
Anna Komis Hi-Top Sneakers Moving the Volvo, 2 of 2

December 13th, 2018

She gets in a bit of a jam trying to turn the Volvo around in a tight spot. It's made more difficult because she's still trying to get reacquainted with a stick shift vehicle. I talk her through it as she stalls the car out often trying to turn it around. She's a character, that's for sure!! view more.

Anna Komis Hi-Top Sneakers Moving the Volvo, 2 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 926 Shenanigans

December 12th, 2018

When doing a custom video, there is often times footage of us going to and from the location as well as setting things up or just some goofy/outtake type stuff. This clip is the perfect example of that type of footage as Vivian cranks, drives, revs, does some pedal play, flooding, pantyhose teasing and other things in this clip. I don't throw any footage away as sometimes, for some folks, this stuff is solid gold! :D view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 926 Shenanigans

Prue Cranks & Drives the Monte in Vintage Tan Boots, 2 of 2

December 11th, 2018

Prue thinks the Monte Carlo is out of gas and is a bit annoyed at the situation. She has this 'stabbing' method of pumping the gas because she had a car that would flood easily, so she's got some experience with old cars. She keeps at it and works through the sputtering to get the car fired up again and drives us back home. Never stopping with the chewing of that gum, either. view more.

Prue Cranks & Drives the Monte in Vintage Tan Boots, 2 of 2

SugarMomma Struggling in the Camaro in Boots, 2 of 2

December 9th, 2018

We're back riding with Sugarmomma as she's fighting with the Camaro in all this afternoon school traffic! The Camaro doesn't want to idle and red lights, stop signs and pulling out of parking lots is a hassle when the car keeps wanting to stall on her...grrr!! view more.

SugarMomma Struggling in the Camaro in Boots, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Revs the Volvo in Blue Swedish Clogs

December 9th, 2018

Getting the car warmed up, PTP style! It's running a bit rough and sputters a little throughout the clip.

Jane Domino Revs the Volvo in Blue Swedish Clogs

Dirty Diana Barefoot Driving the Bug…BOOBS!

December 7th, 2018

Britney is in the backseat and Diana is in the drivers seat. There's a small picture-in-picture view of Diana's foot working the gas pedal while the main view is her body with a great shot of her boobs in a skimpy little tank top. She hits the gas with her sweaty bare foot and drives us back to the house as quick as she can! That breeze feels good on this hot summer day! view more.

Dirty Diana Barefoot Driving the Bug…BOOBS!

Brandi Cranking & Revving the Chevy’s “I Love the 80’s”

December 6th, 2018

She's got this 80's rocker chick look going on with her red leather jacket, leopard print dress and red leather thigh high boots on. It goes perfect with the old cars! :) She's going to park the cars but as you all know, that's never as easy as it sounds. She starts with the Monte Carlo first and then when she gets it moved, she gets in the Camaro. She has to fight with both cars before being able to rev it up and move it. When she finishes with the Camaro, she sees that look that you want more and the video fades out with her romping on the gas pedal! view more.

Brandi Cranking & Revving the Chevy’s “I Love the 80’s”

Brooke & Jane Play in the Laguna in Converse Sneakers, 3 of 4


December 4th, 2018

Brooke gets the car fired up and starts revving it up to clear it out before she takes it out on the road where she drives it for a bit before swapping with Jane. This is all from the front windshield camera, so no feet shots.

Brooke & Jane Play in the Laguna in Converse Sneakers, 3 of 4

Cassandra Cold Starts the Volvo in Vans with Crystal


December 2nd, 2018

Crystal sits in the passenger seat, trying to stay warm while Cassandra cranks up the old Volvo...well, cranks it up after killing the first battery. Choke, exhaust smoke, cold start, stalling, sneakers and leather pants.

Cassandra Cold Starts the Volvo in Vans with Crystal

Kimberly Heart Struggling in White Thong Sandals, 1 of 2

December 2nd, 2018

The Monte Carlo and her are going to have a come-to-Jesus moment before this day is over with....or hell, she might just set the thing on fire! She only planned for a few stops to make but the car decided to add in a bunch more on it's own. Cranking...revving...driving...stalling...cranking...driving...cranking...revving....and on and on and on. view more.

Kimberly Heart Struggling in White Thong Sandals, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Camaro in Pink Swirl Cowgirl Boots

December 2nd, 2018

She's in the middle of a gardening project and needs some more items from the store. She gets cleaned up and throws some decent clothes on then hops in the Camaro to go....but the car won't go. :(

Scarlet Cranking the Camaro in Pink Swirl Cowgirl Boots

Jane Domino Awakening the Caddy from Hibernation


December 1st, 2018

So the Caddy has been having some issues for a while and we haven't been able to use it much. It's finally fixed...mostly...and Jane is kinda excited to get it started and take it for a drive. She's wearing a white button down shirt, leather pencil skirt, sheer pantyhose and black leather knee-high boots. She gets the car going and it's running a bit rough so she warms it up for a bit before backing up and heading down the driveway. Once she hits the road, that's when we discover the car has no power. She has to hold the pedal to the floor to just keep up with the minimum speed. When she finally makes it to PTP HQ, she revs it up hard by herself and then at the very end of the video, Vivian hops in for a little action. view more.

Jane Domino Awakening the Caddy from Hibernation

Dirty Diana Stuck in the Mud in the Bus (Inside Cams), 2 of 3

November 28th, 2018

A continuation of Diana trying to get the old bus unstuck.

Dirty Diana Stuck in the Mud in the Bus (Inside Cams), 2 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce Rainy Day Crank & Drive ‘Peg Bundy’

November 25th, 2018

Rocking a red top, patterned leggings and red peep-toe pumps, Vivian is channeling her inner Peg Bundy today. She's cranking the Volvo as Jane is filming and talking from the passenger side. Vivian breaks the gas pedal off from pumping it a bit too firmly and has issues getting it back on the nipples. When she gets it started, she thinks she's good until the car stalls on her...again...and again. She finally makes it to the store parking lot and parks the car. Let's hope the trip home isn't as dramatic. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Rainy Day Crank & Drive ‘Peg Bundy’

Cassandra Taking the Monte Out in Leather Converse Sneakers

November 25th, 2018

Running errands in the old Monte Carlo. She's wearing a blue tank top, tight black leather pants and black leather Converse sneakers. Cranking at the beginning then driving the rest of the clip except where the car stalls while she's coasting and has to put it in neutral to get it started while coasting. Some two-foot action while driving after that. view more.

Cassandra Taking the Monte Out in Leather Converse Sneakers

Jamie Lynn Gassing Up the Monte in Peep Toe Heels

November 23rd, 2018

She hops in the old Monte Carlo, starts cranking it to get it started while stabbing the gas a few times as to not flood it. She repeats this a few times but the car isn't starting. She starting pumping more and more when you see a shot of the gas gauge sitting on 'E'. She's looking at to see if it moves and even taps it in case the needle is stuck...nope, it might actually be out of gas. :/ She drains the battery trying to get it started just to make sure! lol She loads up the two gas cans into the back of the Jeep and fights with it some before it eventually starts. She runs to the store to get some gas and then comes back, pus the gas in the Monte and yay, it starts up!! She pulls it out of the bushes where it's been parked for a while. It's covered in debris from some storms we had recently. She gets it on the driveway and revs it up. view more.

Jamie Lynn Gassing Up the Monte in Peep Toe Heels

Tinsley Cold Cranking the Dodge Coronet in Leather

November 22nd, 2018

Filming from the backseat in the beginning, you watch Tinsley walk to the Coronet, get in and start trying to get the cold car running. There's not much carpet in the Coronet and there isn't a headliner, so you can hear the echoing of the engine inside this metal rust bucket! Her boots tap on the pedal and the vinyl seat creaks under leg each time she pumps the gas pedal to the floor. The video fades to the front passenger seat as she continues trying to start the car. She's getting it to sputter some and she keeps working it till she gets it started and proceeds to not waste any time revving it up! She's wearing a black leather jacket, red blouse, black leather gloves, black leather skirt, black leather boots and a pair of sheer pantyhose. view more.

Tinsley Cold Cranking the Dodge Coronet in Leather

Brooke & Mari Crank & Rev the Bug in Cowgirl Boots


November 21st, 2018

It's a hot day out and they are going to start up the cars to see if they'll run. This clip is of them cranking up the old Bug. They take turns cranking it until it finally starts and they then rev it up a bit.

Brooke & Mari Crank & Rev the Bug in Cowgirl Boots

Vivian Ireene Pierce White/Black Pumps & Red Loafers PP

November 18th, 2018

She's wearing a white turtleneck sweater, a short black skirt and black/white platform pumps while trying to get the Coronet started. She has to swap cars and seeing as how stubborn the Coronet is being, it's obvious why. She struggles for a bit before finally getting it going and she drives to where the Monte Carlo is parked. She changes into red loafers and fires up the Monte Carlo. She has to get it turned around in the tight spot before getting on the road to head back to HQ. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce White/Black Pumps & Red Loafers PP

Mandie Cranking & Driving the Jeep in Tan Boots

November 18th, 2018

The video starts out with a quick shot of looking at the Jeep in the rearview mirror while you hear Mandie getting it started. Then we cut to an inside shot of her filming from her point-of-view during the same startup segment. She gets it going, revs it up a few times and ...doh, it stalls on her! She gets it fired up again and now she can go. While she's driving and filming herself, she takes a phone call. Talking about multi-tasking! lol The last segment is when we're leaving again and she has a hard time getting the Jeep started. This segment if filmed from the passenger side. view more.

Mandie Cranking & Driving the Jeep in Tan Boots

Jane Domino Driving the Bus Gray Tank Top & Red Toes

November 16th, 2018

She takes the bus out for a little cruise on this pretty day with those sexy feet all over them three pedals! That low-cut tank top is also something else worth looking at!

Jane Domino Driving the Bus Gray Tank Top & Red Toes

Cassandra Cranks & Revs the Renault in Thigh High Boots

November 16th, 2018

She's filming herself uncovering the car and getting in to see if this little thing will fire up after sitting in the cold for a while. She passes the camera to me when she's settled in the car and starts the process of getting it started: pump, pump, pump, turn the key, pump some more, stop. Rinse, repeat until car finally start, which it does while letting out a good bit of smoke from the exhaust. I have her turn the car off after she's revved it a bit to check the battery. After some more struggling, she gets it going again to rev it some more. Finally, I have her turn it off one more time and after not as much struggling, the car starts and her work here is done. view more.

Cassandra Cranks & Revs the Renault in Thigh High Boots

Dirty Diana Revs the Camaro in Brown Ankle Boots

November 15th, 2018

She gets the old Camaro fired up within a few tries and pulls it out into the open where you can get a full view of her revving up the car. The exhaust has a split muffler, so it's a lot louder for this clip than normal. She's got one leg out of the car for most of the clip as you you get a full 360 degree shot of the action. view more.

Dirty Diana Revs the Camaro in Brown Ankle Boots

Jenny Drives the Jeep Barefoot & Shorts

November 10th, 2018

She kicks off them tall boots she was wearing and drives the Jeep in those short shorts and bare feet!

Jenny Drives the Jeep Barefoot & Shorts

Anna Komis Hi-Top Sneakers Moving the Volvo, 1 of 2

November 10th, 2018

It's been a while since she's driven a stick shift, so I figured we'd give her some seat time in one and try to move the Volvo. She's tall as hell, so even with the seat all the way back she's still barely able to fit in the car. I give her some reminders/tips on driving a stick as she cranks, revs and stalls it. view more.

Anna Komis Hi-Top Sneakers Moving the Volvo, 1 of 2

Scarlet Aggressive Cranking in Boots, Leather Gloves

November 10th, 2018

She's not in the mood to fight with the old Chevy but it doesn't care about her feelings. As a result, she's pissed off and takes out her frustrations on the car by cursing and yelling at it as she beats up the gas pedal some.

Scarlet Aggressive Cranking in Boots, Leather Gloves

Kimberly Heart Night Cranking Coronet in White Boots

November 9th, 2018

You're in the backseat, ready to watch her struggle when she opens the door and slides in behind the steering wheel of the Coronet. Her white leather boots, purple leggings and white fur coat keep her cozy in the cold car. She cranks it over and over and over while begging the car to start. She keeps looking back at you for help but you're not really interested in giving any. She wears the battery almost all the way down when she gets it to sputter and chug a bit, adding a bit more juice to the battery. Just gotta keep trying...and hope. view more.

Kimberly Heart Night Cranking Coronet in White Boots

SugarMomma Struggling in the Camaro in Boots, 1 of 2

November 8th, 2018

She's heading out but is getting all kinds of back-talk from the Camaro. It doesn't want to start or stay running. She thinks she's got it cleared out at one point and leaves but the car keeps stalling on her.

SugarMomma Struggling in the Camaro in Boots, 1 of 2

Cherry Morgan Driving the Bug in Flip Flops & Sweaty

November 4th, 2018

It's a hot one today and her sweat, even with the breeze, is beading on her chest. She's taking the Bug out for a spin and she hasn't driven it since the last time she was here. So I gave her a 'crash course' reminder on the Do's & Dont's of driving the old Bug. As she gets used to driving it again she starts putting the hammer down and driving the shit out of it! view more.

Cherry Morgan Driving the Bug in Flip Flops & Sweaty

Brooke & Jane Play in the Laguna in Converse Sneakers, 2 of 4


November 4th, 2018

This is a fun series with these two bombshells in this sexy ass hotrod! There is a camera mounted on the front windshield capturing both of the ladies while whomever is in the passenger seat has a camera recording the action from their point-of-view. In part 2, it's now Jane's turn to try getting the old Laguna fired up! Brooke flooded it pretty good, so let's see if Jane can work her magic. Jane is wearing black leather Converse sneakers with white toes and trim. view more.

Brooke & Jane Play in the Laguna in Converse Sneakers, 2 of 4

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Time PP in Hose & Pumps, 2 of 2

November 2nd, 2018

Driving back home in the dark with her black leather pumps working the pedals and her red leather gloved hands gripping the steering wheel; it's a great sight to take in as she does some shoe dipping with her left foot knowing that you're intently watching her. She takes her foot off the gas to hit the brakes for a curve and when she goes to push the gas she discovers the car stalled. She quickly pops it into neutral to spin it over, hoping it'll fire right back up but seeing as how it isn't she decides to ease it to a stop in a well-lit parking lot. She cranks the engine over and you can see the headlights dim from the burst of juice the starter needs when cranking the car. She softly begs the car, pumps the gas and after some work, she gets the car running again. When she parks the car in the driveway, she ends the video with a little shoe/pedal play. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Time PP in Hose & Pumps, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Cadillac Stalled Leather Pants Pink Sandals

November 1st, 2018

You wait in the car as momma Jane runs in to drop something off for Mr. Jones. You see her walking carefully in her sexy heels to the car and when she gets in she's frustrated that the car died while she was gone. She looks at you, tells you it's okay as she starts pumping the gas and trying to start the car. She keeps reassuring you that momma will get it started. When she does, she's happy and looks at you with that 'I told you so' look. As she turns around she spins her wheels just a bit trying to back up this big old Cadillac in the dirt. view more.

Jane Domino Cadillac Stalled Leather Pants Pink Sandals