June 30th, 2018
She's driving the Volvo back by herself with a camera mounted on the passenger side. She struggles to get the old station wagon going wearing gray leather gloves, a black leather jacket, jeans and gray leather boots. She puts her full leg into it sometimes to get the car fired up on this cold day. It sputters and spits a good bit before she's able to get it smoothed out by revving it hard to show it who's boss! When she's driving, she doesn't go easy on it either, making the little engine work as she goes through the gears. view more.
June 28th, 2018
Brooke walks to the Camaro to see if she can get it started so they can take it out to play. Jane couldn't get it started earlier and flooded it out. Brooke gets in the car and spins the engine over while giving it a little gas at first. After the car doesn't start, she tries holding the gas down some but that isn't working wither. She keeps trying to start the car for a few minutes, mixing up fast pumping, slow pumping and holding it to the floor. The car does sputter some but damn, Jane really flooded it bad! Speaking of Jane, she finally shows up and wonders why Brooke hasn't gotten the car started yet. Brooke keeps at it and finally gets the old Camaro fired up! view more.
June 27th, 2018
This was back when the original GoPro’s were the latest thing. While they were great to put in tight places, they weren’t the best quality. I had one camera up on the passenger rear window and one behind the pedals. Since the view from the backseat doesn’t show her working the pedals that well, I’m going to post part 2 at the same time since it’s the pedal-view of the same segment. I should have done this clip as a picture-in-picture setup but didn’t. Princess has some issues getting the Bug started but she does finally get it going and drives around for a while. This is the behind-the-pedals view. view more.
June 27th, 2018
This was back when the original GoPro's were the latest thing. While they were great to put in tight places, they weren't the best quality. I had one camera up on the passenger rear window and one behind the pedals. Since the view from the backseat doesn't show her working the pedals that well, I'm going to post part 2 at the same time since it's the pedal-view of the same segment. I should have done this clip as a picture-in-picture setup but didn't. Princess has some issues getting the Bug started but she does finally get it going and drives around for a while. view more.
June 23rd, 2018
She's an earlier-riser than me in the mornings, so she'll sometimes be eager to go play in the cars while I'm still snoozing. She knows where the keys are at. She knows most of the quirks of each car. She knows how to use a camera, so, she likes to go out and play in the cars that are parked her at PTP HQ. This is one such morning of her filming herself going out to the Volvo to see if she can get it running. Does she succeed? view more.
June 21st, 2018
We get in the Cadillac to run some errands but this baby is not wanting to start. It teases her by starting up after a try or two but if you give it just a smidgen too much gas, it conks out and then gets really hard to start again. She's pumping the gas pretty firmly and you can hear the 'thump thump' each time her boot pumps the pedal. She ends up draining this first battery, so I swap it out for a fresh one and I guess that's all the car wanted because she gets it cranked up then. Before hitting the road, she gives it some good revs to make sure it's cleared out and warmed up. She opens the door and leans out while revving, you know, to check the exhaust. ;) Now we're ready to go and she backs out onto the road and we head to town with her flooring that gas when she can and sometimes putting it in neutral and revving while coasting. view more.
June 20th, 2018
It's a rainy day and trying to get the Monte Carlo to PTP HQ takes a bit longer than normal. The car doesn't want to start. She's wearing black leather pants, leather jacket, leather strappy stilettos and a black shirt. After struggling for a while to get the car cranked, she backs it up and turns it around to leave the driveway. She gets on the road and all is well until she comes to a stop sign where the car chugs out. It's a struggle to get it started gain but the engine finally fires up again and she arrives. view more.
June 14th, 2018
She puts on these block-heeled yellow & aqua sandals before firing up the Jeep and revving the shit out of it a few times before the fuel pump says 'no mas!' She cranks the engine over and gets a sputter or two but for the most part, it's just dry cranking and not sounding like it wants to start. It's hard to tell if it's flooded or just the fuel pump acting up now. After a bit, she gets it fired up and goes to revving it hard but it stalls out again. She moves her left foot closer to the seat and that causes her knee to raise which forces her dress to slide up her leg some more, revealing more of her tanned and toned left leg. She gets it started again and the video ends with her revving the engine. view more.
June 13th, 2018
She gives the Bus a good, hard drive in this clip! :) She gets it started and gives it a few romps of the pedals before backing out of the driveway. She goes to the stop sign, pulls out on the road and takes the rpm's to the max and barely let's it down from there. She shifts up and down through the gears, whether she's accelerating or decelerating, there's always some clutch-work. She gets back to the house and gives it some revs before finishing the video. view more.
June 12th, 2018
Looking up at Kimberly from the passenger floor, you get a good look at her frustrated face as the battery is getting weaker and weaker in the Coronet. It's dark, she wants to see her man and this damn car isn't cranking up for her. She finally drains the battery dry and calls up her man to tell him of her predicament. He suggests she take the Monte Carlo. She reluctantly agrees but if she breaks down, he's going to have to leave work to come and get her. She gets in the Monte Carlo and sure enough, it's not wanting to start either. But there is hope since she got it to sputter....and again...and...and, yessss!!! She gets it going and revs it for a bit to make sure it's going to stay running. view more.
June 10th, 2018
She comes out to the car wearing her tshirt, athletic shorts and tan flip-flops. She gets in the car and gets it started after a short battle. She punches the gas when she can as she navigates through traffic and the small back-roads. Her shorts are very short, so you get a lot of leg in full-view as she works the pedals. The car stalls as she's pulling up to her destination. When you get on and off the gas too quickly in the Monte, it stalls out. She gets the engine fired up again and parks the rough-idling car. view more.
June 9th, 2018
She finally manages to get the old Bus out of the mud in this last clip of the series. She's stalling it a lot by trying to manipulate all 3 pedals at the same time. She keeps rocking it and finally gets over the hump and to the edge of the driveway where she keeps digging and digging and it finally catches the wet concrete and comes out! Inside and outside camera angles. view more.
June 8th, 2018
She's a bit anxious trying to get her car started with some guys lingering nearby. She keeps glancing over to make sure none of them are going to try and come help while she keeps uttering words to the car for it to start under breath. "Come on. Come on baby...start!" The car fires and sputters but won't stay running. Each time she goes to press the gas to warm it up, it keeps dying. It finally floods out and she can't get it fired up again before the battery dies. Moments later, after letting the battery sit for a few minutes and giving the engine a chance to clear itself out, she goes to crank it up and is finally able to gently rev it so it'll warm up some. After it's gotten a little heat into the engine, she can really warm it up now. She gets the car rocking as she romps on the pedal. She opens the door to lean out so she can hear and see some of the exhaust. She romps on it some more and the car, along with herself, are ready to go. She doesn't out for a Sunday drive either, she lays into the pedal with her vintage leather boots while gripping the steering wheel tightly with her leather gloved hands. She gives the old Caddy a workout! view more.
June 8th, 2018
Cassandra can't get the old Bug cranked up. She keeps looking at you in the passenger seat and reassuring you that 'Mommy can get it started. I just have to keep pumping it in my boots.' She's wearing a long leather coat, corduroy pants and brown cowgirl boots. She keeps trying until the car just dies...as in turning the key does nothing. view more.
June 7th, 2018
She gets in the car and it takes a few tries to get going while she's pumping the gas with her tan boots on. She leaves the parking lot and slides her boots while she's on the road so she can drive with just her pantyhose covered feet. Her white-tip toenails can easily be seen through her sheer tan nylons. view more.
June 3rd, 2018
The Bus is running...again...after being down for whatever odd/strange/random/engine-blowed-up/cursed reason. So I have Vivian get in and fire it up, well, that's the idea. It's a bit stubborn and at one point, Vivian grinds the starter and because I'm on pins-and-needles, I remind her to be gentle with the car...please, for the love of god, be gentle! lol She gets it fired up and does a little bit of revving to get things moving and warmed up a little bit. view more.
June 1st, 2018
This clip is entirely from behind-the-pedals as Hana cranks the Camaro (with difficulty) in the parking lot and then drives back home from doing a little department store shopping. She's driving through traffic, so lots of back-and-forth from the gas to the brake pedal. You get a bugs eye view of her cowboy boot soles, knee high socks and legs/thighs. view more.
May 30th, 2018
These are some scenes that didn't make it into the final clip of this custom video. Some good segments of her cranking the Volvo and telling you it'll be okay and that she can get the car started. You can find the full video here: https://clips4sale.com/10549/19290217 view more.
May 29th, 2018
So we've left the Bug and now she's heading to the Volvo while I was about to go inside. She wants to see if the Volvo will start and I give her some crap about it when she's not able to get it started. LOTS of dialogue between us as this request is supposed to be filmed like a hidden-camera and very casual. She tries for this entire clip to get the Volvo cranked but no luck. view more.
May 26th, 2018
Back with Sasha Lux still struggling to just simply park the Jeep on the side of the driveway so we can keep it clear to move cars around. But noooooo, she had to go and make things difficult by getting the Jeep stuck in the mud. It had rained for quite some time and our yard gets very slick. I thought it might of been a small challenge but I had no idea the Jeep would become this immobile. She's hitting the gas to try and get some kind of rocking motion but that's not really happening. "All you have to do is just park off the side." I tell her. "I'm trying...I can't, I'm...stuck..." she replies. Not only is she stuck but the Jeep likes to stall out on her. Fun times! view more.
May 25th, 2018
The PTP Shuffle is something we do very often. Instead of me shuffling the cars around for the girls, I have them do it because: 1) it's sexier when they do it and 2) I'm the boss and I get to delegate. :) They come out to the Cadillac and Jane gets behind the wheel in her over-the-knee riding boots while Brooke sits in the passenger seat and has on a pair of sneakers. Jane gets the car fired up pretty quickly and when she turns on the road, she gets a few hard stomps to the floor before she has to slow down. Brooke gets in the Volvo and struggles for a bit to get this old thing going. Lots of fiddling with the choke and lots of pumping the gas pedal with her sneakers. I'm filming inside the car while Jane gets a few shots of this from inside the Cadillac. When Brooke gets the Volvo started, she romps on the gas a few times to clear out the gas that has loaded up. Jane captures some of the exhaust smoke that comes out while she's revving. Now Jane has to park the Cadillac where the Volvo was; she hits the gas a few good times before turning the key and the engine sputters and struggles to start but doesn't fire up the first time. She pins the pedal to the floor and the engine roars to life and she then proceeds to park it. She gets in the Volvo in the backseat and Brooke drives us back to PTP HQ...where she stalls it turning into the drive way...doh! view more.
May 24th, 2018
She's trying to leave but can't get the car started. She has her boots folded down for the first part of the video and then folds them up to her knee for the second part. It seems when she folds them up she has better luck at the car wanting to start...is that even possible? Hmm, either way, she finally fires up the car and revs it some to clear it out. **This is the last clip for this model.** view more.
May 24th, 2018
Vivian rides co-pilot with Fallonn on her first trip driving the old 1971 VW Bus. Fallonn is no stranger to manual transmissions but the Bus does take some getting used to. She drives around as Vivian films the action while the chat a bit. You can see Vivian's peep-toe heels in the video while she films. view more.
May 23rd, 2018
She's filming from her point-of-view this whole clip as she starts the Volvo and revs it up with just bare feet. She holds the clutch down with her left foot the entire time as she revs the big, long and hard floor-mounted pedal. She strokes the pedal with the sole of her feet sometimes in between revving. view more.
May 20th, 2018
So they're stalled just before the red light in the Jeep. Jenny is filming from inside the Jeep and I've also got my camera filming through the passenger side of the Bus. Tyler isn't sure of the sounds the Jeep is making and looks at me wondering if those sounds are normal. I tell her they are, so keep on trying! :) She finally gets the Jeep unflooded and we finish our drive. view more.