October 12th, 2017
She’s a little off her stick-shift driving game today because it’s been a bit since she’s driven the Bug anywhere. We pick back up with Mandie at a stop sign about to pull out onto a somewhat busy street and in a blind curve. She's a bit nervous but she gets on it when she pulls out and we're back to her driving the shit out of the little VW. She puts it in neutral and revs it up a bit while coasting. She finds a church parking lot to turn around in and ends up stalling the Bug pretty severely. The plugs get doused in some fuel when this happens and it's a pain in the ass to get going again. She gets it going again and continues her crazy drive with some more stalling, cranking and revving action mixed in! This clip is setup where the main view is a camera mounted behind the pedals while the picture-in-picture view is filming from the passenger seat. view more.