
Jane & Vivian Breakdown at Ralphie’s, 1 of 3


April 4th, 2020

Oooh boy, the girls are in some deep shit with their car right now. The video opens from Vivian's point-of-view in the passenger seat as Jane is trying to get the car the rest of the way to Ralphie's shop. Steam is pouring out from under the hood, the hissing of coolant can be heard in the background as Jane is cranking the overheated old Dodge in her peep-toe heels. They are so close...Come on baby, you can make it!!" they coax the car. They do manage to get it to his shop but their misfortune is only going to get worse as Ralphie is feeling extra ornery today... view more.

Jane & Vivian Breakdown at Ralphie’s, 1 of 3

Little Billy Peeps on Cassandra Cranking Her Jeep

April 3rd, 2020

She's having car trouble this morning and in the bushes, just out of view, Little Billy is watching her struggle. He gets a bit too focused on watching the action that he gets busted when Cassandra spots him in her rear-view mirror. She's not sure why he was hiding but while he's here, maybe he can help... view more.

Little Billy Peeps on Cassandra Cranking Her Jeep

Tinsley a Little Stuck & Some Stalling in Flat Thong Sandals

April 2nd, 2020

Tinsley stuck in the mud at the beginning of this clip. Whether a car is parked in this spot in the bushes or I have the girls turn around in it, it makes for some hot little moments of girls getting stuck and stalling. Tinsley spins the wheels a few times getting turned around and after some attempts, she gets out and can finish her turn-around...preferably without hitting my bushes in the process! lol view more.

Tinsley a Little Stuck & Some Stalling in Flat Thong Sandals

Britney, Jane & Sasha Run to the Grocery Store in the Caddy

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April 2nd, 2020

Jane is behind the wheel first, ready to take the girls to the store to get a few items for dinner later. It takes some tries for her to get the old car started and running. The belt squeals as she gives it some warm-up revs in her lace-up boots. Britney is filming from the passenger seat while Sasha is just chilling in the backseat with her boots propped up on the center armrest. Each girl takes turns driving during this long 33+minute clip! view more.

Britney, Jane & Sasha Run to the Grocery Store in the Caddy

Brooke & Ralphie, Episode 1 (Ralphie’s POV)

April 2nd, 2020

I forgot I had this clip of just Ralphie's point-of-view because I edited it and stuffed it into a random folder and forgot about it. This is all of the footage from 'Ralphie's' view, which provides some more content to this whole scenario. It was just for fun and Brooke was the first model I had ever tried something like this with.  I want to say this was maybe the 2nd shoot I had with her...~8 years ago. Ralphie, the pervert mechanic, sabotages and harasses poor Brooke. She just wants to get her car fixed and instead, ole Ralphie is trying to get his jollies of watching her crank her old Camaro. view more.

Brooke & Ralphie, Episode 1 (Ralphie’s POV)

Vivian Ireene Pierce Floral Dress & Pink Toes Driving the Bus

April 2nd, 2020

Giving the old 1971 VW Camper Bus a hard rev and drive today. She wears pink-strap cork wedges to get the Bus cranked up and then kicks them off for the drive. She drives the old car hard, flooring the pedal and taking the rpm's high throughout the drive. She loves driving this thing because she can give it all the abuse she wants! view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Floral Dress & Pink Toes Driving the Bus

Jane Domino Cranking & Revving After Custom 1082

March 31st, 2020

Jane just finished a cranking custom video in the old 1972 VW Super Beetle and now it's time to try to fire it up and clear it out. During some customs the cars have to be tweaked to achieve the results of a custom script. Sometimes it's simply having the model give the gas pedal a few pumps before turning the key and it floods out or sometimes, as in this case, it needed some mild rigging, so I popped off the coil wire. Now, with the car fixed, she tries to get it started but it's really flooded. Yes, I do tell her to hold it to the floor after some attempts because we need to get it running and get it moved. She clears it out in good ole Jane Domino hard-revving fashion! :) view more.

Jane Domino Cranking & Revving After Custom 1082

Cassandra, Scarlet & Vivian Booted Cranking Competition

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March 29th, 2020

The girls walk up to the cars that are all parked and Vivian gets into the Bug by herself while Cassandra & Scarlet get into the Coronet. Looking through the passenger side of the Bug at Vivian getting situated, you see in the background Scarlet getting situated in the old Dodge. They banter back and forth about the cars not starting as both girls try to get their car started before the other one. After a few minutes, you view from the passenger side of the Coronet when Cassandra tries starting the Coronet from the passenger side once.  In the background you see Vivian struggling with her little old VW Bug. The video continues going back and forth between both cars. Scarlet ends up swapping with Cassandra and after some more trying, they get out of the Coronet and eventually convince Vivian to give up her struggle. view more.

Cassandra, Scarlet & Vivian Booted Cranking Competition

Scarlet Stuck in the Volvo Reversing Barefoot, 2 of 4

March 27th, 2020

She's nervous about tearing up the yard of the person who is letting us store our cars. I mean, it's already tore up so what is a little more going to hurt, right? She keeps at it, trying to get the car rocking but she's not making much progress and she's getting more and more frustrated. Celeste (the camera-girl) gets out and you now see the predicament in full view. The ground is really soft, Scarlet can't go forward at all because of the fence and her rut is getting deeper and deeper. It almost looks like she can get out a few times but nope, her momentum dies so quickly that she just can't get up over that lip of her rut...sooooo close! view more.

Scarlet Stuck in the Volvo Reversing Barefoot, 2 of 4

First Look: 2009 BMW, Revving with Jewels

March 26th, 2020

Here's a glimpse at our newest addition, a 2009 BMW 128i convertible. We've had some work on it already to get it running much better than it was but as you can tell in the video, there are a few more things to tweak to smooth it out. Jewels, who has had a BMW before, does some revving in the car while it's parked in the garage. What do you folks think about it? view more.

First Look: 2009 BMW, Revving with Jewels

Brandi Leather Pants, Jacket & Boots Pumps the Monte, 2 of 2

March 26th, 2020

She finishes up the drive, for the most part and as she's just about to turn into the driveway, a damn dog decides to block the road. He is running away from her and it's probably a good thing she was already slowing down because that could have been bad...damn dog!! Anyways, that steep incline up the drive is one of those spots where the cars stall very often. Sure enough, it stalls out on her as she makes the turn and to not roll back into the road, she stomps hard on the brake. She jams the gear selector into 'Park' and starts cranking the engine again. It takes her a while to get it unflooded and running good enough to head up the driveway some more but stalls it out again near the top. By now, she's frustrated at the car and you get some good, hard pumping for the rest of the clip as Brandi fights with the car to get it parked. view more.

Brandi Leather Pants, Jacket & Boots Pumps the Monte, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Revving ’68 Chevy Truck in Stilettos

March 24th, 2020

She found the keys to this old truck and wanted to do a little bit of revving in it to blow out the cobwebs it has collected over the winter. She's wearing a black tank top, short leather skirt and black stiletto pumps. She films from the drivers side open door first so you can get a good view of the truck as she blips the throttle over and over. Then she puts the camera on the passenger side for a little closer view. view more.

Jane Domino Revving ’68 Chevy Truck in Stilettos

Robin Masters: Khara Fincher Cranking the Cutlass Barefoot

March 23rd, 2020

Just a girl trying to crank her car with her bare feet. Firm pumping all the way to the floor with a french pedi.

Robin Masters: Khara Fincher Cranking the Cutlass Barefoot

Vivian Ireene Pierce Swapping Cars Wearing Socks & Loafers

March 22nd, 2020

For years, before we had all of our cars in one location, we would have to swap them out by driving to where we were keeping them parked/stored. This resulted in a lot of time that would of normally been wasted if I didn't always film it. You never know what is going to happen or how the cars are going to behave. Sometimes, it's a wild adventure and sometimes it's just a normal thing with little issue. Vivian is taking the Jeep down the road to get the Monte Carlo to use for some videos. She gets the Jeep started right up (dammit!), backs out the drive way and heads over to the Monte. Once there, she gets in the Monte Carlo, leaves her left foot on the ground while she cranks the car but damn, the metal of the ignition is very hot to the touch from sitting in the sun! She tries it twice and the car doesn't start, so she grabs a tissue from her purse and tries again. The Monte is much more stubborn than the Jeep (maybe it has allergies from all the pollen? lol) but after some work, she gets it to stay running. She drives back to the house where she ends the video with some revving. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Swapping Cars Wearing Socks & Loafers

Jewels Cranks Up & Moves the Monte in White Thong Sandals

March 21st, 2020

So we're about to do a custom video and have to get the car into position. Just before the video starts, she thought we were going ahead with the first scene of the custom but instead, we were moving the car. So you hear me when the video starts telling her to act like she just got in so we can move. So that's where the video starts and with two camera views, one on her feet and one over her shoulder, you watch her crank the old Monte Carlo till it starts. She revs it up once it's running and then moves it around the driveway till it's in the right spot. She then kicks off her sandals and slips on her leather thigh high boots which are needed for the custom video. A mix of stuff in this clip for you toe, feet, sandals, boots, cranking, revving and pedal stomping guys out there. :) view more.

Jewels Cranks Up & Moves the Monte in White Thong Sandals

Brooke Picking Up Jewels & Driving Around in Her Camaro

March 20th, 2020

She's got a 2018 Camaro in that Sonic Blue color and she's going out but has to stop and get her sister, Jewels. She's wearing a black blazer, jeans with black over-the-knee boots. The camera is mounted on the back window filming from the middle of the rear seats the whole time. view more.

Brooke Picking Up Jewels & Driving Around in Her Camaro

Jane Domino Cranking the Camaro in Flat Pink Strappy Sandals

March 19th, 2020

Gotta love them old Chevy engine that don't want to start up. The Camaro isn't wanting to start and it takes a while and a good bit of pumping before she gets the first signs of life from the car. A little sputter here and a little there but damn, it's being stubborn! view more.

Jane Domino Cranking the Camaro in Flat Pink Strappy Sandals

Britney Bordeaux Revs Her Rental Car in Red Keds (Feet Only)

March 18th, 2020

Wearing her red Keds, she does some teasing you while revving her little rental car. She knows how excited you get when she plays with the gas pedal!

Britney Bordeaux Revs Her Rental Car in Red Keds (Feet Only)

Vassanta Caddy Cruising in Knee High Boots, 1 of 2

March 17th, 2020

We hadn't had this 1980 Cadillac Coupe Deville too terribly long before Vassanta came over to play in the cars. She gets it started and drives around with the a/c blasting (yes, it works...kinda) because it's a hot day. She's wearing black leather knee-high boots over her jeans. view more.

Vassanta Caddy Cruising in Knee High Boots, 1 of 2

Scarlet Stuck in the Volvo Reversing Barefoot, 1 of 4

March 15th, 2020

She headed over to where we had the cars temporarily parked to get the Volvo for some videos. Jane is filming, so the video is about as real and as casual as it gets. We've used this spot for a few weeks now without any issue. She gets the Volvo started but when she tries backing up, you hear that slight whine from the transmission when the rpm's go up but there is no movement. Scarlet isn't a stranger to being stuck, so she's not worried because with a little slight rocking, she'll be able to get it out, right? view more.

Scarlet Stuck in the Volvo Reversing Barefoot, 1 of 4

Dirty Diana Driving the Renault in Cream Pumps, Feet View Only

March 14th, 2020

Diana is driving the '87 Renault GTA in these cream, round-toe pumps. This is just the view from the floorboard looking at her feet from almost underneath the drivers seat.

Dirty Diana Driving the Renault in Cream Pumps, Feet View Only

Jane Domino Morning Crank Without Coffee in PJ’s & Barefoot

March 13th, 2020

It's too damn early to be having car trouble... Jane agreed to take the car to shop this morning but she's regretting it now that she can't get it started. Two different views with the first being from her point-of-view and the other being from the passenger side. It sputters on her and teases her like it's going to start at times but then just conks out. It's truly a stubborn little engine but she gets it fired up finally and lets it idle to warm up while she goes and gets her cup of coffee. view more.

Jane Domino Morning Crank Without Coffee in PJ’s & Barefoot

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revs the Monte in Frilly Socks & Pumps

March 11th, 2020

I love how she goes from talking about something to realizing the camera is rolling and gets into character. :) She fires the Monte Carlo up and does some sexy revving wearing a black leather jacket, leather mini-skirt, white frilly ankle socks and black platform stiletto pumps. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revs the Monte in Frilly Socks & Pumps

Brandi Leather Pants, Jacket & Boots Pumps the Monte, 1 of 2

March 10th, 2020

She's wearing a blue leather jacket, black leather pants and shiny black boots. Probably a Bon Jovi concert nearby because that's the kind of outfit you wear to a Bon Jovi concert! She cranks the old Chevy and she's the kind of girl who is firm on the gas pedal when she pumps it. You definitely know it when she puts her boot on the pedal because you hear those leather soles 'tap tap tap' with each pump! She gets the car started and punches the gas driving around these narrow country roads. The Monte Carlo had a bad exhaust from getting bent and broken during a stuck video previously, so it sounds like an old pickup truck. view more.

Brandi Leather Pants, Jacket & Boots Pumps the Monte, 1 of 2

Jane & Brooke Floor the Jeep in Sexy Dress & Stilettos


March 7th, 2020

Jane gets the old Jeep started after some struggling, clears it out and backs out of the driveway. She floors the gas pulling away from the stop sign and when she reaches the red-light, she puts it in 'Park' so they can romp on the gas pedal while waiting for the light to change. Brooke reaches across to get in on the revving action as well. Once they're moving again, Jane floors the gas in the old Jeep every chance she gets while Brooke sits next to her with her legs crossed so her heels can be not too far from the pedal action! When they park the Jeep, they do another revving session before the video ends. view more.

Jane & Brooke Floor the Jeep in Sexy Dress & Stilettos

Scarlet POV Cranking the Bug Cuffed Jeans & Brown Boots

March 7th, 2020

Trying to get that old 1972 Super Beetle fired up today. It takes a while but she does get it started and gives it a few revs to let it idle on it's own for a bit. Cuffed jeans with brown leather cowgirl boots. Filmed all from Scarlet's point-of-view. view more.

Scarlet POV Cranking the Bug Cuffed Jeans & Brown Boots

Reese Wants to Show You Her Cars to Crank & Rev Up

March 7th, 2020

"Hey, come check out my car." she says while walking to the Monte Carlo. "Yesterday, I flooded it so bad that I couldn't get it to start for anything." she tells you while trying to start the car. It does start but you can tell it sounds rough from being flooded out really bad. Just imagine the cranking and pumping show you missed, damn! She revs it up good to clear it out and knows that guys love girls who drive cool cars! The next car she wants to show you is her old Jeep, which you must wear cowgirl boots for because that's how it is. She slips her brown leather boots on, "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" and gives the gas a few quick pumps before turning the key. "You gotta give this one a LOT of gas!" she says, pumping the pedal quick and with her full leg. The Jeep teases her for a bit before the battery gives out. We change the battery and she goes at it again but it's being stubborn. She gets it started eventually and is able to romp on the gas but the thing keeps stalling out on her. "I'm really considering selling this Jeep..." she says in slight disgust at it being so damn temperamental. view more.

Reese Wants to Show You Her Cars to Crank & Rev Up

Jewels Cranks the Cadillac in Sheer Hose & Snake Print Pumps

March 5th, 2020

She's wearing a maroon tank top, leather skirt, sheer hose and red/black snake print pumps for this video. She teases you a bit in the house before going out to the old Cadillac to try and get it started. *This was our first attempt at Custom #1171 here but had to re-do it.* view more.

Jewels Cranks the Cadillac in Sheer Hose & Snake Print Pumps

Hana White Sweater Dress & Fur Boots in the Bug, 2 of 2

March 3rd, 2020

She's out zipping around in the old Bug, flooring that gas pedal in her white boots with the fur. That matching, curve-hugging sweater dress she's wearing shows up well in the low evening light.

Hana White Sweater Dress & Fur Boots in the Bug, 2 of 2

Did Scarlet Sabotage Fallonn & Vivian??


March 2nd, 2020

The video picks up with Fallonn and Vivian in the driveway with the hood of the Monte Carlo up and Fallonn trying to get it started. They are trying to head out but their car, which was running fine earlier, just won't start. Scarlet is then seen driving by them as she's leaving and says, "Good luck getting it started." with a devilish little laugh. "What did she mean by that?" Vivian wonders to Fallonn...did Scarlet do something to their car?? view more.

Did Scarlet Sabotage Fallonn & Vivian??

Jane Domino Begs & Cranks the Renault in Black Heels

March 1st, 2020

"Let's see if we can get the old Renault started today, shall we?" she says as she walks over to the little car in her tight ass jeans and sexy high heels. Lots of bouncing and begging as she teases you while trying to get this old car started. view more.

Jane Domino Begs & Cranks the Renault in Black Heels

Vivian Ireene Pierce Drives the 71 VW Bus in Red Ballet Flats

February 29th, 2020

Vivian gets the old 1971 VW Bus fired up and out of the garage to take it for a spin to get the cobwebs off of it. She drives with her red leather ballet flats on for some of the time and also with just her bare feet with red toes.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Drives the 71 VW Bus in Red Ballet Flats