
Paige & Vivian Caddy Cranking Leather Pants & Riding Boots, 1 of 4

June 26th, 2024

Boy, do they have some issues with this Cadillac today! Paige Erin Turner tries getting it to start but doesn't have much luck so Vivian gives it a shot. She has more success getting the car to start but it keeps stalling and flooding out. Sputtering flooded starts, revving to clear it out, stalling, begging and talking. This first part is filming from the front windshield mounted camera only. view more.

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Paige & Vivian Caddy Cranking Leather Pants & Riding Boots, 1 of 4

Jewels Drives the Crew Home in the Caddy

June 23rd, 2024

Jewels is the captain of the ship today and is driving all of us back Port PTP. Brooke, Jane & Vivian are in the backseat while I ride shotgun next to Jewels. We're all a bit nervous because we already know how Jewels drives -- using BOTH lanes and speeding! So we're just hoping we make it back in one piece. Some bantering between all of us as she navigates her way. She's wearing daisy dukes with these white over-the-knee boots. view more.

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Jewels Drives the Crew Home in the Caddy

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes, 2 of 2

June 22nd, 2024

I had an outside shot going while a camera and my camera-girl (Persephone) were in the car capturing the scenes for the custom. I didn't really have anything to do other than twiddle my thumbs so I thought I might as well make use of the camera I had in hand. :) Various scenes of Vivian, in character, doing the custom itself. Lots of cranking, sputtering and stalling scenes filmed from outside the car at the rear, to the side and peeking in sometimes through the windows. Gotta love seeing her head bouncing up and down from pumping on it good. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes, 2 of 2

Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 6 of 6


June 21st, 2024

So they're now back at the previous store with Jane doing some business at the counter while Veronica just hangs around filming Jane's boots and her feet in flip flops. Trying to be inconspicuous while filming. Jane does some boot heel tapping while she waits. She's handed the parts and the girls leave...again. They get in the car and Jane goes to start the car but it doesn't start. Veronica is about to ask a dumb question but catches herself and changes the subject. Jane finally gets the car started and they head out, doing a little peeling out to whip out into traffic because it's heavy right now. Veronica giggles because it's like riding a roller coaster when Jane is driving. Jane punches the gas when she's able to find gaps in traffic and the girls chat a little in between. view more.

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Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 6 of 6

Scarlet Brown Cowgirl Boots Cranking & Stroking in the Z28, 1 of 2

June 21st, 2024

Sooooo her car won't start and it's turning you on. She notices you getting excited and decides to add fuel to the fire by lending a helping hand. Surely, you won't mind, will you? Cranking, stroking, stroking, cranking, begging, pumping, stroking, more pumping, stroking, cranking...etc, etc. view more.

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Scarlet Brown Cowgirl Boots Cranking & Stroking in the Z28, 1 of 2

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #18

June 20th, 2024

Same schedule as last time: cold starting the 1972 VW Super Beetle and 1974 Dodge Coronet. This time in a short skirt and black open toe leather sandals. She does some warm-up revving barefoot also in each car. The Bug fires right up after she gives it a few pumps and, unfortunately, so does the Coronet. view more.

Curator Cassandra: Log Entry #18

Jane & Vivian Return to HQ Convoy, 2 of 2


June 17th, 2024

Now that both cars are running and the girls on on their way back, they have a little race. Sure, it's unfair putting the old Volvo against the Camaro but why not? Jane does beat her back to the house where she does some revving while she waits and when Vivian pulls in with the Volvo, she does some revving to to finish out the video. view more.

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Jane & Vivian Return to HQ Convoy, 2 of 2

Jane Domino Monte Parking Thong Sandals Crank & Stall

June 16th, 2024

Video starts out from her POV of her firing up the Monte Carlo and giving it some rev in these flat thong sandals. She's just moving the car -- a simple task, right? When she's trying to move the car, you can hear the engine straining to move the car. Come to find out, she forgot to release the parking brake. The car stalls and is flooded. She's about to roll into my yard and if she gets the car stuck and puts ruts over in the good area, I'm gonna be mad. Some outside shots of her having issues starting and keeping the car running show you the situation she's in. She keeps working it, getting the car fired up after it stalls out and eventually gets it turned around and can park it. view more.

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Jane Domino Monte Parking Thong Sandals Crank & Stall

Laney Torino in the Jeep Shiny Cowgirl Boots – PTP Virgin

June 15th, 2024

This was the first shoot we had with Laney and, if I remember correctly, this was the very first video I did with her. She was familiar with starting old clunkers as she grew up with cars that had carburetors. So, she knew all about flooding the engine, waiting, holding to the floor, etc. So the only things I had to get her comfortable with was my cars and their different nuances. There is some talking between us as this was back when I started doing 'Intro to PTP' on-the-fly while filming models. I realized that I was wasting a lot of valuable shoot time with new(er) models just trying to explain everything when I could be shooting them getting familiar with things and providing content. Sure, the content is not everyone's cup-of-tea but nothing ever is. The thing about 'coaching' that some folks try to paint as such a terrible thing is that when a woman comes along and has been years removed from handling one of these old cumbersome land barges, they need a reminder/refresher on things. Two-footing, feathering the gas when it's wanting to stall, holding the key longer/shorter -- these tricks are all things that you forget or don't think about when you haven't had to do it for many years. But once you're reminded or experience it then it all comes back, like riding a bicycle. Laney had some trouble getting the Jeep started but it did start. She clears it out and hits the road. I have to tell her to 'get it' because I think she wasn't sure how hard she could drive it; it's also the first minute she's ever driven it, so maybe I should have given her a few miles first to get a feel for the Jeep. She gets to our other cars and stalls it out. She gets it fired back up pretty quickly and our break-in-the-new-model trip comes to an end. She was smiles the whole way...mostly nervous smiles. lol view more.

Laney Torino in the Jeep Shiny Cowgirl Boots – PTP Virgin

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1427 Leftovers in Loafers

June 15th, 2024

A short scene of her getting the car started and reversed up the driveway to get it into position for custom 1427 here. Then there are various cranking scenes that didn't make it into the finale cut of the video. Some good battery draining, shaky tailpipe and leg out of the car while cranking scenes. Lastly, she gets the car fired up with once the custom is done and goes to reverse it but stalls it. Fires it back up and has to heel-toe like an old-school Indycar driver to get the car to back up the incline but you can hear the rear passenger tire spinning in the mud. That tire was parked right in the spot where my HVAC drainage spits out water and the ground is always wet there. The car slowly inches back as she stays on the gas until she hits dry ground and gets out of the spot. She parks the car and then revs the shit out of it, filling up the air with exhaust smoke and gas fumes! view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1427 Leftovers in Loafers

Diana & Jane Run to Fred’s Store, 1 of 2


June 14th, 2024

They hop into the old 1986 AMC Renault GTA convertible 5-speed (that's a mouthful) with Diana doing the driving. She goes to start the car but it won't start. This car was a wonderfully stubborn and Diana gets the middle-finger from the car. It sputters and fights but ultimately, she gets it started. She revs it a little with her brown suede knee-high boots and then drives down the street to pick up the Cadillac, which is the car they're driving to the store. Jane is already in the Cadillac trying to get it fired up as Diana is getting into the car. The Cadillac doesn't give Jane too much trouble (or is Jane just that good? hmmm...) and she hits the road. She handles the Cadillac with ease in those thigh high black leather cowgirl boots because her and the Caddy have had much time together. So she can man-handle when she needs to. She stretches her leg out as her booted-foot presses down on the gas pedal to make the giant land barge get up to speed. They arrive at the store, grab their purses and get out of the car to go grab some stuffs. view more.

Diana & Jane Run to Fred’s Store, 1 of 2

Vivian Ireene Pierce Bus Cruise Purple Leather Flats, 1 of 2 – 4K

June 13th, 2024

Driving the old Bus and putting some miles on it to break in the new motor. I know, it's seems like we're always putting a new motor in it but, well, we are. lol She gets the old girl fired up after it's been sitting in the shop parking lot for a few days. She's got the purple leather ballet flats (or flat pumps?) on with her jeans and low-cut sweater. She cruises around in the old Bus, giving it a decent workout. view more.

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Vivian Ireene Pierce Bus Cruise Purple Leather Flats, 1 of 2 – 4K

Jane Domino Revving the Monte Thigh High Black Stockings

June 9th, 2024

She slides off her patent black booties and gets the Monte Carlo fired up to rev it up. It's running rough and needs some good revving to clear out the cylinders. She's wearing black thigh high stockings that you can just see the top of on her right thigh. She revs methodically at first, getting it warmed up some before revving it harder and then mixing it up. view more.

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Jane Domino Revving the Monte Thigh High Black Stockings

Gina Drives the Monte Carlo Silver Studded Thong Flip Flops

June 9th, 2024

We're heading back home and she's driving the old Monte in these fancy looking flip flops. She gets the car started after some tries, revs it up and then hits the road. Her bright pink toenail polish stands out in the dark floorboard of the car and she squeezes open the throttle. Lots of back and forth on the pedals but when she can find a stretch of road to open it up, she presses the gas pedal down. She's not timid in this car, if only she had more room to open it up.... view more.

Gina Drives the Monte Carlo Silver Studded Thong Flip Flops

Vivian Fires Up & Moves the Bug Reebok Princess Sneakers

June 9th, 2024

She's got the preppy high school chick outfit on, complete with a varsity style jacket and vintage Reebok Princess sneakers. She fiddles with the key to get it into the ignition and fires up the old Bug. She does a little revving before reversing the car out of it's current spot and moves it to a new spot for a custom we're going to be doing shortly. view more.

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Vivian Fires Up & Moves the Bug Reebok Princess Sneakers

Jane Domino Camaro Failed Start in Big Black Boots POV

June 8th, 2024

Filming from her POV, she can't get the Camaro started. She ends up getting a ride from Scarlet.

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Jane Domino Camaro Failed Start in Big Black Boots POV

Jane Domino Broke Her Loaner Truck, It Won’t Start – Quickie

June 6th, 2024

She's got a loaner truck from the mechanic that is working on her car. She's just moving it and it starts up at first but chugs and dies. She can't get it started again.

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Jane Domino Broke Her Loaner Truck, It Won’t Start – Quickie

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Thigh High Boots Parts Store Run, 2 of 2

June 5th, 2024

"Don't flood the car out while I'm gone, okay?" I tell her, since I know she likes to play with the pedals in her tall leather boots. Sure enough, as soon as I get out, she starts pumping the gas pedal and hiking her skirt up. When I come back out, I can smell gas. She plays it off like she didn't do anything and acts all coy when the car won't start. She likes teasing and honestly, it's not the worst thing to watch. ;) She gets the car started finally after some playful bickering/bantering back and forth. She hits the road and is able to drive a little faster and mix in some flooring moments now that traffic has eased up some. She puts the car in 'N' and revs while coasting when she can't floor it, so some good romping action is mixed in the drive back. Sadly, the car doesn't stall out on her on the way back. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Thigh High Boots Parts Store Run, 2 of 2

Cherry Morgan & Dakota Charms in ‘Broken Down at School’, 1 of 2


June 2nd, 2024

They both climb into the old Coronet with Cherry getting behind the wheel to drive. "Where are we going?" Cherry asks, not sure what she's even doing. lol Dakota reminds her they're going to school. "Can you tell me how to get there?" Cherry asks because she can't remember. She twists the key to start the car but it's not starting. After a few tries, she mumbles to Dakota, "The car won't start..." in an embarrassed kind of way. She's pumping on the gas pedal with her taupe colored over-the-knee leather boots but the car just isn't start. She stops for a moment to buckle her seat belt and then when she twists the key to start the engine, it fires up this time. "Whoa!!" the girls yell out, excited the car fired up but it's short-lived as the engine stalls out. More cranking ensues until the car is running enough for Cherry to finally try getting on the road. She gets the car out of the driveway and onto the road but it stalls out at the stop sign. It fires right back up though. They drive around trying to find the school and, to Dakota's surprise, Cherry ended up knowing the way to the school. This clip ends with a fade out scene of them arriving at the school to a fade-in scene of Dakota cranking the car with Cherry standing by the open hood of the car. They're broke down in an empty parking lot.... view more.

Cherry Morgan & Dakota Charms in ‘Broken Down at School’, 1 of 2

Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 5 of 6


May 31st, 2024

Veronica gets them to the parts store and the girls go inside again, this time, from Jane's POV. She walks across the parking lot with her tall boots clicking on the parking lot concrete and they go into the store. "We're back!" you hear Jane say to the employees as the video cuts to Jane tapping her boots impatiently on the floor as they wait for some help. They end up leaving with not all the parts they need. Veronica fires the car up and drives them back to the house. Her size 10 feet in flip-flops work the pedals of the old Monte Carlo while they keep talking. Jane is filming mainly the footwell of the car so she can guide Veronica around. They make it to the other parts store. They're now leaving the other parts store and Jane is driving again. She's filming her POV starting the car which she flooded a little bit and it won't start. Apparently some folks wanted to buy the old Monte Carlo and Jane teases, "Ya'll still wanna buy it?" as it's not starting. lol Veronica takes the camera and films as Jane drives them back to, hell, I don't freaking know where...somewhere... view more.

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Jane & Veronica Go to the Parts Stores, 5 of 6

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1432 Leftover Scenes

May 30th, 2024

Scenes include: -Walking to car and changing from her house shoes to her black leather stilettos  with the drivers door open. -A quick startup -Some hard revving filmed from the front of the car, exhaust shots, through passenger window, POV and passenger side -Another semi-quick startup after the video is done. -Parking the car with no power steering...fuuuun. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1432 Leftover Scenes

Jane Domino Struggles to Start the Jeep Shiny White Ballet Flats

May 29th, 2024

She's got it running. Oh no, it stalled. She's got it running. Oh non, it stalled. get the picture. That damn stubborn Jeep. She's wearing a sleeveless top tight jeans and the patent white ballet flats (with a slight block heel) with a strap across the top of her foot...maybe they're not ballet flats but low-heeled Mary Jane's? view more.

Jane Domino Struggles to Start the Jeep Shiny White Ballet Flats

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes, 1 of 2

May 27th, 2024

I had an outside shot going while a camera and my camera-girl (Persephone) were in the car capturing the scenes for the custom. I didn't really have anything to do other than twiddle my thumbs so I thought I might as well make use of the camera I had in hand. :) This video starts with Vivian getting the old Bug fired up and moved to the area we're shooting the custom. The Bug sputters to life and some smoke comes out of the exhaust as she revs it lightly. There's a car cover right behind the exhaust that gets a face-full of exhaust. She stalls it a few times trying to move it - I don't know if the car was cold and being stubborn or if she was just rusty driving it. The car is in it's spot and she gives some hard revving to warm it up nice and good. I shouldn't say 'hard' revving, I should say 'HAAARD ASS' revving! She's making that little engine scream! I pop the lid so you can see that belt going wild and the throttle linkage working overtime from Vivian pumping on it. Next is a short scene where it wasn't starting and I mentioned it might be out of gas. Then comes the various scenes of Vivian in character doing the custom itself. Lots of cranking, sputtering and stalling scenes filmed from outside the car at the rear, to the side and peeking in sometimes through the windows. Gotta love seeing her head bouncing up and down from pumping on it good. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Custom 1351 Leftover Scenes, 1 of 2

Paige Erin Turner in ‘Glad You’re Here’

May 25th, 2024

"Oh good, I'm so glad you're here early." she says when she answers the door. "You know how I told you I was having all that car trouble? I'm still having it..." she goes on to explain how her car isn't start and that if she can't get it started ya'll will have to take your car. She climbs in and tries getting the car to start but you can hear already that it's flooded. She's heavy on the gas pedal in her big black leather cowgirl boots while begging the car to start for her. You could tell her how to get the car started but where's the fun in that? Her frustration builds as she groans and grunts in desperation while sometimes stomping the pedal as her way of getting back at the car for being uncooperative. She ends up draining the battery with the car never starting for her. view more.

Paige Erin Turner in ‘Glad You’re Here’

Ellie Mae Hot Start & Drive the Monte in White Stiletto Pumps

May 24th, 2024

Gotta love a good battle between a cute southern blonde with a pair of legs and an old car that won't start! Ellie Mae gets a good dose of 'fuck you' from the Monte Carlo when trying to start it with the engine already hot. It's flooded and sputtering like crazy while she just keeps on pumping that gas pedal in those sexy white stilettos! She does get it started, eventually, and drives us back home. It's ~1:30 of cranking in the beginning with the rest of the video of her driving. view more.

Ellie Mae Hot Start & Drive the Monte in White Stiletto Pumps

April Lee Flooring VW SUV Brown Wedge Strappy Sandals POV

May 23rd, 2024

She's filming herself as she drives her 2019 VW Tiguan suv in these sexy brown strappy sandals. She has bright red toenail polish on (most of) her toes and is really aggressive driving her car around. She floors the gas when driving and puts it in neutral revving it hard while coasting. Filmed mostly from her POV of her legs and feet down in the footwell of her car. view more.

April Lee Flooring VW SUV Brown Wedge Strappy Sandals POV

Jane Domino in ‘She Was All Yellow’ – 1 of 3

May 23rd, 2024

She's locking the door before heading out and tells you that she's got to move the Camaro to get the Cadillac out because today, with it being hot, she's taking the Caddy because it has a/c. She's too dressed up to be sweating today. By now, you both are in the car and she goes to get the Z28 fired up but it won't start. It takes a few minutes to get the car started and able to be moved but it's done. Off to the Cadillac. After getting situated in the Cadillac, she goes to start and is pumping the gas while holding the key for a bit because the Caddy can mostly get started on the first long crank but as the time goes on, the battery starts getting weak. Greeaaaaaat! That second crank it barely turns over and yup, the battery is dead.... view more.

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Jane Domino in ‘She Was All Yellow’ – 1 of 3

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Thigh High Boots Parts Store Run, 1 of 2

May 22nd, 2024

Gotta run to the parts store and she's driving. She has to grab something inside so I go and wait in the car and stuff a camera down under the passenger side dash. She comes out and starts trying to get the car started so we can leave. She's wearing a brown leather jacket, long green skirt and brown leather thigh high stiletto boots. It's a chilly day and the car takes forever to warm up because it keeps stalling on her as she's making her way to town. She's trying not to be too embarrassed about it because I told her we're going to get parts so don't break it before we have the parts. The Monte is a beast some days and today is one of those days for her. Doesn't how many years of experience a lady has with a car, some days, the car will fight ya! She chats with me during parts of the drive that are going smoothly and it's more of a cruise since it's early morning traffic and all the folks going to work. When we get to the store the car dies as she's parking it. "Go...go...I almost made it!" she says, rocking in her seat because she was trying to get the car to roll into the spot. She gets the engine re-fired, parks it and apologizes to the person she held up a few extra seconds. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Brown Thigh High Boots Parts Store Run, 1 of 2

Jane & Vivian Return to HQ Convoy, 1 of 2


May 19th, 2024

Jane hops in the old Camaro while filming from her POV. She's wearing tight jeans and these white croc-textured slip-on sneakers as she gives the Camaro a cold start. It's not too stubborn and starts up within a couple of tries. She lightly revs it up while waiting for Vivian to get the Volvo fired up. Cut to Vivian getting in the Volvo while being filmed from the passenger side. "Are you ready to go?" she asks as she gets in, gets situated and slides the keys into the ignition to get the car started. The Volvo is much more stubborn than the Camaro, so it's taking a bit. You can just barely hear the rumble of the Camaro in the background while Vivian is spinning the little engine of this Volvo over and over while pumping on the gas pedal in her blue canvas Keds sneakers, tight jeans and brown leather jacket. After while of cranking it, it fires up and she revs it lightly to get some heat into the engine but it stalls out. She gets it fired up again, fiddles with the choke and keeps mildly revving it to get it t smooth out. It stalls again... "Nope." she mumbles, fiddles with the choke some more and fires it up again. This time, a little bit harder revving does the trick as she gets it to smooth out and stay running. She reverses the car out of it's spot and starts to head out as she passes Jane in the Camaro just revving away. Cut back to Jane in the Camaro and the camera is now on the passenger seat looking up at her while she's revving the Camaro. Cut back to Vivian who is now waiting at the end of the driveway and after not seeing Jane yet she puts it in reverse and starts backing up the long driveway to go check on her. The whine from the reverse gear gets loud as Vivian is an 'expert backer upper' and can do it with some speed. After getting things sorted, both girls are now heading down the driveway in their cars to make their way back to HQ. Seeing the drive from Jane's POV first as she tries losing Vivian by flooring the pedal in the Camaro and roaring away. That little Volvo ain't gonna be able to keep up! view more.

Jane & Vivian Return to HQ Convoy, 1 of 2

Brooke & Jane Cranking the 1991 Volvo #1029 – Leftovers – Quickie


May 19th, 2024

A scene that didn't go into the final edit of the girls trying to get this old Volvo started. Brooke is doing all the cranking here while Jane sits in the passenger seat and nervously watches Brooke trying to get the car started. Both girls are rocking bikinis and flip flops. Filmed from the open drivers door. Custom 1029 on C4S view more.

Brooke & Jane Cranking the 1991 Volvo #1029 – Leftovers – Quickie

Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 5 of 5


May 18th, 2024

Leaving the grocery store now, Jane is back in the drivers seat and fires up the Cadillac. As she's buckling her seat belt, Vivian asks why Jane only buckle's up when she (Jane) is driving. They head out of the parking lot and Jane floors that pedal to beat the traffic and gets up to speed before letting up. She floors it as much as she can in traffic, going back and forth between the pedals often. She throws it in 'N' to do some revving. Vivian props her boots up on the seat and you can see her boots as well as Janes...just an eyeful of boots, thighs and flooring of the pedal! Vivian even puts her boots in Jane's lap at one point. There is some boot play between the girls as Vivian just can't resist playing with leather boots whether she's wearing them or if a model is wearing them, she just loves boots! Jane finishes out this clip and the series with a revving session back home and leans out while revving giving a good ass shot as a grand finale!   view more.

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Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 5 of 5

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Vision Crank & Drive in Purple Suede Boots, 2 of 2

May 16th, 2024

She climbs in the old Camaro for her first time driving it and she's excited. She can't see that well in the dark even though we can thanks to this night vision mode on the camera. It's cold out, so the Camaro takes a few tries to get going but doesn't stay running. She gives it a bunch of priming, spins it over again and it fires up but sputters and stalls again. "That wasn't nice." she says and keeps trying until she gets it to stay running long enough to where she can rev it to finally let it start building up some heat in the engine to run better. She's driving it and having a fun time hearing the sound of the engine rumble through the night. The car only stalls on her once on her drive and takes a few tries to get going again. Other than that, it was a nice nighttime cruise in the old Camaro for Vivian. view more.

Vivian Ireene Pierce Night Vision Crank & Drive in Purple Suede Boots, 2 of 2