it fired up. She revs it up a little while they take off their hats and puts it in reverse only to have the car die. "Oopsies!" Brooke says as she starts pumping the gas again to start it up. It stalls a second time but fires right up and she's able to pull out onto the road where she hits the gas and peels out a little. At the next stop sign, she peels out again as they hit these country roads back to town. Main view is from the dash looking at both girls with a picture-in-picture from Jane's phone she's filming with periodically. view more.
December 3rd, 2020
Vivian is anxious to head out but with the Camaro not starting for her, she's starting to get frustrated and extremely annoyed. The car sputters a lot and teases her but just won't start. Various angles including behind-the-pedals. Vivian is wearing a black leather blazer-style jacket, riding pants with leather inserts and black leather stiletto knee high boots. view more.
November 29th, 2020
Starting up the Jeep in brown leather cowgirl boots, quick. Cranking up the Cadillac in flat OTK black leather boots and leggings. Back-to-back cranking up the Monte Carlo in brown leather Frye riding boots. Then more Jeep & Monte Carlo startup's in her black and brown leather boots with a finale of her starting the cold Camaro in leather gloves, leather jacket and her brown leather cowgirl boots. view more.
November 26th, 2020
Jewels is trying to get the Volvo started so they can get it to the shop but it's not starting...again. They want to get it there before the shop closes.... "Come ooonnnnn!!!!" she's beyond frustrated now. She finally gets the car started up and it stalls again but then it starts again. They start moving and as the exhaust drags on the ground both girls just cringe at the sound. Good thing the shop isn't too far away. Camera view from Jane in the passenger seat and a chase-cam of them driving with the exhaust dragging on the road. Needless to say,when they pull up to the shop they get some crazy looks. view more.
November 26th, 2020
This is a compilation of scenes of Cassandra cranking, revving and driving the Monte Carlo in a burnt orange leather dress, sheer pantyhose and black leather stiletto pumps. I believe she was following me as I was shooting another model just in case something happened to the car we were in and needed to get back to the house. This first clip is her getting the Monte Carlo cranked up, a little warming up of the engine and a short driving scene. The view is entirely of her thighs, legs and feet from her point-of-view. view more.
November 26th, 2020
"Ok, let's try this again." Vivian says as she turns the key to her old Volvo. The engine just cranks over slowly from the weak battery as she rhythmically pumps the gas pedal, hoping the car will start this time. But when the cranking almost stops, she knows her luck is gone. She turns the key over quickly about a dozen more times, begging the car to 'come on' over and over but the car is just not starting. The garage door opens as she comes walking in with the BMW keys in hand. She figures she'll take out her frustrations on another European car today. It's a little stubborn to keep running as it needs some work but she keeps pumping the gas pedal to keep the rpm's up. She puts her left boot out on the ground so she can look back at the exhaust while she romps on the gas pedal hard. She feels it's warmed up enough now for her to take a moment to slide her leather gloves on. Once she gets them on, she goes back to romping on the gas pedal while slowly rubbing her legs and thighs with her leather gloves. view more.
November 24th, 2020
Jane is working up a sweat now. She's still video-calling with her girlfriend and tells her she might need her to come pull her out. Jane remembers that her girlfriends dad has a big 4x4 truck and they aren't too far away. Jane keeps trying aggressively to rock the car out as the front dash mounted camera gets most of her body struggling. After all this effort and noise trying to get her car out, 'the guy' finally wakes up and goes to his window to see what the commotion is. He looks out and sees Jane struggling to get her car free. Definitely a great view to wake up to! (sorry for the somewhat shaky camera during this part, I shouldn't have zoomed in as much.) view more.
November 22nd, 2020
The hood is up and Kimberly is fiddling underneath it as the video opens. Her Jeep is giving her usual. She walks around to get in to see if it'll start now. She leaves her left leg out of the car and her foot on the ground as there's no sense getting all the way in because it might not start. She pumps the gas, begging the car to start as she tries starting it a bunch of times. "Come oooon!" she says, getting frustrated and defeated. She gets back out but you can tell she's over it. She fiddles under the hood some more then gets in again to see if her luck has changed now. Doesn't seem like it until the car sputters. "There ya go!" she says hopeful. But when it goes back to just cranking it dashes her hopes again. She's wearing a full leather outfit: leather jacket, leather driving gloves, leather pants and black leather cowgirl boots. view more.
November 21st, 2020
Another engine toast! This was just before we got rid of the Coronet and ended up sending it off in a manner that is befitting of a car that has been with us for so long and held up so well. Jewels, looking cute with her sexy little heels and cutoff shorts, gives this Coronet hell! The video starts out with a quick startup Jane filmed herself to move the Coronet and park it. Then the video cuts to Jewels getting behind the wheel after there is already steam and smoke billowing out from under the hood. Jewels takes control and sends the Coronet to it's grave. view more.
November 19th, 2020
Taking it out for a spin in some sexy leather boots, tight jeans and a tshirt. She pumps it up to get it started and after a little cranking, it sounds like it's ready to go. She stalls it and has to crank it again leaving the driveway, so yeah, now it's ready to go -- maybe? She gets on the road and yeah, it's good now. She drives around, working all three pedals with her boots. view more.
November 16th, 2020
Brooke has to walk away to get something while Jane gets the Camaro started up. Jane is wearing a sexy red, skin-tight dress with red strappy stilettos. When she gets the car fired up, she pulls up to wait for Brooke while romping on the gas pedal to try and hurry her up. Brooke gets back in the car and Jane high tails it across our small town to where our cars are parked. These two raising hell in a 3-and-a-half horse town. view more.
November 15th, 2020
**11/16: I re-upload this post and file due to more than a few having issues downloading the video and/or seeing the entire post. Please let me know if you're having any issues seeing or download video updates. Thank you!** Back with Scarlet and all the wonderful issues she has with these cars. Flat leather over-the-knee boots, leather Frye boots & her various cowgirl boots. 99% of these clips in this series are genuine, authentic and unscripted scenes of her cranking, starting up and dealing with issues in these cars. Yes, we use them for the site and rig them for various videos, just as every site has ever done. But what you've never seen is a collection of what really happens when a model, not on the clock, is using/moving these cars. Sometimes she needs the Jeep to run to the home store to haul something home that doesn't fit in her Mustang. Other times, she might just be moving one of the cars that is blocking her way. If you all remember our old house, we had to play car tetris all the time. So after a shoot, I might not of moved all the cars out of her way and she has to start one or two up to move them so she can get out the next morning. Other times, she might be taking a car (or cars) to get gas in preparation for her shoot coming up. view more.
November 14th, 2020
She headed down to the cars to see if the old Caddy and Jeep would start for her. She thinks she's going to make the Jeep hard to start by pumping the gas a bunch but with it being 'cold', she's actually doing what you need to get it started right up. Oops! Oh well, guess it's going to be a revving video instead. Next she heads to the Cadillac and it starts immediately... I mean, that thing was waiting to be fired up. lol So she does some revving in it. She's wearing some tight jeans and flat white leather strap sandals. view more.
November 13th, 2020
Yeah, they thought they were going to get their workout on but nah, the Volvo had other plans. Jane is trying to get the car started but isn't having any luck. She swaps with Jewels and Jewels tries for a bit to get the car started and ends up having more success than Jane. She gets the car started, even though it's running rough it should be fine to head to the gym. As she backs the car up out of it's parking spot, the girls hear this loud dragging/grinding sound. They get out and the exhaust is dragging on the ground. "I wonder if I can make it to the shop like that..." Jewels ponders. "Let's just try to make it." Jewels says, making up her mind to drive it slowly instead of wasting time and money on a tow truck. view more.
November 12th, 2020
Taking the old bus out for a spin. She's wearing a gray tank top, jeans and is barefoot with orange toenail polish on her toes. This is a picture-in-picture video with the main view being of her upper body and the small view being a top-down view of her foot on the gas pedal. view more.
November 11th, 2020
Well, her struggling finally comes to an end in this last clip of this series. Anna has kinda given up hope that the Camaro is going to start and is just beating a dead horse now. It's sputtering a little but it's just too damn flooded to fire completely and smooth out. view more.
November 5th, 2020
So the last clip ended with them getting the car started and actually have to go to work. Heidi is driving now and turning around she stalls the car out. It's hard to get started again, sputtering like it's going to start but floods out and dies when she lets go of the key. She's begging the car to start for her and after some more tries the car loudly backfires on her. Scares her a bit but Jane is just like, "You a'ight?" and tells her to get back to it. Heidi keeps trying to get the car started but it's just getting more and more flooded. Jane finally tells her to get out to try it herself because Heidi has flooded it. "Come on.." Jane softly says to the car as she pumps the gas a few times. She gets it fired up after a handful of tries and revs it up to clear it out. "I'm just gonna clear it out for a second before trying to drive it. That's why it kept stalling." Jane says as Heidi is standing by the open drivers door. Jane parks the car and as she's parking it she's playing out the scenario if they take the car to work, "We take it to work, it doesn't start and then we're stranded at work." Jane tries a few more times and both girls once and for all agree that it's just not in the cards today. view more.
November 4th, 2020
Mommy has picked you up from school and has stopped at the end of the driveway to check the mail. She gets out and walks to the mail box while leaving you in the car that is still running. She's wearing these sexy red high heels and some tight jeans. When she's far enough away, you quietly turn the key 'off'. Vivian looks backs, huffs a little thinking it just stalled on it's own and isn't aware that your reaching over to pump the gas to flood your moms engine. Mommy's car is so hard to start when the engine is hot and you pump the gas a time or two too many. When she gets back in the car, she hands you the mail and mumbles at the car, "I can't believe it stalled. Alright, come on." she says as she instinctively pumps the gas a few times and turns the key but it doesn't start. She says you can go on to the house while she tries to get it started but you decide to stay and watch mommy struggle in her old car that has a flooded engine. view more.
November 3rd, 2020
She starts out cranking the Coronet in a pair of tan leather thigh high boots but then takes them off after a while. When she gets the car started, she doesn't hold back on the revving. At one point, she pins the gas pedal to the floor and holds it there with just her big toe while the engine screams. view more.
November 2nd, 2020
*This clip is same as previous but without picture-in-picture.* Jane is wearing this sexy floral dress with a high slit and wooden sandals to go for a drive in the 1972 Super Beetle. She gets it fired up, gives it a few revs and goes to back it up but stalls it. Oops. She gets it fired up again and this time, gives it some more rpm's to back up and all is going well until she let's off the gas and it stalls. "Really?" she says, annoyed. She fires it back up and this time, she takes the rpm's to max to finish backing up...that should teach it a lesson. Except it's running rough when tries going forward and she is pumping the gas to keep it from stalling but no luck. It's acting like it has no power, so she just has to man handle it. As she's coasting down the driveway, it stalls on her again. She takes her shoes off because, you know, the car might respond better to her bare feet. She fires it up again and does a 'stupid check' to make sure she's not overlooking anything. "I have gas." she says as she's looking at the gauges. "What is the deal?!?!" she says before giving up and decides to take the car back to park it and drive something else. She has to reverse up the long driveway and has to work hard to keep it from dying by pumping the gas a lot when it wants to stall. When she gets the car parked she gives it some hard revs for being a bad car. view more.
November 1st, 2020
Jane is wearing this sexy floral dress with a high slit and wooden sandals to go for a drive in the 1972 Super Beetle. She gets it fired up, gives it a few revs and goes to back it up but stalls it. Oops. She gets it fired up again and this time, gives it some more rpm's to back up and all is going well until she let's off the gas and it stalls. "Really?" she says, annoyed. She fires it back up and this time, she takes the rpm's to max to finish backing up...that should teach it a lesson. Except it's running rough when tries going forward and she is pumping the gas to keep it from stalling but no luck. It's acting like it has no power, so she just has to man handle it. As she's coasting down the driveway, it stalls on her again. She takes her shoes off because, you know, the car might respond better to her bare feet. She fires it up again and does a 'stupid check' to make sure she's not overlooking anything. "I have gas." she says as she's looking at the gauges. "What is the deal?!?!" she says before giving up and decides to take the car back to park it and drive something else. She has to reverse up the long driveway and has to work hard to keep it from dying by pumping the gas a lot when it wants to stall. When she gets the car parked she gives it some hard revs for being a bad car. view more.