
Mandie a Bit Rusty Driving the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

October 12th, 2017

She’s a little off her stick-shift driving game today because it’s been a bit since she’s driven the Bug anywhere. We pick back up with Mandie at a stop sign about to pull out onto a somewhat busy street and in a blind curve. She's a bit nervous but she gets on it when she pulls out and we're back to her driving the shit out of the little VW. She puts it in neutral and revs it up a bit while coasting. She finds a church parking lot to turn around in and ends up stalling the Bug pretty severely. The plugs get doused in some fuel when this happens and it's a pain in the ass to get going again. She gets it going again and continues her crazy drive with some more stalling, cranking and revving action mixed in! This clip is setup where the main view is a camera mounted behind the pedals while the picture-in-picture view is filming from the passenger seat. view more.

Mandie a Bit Rusty Driving the Bug Barefoot, 2 of 2

Star Revving the Coronet in Red Strappy Sandals – #757

October 10th, 2017

Filmed mostly from the passenger side with her full body in view, she starts out pumping the gas pedal a few times before turning the key. The engine fires up and she wastes no time revving the shit out of the car. A few closeups of her face and then an over-the-shoulder shot capture different angles as she just keeps revving the hell out of this old 318 motor. At the end, she uses both of her feet to pump the gas pedal before coming to a stop and taking a deep breath as the video fades out...she ain't the only thing that got hot! view more.

Star Revving the Coronet in Red Strappy Sandals – #757

Paige Erin Turner Getting a Workout Cranking the Monte Carlo

October 8th, 2017

Paige gets a leg workout in this clip. She takes a camera out to film herself trying to get the old Monte Carlo cranked up. She's at it for a while, with no luck, when the starter starts making an odd sound. I come out with another camera and walk up to the drivers door just in time for the battery to go kaput! I swap out the battery for her and film her second attempt from drivers side first before I move over to the passenger side. Yeah, her second attempt with a fresh battery was a failure too. view more.

Paige Erin Turner Getting a Workout Cranking the Monte Carlo

Jane Domino Takes the Caddy Out in White Frye Boots, 2 of 4

October 8th, 2017

Jane Domino stretches out those thick legs to work the pedals in those white boots. That itty bitty romper is not leaving much to the imagination when it comes to her legs. She's opening up the Caddy on these roads and getting some miles in on the new motor. view more.

Jane Domino Takes the Caddy Out in White Frye Boots, 2 of 4

Vivian Cranking Volvo with the Jeep in Converse, 2 of 2

October 6th, 2017

She's still cranking away trying to get that Volvo started! It's starting to sputter some, so that's progress but her leg is getting tired from all the pumping. There is some conversation between us and I tell her to get back in the Jeep to rev it up when I start hearing the Volvo battery getting weak. So she gets to warm up a bit while the Volvo is getting some juice. When she goes back to the Volvo, she finally gets it started and revs it up some to make sure it'll run on it's own. She's not too happy when I tell her to turn it off because she worked so hard to get it cranked! But all that work was just so we could move it for a custom video of ...the car not starting. view more.

Vivian Cranking Volvo with the Jeep in Converse, 2 of 2

Cassandra & Samantha Can’t Crank the Renault – #709


October 5th, 2017

Cassandra tries first but the little piece of crap won't start. Samantha gives it a try but no luck either. She gives control back to Cassandra to try again but she kills the battery. Filmed from the passenger seat and over the shoulder.

Cassandra & Samantha Can’t Crank the Renault – #709

Kristen Drives & Revs the Monte Carlo in Socks & Boots, #201

October 2nd, 2017

Kristen in on the couch and slips on her black leather biker boots over her tall, thigh high socks. She heads out to the Monte Carlo, gets in and gets it fired up after a handful of tries. She's got to run to the store, so she makes the drive there and before getting out of the car to go inside, she scrunches her socks down into her boots. She wanders through the store for a few minutes then returns to her car. She gets in, pulls her socks back all the way up over her knee, fires it up and starts to head home. She dips into a parking lot real quick because she wants to rev the car. She romps on the gas pedal repeatedly in her socks and boots for a bit. She then slips off her right boot only and continues revving the hell out of it with just her sock. The car is rocking pretty good from her romping on the gas pedal. When she's finally had her daily revving quota, she finishes the drive home with her right boot still off. view more.

Kristen Drives & Revs the Monte Carlo in Socks & Boots, #201

Brooke Driving the Bus – Face Camera Only

October 1st, 2017

Just some extra footage of Brooke driving the Bus hard from the camera focused on her face and upper body.

Brooke Driving the Bus – Face Camera Only

Cassandra Revving the Cranky Volvo in Loafers

September 30th, 2017

Getting it set up for a custom video is a challenge when it's running rough and keeps stalling out. Lots of revving, fast pumping trying to keep the engine going, flooded starts and under-the-hood shots. There are also numerous muffled backfires through the carb from whatever issue the Volvo is experiencing. view more.

Cassandra Revving the Cranky Volvo in Loafers

Brooke & Jane Can’t Get the Camaro Started in Sneakers ver.1.0


September 29th, 2017

So, I edited this clip multiple ways. This is the first picture-in-picture setup. The girls walk down the deck and are ready to go for a walk. They got their workout clothes on and sporting their sneakers. Jane has on white Adidas with green strips paired with some tall gray socks and Brooke is wearing her black Vans sneakers sock-less. Jane gets behind the wheel first and after a while of unsuccessfully getting it started, Brooke tries her luck and while she gets the closest to getting it to start, it's too flooded and keeps stalling out. view more.

Brooke & Jane Can’t Get the Camaro Started in Sneakers ver.1.0

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 4 of 7

September 28th, 2017

Unsuccessfully starting the Volvo in dark brown boots over jeans. Quick battery killing in the Monte Carlo in multi-colored, light tan cowgirl boots. Unsuccessfully cranking the Volvo again, lots of begging in the same multi-colored, light tan boots. view more.

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 4 of 7

Jane Domino Picks You Up in Daddy’s Caddy, 1 of 2

September 27th, 2017

You're off work and waiting for your ride when a pimpin old Cadillac pulls up to the curb with this pretty face staring at you through the window. You recognize the gal but you don't recognize the car. She steps out and gives you a big, cheesy grin because of the look of wonder on your face. That's right, she got the keys to her daddy's Caddy and asks if you want a ride?! "Uhh, yeah!" is all you can muster to say. You walk over and she gets back in the car to start it up but it's temperamental, which is one of the reasons you've been begging her to drive you around in this car. She pumps that floor mounted gas pedal...thud thud thud!...over and over until it fires back up and she starts to leave the parking lot. Unfortunately for her but wonderful for you, the car is still running rough and stalls at the next two stop signs. Her red leather driving gloves, red leather jacket and brown boots look amazing in this car, especially when she's trying hard to get it started! She does and the rest of his clip is of her punching that pedal as she drives you home in those killer leather boots! view more.

Jane Domino Picks You Up in Daddy’s Caddy, 1 of 2

Reese Films Herself Driving the Monte Carlo in Tan Mules

September 24th, 2017

"What uuupp?!" she yells at ya as she starts filming herself driving the old Chevy. Entirely from her point-of-view working the pedals in those pointy tan mules.

Reese Films Herself Driving the Monte Carlo in Tan Mules

Dakota Charms Cranking the Renault in Wooden Sandals

September 23rd, 2017

She begs and talks nice to the car to try and get it to start but it doesn't happen. It's hot, she's sweating and she just wants this piece of shit to start!! Grr! Not many foot shots in this clip.

Dakota Charms Cranking the Renault in Wooden Sandals

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Coronet – #582

September 20th, 2017

Basically, I am looking for a full out damsel in distress clip. The more begging and pleading Vivian can throw into the clip the better. Here is my general thought: A horror movie scenario. Vivian is seen running out the door of the house in her bare feet and she heads to the car as quickly as she can, she jumps in and tries to start the car immediately screaming at the car to "come on". The engine doesn't start so she just keeps trying and she is growing more upset with every failed attempt as she thinks someone is in the house and she wants to get away quickly. I would like Vivian to beg the car to start pretty much from start to finish, dialogue along the lines of, "please start, don't do this to me, come on baby, just start for me" things like that. If Vivian wants to I would be happy for her to swear in the clip as well, "fucking start, start you bastard", etc. I know not all models are happy cussing but if she is that'd be great. You can never go to far with my customs, the more desperate she looks in the clip the better. If the engine could be flooded with it spluttering and trying to catch in the cranking that'd be great. I am also happy if it starts briefly and then stalls back out again. As for the camera angles I would like a picture-in-picture setup. One camera a full on facial view capturing nothing but Vivian's face and her expressions. The other on her right foot pumping the gas. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking the Coronet – #582

Tinsley Revving the Camaro in Hose & Pumps – #557

September 19th, 2017

"Some people think that I can't rev a car. But I'm going to show them that I can rev a car!" says Tinsley. Tinsley starts the engine and gives a fantastic revving show while showing off her sexy legs! She revs it for a bit and then says, "What do you think? Am I able to rev a car?" Tinsley revs the car hard and lifts her butt off the seat slightly! She revs it over and over while playing with her pantyhose and thighs with her right hand. view more.

Tinsley Revving the Camaro in Hose & Pumps – #557

Damara Cranks & Kills Battery in the Volvo in Pumps

September 18th, 2017

Trying to leave for work some days is the hardest thing to do. She walks out to the Volvo, which is parked in the bushes, and tries getting it fired up. She's wearing a casual business outfit: black skirt, red button down blouse and black platform stiletto pumps. She gets the car to sputter and almost start but the battery gets drained before she gets the car unflooded. She gets out and walks away to find another way to work. view more.

Damara Cranks & Kills Battery in the Volvo in Pumps

Scarlet Cranking the Coronet in Shiny Clogs – #498

September 17th, 2017

You two are going out and she's taking the Coronet. She's wearing her shiny clogs that you find so hot and you can't stop looking at them. She catches you checking out her foot pumping the gas while the car won't start and wonders if this turns you on. view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Coronet in Shiny Clogs – #498

Brookes’ Brakes Fail in the Jeep in Boots – #733

September 16th, 2017

She's on the phone while she finishes up getting dressed. She slips her black knee high boots on, zips them up and pulls her wide-leg pants down over them and heads out. She gets in the Jeep, starts it up and backs out of her parking space. Everything seems fine as she pulls out onto the road. It's not until she's driving along and needs to slow down that she feels her brakes get soft and then go out completely...shit shit shiiiiit!!! view more.

Brookes’ Brakes Fail in the Jeep in Boots – #733

Hana ‘2 Hot 2 Be Strugglin’ in the Z28 in Socks & Boots, 1 of 4

September 15th, 2017

This clip series is of Hana running around town in the old Camaro to do errands and film customs. She's wearing super short khaki shorts, knee high socks and old cowboy boots. Behind-the-pedal and front windshield mounted cams are the main views. She's by herself, so she does what she wants. Some frustrated cranking, hard driving, aggressive revving and lots of pedal work. This first clip is of her trying to get the Camaro started and warmed up, which isn't an easy task. She yells at the car as it keeps conking out on her while trying to turn it around. After a while, she does get it on the road, where she stretches it's legs a bit. view more.

Hana ‘2 Hot 2 Be Strugglin’ in the Z28 in Socks & Boots, 1 of 4

Jane Domino Driving the Bus in Gold Bikini & Wedges

September 14th, 2017

Just romping around in the old VW Camper Bus with Jane. She's got this sexy gold bikini on that is showing off her tanned body quite nicely! She's wearing these pink strap wedge sandals to work the three pedals with at first but after a while, she kicks them off to drive with her bare feet. She walks up to the old bus, puts her bag inside and then climbs in behind the wheel to fire it up. It starts right up and she revs it some to get the engine nice and warmed up before hitting the road. view more.

Jane Domino Driving the Bus in Gold Bikini & Wedges

Hana Cranks & Drives the Volvo in Flip Flops – #460

September 13th, 2017

She's sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and slapping her flip flop against the bottom of her foot. She gets a call from a friend who invites her over for a bbq. Hana happily agrees and heads out to her Volvo to drive over. The car takes a few tries to get started but she backs out of the driveway and takes off to go get some good food with good friends. view more.

Hana Cranks & Drives the Volvo in Flip Flops – #460

Gina Gets the Old Renault Cranked Up

September 10th, 2017

She walks to the Renault and gets in while leaving the drivers door open so we can watch her work the pedals while wearing those tight, boot-cut style jeans and metal-tipped boots. She stretches her legs out to push the clutch to the floor and pump the gas pedal. She cranks it for a while before the camera swaps to the passenger side with the doors shut. She keeps trying and you're now able to hear the 'thud thud thud' of the gas pedal better. She works it until the little car fires up and she starts revving it to clear it out. view more.

Gina Gets the Old Renault Cranked Up

Mandie a Bit Rusty Driving the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

September 10th, 2017

She's a little off her stick-shift driving game today because it's been a bit since she's driven the Bug anywhere. She's barefoot and pumps that gas pedal to get the car started within a few tries. She gets the little car turned around and stalls it a few times before getting on the road. It stalls on her at a stop sign right down the road and it's not the last time in this series that the little engine conks out. In between her cranking the car, she drives the hell out of it with those killer legs! This clip is setup where the main view is a camera mounted behind the pedals while the picture-in-picture view is filming from the passenger seat. view more.

Mandie a Bit Rusty Driving the Bug Barefoot, 1 of 2

Christal & Gianna Cranking Dad’s Old Dodge


September 8th, 2017

Just found this clip and it's the last one of either of these gals. They are dressed up in their stripper rodeo outfits and have to take one of the clunkers Gianna's dad owns. They get in the car and Gianna spins the engine over and after a few seconds of it not starting, Christal tells her to give it some gas. Gianna mentions that her dad told her to be careful to not flood it. They banter back and forth as Gianna tries to get the car started but with them becoming more late with each failed attempt, they swap positions so Christal can give it a whirl. view more.

Christal & Gianna Cranking Dad’s Old Dodge

Riley Runs Out of Gas in the Monte Carlo – #318

September 8th, 2017

Riley was supposed to meet an old high school friend and in her excitement, forgot to put gas in the car. She pulls into the parking lot and doesn't see him there yet, so she's a bit disappointed. She becomes even more disappointed when her car runs out of gas. She tries it a few times, notices the gauge is pegged on 'E' and has to walk to get some gas. She comes back with a little can of gas and puts it into the tank. She gets back in and pumps the gas for a bit to get the fuel to the engine. She starts cranking it and it's still not starting. She grabs her phone and starts to call her sister, Miley, but changes her mind after thinking Miley will just make fun of her. So she calls her mom, Sugarmomma, instead but her signal dies out before she gets her mom on the phone...great! view more.

Riley Runs Out of Gas in the Monte Carlo – #318

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 3 of 7

September 6th, 2017

4 segments in this clip: -Starting up the Jeep in black Dan Post boots -Starting up the VW Bug in white Ariat boots -Killing the battery in the Dodge Coronet in tan boots -Cold start fail of the Volvo in same tan boots

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 3 of 7

Damara Revving the Coronet in Hose & Pumps – #569

September 2nd, 2017

Damara. Leather & Pantyhose. Revving the Coronet. Boom!

Damara Revving the Coronet in Hose & Pumps – #569

Cassandra Driving the Caddy with Cheyenne Food Run, 2 of 2


September 2nd, 2017

Trying to leave the house now to head over to where the cars were parked (they aren't there any more) but the Caddy is being stubborn. Cheyenne is sitting patiently while Cassandra is working on getting the car cranked. She gets it fired up, backs up into the road and heads to the stop sign where, yup, the car stalls on her. But it starts back up pretty easily and we start the drive. I cut out most of this driving portion because this little camera doesn't handle wind noise well. We pick up at Cassandra's house and are leaving again, if she can get the car started...again. It starts up and we drive back but this time, I had Cheyenne roll her window up. :) view more.

Cassandra Driving the Caddy with Cheyenne Food Run, 2 of 2

Brooke Stranded at the Store at Night – #749

September 1st, 2017

She's doing a bit of shopping at the local department store. It's getting close to closing time, so she's perusing her way towards the door. She's wearing a black leather jacket, white button down shirt, jeans, black socks and light colored ballet flats. She's finally at the door and leaves the store. The camera cuts to an inside shot looking at Brooke walking across the parking lot to her car. She gets in, slides the key and pumps the gas a few times before spinning the engine over. She thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye but maybe it was nothing. So she tries again, pumping the gas a few times and then turning the key but the car doesn't start this time either. She might of flooded it, so she holds the pedal down some but that doesn't do anything. She starts getting more nervous and begins pumping the pedal more aggressively and begging the car to start for her. She doesn't know it yet but someone is walking up behind her car... Filmed from various angles: outside the car and inside. view more.

Brooke Stranded at the Store at Night – #749

Fallonn Driving the 87 Renault GTA in Ballet Flats w/Vivian

September 1st, 2017

Vivian and I pass the camera back and forth as Fallonn cranks up and drives the little sports car. This is the first time Fallonn has driven the Renault, so there is some dialogue between us all about the car. She's wearing a blue leather jacket, tight jeans and gray ballet flats. It takes some work to get the little car started but it's a fun little thing to drive. Fallonn's gray flats show up well in the cramped foot-well. view more.

Fallonn Driving the 87 Renault GTA in Ballet Flats w/Vivian

Vivian Cranking Volvo with the Jeep in Converse, 1 of 2

August 30th, 2017

This was one of those clips that wasn't planned. We were supposed to do a driving custom in the Volvo but the battery was dead. So, instead of letting the opportunity go to waste, I start rolling as Vivian uses the Jeep to jump off the Volvo. It's a chilly day and the Volvo, after getting a juice-boost from the Jeep for a bit, doesn't want to start when Vivian gets behind the wheel to try and get it cranked up. She pumps with her light colored Converse sneakers, leather gloves with studs and brown leather jacket. It sputters some and exhaust shots show a bit of fumes/smoke coming from it as it shakes. This first clip ends with her saying her right leg needs a massage from all the pumping. view more.

Vivian Cranking Volvo with the Jeep in Converse, 1 of 2