
Heidi & Jane Getting Ready for Work & Chevy Issues, 1 of 3


September 18th, 2020

They're undecided on what to wear and they're already running behind. Heidi starts piecing together her outfit for the day while Jane can't seem to even get started on what to wear. Heidi finishes up and tells Jane that she's going to go ahead and go out to get the car started while Jane finishes up. It's rainy and blegh out as Heidi walks to the Camaro. She's much taller than Jane and it seems that Jane was the last one to drive the Camaro because when she sits down, she can't even fit behind the wheel. She gets in, slides the key in and spins the engine over while lightly pumping the gas. "Come on, come on." she softly says, to which the car just ignores. ...a while later... Jane comes out of the house finally ready and immediately hears the sound of the Camaro's engine spinning over. "Oh no, can she not get the car started?" she says to herself. She just has that look of defeat on her face also and they have barely started the day. It's gonna be on of THOSE days today, eh fate? view more.

Heidi & Jane Getting Ready for Work & Chevy Issues, 1 of 3

Jane Domino Crank & Drive Caddy Beige Boots & Leather Pants

September 17th, 2020

She's getting out of the Volvo to get in the Cadillac to take it out. It starts up surprisingly easy, which is rare since it can be really stubborn. She buckles up and eases out of the yard. It's a pretty day out, not too cold but she still has to turn the heat on as she eases on the throttle. Can't be too hard just yet because it's not warmed up. She gets to the stop sign, waits for traffic to clear and when her boot presses down on the floor-mounted gas pedal the engine bucks and stalls. "Oh, come on...not right here at the stop sign. Not so hot..." she says as she tries getting the engine to start again. It's sputtering and she keeps pumping it but it never clears out. She pumps slower but same thing...sputters, chugs and dies. "Shit, come on! Come on baby, come on..." she begs the car to start. Fortunately no one has come up behind her. She turns the heat off, maybe that will help. "What the--...come on!!" She struggles for a while until it finally clears out enough to get it to rev up some and with that, she carefully pumps the gas pedal to keep it from dying but also to not have it stall out again. Once it sounds good, she can pull out on the main road and hit it, "We got you going now, you're good." she says as her boot pushes the pedal to the floor. view more.

Jane Domino Crank & Drive Caddy Beige Boots & Leather Pants

Brooke & Jane Cranking the ’51 Chevy in Flip Flops, 1 of 2


September 16th, 2020

It's a hooot day and they're sweaty but they're going to try and get this old car started. Brooke tries to get it started first but after some tries the battery is getting weak so they grab the charger to give it some juice. Jane tries now and it's turning over much stronger now but it still ain't startin and they're getting sweatier and sweatier. view more.

Brooke & Jane Cranking the ’51 Chevy in Flip Flops, 1 of 2

Jane Domino Zipping Around in her Honda Truck in Sneakers

September 13th, 2020

A clip she filmed out driving her Honda Ridgeline truck in some black & white sneakers and workout pants. This is just of her feet on the pedals and legs. Lots of traffic and red-lights she has to contend with but when she's able, she hits that gas pedal quickly and firmly to make that little engine sing. :) view more.

Jane Domino Zipping Around in her Honda Truck in Sneakers

Dakota Charms Drives the Z28 in Old Toms Shoes


September 13th, 2020

Dakota is taking her and Cherry for a spin in the old '77 Camaro Z28. She's wearing an old pair of black, well-worn Toms loafers. They are running solo on this trip, so it's about as natural and realistic as it gets. The glee Dakota gets when she realizes the Camaro actually has some 'umpf' behind it when you get the gas. More-so than the other cars she's played in of ours. view more.

Dakota Charms Drives the Z28 in Old Toms Shoes

Vivian Cranks the Stubborn Caddy Near Loggers

September 13th, 2020

Some guys are cutting wood at the land we're using to store our cars. So there's about 4 guys, who have no idea who we are, just behind us. I guess they figured we're legit since we do have the keys to the cars there. They go about their business until they see Vivian come strutting out, decked in leather outfit and orange boots. They were probably thinking that this girl has no idea what the hell she's doing but she shows them pretty quickly that she's got it under control. The Cadillac was having carburetor issues during this time and would sometimes start and sometimes not start at all. It was sometimes luck. She keeps cranking the car till it finally starts up but it toys with her and stalls out. When it is running, it's pretty rough and shakes the car. She revs it to try and clear it out some to see if it will then idle on it's own. It takes a while for it to finally idle smoothly but with all the pedal playing and teasing it took to get there makes it well worth it. view more.

Vivian Cranks the Stubborn Caddy Near Loggers

Britney & Sasha Take Turns Cranking & Revving the Renault


September 13th, 2020

Sasha gets behind the wheel first with her flat thong sandals and gets the little stubborn car started after some attempts. She revs it up to clear it out before turning it off and swapping with Britney. Britney doesn't have as much of a struggle but it does take some effort to fire it up again before she can give it some good revving in her white Keds. view more.

Britney & Sasha Take Turns Cranking & Revving the Renault

Cassandra Cranks, Drives the Camaro Sequin Dress & Sheer Hose

September 10th, 2020

All dressed up and taking the old hot-rod out. She gets in, puts her clutch in the back-seat and pumps the gas a few times quickly before spinning the engine over. It takes a few good cranks to get the car to start up. She lightly pumps the gas in her tan thin-strapped stiletto sandals to let the car warm up for a second. Thinking it's ready to go, she heads for the road. She gives it a mile or so on the main road before having a little fun and goosing the throttle. She coasts to a stop-sign with the car in 'N' and revs it up a little. When she gets in back in 'D' to take off, you can hear it chugging and protesting a little because it's not all the way warmed up yet. It's okay, a little feathering of the gas and Cassandra works through it. She gets to her next stop sign and coasts to it like she did before to keep the rpm's up and the car still chugs on her and this time, it dies. "Oh, come on baby." she says as she tries restarting the car. After a few attempts it starts up but dies again when she puts it in drive. She gives a nervous laugh as she starts cranking the car again. "Come on baby, we were having so much fun!" she says before it fires up again. She revs it quickly and goes, before it has a chance to change it's mind. view more.

Cassandra Cranks, Drives the Camaro Sequin Dress & Sheer Hose

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 9 of 21

September 9th, 2020

More unscripted, behind-the-scenes and genuine cranking or start-ups with Scarlet. 4 scenes in the Monte during a period of time when it was running like a dog and 1 scene in the Jeep.

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 9 of 21

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Chuggin Bug Barefoot

September 6th, 2020

Looks like the lil guy died right at the end of the driveway earlier and now, after letting it sit for a bit, Vivian is going to see if she can get it started and moved. She slips off her flip flops when she gets in the car and pumps the gas with her barefoot. Lots of chugging in this clip while she really tries her best to feather and pump the gas just right to get it to run smoothly...which never happens. Bug 2, Vivian 0. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Chuggin Bug Barefoot

Jane Domino’s One Night Stand with a Stuck Fetishist, 1 of 6

September 6th, 2020

Jane is video chatting with her girlfriend as she's gathering her things to leave the house of this guy she met last night. Jane is explaining how her car got stuck in the mud trying to leave and what started out as a meh so-so date turned into one of the best one-night stands she's had. Jane explains to her girlfriend just how turned on her date was getting watching her try to get her car out of the mud and in turn, it was making her more hot-n-bothered. Needless to say, they finished the rocking back in the house! After catching her girlfriend up on the who-what-when-where-why's, Jane is asking her friend for some help on getting her car unstuck. Jane mounts her phone to her front windshield so she can talk to her friend and also so her friend can see and maybe offer some tips. Jane takes off the old muddy rubber boots she borrowed from the back porch of her dates house and slips on her black leather boots. She's wearing her very sexy and low-cut black dress that should have been more than enough to drive him wild but you know how these pedal pumping guys are...pump it or dump it. view more.

Jane Domino’s One Night Stand with a Stuck Fetishist, 1 of 6

Jewels Raising Hell in the Caddy in White Boots

September 4th, 2020

One of the first times in the big ole Caddy and she acting like she's Mario Andrettis. Speeding around, hogging up the road and hugging the apex of the blind corners. She's wearing some tall white boots and cut-off shorts.

Jewels Raising Hell in the Caddy in White Boots

Kimberly Heart Gas Run in the Camaro in Tights & Shiny Pumps

September 3rd, 2020

Gotta get some fuel for the old Camaro. We just filmed a custom at this parking lot and are heading back. When she pulls out onto the main road, she's just kind creeping along like a grandma. I tell her to go because, well, she just needs to go! lol She squeezes open the throttle more so we can hear that old 350 make a little noise. This is a casual video and she's talking about the brake failure custom we just filmed for bit with some random singing mixed in. Basically, Kimberly being Kimberly. :) view more.

Kimberly Heart Gas Run in the Camaro in Tights & Shiny Pumps

Jane Running Errands in the Loaner Jeep in Red Flats, 1 of 3

September 2nd, 2020

She's borrowing the Jeep for a while and decides to take it out to run some errands. Not the best idea she's had as it being temperamental today. It's making her task of getting these errands done that much more difficult and frustrating. The Jeep keeps stalling on her and flooding out. Hopefully it doesn't leave her stranded... view more.

Jane Running Errands in the Loaner Jeep in Red Flats, 1 of 3

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 8 of 21

August 30th, 2020

More genuine and authentic cold starts, hot starts and flooded starts by Scarlet. -Jeep in tan cowgirl boots and a blue dress -Jeep in tan cowgirl boots and a red dress -Monte Carlo in tight jeans and black boots under jeans -Monte Carlo in black cowgirl boots and black dress view more.

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 8 of 21

Brooke Cranking the Volvo (Custom 1242 Attempt)

August 27th, 2020

This was an attempt at filming this custom but some important things were overlooked and it had to be redone. You can find the scenario details and the second, completed attempt here. view more.

Brooke Cranking the Volvo (Custom 1242 Attempt)

Vivian Ireene Pierce Gas Runs in Tan Leather Boots, 3 of 5

August 26th, 2020

In the previous clip, she just managed to get the Coronet fired up and now we pick up with her getting the engine warmed up with some revving. Filming over-her-shoulder for this entire clip of her heading to the gas station.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Gas Runs in Tan Leather Boots, 3 of 5

Madalynn & Paige Cranking the Jeep in Riding Boots


August 25th, 2020

They tag-team the old Jeep to try and get it started in their leather riding-style boots. Each give it a few good tries before letting the other take over. Madalynn is wearing her brown leather just over-the-knee boots while Paige is wearing our black leather knee high boots. view more.

Madalynn & Paige Cranking the Jeep in Riding Boots

Jane Domino Halter Top & Acid Wash Shorts Caddy Pumpin

August 24th, 2020

Taking the Caddy out for a cruise today. Camera is mounted on passenger side window. A few cranks to get it going, a few revs to smooth it out and time to hit the road. She drives around with her flip flops on at first then kicks them off to finish the drive barefooted. Whenever she's stopped, she pops the car into 'N' to rev it up. view more.

Jane Domino Halter Top & Acid Wash Shorts Caddy Pumpin

Cassandra Red Thigh High Boots Revving the Volvo Hard

August 23rd, 2020

The video starts out from the backseat looking over her shoulder while she revs the hell out of the Volvo. She gives it hell for a while before we swap to a view of the exhaust pipe and then a close-up, drivers side view of her stiletto boot romping on that pedal. view more.

Cassandra Red Thigh High Boots Revving the Volvo Hard

Jane Domino Babysitter Red Reeboks Renault Cranking

August 22nd, 2020

"Good morning sweetie!" Jane says as you come walking into the dining room after just waking up. She tucked you into bed last night and you didn't think you'd see her until a couple of weeks. She says you two can go get breakfast in her mom's car if you hurry and get ready. It will need the battery changed first because she drained it the night before trying to get it started to take you to the movies...remember? It's okay if you didn't because she drains this one you just put in. So, after a changing the battery again she tries to start the car. Third time's a charm, right? view more.

Jane Domino Babysitter Red Reeboks Renault Cranking

Anna Komis Cranking the Camaro I Sabotaged, 3 of 4

August 21st, 2020

She is still trying hard to get the Camaro to run. The rag is set perfectly; making the car hard to start and when it does somewhat run, it chugs so badly that she has to keep feathering the gas just right or it'll stall back out.

Anna Komis Cranking the Camaro I Sabotaged, 3 of 4

Star Driving Us Home in the Old Jeep in Boots

August 20th, 2020

Some cranking and stalling in the beginning to get the Jeep going and then we're on our way. Star is wearing some old and worn boots to drive us back home.

Star Driving Us Home in the Old Jeep in Boots

Ginger Cranking the Coronet in Silver Heels, Out of Gas?

August 20th, 2020

She heads over to the Coronet to get it started but isn't having much luck. Jane hops in with her and watches and both girls are thinking it might be out of gas. Ginger's pov in the beginning until Jane comes in and begins filming from the passenger side. Some outside shots as well. view more.

Ginger Cranking the Coronet in Silver Heels, Out of Gas?

Vivian Ireene Pierce Gas Runs in Tan Leather Boots, 2 of 5

August 16th, 2020

Monte Carlo is gassed up and time to go get another one. She heads back to our makeshift car lot and when heading up the old goat trail, her rear tires start spinning on the cold, damp ground. She's trying to keep her speed up as much as possible by feathering the gas and that on-off of the gas stalls the car out. "Damn!" she gently pumps the gas pedal to get the car started again and once she eases onto the gas pedal, you can hear the tires spinning again but she is moving forward. The car stalls on her again and is harder to get fired up but she's able to start it once more and finally makes it over the crest of the hill to parked. Now that is done, time to walk over to the old '74 Coronet and see if it'll start... view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Gas Runs in Tan Leather Boots, 2 of 5

Jane Domino Starts Up & Revs the Volvo in Black Loafers

August 15th, 2020

Getting the car prepped for a custom by firing it up and getting it moved. Even with the choke, the old thing takes a good tries to get going. She gives it some good revs to warm it up and hopefully it's ready for it's close-up!

Jane Domino Starts Up & Revs the Volvo in Black Loafers

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 7 of 21

August 13th, 2020

In this clip we see Scarlet: -cranking the old Volvo with a sick starter -having trouble with the Monte Carlo that is running really rough from being flooded -failed start of the Jeep

Scarlet Startups in Boots Compilation, 7 of 21

Jewels Driving the Bus to Get Gas Barefoot

August 12th, 2020

Gotta run down the street for some gasoline in the old Bus. She's not happy having to be on an incline to get it started but with a little instruction on how to use all three pedals with two feet, she gets it going. When she backs out onto the road, she takes up the entire road and stops traffic, literally. lol Always an adventure with this one... view more.

Jewels Driving the Bus to Get Gas Barefoot

Diana Flooded the Car Last Night, Cranks In Gold Sandals Today

August 11th, 2020

The old Monte Carlo is doing gurgling sound again from being flooded. Diana comes out to try and get it started while I act like I know what I'm doing under the hood. Not really much to do except hope, pray and watch her keep trying over and over and over! :) view more.

Diana Flooded the Car Last Night, Cranks In Gold Sandals Today

Jane Domino Revving the Jeep in Tan Slides with Pink Bow

August 10th, 2020

Camera is filming from the passenger side when she gets in the car talking about how she can't be late to pick up her little man. It's a hot day and she's got her hair up while wearing this sexy tan dress with no bra and patent tan, open-toe slides with a big pink bow on the foot. She gets the Jeep started and starts revving it to get it warmed up so she can drive it with no issues. As she's warming it up, she kinda gets carried way having fun making the engine purr louder and louder. So she takes a moment.... Her lil man calls her in the middle of her revving and she lets him know she'll be there soon. When she hangs up, she revs it a little while longer before heading off to get her dude. view more.

Jane Domino Revving the Jeep in Tan Slides with Pink Bow

Roxy Out in the Bug in Black Boots, 2 of 2

August 8th, 2020

Back to the Bug with Roxy as she zipping around these roads, going through the gears in the little '72 Super Beetle. When she slows down and makes the turn into the driveway, it is a rough entrance that goes right into an incline and it tends to throw girls off and they often stall cars right there. Roxy does and the Bug floods out a little bit and makes it rough to start again. She gets it fired up and with a little help from me holding the parking brake to keep her from rolling back into the street, she gets us moving forward again. view more.

Roxy Out in the Bug in Black Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Weak Battery Cranking the Mustang in Ballet Flats

August 7th, 2020

Jane is using her mom's old but well-kept 1983 Mustang convertible to run errands in but she can't get the damn thing started. It's been sitting too long and the battery is weak. Her mom tries to come out periodically to start it up and keep everything charged but she's neglected it lately and now Jane is having to fight with it. She does get it to start up but it's running rough and doesn't like the gas pedal being messed with too ends up dying. Jane keeps working it because her mom told her it can be hard to start and she just has to pump it a lot to get it started. view more.

Jane Domino Weak Battery Cranking the Mustang in Ballet Flats