
Addie Juniper Cranks & Revs the Monte in Nine West Boots

July 17th, 2017

She walks down the sidewalk towards the Monte Carlo and you hear the heels click with each step she takes in these sexy boots. She gets in the car, gets situated and tries starting the car. Of course, it's not a car that starts up in the first, second, third or sometimes first dozen she keeps working it, taking breaks here and there. She's draining the battery down but she gets it fired up before it dies and revs it up some with a smile on her face. view more.

Addie Juniper Cranks & Revs the Monte in Nine West Boots

Scarlet Drives & Revs the Z28 in White Pumps – #651

July 16th, 2017

She takes you for a fun drive in the loud 1977 Camaro Z28. She hikes up her skirt to give you a leg show while she hits the gas pedal and brake in her shiny white stiletto pumps. She's wearing sheer pantyhose with a nice black dress. When she gets back home, you think the fun is over and start to get out of the car but she stops you and gives you a revving show to end the clip. view more.

Scarlet Drives & Revs the Z28 in White Pumps – #651

Hana Cranking the Coronet in Fur Coat & OTK Boots at Night

July 13th, 2017

This video covers a few requests, one being the door buzzing/dinging sound when left open. More than a couple of you folks out there have emailed me about it and surprisingly, I found a clip to hopefully satiate your pallet. :) It's dark out and Hana is dressed up ready to go out! She walks to the Coronet wearing her big black fur coat, short pleated skirt and black over-the-knee stiletto boots. She gets in the car but leaves the door open. She has a 10+ minute battle with the Coronet that consists of a LOT of pumping in between cranking as well as pumping, begging and pleading during cranking. The car sputters a few times and even starts up a time or two but fizzles out under the constant and incorrect pumping of Hana's right leg. She ultimately gives up and calls it a night. view more.

Hana Cranking the Coronet in Fur Coat & OTK Boots at Night

Sylvia Kills the Monte Carlo’s Battery in Leopard Print Pumps

July 12th, 2017

Start the car, I told her. It'll be easy, I told her. Denim jacket, tight purple top, tight leather pants and leopard print stiletto pumps with a gold metal toe is the outfit she's wearing in this clip.

Sylvia Kills the Monte Carlo’s Battery in Leopard Print Pumps

Ellie Mae Rough Drive in the Jeep in Shorts & Boots, 2 of 2

July 11th, 2017

She's jamming out to some Bon Jovi as she's cruising along in the Jeep. Her struggles in the first clip are finally over and she's got the wind in her hair, her booty shorts on and her favorite cowgirl boots are pressing the pedals in her kickass is good! She approaches a 4-way stop, the last turn before her destination and the Jeep stalls....except she doesn't know right away, the music is blaring and she can't tell for sure if it's dead or not. She's got that look on her face, you know, that look where you know what happened but you don't want to believe it? She turns the music down and yup, Jeep is dead. She pumps the shit out of the gas pedal and tries starting it again...nope. She pumps the shit out of the gas pedal again, turns it over...still won't start. Traffic is starting to come from all directions and she's telling people to, 'GO!' because she's broke down. As if they can't see her head bobbing up and down from pumping the gas pedal hard. Ugh, this piece of shit!! view more.

Ellie Mae Rough Drive in the Jeep in Shorts & Boots, 2 of 2

Damara Cranking the Volvo in Thong Sandals – #657

July 10th, 2017

The Scenario: "Main camera shot will be a side view angle of the full length of the Volvo wagon. Damara is returning to her car after a summer afternoon spent at the neighborhood pool. Walking up to the driver's side door, she searches in her bag for her car keys, and then unlocks the door and sits down in the seat, full of confidence to get this clunker started! She pulls the door shut and begins to crank the engine; the side view shot capturing the shaking tailpipe. The other camera angle will be from the passenger side, capturing both her thong sandal-clad foot on the gas pedal as she pumps it, and her face, partially hid by her sunglasses. These angles alternate as she continues to crank the engine for several cycles without success. Finally, the engine turns over and the side angle captures the blasts of smoke from the tailpipe. Damara revs it hard for a couple of minutes, with both camera angles capturing her smug smile of success. Then, she puts the car in reverse and starts to back up, and when she does so, it stalls out on her. Another period of cranking and tailpipe shaking before it finally catches again, and she drives off." Unfortunately, the second paragraph never came to fruition due to the Volvo really not wanting to start. I think she flooded it too much because when we went back later to get it, it hesitantly started up. That girls is hell on cars!! But made for a great video! :) view more.

Damara Cranking the Volvo in Thong Sandals – #657

Mandie Driving Rental in Pumps (No Audio)

July 9th, 2017

This was extra footage from custom #102 of Mandie. She was driving around in a rental Cadillac and doing some flooring and trying to peel out. This was footage that the audio got cut out for some reason but instead of deleting it, I kept it because I know some of you can still enjoy a clip without sound. Her foot is constantly going back and forth between the brake and gas pedal in this clip. Other clips that are related to shooting this custom video: Mandie Driving the Rental Caddy (no pedal shots) 1 Mandie Driving the Rental Caddy (no pedal shots) 2 view more.

Mandie Driving Rental in Pumps (No Audio)

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the Coronet – #475

July 8th, 2017

She's got a sexy business suit on and some shiny stiletto pumps as she starts and revs the Coronet.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Revving the Coronet – #475

Prue Starts & Revs Cars in Combat Boots & Gloves, 2 of 2

July 5th, 2017

She's still struggling with the Monte Carlo. It's teasing her some as she's trying to pump it just right with her black leather combat boots. The battery is starting to get weak, so it's getting close to do-or-die time! Her gloved hands keep turning the key while she's trying to keep her calm but fortunately, the car starts and she doesn't have to resort to kicking it. She revs it up some to clear out the engine and put some juice back into the battery. Now that that is done, one more car to go...the Bug. It also proves to be stubborn to start but she gets it running, revs it up and her 'chores' are complete. She can go home now. view more.

Prue Starts & Revs Cars in Combat Boots & Gloves, 2 of 2

Britney Cranking the Renault in Red Top & Jeans – Quickie

July 5th, 2017

Yeah, didn't take long for the battery to go 'kaput' in this clip. We didn't get to the feet shots yet, so this is just a passenger side, upper body view of her getting in and trying to start the Renault before the battery dies. Renault 1, Britney 0 view more.

Britney Cranking the Renault in Red Top & Jeans – Quickie

Cassandra Revs, Stalls & Does Burnouts in the Monte – #527

July 4th, 2017

The video starts out from the backseat as she gets into the car and starts the abuse right away. She talks to the car about the punishment it's about to receive and her peep-toe high heels lay into the gas pedal. Red, white and blue colors for today, obviously! She gets the car rocking from her pedal stomping and after some minutes of revving it up, she tries doing some burnouts. It takes her a few tries to get the hang of it since the old Monte keeps stalling on her. Once she gets it down, she gets a couple of good, white-smoke-rollin burnouts. view more.

Cassandra Revs, Stalls & Does Burnouts in the Monte – #527

Mari Showing the Monte to a Potential Buyer – #414

July 3rd, 2017

You knock on the door and Mari answers. She asks if you're here to look at the car, which you are, and she happily agrees to show you the car. She slips on her Birkenstock sandals and walks you out to where the old Monte Carlo is parked. She knows it's a bit of a pain to start, so hopefully that won't deter the buyer. She gets in the car and starts the process of getting it fired up: pump, pump, pump and turn it over....nothing. Again, give it some gas, crank it over and hope for the best. You offer some suggestions to her on how to get it started to which she smiles and complies. She does get the car started eventually and revs it up some for you to hear it. After a bit of revving, you ask her to turn the car off and see how easily it is to start again. It doesn't start up right away but with a little pumping and a few more cranks of the engine, she gets it started up again. view more.

Mari Showing the Monte to a Potential Buyer – #414

Dirty Diana Revs & Drives the Camaro – #504

July 2nd, 2017

There was a red flag at the beach today, so no swimming. But she really wants to rev up her Camaro before driving back. She starts it up and romps on the gas pedal with her wedge, peep-toe sandals. She pulls up her little skirt too and rubs her legs because she knows you love watching her pump that pedal while giving a leg tease. After revving it hard for a while, it's time for her to drive you both home. She drives the Camaro hard, going fast on these back roads. She pops it into neutral to rev it up so that you can hear those rpms dance wildly! She's keeping her eye on you to make sure you're watching her every second, don't look away, you might miss something! view more.

Dirty Diana Revs & Drives the Camaro – #504

Jane Domino Driving the Jeep in Sheer Hose & Ballet Flats

June 30th, 2017

We're heading back home and Jane goes to start the Jeep wearing a satin blouse, shiny skirt, sheer hose and black ballet flats. The battery is a bit weak, so her cranks are short and her pumps are rapid. She gets it started after quite a few tries and gets us on our way. She gets on it when she can, you know, to keep the drive interesting. You can hear the old engine working hard as she drives it on these hilly country roads. view more.

Jane Domino Driving the Jeep in Sheer Hose & Ballet Flats

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 1 of 7

June 29th, 2017

This series shows Scarlet filming herself as she starts various cars in her daily outfits which mostly consist of cowgirl boots. Most of the clips are filmed with her phone that she pulls out to film from her point-of-view because these cars are cranky. Sometimes she's leaving to go run errands, sometimes she's getting a car for a video or picture set and sometimes she just wants to go out and see if she can get a car started. This clip has 3 scenes: -Cranking the Jeep in her pink cowgirl boots (some stalling and revving) -Cranking the Bus in her pink cowgirl boots -Cranking the Camaro in her red cowgirl boots (some sputtering and revving) view more.

Scarlet Cranking Cars in Cowgirl Boots Compilation, 1 of 7

Brooke Cranking the Cadillac in Open Toe Heels – #746

June 28th, 2017

The video fades in with you both in the car and Brooke is just about to start it up when she realizes she forgot something in the house. She tells you she'll be right back and for you to stay put as she gets out and walks away. Once she's out of sight, you get out, pop the hood and pull the distributor wire. You close the hood quietly and get back in. Brooke comes back to the car, gets in and is ready to leave now. She goes to start the car but much to your delight, it doesn't start. You're looking down at her open toe heels pumping that floor mounted gas pedal as she cranks the car. She catches you looking and knows you like it when she has car trouble, so she plays it up for you since the car is being stubborn. You're enjoying the show and she's playing her part until she realizes the car really isn't starting and you both are going to be late. She starts getting more anxious now, not really wanting to play because she has to get the car started! The battery is getting weak, she's pumping the pedal fast but nothing is happening. She apologizes and says that you both are going to have to go in your car now as the video fades out. view more.

Brooke Cranking the Cadillac in Open Toe Heels – #746

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bitchy Bus in Wooden Sandals

June 27th, 2017

It's a great day to take the VW Bus for a spin but it's being a little bitchy today. She's able to get it started but it keeps dying when she takes her foot off the gas. The view is from the floorboard looking up close to the gas pedal. So you get a great shot of her legs and face as she's pumping the gas pedal and looking frustrated. She gets the hang of the situation and is able to put the rubber to the road and drive around. She stalls it a time or two when coming to a stop but she's a solid stick-shift driver, so she just rolls with it. This video covers requests for a car constantly dying, giantess style pedal pumping and wooden sandals/clogs. view more.

Jamie Lynn Driving the Bitchy Bus in Wooden Sandals

Lydia Vaughn Driving in Corset, Boots & Leather

June 25th, 2017

This is a driving video with a short cranking segment in the beginning. This covers some of the recent requests I've had of wanting to see girls in corsets and gloves. Lydia drives around while the main camera films looking at from the dash and the small pip cam is looking down the footwell of the car while she's pumping the pedals. This was the first or second video I did with her, so she was still getting warmed up to everything and having to watch for my hand signals. lol This is also the last clip I have of her. view more.

Lydia Vaughn Driving in Corset, Boots & Leather

Veronica Brake Failure in Cream Pumps – #732

June 25th, 2017

She has no idea her day is about to take a turn for the worse. She's on the phone, talking with a government informant while someone is out sabotaging her brakes. She heads out to meet this informant but doesn't get far before discovering her brakes aren't working! She's panicking and pumping the brakes constantly in her shiny cream-colored pumps, hoping she can stop the car before she runs out of road or hits someone else. view more.

Veronica Brake Failure in Cream Pumps – #732

Vika ‘Learning the Stick’ in the GTA in Reebok Sneakers, 5 of 6

June 23rd, 2017

Shish's High-Intensity Training Academy is back in session with our pupil-of-the-year, Vika. We've made it out of the parking lot and down a little dead-end road where Vika is turning the car around. I'm giving her a lot of instruction, which might not be helping her, but still, I give it anyways. She's confident enough to take the car on the main road now and take us home. But before we go home, we need to stop and get gas. She stalls it as she pulled off the road and didn't coast it far enough to the pump. So she's got to get it restarted but is having a hard time. I get out and film from where the gas pump is and to also get a wide view of her predicament. Of course, some guy wants to start talking to me about and pulls his car right in the way. I'm trying to be nice so he'll hurry on as Vika is in the background still cranking away. The video ends with her getting the car to the gas pump and getting out to take a breather and stretch her long legs. view more.

Vika ‘Learning the Stick’ in the GTA in Reebok Sneakers, 5 of 6

Riley Revving the Camaro in Boots & Tall Socks – #661

June 22nd, 2017

She walks out to the Monte Carlo, gets in and fires it up. She starts revving the old v8 engine with her tall gray cowgirl boots and tall striped socks. She's giving you a big, flirty smile as she revs the engine. After a bit, she kicks off just her right boot to rev it with just her sock. She then puts her right boot back on and finishes out the video revving it up while looking at you with that big, beautiful smile! view more.

Riley Revving the Camaro in Boots & Tall Socks – #661

Cassandra Driving the Caddy with Cheyenne Food Run, 1 of 2


June 19th, 2017

Making a run to a burger joint in the ole Caddy. Cassandra is driving, wearing shiny leggings and black knee high boots while Cheyenne is riding shotgun wearing jeans, brown boots and a denim jacket. A little cranking segment to get the car going and then first stop, the gas station. After gas, she continues on till we finally get to the drive-thru. She places our order and then has a small struggle starting the Caddy. We get our food and start the drive back home, where the video fades out. view more.

Cassandra Driving the Caddy with Cheyenne Food Run, 1 of 2

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo in Pumps & Hose

June 18th, 2017

Scarlet gets dropped off at her car by a friend. She carpooled for a little girl's day out. You hear her talking with her friend off camera at first but then you see Scarlet come into view when she gets in her car. The parking lot is empty but next to a main road. When she goes to start her car to leave, it doesn't start up right away. After some more tries, it still isn't starting and now she's starting to get worried. She tries some more before kicking off her black stiletto pumps to go at it with her nylon clad feet. The car sputters a few times but not enough to give her much hope and now the battery is starting to get weak. To make matters worse, there's a car that just pulled in the parking lot behind her and sitting there... view more.

Scarlet Cranking the Monte Carlo in Pumps & Hose

Hana Drives the Volvo in Workout Pants & Sneakers

June 16th, 2017

There's a nice cranking segment in the beginning with her, for you cranking fans. She's fighting with the parking brake and the car stalls as she's focused on it. Takes a few attempts to get it restarted and after that, it's all driving from there. Lots of shifting and working the 3 pedals in her well-worn sneakers. view more.

Hana Drives the Volvo in Workout Pants & Sneakers

Jenny Cranks & Drives the Z/28 in Sandals w/ Tyler, 1 of 2

June 15th, 2017

Tyler Grace is filming, Jenny has the keys and they are going to follow me to where we're going to park the Camaro. It takes Jenny some tries to get the Camaro going. It isn't her first rodeo starting old cars, so she knows what to do. She gets it started and pulls around the house to where the Camaro stalls out on her. She gets it restarted easily and she pulls out onto the road to follow me. They talk a bit but it's mostly the sound of the engine and the road as Tyler Grace films her friend working the pedals of this old car. view more.

Jenny Cranks & Drives the Z/28 in Sandals w/ Tyler, 1 of 2

Laney Torino Cranking the Jeep in Brown OTK Wedge Boots

June 14th, 2017

We're heading out and she gets in the Jeep on the passenger side, apparently thinking that she doesn't get the honors of starting the Jeep up. Bah, who does she think she is?! lol She climbs over and spends over 5 minutes battling with the Jeep. It's broken up into two parts, the first one being just a couple of minutes long. After having no luck getting it to start, I decide to pause and give it a few minutes to clear out as she flooded it pretty good. We pick back up and the second part goes until she gets it started and revs it up to clear it out. view more.

Laney Torino Cranking the Jeep in Brown OTK Wedge Boots

Mandie Flooring the Bug in Patent Stiletto Pumps

June 12th, 2017

She's wearing a white, sleeveless, turtleneck sweater and a short plaid skirt to go with her patent pumps. She's pulling on to the main road because we stopped there to finish up a custom video, so she's driving us back to the house. She floors the little pedal and goes through the gears of the little car as she navigates the roads and traffic...with a little bit of road rage mixed in. view more.

Mandie Flooring the Bug in Patent Stiletto Pumps

Scarlet & Vivian Pedal Pumping in White Boots, 2 of 2


June 11th, 2017

They're at the place where our cars are parked and they walk over to the Coronet. They uncover the car and Vivian is going to try and get it started. It's been sitting for a while, so she's not sure if it's even going to start. When she turns it over the first time, it sounds like the battery is good. When she turns it over the second time, the car sputters and dies. The next few tries the car fires for a moment right away but keeps dying. Scarlet suggests to hold the key longer but unfortunately, the battery was worse off than they thought as it dies in the next couple of cranks. So much for the Coronet... They crawl into the old Volvo with Vivian still trying her luck at getting the cars to crank. She battles with the Volvo for a bit, fiddling with the choke in the process but only manages to get a sputter from the car. They swap and Scarlet is going to give it a go. She tries her best but the battery starts to die on her and it doesn't look like she's going to save the day until suddenly, there's life in the little engine and it starts! view more.

Scarlet & Vivian Pedal Pumping in White Boots, 2 of 2

Cassandra & Tinsley Playing Around in the Z/28


June 10th, 2017

Tinsley is filming as they both walk out to the Camaro. It's finally stopped raining, so they plan to drive the Camaro over to park it for the day. Cassandra is behind the wheel first and gets it started after some slight struggling, backs out into the road and takes off. Can't drive too fast on the slick roads so she makes up for it by revving the car in neutral some. She's wearing a black leather outfit with light pink wedges. She drives for a bit before pulling over and swapping seats (and the camera) with Tinsley. Tinsley is a much more cautious driver but she also revs in neutral a bit to make up for not wanting to crash and die. She's wearing leather pants and shiny patent pumps. view more.

Cassandra & Tinsley Playing Around in the Z/28

Kimberly Heart Flirty Crank & Rev the Monte Carlo in Stilettos

June 9th, 2017

She sits down in the Monte Carlo and puts these sexy, black, strappy stilettos on her freshly manicured feet. She's wearing this tight, short dress that shows off her curves and amazing legs. When she gets the shoes on her feet, she gives you a little foot show because she knows how you love sexy high heels. She then puts her feet on the pedals and sweetly begs the car to start for her. She gets the car started within a few tries and now she can really drive you wild with some hard revving in that old car you love so much. She pumps the pedal and gives you that sly, seductive look while biting the tip of her finger. She's smiling at you because she can see the reaction you're having to her pushing the pedal and making the engine rpm's dance. She finally turns the car off, gets out and doesn't say a word and walks away....mercy me! view more.

Kimberly Heart Flirty Crank & Rev the Monte Carlo in Stilettos

Jane Domino Cranking the Volvo in the Woods & Lights On

June 7th, 2017

It's wet and messy today, her car won't start and she's hearing some strange noises in the woods...yeah, horror film class 101! lol She's trying to get the Volvo started but it's not a big fan of rainy days or any day, for that matter. It starts up a few minutes into the video but she pushes the choke in too soon and it stalls out. Some days, it's hard to figure out how much choke it needs and for how long. Lots of different angles (inside, outside, through the windshield, through the steering wheel) of her trying to start this old wagon in a black tshirt, black leather driving gloves, tight jeans and black over-the-knee riding style boots. The headlights are left on while cranking. view more.

Jane Domino Cranking the Volvo in the Woods & Lights On

Raquel Derek Flooring Attempts in the Coronet Booties

June 6th, 2017

We finished up a custom video and that video ended on the side of the road in a big gravel area. So, I told Raquel to pump it up to make it a bit hard to start, rev it and then floor the shit out of it! It took her a few tries to floor it right but here's all the other attempts in the beginning. After she floors it good, she's all fired up and drives it pretty hard the rest of the way. view more.

Raquel Derek Flooring Attempts in the Coronet Booties